wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Spring Break
We’ve been back from Spring Break for a little while but I wanted to share what I was up to!
Every spring break I go with Habitat for Humanity on their collegiate challenge trip! This year, we travelled all the way to Mobile, Alabama in 6 mini vans. There were 30 of us on the trip, so 5 in each van. It took us two days to get there so we stopped in Tennessee to rest before hitting the road again. Once we got there, the weather was BEAUTIFUL. It was so nice and the camp we stayed at had a fire pit and some swings so almost every night we sat around a fire and talked.
This year was a little different in the sense that we didn’t really work on new houses, we mostly did smaller projects but of course, very important. So the first day I was cleaning and finishing up some painting on a brand new home since all of the construction was done. The second day I went to the ReStore and helped them rip up their carpet to make the store look better. The third day I went back to the ReStore and we started painting all the walls. Thursday I went to a rehabbed home and started pulling off all the old siding and windows. The last day I went to the same home and fixed up some walls!
It’s always so much fun to go on these trips and I definitely can’t wait until next year!
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
the bachelor
Let me start off this post by mentioning that yes, I am a Communications and Media Studies major AND I love The Bachelor. There is A LOT wrong with reality television and we all are completely aware of that fact. But do I stop myself from watching the ~most dramatic~ show ever? NO.
I got into watching The Bachelor in 2016 with the amazing Ben Higgins. Ben was such a pure and sweet and kind bachelor and I loved him all the way up until the end. Then of course, I had to watch my favorites go on Bachelor in Paradise and then I was hooked. Now I watch the show with my roommates and I even have my boyfriend watching too.
Now that I’ve been studying media here, I’ve grown to be more critical and actually analyze the work that is being produced instead of just consuming it for plain entertainment. I’ve questioned why reality tv is even a thing, and why does it matter that it’s actually trash tv.
Anyway, the whole point of this blog was to tell you all about my favorite tv show and honestly if any of you want to talk about the Bachelor, I'd be down! Just contact me via dm or email!
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Dining Services!
Let’s be real -- dining hall does not live up to the home-cooked meals we all know and love, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad either. Everyone who works for dining services is so nice and friendly and always ask about our days, and some even learn our names! It’s nice to have familiar faces be able to serve us and help us. My favorite meal the Dining Hall serves would probably have to be Spaghetti Day. They usually have spaghetti noodles, with sauce, and sometimes they even have chicken parmesan too! It’s likely on Spaghetti Day that they’ll have breadsticks and that’s just the cherry on top! 
Besides the Dining Hall upstairs in Hodson, we have three food options downstairs -- Create, Martha’s, and Java George. 
Create is the perfect stop for a quick, healthier lunch. I usually get a turkey sandwich with chips and a drink. Most of their sandwiches are customizable and super delicious! Martha’s is typically the place to go later at night once the Dining Hall closes. They have quicker more ‘fast-food’ type things on their menu. I tend to go for the chicken burrito with fries (but their mozzarella sticks are amazing too). Java George is the campus coffee shop, but they always have good pastries like muffins, scones, or other things. They also have fruits and pre-made wraps and sandwiches which are really helpful for people when they’re short on time and need to grab a quick bite. I’m not really a coffee person but I really like going to Java to get tea. It was my go-to this winter when I needed to warm up and get some caffeine! 
Be sure to visit these places when you’re touring! 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Business at WAC!
I’m a Business Management major here at Washington College. I came into college knowing I wanted to go into Business and honestly I’m so glad I came to Washington College to study it. The professors are the absolute best and I’ve been given so many opportunities through this department and the support of the faculty and students has been remarkable. 
The classes have been challenging but so relevant. I feel very prepared to go out into the work force and maybe return to school for graduate studies. 
Thursday I did my debate for Vice Presidential elections and Dr. Michael Harvey (bus prof) moderated it. He even emailed me the next day saying that I did a good job and I love that he did that! WAC makes it possible for all of your professors to know who you are and what you’re all about. 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Freshman Housing
It’s obviously been quite a bit of time since I arranged my housing as a freshman - but I feel like it was just yesterday! When we registered as students, they gave us the option of random (based on a survey they gave us) or say who you would like to live with. People met through the Facebook page, facilitated by the college. I didn’t really click with anyone that I had met enough to want to live with them so I chose random and I couldn’t have been luckier. 
My freshman year roommate’s name was Georgia and we were the perfect match, friends but not too close that we spent every waking moment together. She was always here for me when I needed someone and that was amazing. We even lived together Sophomore year, too! 
But, in terms of freshman living housing as a whole, it’s definitely an experience. I personally loved it. My floor in Reid became so close and some of my best also lived on that floor with me. The best conversations happened in the bathroom in passing or chatting in the hallway. Our RA was incredibly helpful and friendly and honestly shaped my college experience in the best way possible. 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Birthday Ball
Birthday Ball was last weekend!!! If you don’t know, Birthday Ball is this dance the Student Events Board hosts as a way for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday! This was my third year attending and I honestly believe it was the best one so far! 
We have it in the Johnson Fitness Center but they always decorate it so well you can’t even tell you’re in the gym! There’s a huge dance floor and amazing lights and a DJ. There are places to sit on both sides of the dance floor in case you get tired (and in my case, when your feet get tired from heels) and there’s food in the back. This year they had buffalo chicken dip, pretzels, popcorn, salsa, guac, cookies, and more! 
My favorite part about the night is seeing all of the alumni come back, especially those one the Alumni Board and Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. I’ve gotten to know the Alumni Board through my time as the Student Representative and seeing Alpha Chis that I’ve known and met in my time with the sorority is always amazing! 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Looking Forward
One thing that I’m SO STOKED about is Spring Break. I’m going to Mobile, Alabama with Habitat for Humanity and this is always my favorite time in the spring semester. There’s nothing better than spending over 24 hours in a van with people you love and building homes for families who need them. 
I’m also looking forward to other new things this semester - I’m running for Vice President of the SGA and elections are on Tuesday! I’m auditioning to be on the WAC radio station which is completely new! I’m also doing really well in all my classes and they’re challenging and interesting and engaging so I’m so excited to keep learning and growing in my classes. 
So to say the least I’m kind of excited for everything the rest of the semester is in store, especially warmer weather!
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Favorite Book!
 Honestly, I’m not a big book reader but my favorite book of all time is P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. it is a movie, but the book is soooo much better. There is something really great about being able to visual the story the way I want to instead of the way the movie portrays the story. I’ve read it a few times since I’ve been in college and it’s always my go-to book. So, if you haven’t read it yet, check it out! 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Semester Goals!
So now that we’re finishing up the 4th week of the semester (what!!!!!) I’ve decided that I’m setting a few goals for the rest of the semester.
1. Stay Organized. As a junior, you’d think I would be able to keep track of all my deadlines and papers and meetings, but I can’t. Sooo, I’m trying REALLY HARD in these up coming weeks to get it together.
2. Try something new. I’ve done the same stuff since freshman year and I really want to get outside of my comfort zone and try something new.
3. Be happy and enjoy my last few semesters. I’ve gotten really good at prioritizing school and my extracurriculars so this semester I want to prioritize myself. I want to spend time with my friends and my partner, as well as watch tv and relax every once in a while.
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Application Deadline TODAY
Today’s the last day to submit your application to Washington College! If you’re even on the fence a little bit, just do it! Here’s why: 
There’s no reason not to! The application is free! Also, for me I found that Washington College offered me a lot of benefits after I applied - from financial aid, to work opportunities, connections with staff and faculty, and more. 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! This post still holds up the same as last year, Washington College has brought me the best memories and the best friends. I wouldn’t have been able to do the things that I’ve done without the amazing support of Washington College. 
Happy Valentine’s Day!
10 Things I Love About Washington College: 
1. The People - between faculty, staff, alumni, fellow students, I couldn’t ask for better people to be around
2. The Campus - this campus is BEAUTIFUL
3. Chestertown - this historical town is so amazing and I really love to learn new things about it 
4. The Opportunities - WC has provided me with the opportunities of a lifetime through employment, clubs, honor societies, etc.
5. The Endless Support - faculty and staff at WC are some of the most supportive people I’ve ever met
6. The Classes - my classes have been engaging, exciting, and most of all informative and relevant to what I like to do
7. My Jobs - my student employment opportunities have given me so many new tools that I can use in my everyday life and beyond college
8. Faculty/Student Ratio - small class sizes are a huge blessing because my professors know me personally and I’m not just a name on a roster, and they even remember you after you don’t have them anymore!
9. Liberal Arts Education - WC as a liberal arts college showed me the value of interdisciplinary studies, taking classes outside of my field of study showed me that there’s more out there than just business and economics
10. Lifelong Friendships - my friends are the most important to me, they made my college experience so worth it and I couldn’t imagine doing this crazy life without them :) 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Visiting Chestertown?
So you’re coming to visit Washington College but you don’t know what there is to do in Chestertown! 
Here are some must-see places here in Chestertown that I 100% recommend checking out when you come visit or once you enroll! 
Play It Again Sams - Sams is THE CUTEST little coffee shop I’ve ever seen. They have excellent sandwiches and their coffee and other drinks are sooo good! The ambiance is so fun and energetic, perfect for college students and their families! 
The Book Plate - Whether you love reading or you don’t, the Book Plate is a must see place when you are roaming Chestertown. They are a small book store downtown, organized by topic and there’s so many things to choose from. Their prices are low and the people who work there are so kind and helpful. I’m not a typical bookworm but I love stopping in there to see what’s new! 
The Boathouse - Especially on a nice day, the boathouse and the Chestertown waterfront are definitely two places you have to see. It’s such a beautiful view and it’s so quiet and relaxing to just sit by the water and watch the ducks or watch boats drive by. I like going to the boathouse when it gets warmer out to borrow their kayaks or paddleboards and going out onto the water with my friends.
The Freeze - Before you leave town, be sure to stop by the Freeze and grab a milkshake! Their milkshakes are delicious! I usually get cookies and creme and I never regret it. My mom always stops there with me when she comes to visit :) 
There are obviously tons of other places to see in Chestertown, that’s why we all love it here, but these are just my top few hotspots! 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Winters at WAC
Hey everyone! Today is super duper warm here in Chestertown but this past weekend it was snowing! 
I wanted to give you all a few tips about how I stay warm while walking to classes and meetings and things! The best thing about WAC though is that everything is pretty close to each other so the longest possible walk through campus is like 15 minutes but for the most part I can get everywhere within 5ish minutes. Also, the weather is never really really cold or miserable. For us, it might seem cold but then I remember that there are other people who survive through below freezing temps on a daily basis. 
1. Invest in a relatively nice coat. Mine’s from Old Navy and it wasn’t super expensive! I got it in black so it would match mostly everything I wear, because I use it often. 
2. Add a scarf to the outfit. Scarves are honestly so in right now and they’re a really good way to add flair to a boring winter outfit. 
3. Sensible, warm shoes. I’m not the best at this one - I usually just slip on the old reliable Ugg Boots. But when it’s wet or snowy, they aren’t the best type of shoe, so I would recommend something waterproof that are also casual enough to wear to class. 
These are just a few tips and tricks I use to getting through the winter. I also try to stop by Java George on my way to classes to grab tea or coffee! 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 5 years
Winter Break!
Hi again everyone! Sorry I’ve been so off the grid recently. We’re about to start our 3rd week of classes and everything is just starting to get very busy! 
I wanted to be able to tell you all about my winter break! This winter, I was actually working a lot. I work at a Lenox outlet in Queenstown, MD for the holidays. They sell things like dishes and giftware which is definitely a holiday favorite so we were pretty busy. Other than that, I was catching up with some work I needed to do as VP Finance of Alpha Chi Omega as well as help get ready for Sorority Recruitment (which just ended today!) Other than that, I got to spend a lot of time with my family and my dog specifically! There isn’t a lot to do where I’m from so I was just glad to be able to relax and enjoy the time off of school. 
But on the other hand, I always miss my wac friends when we’re on breaks so I was excited to be able to come back. 
Here’s a cute photo of my dog because I miss her!
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wacadoodledo-blog · 6 years
FSL stands for Fraternity - Sorority Life, or ‘Greek Life’. In the first weeks back, we’ll be hosting recruitment, where new people join the fraternities and sororities. I’m personally in Alpha Chi Omega and I joined my freshman year, in the Spring of 2017. It was honestly one of the best things I could have done, I learned so much about myself and others. We have 3 sororities on campus, and 4 fraternities. I love having Greek life on our campus because everyone is so close knit even people in different Greek organizations. We all come out to each other’s events and we feel so supported by one another. I always encourage people to come out to recruitment because there truly is a place for everyone. 
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wacadoodledo-blog · 6 years
Winter Break!
Winter Break is so close I can almost taste it. Classes are over, now all we have to do is survive finals! I’m planning on spending my break working and saving up some money, I’m also going on a Habitat for Humanity trip! I really look forward to these trips but over fall break I got pretty sick and couldn’t work. So hopefully I can actually stay and work on the builds this trip. I’m also going to take some time organizing and getting ready for the new semester. 
Here’s to the new semester and ‘new beginnings’!
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wacadoodledo-blog · 6 years
Crunch Time!
This is the point in the semester where people usually start to freak out - the last few weeks of classes and the dreaded... FINALS WEEK. I’m feeling pretty good though at this point, I have a few more assignments due but I got a lot of my work out of the way earlier in the semester. I’m in tech week for my dance concert this weekend which is really exciting but veryyy tiring. We have two shows - one Friday at 7:30 and one Saturday at 2. It’ll be nice to see my mom and all my friends to come out and support me for all the work we’ve done this semester.
Ultimately, I’m just kind of excited to be home with my dog and my family but I have to get through a few more weeks! Next semester is going to be so nice - a new start! I have a lot of fun events and classes to look forward to so that’s my inspiration to get through this semester! 
We’re almost to the finish line! 
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