wangxiansims · 3 years
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i wanted to share some pretty pictures of our honeymoon! [part 1/3] 💕🥰
read more to check out what we did on our trip! 💍🎉
[this is a modern mdzs sims 4 rp account]
it’s a lil’ late but we actually only had our honeymoon trip after our three babies were born! 🍼👶 we left them in the very capable hands of my brother-in-law, xichen, and his husband, mingjue. i guess it’s because we only got married after our eldest, lan yuan was born, and then our lives revolved around our children from then. but when we realised our 5th wedding anniversary was coming up, we wanted some time to ourselves. lan zhan scheduled some leave (which was so hard bc he loves his job at the hospital) and i cleared my bookings for the first time in 5 years omggg!! 😲🥳
so we took a flight to mount komorebi! 🗻 we booked out a nice house and the first thing we did was take a morning walk. we passed a few shrines and had a wonderful time just chatting 😘🤗 lan zhan being lan zhan was a worrywart the first few days, always checking in with his brother about the babies, but after a while he settled and tried to focus more on the honeymoon (and me hmmph 😤🤧 jk i love that he’s a great dad and i fuss over the kids too 😢🤭). 
not that lan zhan doesn’t make me feel happy all the time, but this time, it really felt like how it did when we first started dating. there was no one in the world except the two of us and our plans for the future and our growing family!
these are some of my favourite pictures, and even after so long, i still can’t believe lan zhan still looks at me like that even though the beautiful scenery is right!! there!! 😭🥺
stay tuned for more updates! 💋💖🙌
-- wei ying
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wangxiansims · 3 years
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okay so this is the first post on my new blog asdjakfl let’s start with some introductions 👋
hi, i’m wei ying (he/him)! i’m 27, and i work as a stylist and influencer 😎 i spent most of my life in yunmeng until i became roommates with lan zhan (aka the loml 😍)!!
this is lan zhan (he/him), my husband! 😌😘💦 he’s also 27 and he’s a doctor at the local hospital. he was my university roommate and we fell in love! 💕 he’s my best friend and he’s always kind, smart, and sooo funny! now, he’s a super husband and father to our three (and maybe more?) babies! i love him so much 😊🥺
i started this blog to collect memories of our little family and my life! stay tuned for more updates! 😚🤩
-- wei ying
[this is a modern mdzs sims 4 rp account]
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