wannab-sk1nny · 2 years
i keep seeing these “how to starve yourself without being hungry” posts and they are all absolute bs. if u don’t eat ur gonna get hungry. sorry to break it to you but it’s almost impossible to continue functioning normally and not eat. and it’s a fucking pain. i USED to manage to get through a school day with just a monster, occasionally i’d get home and only have tea but i would binge a lot getting back. it is so fucking hard. the only time i’ve managed to ever go without eating for more than 2 days was when i was in quarantine, i didn’t leave my house or have to do anything that required any sort of effort. that made it so much easier to starve. i’ll give you a low down or what i did.
-drown yourself in zero cal, flavoured fizzy drinks. they are your saviour
- weigh in every day to remind you.
-distract, distract, distract. reading was good for me as my hands were being used so i couldn’t just snack and it required little effort. colouring in was good too. just do things where ur hands aren’t free to snack.
-of course gum
-if you’re doing stuff like normal (going to school ect) let yourself have at least one meal, otherwise u will binge
other than that, i can’t really reccomend anything. it’s gonna ducking hurt. i found the first day the worst. my stomach hurt so much and i was amazed i didn’t binge, the second day was just getting worse and i didn’t understand how people could do it. but as time went on the hunger did seem to dull and i kinda got used to it. i was able to eat this avocado toast thing without binging on more ?? i was so proud lol. i think i managed to lose about 8 pounds in that week.
idk if people think that it just means i’m predisposed to be able to not eat that much. i 100% believe that’s a thing with others, but not me. i was actually a pretty big kid. the ones all the parents loved cus i would eat everything and any left overs. i love food. i see people who turn down snacks and extra things just cus they dont want it, that amazes me. i love food and i find it so hard to say no that it makes me so jealous.
which is probably why i found it so hard to stick to my rules. i really do fluctuate. sometimes i eat absolutely nothing. sometimes binge restrict cycles. recently i’ve been not caring at all about food and i eat what i want, which i guess is good for most people. but (not to sound vile or inconsiderate) but i want to be like those girls who cry when they eat, who can stay away from food for so long, who are forced into recovery, who can just deny, who find it difficult to eat. idk how to get like that but i want it. my default is just eat loads and i wanna change it. i can start again but it won’t work. i’m just gonna have to listen to my advice and push through it i guess
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wannab-sk1nny · 3 years
i’ve decided i wanna loose as much as humanly possible in the three weeks we go back to school, gonna live off diet coke and try to only eat 1/2 meals a day and so far in succeeding which is unusual for me lol
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wannab-sk1nny · 3 years
day 2 on trying to stay on track - 20th feb 2021
so i’m finally trying to keep counting cals and eating in a deficit so i can get skinny for summer lol. i’m just gonna be tracking stuff on here to keep me motivated and so i have a reason to continue. i’ve actually been quite productive today i got a lot of my coursework done but i’m very hungry so have just flopped on my bed tho. i’m trying to only have one meal a day (tea) and like a snack and 0 cal coke for lunch. i’ve managed it for 2 days but it was a very big tea yesterday so wasn’t super successful but i’m getting there. so far i’ve had 122 cals of popcorn for lunch and i’ve got a headache so i’m laying down waiting for my tea which r fajitas :))) so overall i’ve not done any exercise but staying in deficit should work. i know not many people read this but does anyone have any ideas on what to do instead of eating when ur tired? i’ve done my coursework/homework and don’t wanna watch a movie/tv bcus i’ll start to snack and im too tired to exercise as i’ve only just started the dieting but other ideas would be so helpful. i think i’ll try to continue hoola hooping while watching something lol
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wannab-sk1nny · 3 years
just ranting on here lol
i’ve been so inconsistent with my eating habits it’s driving me crazy and i don’t know what to do. it was so easy to starve myself at school bcus i was so distracted and always moving about to lessons. but now i’m stuck inside (lockdown) i am barely moving, have the kitchen always right by me with tons of chocolate and sweets. it’s so hard. some days i’m good and don’t have that much, others days (like today) i binge so much but i can’t stop and it makes me so depressed. especially how i’m barely doing exercise and i just can’t bring myself to do it but i’m the type of person to eat when i’m sad which makes everything 10x worse. i just feel so shit and i don’t see much of an improvement ever and it’s just so de-motivating. the only time i’ve noticed a difference is when i eat 500 is cals a day, i’ve tried doing it healthily by eating 1,400 ish a day but again i see no improvements and once i have a tiny bit of food i can’t stop, so i find it so difficult to stay within my goals. i just hate how i can’t do it and others seem to be able to not eat for days on end without an issue and i don’t understand how??? i just need to go back to school.
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
omg y e s 
does anyone else get hungrier when they eat?? like i’ll go most of the day without eating and won’t be hungry but i’ll be like ‘need some nutrients tho ennit’ and have a banana or something but then all of a sudden this hunger attacks me and i eat everything in sight
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
You could have: • thin arms • a cute butt • a flat tummy • slim calves • boney hands • visible collarbones • no double chin • thin legs • hipbones • (slightly) visible rips • a thin body
Don’t binge.
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
anti-binge guide
when you feel a craving coming on:
drink a glass or two of water, slowly
have a piece of fruit, like an apple
make some warm herbal tea with natural sweetener
go for a long walk or hike, put your earphones in and clear your head - walk with a friend if you’d prefer
if you’re still craving the food, have the tiniest bit of it, no more than a bite, and have another glass of water
watch a long movie or start a new show
study! complete homework or begin revising for exams
write down your own thinspo imagines
do some online window shopping and look at all the outfits you want to wear at a smaller size
make your own thinspo playlist
do some yoga or meditation
things to keep in mind:
you already know what your favourite foods taste like - you don’t need to eat them again in bulk
imagine the amount of progress you’ll make tomorrow if you exercise self control right now
the shame and guilt that follows a binge is not worth it
the physical pain and exhaustion is not worth it
you’re not just affecting your weight, you’re affecting your overall health, your mental well-being, your skin
binging means you’re wasting your time when you could be doing something much more productive
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
i don’t understand why i can’t just stick to things. i’ll cry all night about wanting to look like this or that and in the day time i’m the same - but being in isolation especially it’s so difficult not to b i n g e or just eat everything layed out infront of me. no matter how many times i tell myself that night i’m going to restrict and FINALLY stick to my diet plan i end up ruining it somehow and feel even worse that night. i don’t understand how i’m supposed to stop this
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
hey <3
Hii I'm looking for mutuals so please RB if you:
💗Have an ED
🦇 Are 16 or older
🌸Are/support LGBT
🕷like goth/soft aesthetic
🐰Post/like malespo
You don't need to identify with all of them 1 or 2 is fine.
Also feel free to DM me whenever you'd like.
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
day two - abit over 5’9 and i hate it. i’m always the biggest one around and i used to get so insecure about the fact i looked so out of place in pictures and felt too big to be around. or that i’d have to bend down to look normal. although very rarely it does make me feel powerful, most of the time it makes me feel stupid with little coordination
30 day challenge.
30 day thinspo challenge
Day 1: Your stats
Day 2: How tall are you, do you like your height?
Day 3: A picture of your thinspiration. What features do you like about this person?
Day 4: Your Greatest fears about weight loss
Day 5: Why do you really want to lose weight? Are you doing it for you?
Day 6: Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.
Day 7: Do your parents know you are trying to lose weight? Do they care?
Day 8: Your workout routine.
Day 9: Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Day 10: What was the hardest thing you gave up during this weight loss?
Day 11: Your favourite thinspo blog and why.
Day 12: What do you normally eat?
13: Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
14: What’s your UGW? When do you expect to reach it?
15: Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
16: When did you first decide to lose weight?
17: Do you have an eating disorder?
Day 18: What food is your weakness?
Day 19: When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day 20: Favourite diet?
21: What are your clothing sizes?
Day 22: What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day 23: Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day 24: How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia.
25: Have you ever purged? If you have, describe your first experience.
26: What excites you most about reaching your UGW?
27: How do you deal with being around food?
Day 28: Do you want that gap between your legs? Why?
29: Your definition of beauty.
Day 30: 10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
all my friends vs me lmao
Someone with a fast metabolism (probably underweight): Losing weight is easier than gaining weight
Me: Here come the tears, the sadness, and the destructive coping mechanisms I’ve been trying to avoid. Awesome.
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
day one - 5′9 and around 9stone 9 :(
30 day challenge.
30 day thinspo challenge
Day 1: Your stats
Day 2: How tall are you, do you like your height?
Day 3: A picture of your thinspiration. What features do you like about this person?
Day 4: Your Greatest fears about weight loss
Day 5: Why do you really want to lose weight? Are you doing it for you?
Day 6: Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.
Day 7: Do your parents know you are trying to lose weight? Do they care?
Day 8: Your workout routine.
Day 9: Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Day 10: What was the hardest thing you gave up during this weight loss?
Day 11: Your favourite thinspo blog and why.
Day 12: What do you normally eat?
13: Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
14: What’s your UGW? When do you expect to reach it?
15: Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
16: When did you first decide to lose weight?
17: Do you have an eating disorder?
Day 18: What food is your weakness?
Day 19: When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day 20: Favourite diet?
21: What are your clothing sizes?
Day 22: What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day 23: Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day 24: How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia.
25: Have you ever purged? If you have, describe your first experience.
26: What excites you most about reaching your UGW?
27: How do you deal with being around food?
Day 28: Do you want that gap between your legs? Why?
29: Your definition of beauty.
Day 30: 10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
This video really keeps me going . She looks 10 yrs younger
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wannab-sk1nny · 4 years
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