wannabeastrayateez · 4 years
Guys I want to start writing again, please request anything, from any group I’m ready to get back into it!!!!
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
Not Yet...
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You kissed Johnny across his neck and down his chest, following his happy trail further down. His moans were getting louder as you continued. You looked up at him and smirked. Crawling back over him you kissed him lightly on the lips.
“You have to be quite baby, or we might wake Mark.” Johnny bit his lip to keep in his moans as you trialed kisses all over him. Finally you made it the waistband of his pajama pants.
“Baby, wait, not yet, come back here.” Johnny pulled you up and back to his lips. His kisses were always the best, you moved until you were straddling him, wrapping your arms around his neck and his found their way around your waist pulling you closer.
“Johnny, don’t you want-“ He cut you off with another kiss.
“Not yet....” He pulled your mouth back to his and kissed you gently.
“You know how much I enjoy the feel of your mouth on mine.” You groaned at that. His lips left yours so he could kiss down your jaw and towards your neck.
“Johnny, no, you know I can’t be quite when you-“ He kisses your neck then, darting our his tongue quickly.
“Johnny....” you moaned out. He chuckled and glanced over at his roommate, thankfully Mark was still asleep. Johnny shifted slightly, and then ran his hands across your bare thighs.
“You wore the skirt.” You nodded.
“You told me to.” He smiled up at you and gave you a quick peck.
“Good girl.” His hands went under your skirt and his eyes went big when he realized what else you had done.
“You came all the way here with no underwear on?” You nodded, enjoying his reaction.
“Oh, so you wanted to get a treat today?” You nodded again, unable to speak as one of his fingers lightly stroked you. You gripped his shoulders and bit your lip to keep quite. You started moving your hips and Johnny almost lost it. He made a low noise in his throat and picked you up laying you down on the bed. After some shuffling around of his own he was inside you, and it took all your will power not to yell out just then.
“Johnny, Johnny wait..” He wasn’t stopping. His movements were gentle at first but soon his rhythm picked up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in close so you could bury your face in his shoulder. It was getting really hard to stay quite. It had been a month since the last time you two had been together like this, so it made since when Johnny pulled out so soon. He fell back onto the bed and you knew exactly what to do. You moved so that your mouth was hovering over his member. One quick glance at him and then you pulled him into your mouth, to finish him off. One of his hands wound through your hair while the other went behind his head. Biting his lip to keep from moaning too loud he started thrusting his hips up. You met every movement with one of your own. Following along to his pace until his release. He came into your mouth where you swallowed every drop. Moving your tongue around to make sure you cleaned it all up, you finally released him.
“Baby, why are you like this?” You smiled down at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He smiled and pulled you in so you were cuddled next to him. Throwing the blanket over you two he kissed the top of your head and then soon he was out. You chuckled and settled yourself in and fell asleep too.
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
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You woke up with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed you frantically searched around. Kun wasn’t there, you started freaking out a little more, your nightmare rushing back to you. You needed Kun. Suddenly the door to your shared bedroom opened up and you jumped.
“Baby?” You looked over to see Kun standing in the doorway, a tray of tea cups in his hands. He sat the tray down on the bedside table and sat next to you in the bed. Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you in close. You hugged him back gripping the edges of his shirt as tears streamed down your face.
“K-Kun, you weren’t here.” He patted your head, trying to soothe you.
“Y/n, don’t worry, I’m here now. I went to make some tea, it looked like you were having a nightmare. I was going to wake you when I came back. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.” He held you until you stopped crying and then wiped away the tears that had stained your face. He moved to set up some pillows so you could sit up comfortably then set the tray in front of you.
“Drink this, it’ll help you calm down.”
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You woke slowly, tears still streaming down your face. You were already in Ten’s arms so you realized that must have been what woke you up.
“Shh, it’s ok, I’m here.”
“Did you have a nightmare baby?” You nodded your head.
“Here, lay back down.” Ten settled you back into the bed and made sure you were comfortably tucked in. He ran into the closet then came back out with his guitar.
“I’ll sing you a song to help you sleep.” He started strumming a tune on the guitar then started singing a soft melody to go with it. Soon you had drifted back off to sleep.
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Si Cheng
“Babe, wake up, you’re having a nightmare.” You woke up to Si Cheng pulling you into his arms. You were still shaking from your nightmare.
“Want to talk about it?” You shook your head and just moved closer into him. He turned you so that your back was to his chest.
“Here, I know what will make you feel better.” He wraps his arms around you and rest his hands in your lap so you could see the phone in his hands.
“Let’s watch some funny videos to chase away the bad dreams.” He played the first video and five minutes into your were laughing and your bad dream had already been forgotten.
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“Here this is the place.” You looked over at Lucas questionably.
“Why did you drag me out of the house this late?” He smiled down at you, you were in your pj’s with a big coat over then to chase away the cold.
“You had a bad dream.”
“So you had to drag me here?” He pulled you into the restaurant after laughing at your skeptical face. After seating and ordering the food he smiled over at you.
“I know when I have a bad dream or I’m feeling really bad, I like to eat spicy foods. The heat from the food makes me forget about my troubles and worries.” You laughed over at him.
“But Lucas, we could’ve ordered take out.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, yea, I guess your right, I didn’t think of that.” You laughed at him as the food arrived and spent the rest of the night joking and laughing around, trying to see who could eat the spiciest foods.
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Jolting awake you fumbles around the bed with your hand until it found Xiaojun’s. Even though he was still asleep, his hand automatically moved and turned palm up so you could twine your fingers. A second after that Xiaojun sleepily said.
“Y/n, are you ok?” You kept quite until he was fully awake.
“Y/n, tell me what’s wrong? Please?” You told him about your nightmare and he sat there listening intently. Once you were done he pulled you close and grabbed the remote.
“How about this, let’s watch your favorite movie until you fall back asleep?” You cuddled into him as the movie started. Thanking the heavens that you were lucky enough to have such a sweet man.
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“Come on!” Hendery pulled you out of bed and turned on the radio. You laughed at him as he begun spinning around the room. You had just had one of the worst nightmares you’ve ever had and Hendery’s way of calming you down was dancing and spinning you around the room. Suddenly he pulled you close to him.
“See, there’s nothing to be afraid of, it was just a bad dream, I’m here with you. And I always will be.”
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YangYang pulled you towards the kitchen and sat you down at the table.
“YangYang, it was just a bad dream, and it wasn’t even that serious.” You said trying your best to act tough, you didn’t like when people thought you were weak. You couldn’t help but notice the eye roll that YangYang had given you.
“Yes, your so big and strong no silly little nightmare would scare you.” He went over to the freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream.
“What’s this?” He smiled and handed you a spoon.
“For what ever reason you can’t get back to sleep, be it your not tired or your scared.” You’d scoffed and crossed your arms.
“I’m not scared.” You huffed out.
“Sure, here eat.” You grabbed the spoon from him and ended up laughing at him because the ice cream was frozen solid and he almost broke his spoon trying to get it out.
“I’ll just go nuke this real quick.” You laughed after him. You wanted to tell him about your dream but you also wanted to keep it in, you were extremely greatful to have someone like YangYang. He let you take your time coming to him about your problems. But somehow he always ended up helping you with them before you could even speak on them.
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
Hey if requests are still open can I request a WayV reaction to you having a nightmare? (If the whole group is too much could you just do Ten?) if you requests are closed ignore this lmao but thank you anyway! 🥺💜
I can totally do that if you don’t mind it being a bit long 😍💕
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
12:07 AM
Text convo in which you convince Yuta to stop practicing and come home early.
Y/n : I miss you, can’t you come home early tonight? You’ve been working late all week.
Yuta: I just need to practice a little bit more and then I’ll come home.
Y/n: You said that yesterday, you’re already perfect Yuta. Come home.
Yuta: I can’t get this one part right, just give me a couple of hours.
Y/n: I’ll be asleep in a couple of hours.
Yuta: Baby...
Y/n: Daddy please come home.
Yuta: Daddy?
Y/n: Daddy my body misses you so bad
Yuta: Stop that, it’s not gonna work.
Y/n: Daddy don’t you miss me? Don’t you miss my body?
Yuta: Y/n... stop, please.
Y/n: Daddy please come play with me.
Yuta: Fuck. Baby.
Y/n: I’m already prepping myself *image*
Yuta: Fuck. Ok, I’m on my way home.
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
10:53 pm
It’s the first snow of the season and you have your nose pressed against the glass of your window.
“Come On hurry up!” You hear a soft chuckle behind you.
“Alright alright, I’m ready.” You jump up from the window seat and grab Changkyuns hands to drag him out of the bedroom door and into the hall.
“Wait, wait. Put this on.” You smile up at him as he puts a stocking cap on your head and a scarf around your neck.
“We can’t have you getting cold now can we?” Changkyun leans down and kisses you on the nose and then laughs and follows your excited form out of the apartment.
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
Rough Day(Fluff)
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Wonho x Reader
Word count: 761
Slamming the door shut to your apartment you kicked off your shoes and dropped your purse on the floor. You had had such a bad day at work, all you wanted to do was go straight to bed.
Walking further into your apartment you stopped at the entrance to your living room, blankets were everywhere. The couches had been pushed closer together and there were blankets thrown over them.
“What in the hell?” You heard some shuffling from under the makeshift fort and your boyfriend suddenly stuck his head out of the opening.
“Wonho?” He grinned brightly at you as he crawled the rest of the way out.
“Y/n, your home early.” He said pulling you into a giant hug, his huge body completely engulfing you. The feel of him around you was pure bliss and it seemed to melt away your stress. You wrapped your arms around him and leaned in closer, burying your face into his broad chest. You heard (more like felt) a soft rumble in his chest from him laughing lightly.
“Looks like I was right.” You leaned back so you could look up at him a little better.
“Right about what?” He looked down at you and placed a hand on top of your head.
“You had a bad day.”
“How did you know that?” Wonho let you go and started pulling you through the house.
“You didn’t answer any of my text today, you didn’t call me on your lunch break like you normally do and your home an hour early.” You looked at the floor as you followed after him.
“Your right, I was having a bad day.” He stopped in front of the bathroom door.
“I figured that so I came over to get all this ready for you for when you got home, I didn’t realize you’d be home this early but I’m at least glad this is ready for you.” He pushed open the door and on the other side was flower petals everywhere. Candles had been lit around the room, throwing a soft warm glow over everything. The scent of vanilla wrapped around you as you made your way further into the room. He walked over towards the tub and turned the water on.
“Wonho?” He smiled up at you.
“Here, relax and take a nice hot bubble bath while I finish getting everything else ready.” You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes.
“Wonho... you shouldn’t have.” He finished with the bath and came over to kiss you lightly on the head.
“Of course I did love, I couldn’t let you go through the rest of the day in the mood you were in. Besides I missed you and wanted to see you too.” You leaned up and kissed him lightly on the mouth.
“Thank you so much Wonho.” He kissed you back and patted you on the head one last time before leaving the room to go finish his makeshift fort.
“Take your time, relax, unwind. Come out when you’re ready.” You smiled after him as he closed the door, you had no idea how you had gotten so lucky to call Wonho yours.
Taking off your clothes you dip a foot into the water, it’s just the right temperature, you slide the rest of the way in and your body completely relaxes. All the worries of the day melting away with the bubbles. After what seemed like forever you got out and put on some pjs that Wonho had dropped off not to long ago. After drying your hair you padded your way barefoot to the living room. Wonho pokes his head out of the makeshift fort and held a hand out for you.
“Come on in y/n.” You laugh and take his hand leaning down to crawl after him. At the end of the makeshift fort was a small room where the tv was. Popcorn, drinks, and other snacks were set out. And your favorite movie was already on the tv waiting on you to hit play. Wonho opened his arms and gestures for you to come sit in his lap. You settle comfortable against him and he hits play. With just this small thing your entire mood has been lifted and your bad day completely forgotten.
“Thank you Wonho, I love you so much.” Wonho kisses the top of your head as he threads his fingers through yours and sits them in your lap, softly rubbing circles into the back of your hand.
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
This is a short thing from my main page that I did a while ago and I just wanted to post it here
Bike accident
“Babe seriously, be careful.” You frowned and looked anywhere other than your boyfriend, who was applying some ointment to a cut on your leg.
“I’m sorry,” You said softly. Your boyfriend looked up at you and smiled softly as he dabbed on a little bit more and added a bandaid. He kissed it once before standing up and reaching out a hand to help you up. Looking up you grabbed his hand. Your boyfriend was none other than Chris Bang, leader of the K-POP group Stray Kids. You both had taken a trip to visit his home in Australia during his break. Chris thought it would have been a fun idea to go biking around and you being the klutz that you are had run into a tree trying to dodge a rock on the path.
“Are you ok babe?” Nodding you kept quite. Chris laughed slightly.
“Don’t be upset y/n.” He said patting you on the head. You poked your lip out in obvious anger.
“I told you this was a bad idea.” He pulled you into his arms and your anger immediately dissolved.
“It wasn’t a bad idea and what you did just now was really smart. It’s just that the tree was in the wrong spot.” You pulled away slightly to look him in the face.
“Your blaming the tree?” He laughed again.
“Yes I’m blaming the tree, it’s the trees fault. How dare that tree grow right there. This is all your fault tree!” He yelled towards the tree you had run into. The absolute ridiculousness of seeing Chris yelling at the tree got you to laugh really hard, causing Chris to eventually join in. You hugged him back and his arms tightened around you.
“Thank you Chris, I love you so much.” He kissed the top of your head still laughing.
“I love you too y/n.”
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
10:11 pm
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"Chris, come home already." You had made your way to Chris' company, because he had texted you telling you he was going to be working late again.
He turned around to face you, a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" You immediately caught on to the feelings he was projecting, worry, stress, dread and there was something else you couldn't quite place.
"Y/n..." He said softly.
"Why are you here?" You made your way over to him sitting in one of the two chairs behind his computer.
"You said you were staying late, and that would make this 3 days in a row, come home please. You need to rest." He ran a hand through his hair, it was curlier than usual, you could tell he had been running his hand through it often. You placed a hand on his thigh and waited for him to raise his head to meet your eyes.
"What's wrong?"
"I, um, don't want to talk about it." You sighed and went to stand up, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back down.
"I don't want to talk about it, but I will if you want me to." He said firmly. You pulled your mouth into a tight straight line, debating if you should make him tell you or not. Chris always told you what was wrong, it was so unlike him to not tell you when he was upset.
His communication skills were the absolute best and it was one of the many things you loved about him.
You let out a soft sigh and settled back into the seat.
"You don't have to tell me if you really don't want to, I'll understand. Just know I'm here for you when you want to talk." Chris looked you over once, twice. Trying his hardest to determine the tone of your voice and tell if you were upset. He was really good at catching your feelings and moods, no matter how hard you tried to hide them.
"Y/n, you should go ahead home, I'll be here a couple more hours."
"He's trying to get rid of me." Was the first thought to cross your mind.
"Why? Can't I just stay here with you?" You asked, a tone in your voice that dared him to kick you out. He sighed.
"Y/n please, I'm trying really hard here, please just go home."
"You don't want me here?" You said softly.
"It's not that, no I just, I need to work." You looked over to his computer, noticing for the first time what was on it. You scoffed at the frozen picture on the screen.
"You call this working?" He looked back and his eyes grew wide as he hurriedly excited out of the porn site.
"Y/n it's not what you think, I-I was just pent up and and I, I mean, I. It's not what you think." He finished weakly, his ears red with embarrassment.
"Are you breaking up with me?" You said bluntly. His eyes grew wide.
"W-What No! Why would you think that??" You held up a finger and starting counting off the reasons you had gathered over the past few days.
"You don't come home anymore, you don't tell me what's upsetting you anymore, we never sleep in the same bed, we haven't had sex in a month, and you're trying to kick me out of your studio. Is that not good enough reasons for me to think your leaving me? You've been pulling away from me over the past month, what am I supposed to be thinking in this situation Chris!?" Your voice grew louder as your hysteria went higher. Your chest was heaving, out of breath from your rant.
"Woah, woah, calm down Y/n, where is this coming from? Have I ever once made you doubt me in our relationship before? Don't you love me?"
"Of course I do that's why I'm so confused." You threw your arms up in fustration.
"Why haven't you come home Chris? I miss you, I miss you so much." It was taking all your will power not to cry, you didn't want to seem weak in front of him.
Even though he would never think less of you, you would.
"I have been frustrated lately, pent up..." It took you a moment to catch his drift.
"What? You haven't been coming home because your horny?" Chris blushed slightly at your use of such a crude word. He tried his hardest not to curse around you or say words that would be inappropriate.
"I didn't want to upset you by asking you, I don't want you to think that's all I want from you." You were extremely confused at this point.
"Wait, what?" He looked at you, his eyes sad.
"I overheard you on the phone with your friend, talking about how "all he wanted was sex" and that you were getting sick of it, you even laughed. And then the next day you asked me for a break." You couldn't believe what you were hearing, Chris had completely misunderstood a conversation he had overheard between you and your best friend.
You couldn't take how ridiculous the situation in front of you was. For almost a month, you thought Chris was avoiding you, you even thought he was going to leave you. And come to find out he had overheard you talking about getting your dog neutered because the little beast couldn't stop going after your neighbors dog.
You started laughing, and it was a good long laugh. Chris' face went from confused to slightly annoyed.
"Why are you laughing?" You regained your composure and wiped at the tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
"Chris! You are so, oh my god I can't believe this." You said through giggles.
"I was talking about Sunny! I want to get Sunny neutered because he won't stop screwing the neighbors dog! All the little bastard thinks about is sex! It's driving me crazy with how he's been acting." His face went back to confused.
"But, even if that's the case, why did you ask me for a break?"
"My period."
"Huh?" You laughed again.
"My period was acting weird, it was spotting like crazy, but not fully starting. And I just wanted to take a small break from sex until I figured out what was going on down there." Concern set into his eyes as he grabbed your hands.
"And is it? Are you ok?" You giggled at his worried expression, it was so like Chris to forget his problems and worry over yours. You placed a hand on his cheek and he settled into it without a second thought.
"I'm fine, everything's fine." He let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad."
"So, lets get back to our original topic, you obviously misunderstood me and I misunderstood you, are we ok now?" He smiled up at you from where he had perched on the floor to lay his head in your lap.
"Of course we're ok, I love you Y/n." You stood up and pulled him with you, he looked confused for a second as you pushed him down into the chair you had been occupying.
"Y/n what are you doing?" He said as you lowered yourself in front of him. You smirked up at him as you went to undo his belt and the button on his pants.
"I'm helping you relieve all that pent up energy and stress." You said while licking your lips. Chris' eyes took on a look of complete lust, he loved seeing you on your knees in front of him.
Just the slight brush of your fingertips on the bare skin of his stomach as you undid the belt and button was almost enough to send him over the edge, because he had been craving you for so long now.
"A-are you sure you're ok?" You nodded your head, and kept your eyes on the growing bulge in his pants.
"I'm fine now, I had actually planned a very romantic night for us to make up for not doing anything for so long and I was also hoping you wouldn't leave me if I did that." You felt a hand go under your chin and lift your face up so your eyes could meet.
"Y/n I love you so much and I would never leave you." Your heart skipped a beat, two years with this man and it still felt like the first time you two met.
You blushed as you turned your attention back to his friend. You palmed him through his pants first, his head fell back against the wall behind him.
"Y/n..." He moaned out. The way he said your name between clenched teeth was enough to have you pooling in your underwear. This man turned you on so much.
You slowly slid his member out and ran a finger over the tip, wiping up the pre cum. He knew exactly what you were going to do and opened his eyes to look down at you as you placed your finger in your mouth and licked it clean.
Chris' breathing was growing more ragged by the minute. You leaned back over him and darted your tongue out to clean up what your finger missed. A hiss escaped through his lips. More than anything you loved how Chris turned into a withering mess whenever you used your tongue on him.
You teased him for a few more strokes of your tongue across his tip before taking him halfway. He groaned out as he wound his fingers through your hair. Chris loves to hold onto your hair as you give him head, but he was never the type to shove you down on him. He loved to let you go at your own pace.
You loved to tease him, pushing all the way down and taking him all the way in until his tip touched the back of your throat. Then pulling him out and twisting your tongue around the tip. It didn't take much to send Chris over the edge and make him cum because it had been so long since he last felt your hot, wet mouth on him.
A few more deep strokes and he came undone beneath you. You took every drop he gave you, swallowing every bit, and licking up what spilled over. You wiped at your mouth as you pulled away from him.
"Feel better?" You said standing up. Chris grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap.
"There is no way I'm done with you." Your back was pressed to his as his hands made there way to your tits. Your head fell back on his shoulder as you let a moan out.
"Chris' please," You begged.
"I missed you so much." He said as he kissed your exposed neck. You felt his hand trail down your stomach and across your hips before stopping at the waistband of your pants.
"Tell me how bad you want me." He whispered in your ear.
"So bad... Chris please, I want you so much, I've missed you like crazy." You breathed out. He chuckled, a low and deep sound that sent shivers through you.
"Anything for you babygirl." You felt the button on your jeans pop and his hand gliding lower. So close you thought. Chris was getting you back for teasing him earlier.
"Yes babygirl?"
"Please..." You begged. He chuckled and slid his hand over the top of your panties. Just as he was about to slid them to the side and touch you skin to skin there was a knock at the door. You both jumped, you had completely forgotten you were in his studio.
"Hyung?" You both hurried to a standing position and straightened your clothes. Chris walked over to the door once you were both good and opened it. On the other side was Hyunjin.
"Y/n nice to see you again!" He smiled at you as he walked into the room.
"Hello, Hyunjin." You said.
"Hyung." He said turning to Chris.
"We need you in the practice room, Felix said he needed some help." Chris nodded and sent Hyunjin out the door first. Turning to you he winked.
"We'll finish this at home."
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
Last Summer pt 1/?
The Meeting
Pairing: reader/Song Mingi
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“Ah, finally! We’ve made it!”
“Look at the ocean, it’s so pretty!” You laughed and followed your friends off the bus.
The three of you had decided to take a week long trip to the beach for the last summer of your highschool life. After this you were going off to college.
“Guys! Get back here, we can go to the beach after we get checked into our hotel room!” Your friends frowned at you, but made their way back, away from the water to grab their bags. The three of you made your way into the small bed and breakfast you had booked for you all. Each of you got separate rooms of course, no one wanted to share. After settling everything in you changed into a bathing suit and made your way down the stairs to meet up with the others.
“Y/n! Over here!” You smiled and headed over to the table your friends had taken over on the patio over looking the beach.
“Wow, this place is so beautiful.” One of your friends said, you had been looking towards the beach when she said this and your attention had been caught by a tall man with light brown hair.
“Yes it is.” You murmured out, without removing your gaze. Your friend nudged you laughing.
“Oh is it going to be that kind of trip y/n?” You smiled knowingly at your friend and playfully pushed her away from you.
“What are you talking about? I’m just enjoying the scenery.” Your friends laughed at you as your face grew redder.
“Come on let’s go enjoy the water!” The three of you made your way to the ocean front, laughing and jumping around.
“The water is amazing! It’s so warm!” You laughed as your friends splashed each other with water. You were sitting on a towel away from the incoming tide, tired from having played around too much.
“Y/n come back in!” You waved your hand at them leaning back to get comfortable.
“Hey! Watch out!” From the postion you were leaning back in, you could easily tilt your head back and see who had been yelling. But you weren’t quick enough to dodge the volleyball that was coming straight for you. It hit you square in the face.
“Ahhh!” Bringing both hands to your nose you were scared it might be broken cause it hurt so bad.
“Oh shit! I’m so sorry! Are you ok!?” Suddenly your hands were taken away from your face and replaced with large unfamiliar ones. They started tilting your head side to side, inspecting you. You opened your eyes only to come face to face with a set of unfamiliar eyes.
“Um...” The man in front of you suddenly let you go and backed away.
“Oh gosh! I’m sorry, I was just worried you were really hurt.” It was him, it was the guy you had been admiring earlier.
“Good job there Mingi, just take the girl out why don’t cha!” Another boy had come up behind, what’s his name? Mingi, that’s unique.
“Shut up Wooyoung.” Wooyound snickered and hit Mingi on the back of the head.
“Help the girl up dumbass.” Mingi scrambles to his feet all of a sudden and grabbed your hand to pull you up. But he moved you a little too fast causing you to stumble as you tired to regain your balance. He caught your other arm.
“Y/n! Are you ok!?” Your friends ran up to you, confused as to why you were surrounded by these guys. They looked over at the boys then back at you.
“Y/n? That’s a pretty name...” You glanced back at Mingi.
“Huh?” His face went bright red and he let you go.
“Uh, uh nothing!”
“Well this is going just great. Hello there ladies, I’m Wooyoung, and this is Mingi, and that idiot running up from over there is Seonghwa. Can we take you out to make up for the fact that this dumbass clapped you in the face with a volleyball?” Your friends giggled and nodded their heads, completely taken in by the beauty of the stranger in front of you. You glanced over at Mingi, he was looking at the ground.
“I’m really sorry y/n. It was an accident.” You smiled and laughed lightly at him, you couldn’t help it, he was so cute.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m totally fine. Nothings broken so we’re all good.” He looked up at you and smiled. And boy was it a beautiful smile, bright white teeth and all. You were completely hooked.
“So where are we going? Do we need to change?” Your friends had decided to ask all the questions. Wooyoung smiled.
“No need to change ladies, it’s a pool party.” You frowned.
“Why go to a pool party when we have the whole beach right here?”
“Dancing?” Said one of your friends.
“Free food.” Said the other.
“Cute boys like us to show you a good time.” Said Wooyoung. The three of you laughed at him and agreed to go with them. Following them your friends had already decided on their boys. They walked off with the other two and left you to walk along side Mingi.
“That’s a killer arm you got.” You said laughing. Mingi smiles lightly placing a hand on the back of his head.
“Yea some arm, I can’t even control my strength and hit a pretty girl on the face with a ball.” You felt your face heat up at the mention of him calling you pretty.
“Don’t worry about it, just make it up to me at the party.” He smiled big then.
“You got it!”
The party was in full throttle when you guys arrived. Tons of people were there. Your friends had already disappeared in the crowd leaving you to stick close to Mingi. Getting lost here wouldn’t be any fun, especially since you didn’t really know anyone and couldn’t see your friends.
“They all just left us.” Mingi sounded as amazed as you felt. You laughed at him and shrugged.
“My friends are suckers for pretty boys.”
“What about you?” Your face heated up then and you tried to look anywhere but at him.
“Uh, I, um.” He laughed then.
“I was just kidding. Do you want to dance?” You smiled brightly and nodded your head. He grabbed your hand, his big hand almost engulfed yours. Pulling you along behind him, you followed until you both needed up on a makeshift dance floor. The music was fast paced and you two were dancing for what felt like hours. Finally a slower song came on. You glanced up at him as he glanced down at you, your eyes meeting for a second. A silent question in his eyes. You nodded and moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you rested your head on his broad chest. He leaned down close enough to where you could feel his breath on your ear. It sent chills down your back.
“Y/n you really are beautiful. How long are you guys here for.”
“The whole week.” You breathed out. He smiled then, pulling you closer.
“Well then, I’ll have to make sure you have a good time this week.”
(((((( This was requested by @yeehaw-gang I hope you like it and I had fun with and might end up writing more???? Who knows???)))))
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
“He’s gonna be mad cause I’m not ready...”
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"I'm waiting downstairs, hurry up." You chuckled as you closed your phone after hearing the click that told you Johnny had hung up. He was being impatient again, grabbing your coat and your keys you headed out the door. There he was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. Looking as beautiful as he always did, wearing a black shirt and a black leather jacket over jeans. His camera slung across his shoulder. He held his hand out for you to take as you went down the last few steps, always the gentleman you thought to yourself.
"You took forever. I was dying out here, it's too cold to be waiting forever on you." He joked, you laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.
"But you'd wait forever for me right?" He smiled down at you and pulled you along beside him.
"Sure, if you say so." Johnny was the type to not out worldly show he cared for you. He liked to joke like he didn't with his words, while showing you with his actions that he did.
"After you." Johnny smiled at you as he held the passenger door to his car open. You smirked at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Shut up." You chuckled.
"But I didn't say anything." You leaned back and took the time to admire your boyfriend as he walked around the car. You and Johnny had been dating for three years and funny enough you two had met at an IKEA. He had been looking confused as he was shopping and you being the nosey person you are couldn't help but go and ask him if he needed help. You two then spent the next two hours discussing which shelve would go best in his room. At some point he had ended up asking you if you wanted to get coffee and the rest was history.
"You're awfully quiet." You glanced over at Johnny and smiled.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked as he clicked on the turn signal.
"I was thinking about the first time we met." You said turning your head to glance back out the window at the scenery zipping by.
"Still the best day of my life." He reached over and grabbed your hand.
"Is that so? And why is that?" You said teasing him.
"Because I got a hot girl to help me pick out shelf's for my room and she even agreed to get coffee with me. And if I remember correctly I talked her into coming back to my place to help me put the shelf's together." A blush creeped its way across your cheeks. Johnny would never let you live down that you gave it up after your first date.
"You were hot too man, I just couldn't resist. Plus I was super horny and you were just so irresistible." He frowned slightly at that and you smiled, pleased with having teased him back.
"Oh so any hot guy would've been good enough for you?" You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders.
"I guess so." Suddenly Johnny pulled over and put the car into park.
"W-What? John-" Suddenly his mouth was covering yours. The kiss was hard and rough and it got deeper when he braided his fingers in your hair and pulled you in closer.
"John.." You breathed out as he pulled back for air. He moved until he was on top of you pulling the lever to let the seat all the way back. You instantly got wet at the sight of him above you. Looking down at you with hunger in his eyes.
His hand found its way under your skirt and slid past your panties to slide into your hot wet folds. You let out a moan at the same time he did.
"So wet..." Johnny breathed out. He leaned down closer to your ear and kissed you under it before whispering,
"Can any hot guy make you feel the way I do from just a look y/n?" You shook your head. His fingers were moving so relentlessly that you were on the verge of your orgasm. It was right there, but just like that his fingers were gone. You whined and tried to pull his hand back. Johnny shook his head.
"Use your words y/n." You knew exactly what he wanted to hear and it got you even more wet just thinking about this dominant man above you.
"No one can make me feel as good as you can daddy." You said, desperately wanting him back inside you.
"Good girl." He said as he put two fingers back inside you and started moving them roughly. Your back arched at the pure pleasure that was spreading through your body. You screamed with your release, pulling Johnny in for a rough wet kiss. He laughed and made his way back to his seat, after making sure you were watching he put the two fingers that had been inside you into his own mouth and cleaned them off.
You moaned at the sight. "Why is this man so fucking hot?" you thought to yourself.
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
Stray kids reaction to you asking them to cook for you.
(Mini Shot)
Chris Bang
    ~ He looked over at you and smiled.
"What would you like?" He says as he heads towards the kitchen dragging you after him. "Pasta? Mexican? Korean?" He laughed at your skeptical look. "Don't worry I've been practicing new dishes, come, I'll show you."
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   ~ He laughed at you until he realized you were serious when you asked him to cook. Shaking his head violently and saying no. You pouted until he eventually made some ramen and small snacks.
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Lee Minho
    ~ He whipped up a big dinner and lit some candles, turning it into a small date for the two of you to enjoy.
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Lee Felix
       ~ "Let's cook together! That would be more fun!" You smiled and laughed as he dragged you along to the kitchen.
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       ~ "How about you cook instead and I help noona?" There was no way you could turn away his request as he pulled the puppy dog eyes even though you had asked him first to cook
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       ~ He smiled and walked towards the kitchen. Opening the door to the fridge he began pulling things out. "Let's see what we can make out of this." You eventually had to take over and kick Jisung out of the kitchen cause he wouldn't stop eating the ingredients.
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~ "lets just go out to eat cause neither one of us knows how to cook." You shrugged not being able to argue with his logic and followed him out the door.
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~ He pulled you back towards him. "Let's just stay in bed and order take out."
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wannabeastrayateez · 5 years
About me
Hi guys!
Normally for things like this I go by my pin name Yuna. So you guys can call me that!
I started this page in hopes of expanding my writing technique and getting better ideas for fics I’m working on. One shots and things like these are always fun and I’ve always wanted to try it out.
I’m new so request will stay open for a while, cause I’m not expecting this to get notice for at least a few months 😭😭😂😂
I’ll try my best and work on any group you give me if I know of them
My top five groups are as listed:
5. Red Velvet
4. Ateez
3. Monsta X
1. NCT (all units including Wayv)
I’m actually into a crap ton of groups and solo artist I just don’t want to take up precious space listing them all😂😂
My ultimate bias is Johnny Seo he’s #1
#2 would be Narachan
#3 is Im Changkyun
#4 is Mingi
And #5 as of right now is Bang Yongguk
I’m 23 years old and I’m into all sorts of music but my main listens would preferable be R&B and Hip Hop.
I’m American and mixed (black and white)
If there’s anything else you guys would like to know feel free to ask I’m really easy to get along with 😩😩😍😍💕💕💕
I love making new friends, young or old.
This is just my basic introduction so again Hello! And welcome! Hope you all enjoy!
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