wardcolm · 3 years
Me, watching Iron Fist
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wardcolm · 3 years
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Ward and Danny in season 2 are a gift.
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wardcolm · 3 years
Day 17: Stay with me (2)
This is for @asexualwardmeachum, who asked for this prompt with Ward/Malcolm, and Ward relapsing and admitting his feelings while he’s high and his guard is down.
It’s something Malcolm’s had all too much experience with, this kind of thing. There was a point in his life when he couldn’t even deal with being around it, but he’s found, by now, that it’s not so hard from the outside. It doesn’t really make him want to get high. It’s just kind of sad.
“Sit,” he murmurs, and guides Ward to the couch, and then sits next to him. Ward instantly turns and nuzzles into him.
“I was clean for twenty-two months, you know?” Ward murmurs against his neck, and Malcolm clenches his teeth, at the admission and the brush of Ward’s breath across his collarbone and just … all of it. He knows it would be easy to fall back into that life. He also knows that getting involved with other addicts is a bad idea, and because of that he’s stayed away. Not gotten tangled up.
Until now.
“Stay with me,” Ward whispers, clutching at Malcolm’s hand. “Everyone goes. Everyone leaves. Everyone.”
“Shhh. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I never told you,” Ward whispers. “Never told you how I felt – never –”
“Don’t,” Malcolm murmurs, and he lays the back of his hand across Ward’s lips and Ward stills. “We’ll talk about it in the morning, if you want to.”
“I need to tell you –”
“I already know,” Malcolm says, and lays him down on the couch, gets him on his side, and pulls down an afghan off the back of the couch to cover him. He grins slightly. “You’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
“Oh, I’m not, am I,” Ward murmurs, sounding a little more like himself – a little less lost; less hopeless, sad, desperate.
“Not really.” Malcolm grins in spite of himself, lays his hand across Ward’s cheek and then brushes Ward’s forehead lightly with his lips. “In the morning.”
“And you’ll still be here,” Ward whispers, and there’s something in his voice (something fragile, something broken) that makes Malcolm just … angry, at everyone who wasn’t there for him.
“Yes,” Malcolm says, and leans back against the couch, and winds his hand tighter into Ward’s. “I will be.”
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wardcolm · 3 years
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wardcolm · 3 years
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I didn’t feel like doing a last one so for day 7 here’s a recap of the week ✨
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wardcolm · 3 years
Malcolm hangs up his coat on the hook in Wards landing. He sees Ward heading back to the kitchen, working on dinner. But he seems to be moving a bit slower.
"How's today?" Malcolm asked, trying to push his budding feelings for Ward down again. It was probably best he didn't ruin this friendship like he ruined everything else in his life.
"It's fine," Ward said, the fake humble smile on his face.
"Ward. Come on. You can be honest with me".
Ward stops stirring his concoction as he chooses his words carefully. "I know. But sharing isn't my strong suit. Okay," he sighed. "Today...is...my sister's birthday. It's the first one since-".
"You stopped talking".
Ward nodded pressing his lips together in a line.
“That’s got to be hard.” Malcolm says looking at Ward seeing how affected he is by this.
“It is.. it was just us for so long. We used to go out for dinner and she’d meet up with friends for drinks after. It’s strange to be home.”
Malcolm nods. “I understand.” He says touching Wards arm gently putting his own feelings aside to focus on Ward. It didn’t matter what it made him feel as long as it calmed Ward.
Ward looked at the hand, and his face seemed to soften slightly. "I know I deserve this".
"Ward, please-".
"Malcolm, I know what you're gonna say. The same thing you always do. That we're not beyond repair."
"I believe that".
"And what about you and Jessica? Do you really think she'd ever forgive you?"
Malcolm looks away. Ward looks back at his food.
"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make my point. I didn't mean to be rude like that. Not to you. Not today".
Malcolm takes in a deep breath. “You have to forgive yourself Ward.” He says with a caring voice.
“Do you forgive yourself?”
“For my anger? And my actions?” Malcolm asks. “I did things I regret. I was lost back then. But I wasn’t solely responsible for what happened.”
“Joy didn’t..”
“Joy said things to you Ward that..” Malcolm pauses to breathe surprising himself by his rising anger. “That are so hurtful. I know you don’t need my anger. But you don’t deserve that. You aren’t alone in this.”
Ward looks at him, his newest friend. Hell, his only friend. The only person who seemed to understand him on a level, maybe not even Joy ever did. And as much as he loved Danny, now more than ever, there would always be space there. But Malcolm Ducasse, the private eye he met while tracking down Orson Randall, this man got him somehow, in a way Ward never knew was possible.
"I guess, I'm not. Not now. I'm not used to that. I've always handled things alone".
“I know.” Malcolm says gently. “But you don’t have to anymore.” He says reaching out to Ward.
Ward feels Malcolms touch and feels his eyes well up.
“Sorry.” He says moving to turn away ashamed. Afraid.
“You don’t have to hide.” Malcolm says. “I’m here.” He adds stroking Wards arm.
“I.. sorry.” Ward repeats.
“You don’t need to apologize. Crying is totally okay. It’s so human.” Malcolm says. “Proof of your heart.”
"So I have a heart now?" Ward asks teasingly, embarrassed of the tears. But he knows Malcolm would never judge. Hell Ward knew he was probably only crying because it was Malcolm here, and he could trust Malcolm not to weaponize this against him.
"You have the biggest heart Ward. Of anyone I know". Malcolm's hands rubbed his shoulders and Ward could feel the warmth that seemed to resonate from the P.I.
"You'd be the only one to say that".
"Because I bet I'm the only one who's seen it in such a long time. Joy will see it too one day. You just have to forgive yourself enough to let her".
"I don't think I can".
"Well, know that I think you can. Just do it in your own time Ward. And hopefully I'll be there when you do".
Ward smiled he moved forward and hugged Malcolm, arms wrapped around each other. Ward wished they could stay like this, just the two of them, in this apartment, him making Malcolm dinner, them talking and holding each other for comfort. Why couldn't it always be this?
A collab between @theodette and @thewonderginger for Iron Fist Week. Hope you enjoy 🐉 👊
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wardcolm · 3 years
My beautiful boys needing some good snuggles!!!
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wardcolm · 3 years
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@ironfistweek Day 2 : Ward 💜
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wardcolm · 3 years
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We are back for 2021! This year we have a character and a prompt for each day. These are optional; you can use both, one, or neither. They are there for inspiration only!
You can create any sort of fanwork for any day of the fest: pictures/gifs, fiction, fanart, meta, vid, cosplay, interpretive dance, etc. Just tag it with #ironfistweek so I know to reblog it!
Day One (April 1):
Character: Danny Rand
Prompt: Love
Day Two (April 2):
Character: Ward Meachum
Prompt: Escape
Day Three (April 3):
Character: Colleen Wing
Prompt: Fate
Day Four (April 4):
Character: Misty Knight
Prompt: Fight
Day Five (April 5):
Character: Davos
Prompt: Dragon
Day Six (April 6):
Character: Joy Meachum
Prompt: Family
Day Seven (April 7):
Character: Your Favorite Minor Character
Prompt: Missing Scene
Day Eight (April 8)
Bonus catchup day! You can post whatever you want (I mean, technically you can on any day, but this is the free-for-all roundup day) - catch up on earlier prompts, or post something you’ve had hanging around in your drafts. Late fills are fine at any time, though I’ll stop monitoring the tag after a couple of weeks.
Of course, these are just guideline prompts: if you want to just post whatever you want it’s fine as long as it’s IF-centered.
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wardcolm · 4 years
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“I guess it’s time I educated you.”
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wardcolm · 4 years
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wardcolm · 5 years
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wardcolm · 5 years
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assholes to lovers
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wardcolm · 5 years
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Rainy Nights in Kabukichō, Tokyo / Liam Wong twitter.com/liamwong
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wardcolm · 5 years
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wardcolm · 5 years
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for brittonie
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wardcolm · 5 years
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Some Shipping Dynamics from Twitter!
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