warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Arthur watched the other closely. He could tell that he was holding in something...A laugh? Perhaps. Something else? There was possibility. He continued to watch him closely, studying him with emerald eyes until the strangest thing came past his lips. 
"...Shut up"
Was the comment directed toward him? Or perhaps...no, this man was already insane. It wouldn't have phased him if the man was schizophrenic to add onto the mixture. He waited before he looked at that smirk that played its way across the monster's face. The way he did that was reminiscent of his step father. A flash of the man's sharp eyes crossed his mind, then the still form of his mother hanging from the ceiling of her room. 
"The only thing I want...is your ass dead"
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"Your words don't phase me, Heiwajima. Please refrain from threatening me. It won't end well."
The Monster in the Night //closed rp//
Arthur tried to remain unphased at the monster began to laugh. It wasn’t something he could really classify as a laugh from a normal human being, no. It was more proper to state that this laugh was one of a madman. He had seen his share of strange things, but this was completely different. He showed no fear when it looked him in the eyes, only a slight twitch of his brow in irritation at the nickname.
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"Eyebrows. brows, caterpillar face. Call me what you want, but remember that I am your Warden. Everything you want must be verified by me. That means visitations or otherwise. I don’t really like tough people, they actually piss me off really…Either way though…Welcome to Hell, Mister Heiwajima. I hope you enjoy your stay." 
Hr looked over to the soldiers as he stood there. This man was a strange one, but for some reason, despite his fear only moments ago, he was suddenly resolved once more. This man terrorized the peace. It was his job to protect that peace by detaining monsters like he.
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Arthur tried to remain unphased at the monster began to laugh. It wasn't something he could really classify as a laugh from a normal human being, no. It was more proper to state that this laugh was one of a madman. He had seen his share of strange things, but this was completely different. He showed no fear when it looked him in the eyes, only a slight twitch of his brow in irritation at the nickname.
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"Eyebrows. brows, caterpillar face. Call me what you want, but remember that I am your Warden. Everything you want must be verified by me. That means visitations or otherwise. I don't really like tough people, they actually piss me off really...Either way though...Welcome to Hell, Mister Heiwajima. I hope you enjoy your stay." 
Hr looked over to the soldiers as he stood there. This man was a strange one, but for some reason, despite his fear only moments ago, he was suddenly resolved once more. This man terrorized the peace. It was his job to protect that peace by detaining monsters like he.
The Monster in the Night //closed rp//
There was a dead silence in the middle of the night. No one but he and a few select guards knew about this transfer and the thought if it even coming to them sent chills down the warden’s spine. He stood up straight as the helicopter came in to the landing pad and four rather large looking, fully armed soldiers stepped out with another. This was the inmate transfer his boss had told him about.
His name was Heiwajima Shizuo. He was known as the strongest man in Ikebukuro, a man with power unmatched by others. It was said that he was the direct result of many people in the city vanishing, only piles of what could only be known as just that could be found of each victim. No one had ever found the one responsible, not until now. The place he was previously had one too many reports of the inmates attempting to kill the man, only to be either found dead, or horribly maimed.
Emerald eyes stared on for a moment. As far as he knew, they had to sedate the man with a bear tranquilizer before he came here. So he was suppose to be dazed and shouldn’t have been able to even think in a manner that should be considered human. As he was brought closer to the Warden, he remained, cold, heartless.
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"My name is Arthur Kirkland. I am your final Warden before you reach death row. You will remain in solitary where you will have the basic food and water. You will have no Yard or Floor time, and you will not have any interactions with the outside world until you get your final meal and prayers. Then it’s straight to the chair with you. If there are any problems obeying my laws, there will be hell to pay."
His voice was full of authority, something most of the other inmates did not enjoy. This was different though. Something about this man was not man at all, but monster. Something about him told him that he was a very high threat and that he wasn’t going to have long before he’d have to do something about him. 
He watched the rather heavy chains, handcuffs and shackles so large that a normal human could not have even been able to move, but this man was walking as if they weren’t even there.
It sent a chill up his spine. 
This man was known for the disappearance of so many people, mostly men and perhaps a few women and children if he were to bet. What he was getting, he deserved, and he was happy to be the one to deliver this swift kill. While the electric chair was of the past, lethal injection sounded interesting as well, even though he would have loved to see this man…no…this monster jerk about in his wake.
But something told the Brit that this was only the beginning, and that the next few nights were going to be Hell for all who stood in this thing’s way…
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
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"Oh trust me, I'm glad they transferred tonight and not by morning. Too much traffic and too dangerous for the inmates and myself. It was best to keep something like that under wraps. Whomever it was, they had chained down with shackles and handcuffs of the thick kind. The guy was no slimmer than me and he was walking around like there was nothing attached to him. Not to mention the fact that they had him sedated when they came...and with a bear tranquilizer to top it off. I'd rather you not have come to the prison with that monster coming there...it was for your own safety." At least he was being honest. he wouldn't live with himself if she'd gotten hurt...
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He laughed as he righted himself before they could fall too far. "Were you that worried about me? There was a last minute inmate transfer tonight, so I had to stay late to make sure everything went smoothly. Everything is okay now though, so we can relax for the evening."
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
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He laughed as he righted himself before they could fall too far. "Were you that worried about me? There was a last minute inmate transfer tonight, so I had to stay late to make sure everything went smoothly. Everything is okay now though, so we can relax for the evening."
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"…..He’s not home yet.. And I can’t connect to his phone, did he turn it off? It’s getting late.."
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
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He had to work late because of the transferred inmate. He’s very glad to be home, "Alice, I’m home. So sorry if you called me, I forgot my charger this morning and the blasted thing died."
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"…..He’s not home yet.. And I can’t connect to his phone, did he turn it off? It’s getting late.."
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
The Toy Maker's Song
"There was once a man who worked in a store in a tiny village on the far outskirts of Hereford. The store sold many toys for many children...
He once made a toy that sang to the children and put them to rest. Parents from all around began to buy the toy and place it in their children's rooms. The people of the village were very happy because troublesome children would sleep through the night and parents never had to worry about them waking in the middle of the night.
The people were so happy, visitors from out of town began to come to the store to purchase the same toy for their own children. As time went along, all the people of Hereford had this toy and the children would sleep all through the night. It made life easy for parents with unruly children and the sort.
No one minded the silence of the streets. It made adults happy in fact. Children would sleep for hours and begin losing track of the days. Sometimes they would ask their parents when they'd gone to bed, and they would simply reply with 'Only for a few hours' when days had actually gone by. The children began to sleep more and more until one day, something happened....
The children began to have horrible nightmares about a figure wearing a white mask, always watching, but never speaking. It was almost as if it was watching them without the need to touch them. 
Children soon tried to tell their parents about the strange doll, but they didn't listen, instead, they insisted that it was simply a dream and nothing more. They would send them back to their rooms with their toys and let them slumber for hours.
Days...weeks...months seemed to be slipping past the children's grasps...the only thing running in their heads being the sweet lullaby of the music box toy that they had. 
After so long, the children died one by one of unknown causes. No one understood the reasoning as to why their beloved children were dying. Confused and scared, they all began to go back to the toy maker's shop only to find it gone without a trace. When they asked the people of the village where he'd gone, hey were all confused. None of them understood what the people spoke of. 
"There was never a toy maker here. What do you speak of?"
"The toy maker! The Toy Maker lived here!" They shouted.
All of the village people soon became scared, escorting the people of Hereford out of their little village. To this day, they say that if you can still hear the song, that if you sleep, you will see the man in the white mask. If you continue to hear it, you will see him pull it off.
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I do wonder what is truly behind that mask it wears...though, the thought of hearing it's song...it's quite unnerving."
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
The Monster in the Night //closed rp//
There was a dead silence in the middle of the night. No one but he and a few select guards knew about this transfer and the thought if it even coming to them sent chills down the warden's spine. He stood up straight as the helicopter came in to the landing pad and four rather large looking, fully armed soldiers stepped out with another. This was the inmate transfer his boss had told him about.
His name was Heiwajima Shizuo. He was known as the strongest man in Ikebukuro, a man with power unmatched by others. It was said that he was the direct result of many people in the city vanishing, only piles of what could only be known as just that could be found of each victim. No one had ever found the one responsible, not until now. The place he was previously had one too many reports of the inmates attempting to kill the man, only to be either found dead, or horribly maimed.
Emerald eyes stared on for a moment. As far as he knew, they had to sedate the man with a bear tranquilizer before he came here. So he was suppose to be dazed and shouldn't have been able to even think in a manner that should be considered human. As he was brought closer to the Warden, he remained, cold, heartless.
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"My name is Arthur Kirkland. I am your final Warden before you reach death row. You will remain in solitary where you will have the basic food and water. You will have no Yard or Floor time, and you will not have any interactions with the outside world until you get your final meal and prayers. Then it's straight to the chair with you. If there are any problems obeying my laws, there will be hell to pay."
His voice was full of authority, something most of the other inmates did not enjoy. This was different though. Something about this man was not man at all, but monster. Something about him told him that he was a very high threat and that he wasn't going to have long before he'd have to do something about him. 
He watched the rather heavy chains, handcuffs and shackles so large that a normal human could not have even been able to move, but this man was walking as if they weren't even there.
It sent a chill up his spine. 
This man was known for the disappearance of so many people, mostly men and perhaps a few women and children if he were to bet. What he was getting, he deserved, and he was happy to be the one to deliver this swift kill. While the electric chair was of the past, lethal injection sounded interesting as well, even though he would have loved to see this man...no...this monster jerk about in his wake.
But something told the Brit that this was only the beginning, and that the next few nights were going to be Hell for all who stood in this thing's way...
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Arthur smiled again at her, though this time, it was weaker. He gave a nod before looking ahead at the unlit fire place. He had to think of where to start, where the pain truly started. He took a deep breath before he spoke.
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"When I was little...about five, I was taken to the Cemetery for the first time. It wasn't over an elder relative...no, it was over someone much younger. A man I looked up to since I was able to see. He was my father. He was gunned down during a shoot out in London. They called him a hero because he'd shielded a child from being shot at by some mad man with a gun. I remember it like it was almost a dream. One of the good ones that you want to keep re-living.
The moment those guns went off and my father was being placed in his grave, I became the man of the house. I was to protect my mother from harm and keep her happy. That's what father had always told me.from the moment I could understand him and repeat. He told me that one day I would become the man of the house. It may not have been over mother, but it would be over someone I loved and cherished. Now, that was the first tragic thing that happened to the Kirkland family. and it was one of the most painful for mother."
He took a moment to think of how to word the next portion of the conversation at hand. It was very important that Alice took this in. He supposed it was because he'd never told anyone his side of the story. Not even his Aunt. He took a deep breath and continued.
"This street, where the children run and play now, use to be my nightmare. I'd never told my mom, but I use to get bullied around a lot. The kids would tease me and pick on me about not having a father. The would laugh and push me around. I endured it because if I came in with tears in my eyes, my mother would be angry with the parents that let it happen. So I kept a smile on my face and played in my room, just at the top of those stairs." He pointed to the stair well across the way.
He waited again, to let the information sink in. He didn't want to be a motor mouth and just let it all out in one go.
The Memories//Closed RP with dontpullmycircutsplease
Arthur couldn’t stop the smile that formed across his lips as he watched her when she spoke. She made a very valid point, but the reason why she brought her here was just that…to tell her the story of his past and this house. When he thought about that, the smile faded almost as soon as it came. He touched her hand gently as she held onto his arm.
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"Do you know why I stayed at my Aunts when this home is just as comfortable to live in, Alice? There are rooms here that hold many memories, like any house would. My memories reside from the floor you walk on to the room I slept in. The reason I brought you here was to tell you my whole story. So you can know why I am the way I am, the reason I get so angry when the prisoners touch me…why I push so many people away when I honestly want nothing more than to be close to someone. I want to tell you all of it."
He knew he was going to kill her mood now with this conversation. So he decided to sit her down on the couch. This wasn’t the couch that was here before Alice came, no. This was new. The whole house had been refurnished..perhaps to ward away bad spirits or the sort? Arthur didn’t know but he smiled at her, “Will you listen to my story, Alice?”
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Arthur couldn't stop the smile that formed across his lips as he watched her when she spoke. She made a very valid point, but the reason why she brought her here was just that...to tell her the story of his past and this house. When he thought about that, the smile faded almost as soon as it came. He touched her hand gently as she held onto his arm.
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"Do you know why I stayed at my Aunts when this home is just as comfortable to live in, Alice? There are rooms here that hold many memories, like any house would. My memories reside from the floor you walk on to the room I slept in. The reason I brought you here was to tell you my whole story. So you can know why I am the way I am, the reason I get so angry when the prisoners touch me...why I push so many people away when I honestly want nothing more than to be close to someone. I want to tell you all of it."
He knew he was going to kill her mood now with this conversation. So he decided to sit her down on the couch. This wasn't the couch that was here before Alice came, no. This was new. The whole house had been refurnished..perhaps to ward away bad spirits or the sort? Arthur didn't know but he smiled at her, "Will you listen to my story, Alice?"
The Memories//Closed RP with dontpullmycircutsplease
Arthur would let her play with time. After all, he wanted her to know everything about him before he would. That may be a mood dropper for her after, but since they would be together like this forever, he thought that it would be a good thing. The adults that watched them entered the house seemed to hold bittersweet looks. Some with sympathy, anger, other’s with just plain sadness. Arthur shrugged off all of their stares. He had no need for sympathy or sadness.
When they entered the home, it looked as if it had already been set up for Christmas. He could only assume that his Aunt was the one who fixed it up, knowing that he would come home as he did every year after the holiday dinner was done.
When she mentioned how happy he was as a child he sighed as he took off his scarf and hung it on the coat rack along with the said article before carefully taking Alice’s as well. This gave him time to think of an answer that wouldn’t kill her mood.
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"Yes, well, my memories were actually as bitter as grand mum’s peanut brittle. It was quite an interesting way to grow up one could say" He’d admitted. He really didn’t want to bring her down with sad stories…
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Arthur would let her play with time. After all, he wanted her to know everything about him before he would. That may be a mood dropper for her after, but since they would be together like this forever, he thought that it would be a good thing. The adults that watched them entered the house seemed to hold bittersweet looks. Some with sympathy, anger, other's with just plain sadness. Arthur shrugged off all of their stares. He had no need for sympathy or sadness.
When they entered the home, it looked as if it had already been set up for Christmas. He could only assume that his Aunt was the one who fixed it up, knowing that he would come home as he did every year after the holiday dinner was done.
When she mentioned how happy he was as a child he sighed as he took off his scarf and hung it on the coat rack along with the said article before carefully taking Alice's as well. This gave him time to think of an answer that wouldn't kill her mood.
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"Yes, well, my memories were actually as bitter as grand mum's peanut brittle. It was quite an interesting way to grow up one could say" He'd admitted. He really didn't want to bring her down with sad stories...
The Memories//Closed RP with dontpullmycircutsplease
Arthur had given Alice the best gift he could possibly give to Alice, the ability to physically be at his side for her eternity. He was so happy to see her take her first steps in the mechanical body and was happy when she got the hang of basic walking and the normal gestures, such as hugging and jumping. He found it…cute. Something he didn’t say enough to her. He decided that he would take her around the town so she could see the world that he lived in for so long before coming to the states. 
They were walking down the small neighborhood where the kids were running around and playing with new toys and the sort. The people in this small neighborhood brought back memories. It was amazing to see that even some of the kids from his childhood moved back to the dead end neighborhood, but he supposed that people went where they were most comfortable. He turned to a gated home where ‘Kirkland’ was painted neatly on the mailbox.
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He looked at it for a moment, touching the side of it before making his way inside. “Welcome to my home, Alice. This is where I grew up til I was about seven. Where we were before now was where I grew up after.” he turned to take the key out of his pocket and open the door, opening it for her to enter first. “Please, come in.”
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
The Memories//Closed RP with dontpullmycircutsplease
Arthur had given Alice the best gift he could possibly give to Alice, the ability to physically be at his side for her eternity. He was so happy to see her take her first steps in the mechanical body and was happy when she got the hang of basic walking and the normal gestures, such as hugging and jumping. He found it...cute. Something he didn't say enough to her. He decided that he would take her around the town so she could see the world that he lived in for so long before coming to the states. 
They were walking down the small neighborhood where the kids were running around and playing with new toys and the sort. The people in this small neighborhood brought back memories. It was amazing to see that even some of the kids from his childhood moved back to the dead end neighborhood, but he supposed that people went where they were most comfortable. He turned to a gated home where 'Kirkland' was painted neatly on the mailbox.
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He looked at it for a moment, touching the side of it before making his way inside. "Welcome to my home, Alice. This is where I grew up til I was about seven. Where we were before now was where I grew up after." he turned to take the key out of his pocket and open the door, opening it for her to enter first. "Please, come in."
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Christmas Memories: Prologue: The Estrangement
Rating: M for suicide, gore, cursing, and child abuse
Summary: Arthur returns to his home in Hereford and takes a walk down memory lane, particularly, his old place of residence. There are still memories in this place, and they haunt him to this very day.
Author's Notes: Inspired by To This Day by Shane Koyczan, this is something I've been itching to write for the holiday season. It's the back story behind Warden!Arthur's cold exterior and his usual facade.This will be posted in parts, but I don't know how many there will be. Wish me luck in my sad depressive writing. It might keep my mind off the angst to come this holiday season.
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He didn't know why they'd bought the old house or why they even kept it so neat. There was no point. No one lived there anymore save for the ghosts. It was the bane of every neighbor's existence, warning children to stay away and never go inside, or even think about it. Others said it was haunted with the spirit of Mrs. Kirkland, a widowed woman with a small child and an empty heart. Arthur knew different though...he knew...
I’m not the only kid Who grew up this way, Surrounded by people who used to say That rhyme about sticks and stones, As if broken bones Hurt more than the names we got called, And we got called them all. So we grew up believing no one Would ever fall in love with us. That we’d be lonely forever, That we’d never meet someone To make us feel like the sun Was something they built for us In their tool shed. So broken heart strings bled the blues As we tried to empty ourselves So we would feel nothing. Don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone, That an ingrown life Is something surgeons can cut away, That there’s no way for it to metastasize. It does
--Shane Koyczan, To This Day
Arthur grew up in a broken home, one part tragedy, and two parts depression. It was never his fault, but he took everything, if only to see her smiling face that he'd long since forgotten after so many years of seeing her cry. He looked at every bruise as a trophy that he could never show to anyone. He was his mother's hero, and that was enough for him.
He hid them away with turtlenecks and button up shirts with ties and sweater vests. He gave people fake smiles even though he was truly crying on the inside for help. There was nothing he could have done better than fake it. It was something he had been doing long before this man invaded his happiness. He was his mother's hero, that was enough for him.
He ate dinner with them like a normal child would, smile accordingly when asked about his day, and laugh at all the right moments. No one could tell he was hurting, his act was just that good, and it was enough to fool even his mother who had known all of his little quirks and habits. To her, everything was fine, and that was exactly how Arthur had wanted to keep it. 
It wasn't until his mother came home early from work one day that she was met with the tragic realization that her hero had a villain that was much more powerful than he. A villain that spent everyday knocking him around like he was nothing. Every time his body hit the floor, he got back up, stronger than before. Every time he made a nose, large hands would wrap around his small neck, but his emerald eyes stayed vigilant, showing that man every means of defiance that he could muster.
His mother broke the tragic scene up, tears in her eyes, not once, but several times after that before she finally gave up. She called the police to escort the man out of their home, but before they showed up, he had run off into the black of the night, leaving a broken boy with his mother to complete the set. After that night Arthur realized something very important...
...He was never his mother's hero, just a dumb child wanting to live a false dream of happiness once more...
It was the first time in his life that he'd realized that he was just an irregular boy with irregular problems unlike other children. Regular children were worried about girls and cooties at his age. Finding worms, and scaring girls. Arthur was not like that at all. He was an antisocial child with no real friends to call his own, hiding inside during the school play time to read in the library or help the teacher with things in the classroom. He didn't like being out there where the animals played.
It scared him...but what scared him more were the weeks to follow when his mother said she had some things to work out and sent him off to his aunts for the Christmas holiday...
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
for those of you who havent seen this, watch it. I teared up ngl. 
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Holiday baking {Open}
For once, the grouchy Warden was actually in a very good mood, preparing cookies for the holidays was one thing he enjoyed. With Christmas so close, he thought it was time to get some baking done. Next to his combative skills in the Facility, Arthur was also quite good in the kitchen. He smiled as he began to prepare everything for baking. 
The smell of Cake, cookies, brownies, and many other delicious treats wafted around his home kitchen.
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Home for the Holidays
Kirkland Residence--Hereford, London
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Arthur was trying to get settled into his old room at his aunts house. It had hardly changed, save for the size of his bed and the lack of posters around the walls. He didn't like it. He actually missed his old posters and fished them out of the closet where the rest of his old stuff was stored. 
He got some tape and started hanging his posters around the room. The Beetles, Happy Mondays, The Buzzcocks...they filled his room within the hour. Satisfied with the change of things, he gave a content sigh and laid back on the bed.
"Alice, what are you up to I wonder." 
He fished his laptop out of it's bag and flipped the screen open.
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
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Arthur is Bi-sexual. He has been with men and women in his time before Alice's arrival. He has since stopped, but is often contacted by past lovers. He sometimes goes out on dates with them to catch up, but it never goes any farther than just catching up with an old lover.
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warden-kirkland-blog · 11 years
Protect and Busted
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"No matter what happens…I made a promise to protect you."
Arthur grunted as he was thrown against the wall, coughing up blood as he fell to the ground. He was certainly outmatched in this situation, the jailbreak far too large in scale for him to handle on his own. If only he hadn’t lost sight of those two trouble makers during the madness…Alice wouldn’t be in danger like this. He was standing in front of the closet that held her vital mainframe and the gift that he had saved so much for.
Blond locks were stuck to his skin and he wasn’t in the mood for any fights, but now that he had no choice, he raised his fists. He’d learned a few things in this place, and that was southpaw fighting from his close friend/enemy, Alfred.
He did his best to protect the one he loved, that’s how Alfred explained it anyway. His eyes were cold. He would never remember any of it though…He was pretty bad off to begin with. 
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The warden would never admit his love for romance novels to Alice, but she had a pretty general idea as to the things he did read. He was sitting at his usual spot in his office, reading a book titled “How To Avoid Work" He didn't seem to be phased much, but Alice could note the strange behaviors of the warden easily.
His breaths were somewhat labored and his eyes were dilated. He was interested in everything he was reading, even though he actually liked his job....whatever it was, wasn't what it was suppose to be. His cheeks flushed a slight pink color as he stiffed a small moan behind his hand. This was the most obvious moment that he was certainly reading something he shouldn't be.
Alice zoomed in, trying to read what he was reading, but when she couldn't get close enough, she decided to record his reactions. It was then that emerald eyes looked up at the camera, his blush darkening.
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"Alice, how long have you been watching me?"
"Not long, Arthur."
After that day, Arthur never read his pornographic novels in the office again...
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