warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Harry barely had his mouth open before the other man was speaking. “I was actually just going to ask why the fuck does everyone think they can just walk in my office, but sure. That works, too.” He rolled his eyes and shut the door behind Draco. “Can I have a few minutes to wrap this up,” Harry gestured towards the files on his desk. “Or are we on a schedule, Your Grace?”
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“I suppose I might permit you to finish what you’re doing.” Draco replied, rolling his eyes and plopping down in the chair opposite Harry’s desk, one leg draped over the arm of the chair. “Though, I know it is a great grievance to tear yourself away from my attentions.” He added, his voice haughty though his eyes held a joking gleam. “What are you working on, anyway? Since I was... retired... things are dreadfully dull.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Draco knocked on the door of Harry’s office but didn’t wait for a reply before letting himself in. “Yes, hi, how’s the family? Great to see you. Astoria and the kids are fine,” He said as he breezed in, waving his hand before getting to the point. “I’m in need of pizza. From that muggle place you like. I think you should order it and hang out with me. I think we need beer, too.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Hermione watched the other as he spoke fervently; it was obvious enough that Draco felt strongly about this and she had a feeling that he wasn’t going to back down easily. That, she knew, hadn’t changed much either and probably never would. Despite her best attempt to hide it, a visible expression of shock appeared on her face as the apology left his lips, her brow furrowing as he relayed the details from his time in prison. The two might not have had the best history, but Hermione didn’t want to see him continue to suffer for other people’s actions. 
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“Well,” she blinked a few times, taking in a deep breath as she mulled over Draco’s proposal. Hermione gave him a warm smile before continuing, “You seem to have really thought this through, haven’t you?” Truth be told, so had she. Being the Minister was honestly something Hermione had dreamed about since she realized how incompetent their leaders were when she was a child, but was the timing right? “I just worry that that would be too much too soon, Draco,” she let out a sigh. “Like I said, I don’t disagree with you in the slightest,” which, now, was weird for her to say, “but the Ministry has already been through the wringer this year; is it smart to cause more chaos when the people already have so little faith in their government?”
“Hermione, I had a year to think this through. It was one of the only things that kept me sane in there.” Draco nodded. “I know, it will take some time, but it’s something that needs to be done. I agree... that it isn’t wise to... topple the ship? I know I’ve butchered that saying but don’t you dare mention it to Potter - He’ll never let me live it down.” He scowled. “As I was saying, you’re correct that we don’t want to do too much, too soon. I’m sure it’s not something we can do overnight. However, if we work on it in the background slowly and carefully, they won’t know what hit them when we’re ready.” He sat back in the chair opposite her desk. “Where would you propose we start?”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Harry shrugged. “Well, it’s not like I could always help it, in my defense.” He helped himself to another drink from a passing server and looked at the other man. “You could have said no.” He followed his gaze to where she was. “She probably just wanted you to feel somewhat normal again after everything.”
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“No, I’ll give you that.” Draco replied, “Trouble always found you.” He huffed a laugh. “No, I really couldn’t. Tori never could take no for an answer. I wouldn’t have gone to half of the social events I went to after the war, if it weren’t for her and Mother.” He smiled as he watched her brush her hand along Willowby’s arm. “It’s nice to see her looking so young and happy. Things haven’t been easy on her. Even in the early days of our marriage, things never seemed as... right... as other couples.” He shook his head and joked. “You should go into therapy, it’s easier to talk to you than my mind healer. Never mind. Other than the fear of detention, how are you?”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
“I’ll admit, there’s no Christmas like a Hogwarts Christmas.” Draco mused as he looked around at the grand decorations, tastefully placed outside. “Cigarette?”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Harry picked up another drink from one of the servers passing by and looked around the Great Hall, partially regretting leaving the tree lightning in favor of coming to the castle. “I suddenly feel like I’m about to get detention or something.”
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“You always were getting into trouble, Potter, unlike myself.” Draco smirked, getting up from where he sat. He hated coming back here. “I don’t know why I let Astoria talk me into coming.” Looking around for his ex-wife, he found her flirting with one of her old classmates. “At least one of us still has it.” He chuckled. 
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
“Well, if the curse mimicked muggle cancer, then maybe should look beyond a pissed off Death Eater. We only became aware of the anti pure-blood group a few years ago, but maybe they’ve been around longer. Make sense for them to be upset with you or your family for things that happened in the war and curse a pure-blood with a muggle-like illness.”
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“Merlin, when you really think about it, a lot of people hate my family, don’t they.” It wasn’t really a question. He rubbed his eyes. “Back to researching then.” He sighed, picking up the books that he’d already searched through and returning them back to the stacks. It helped to put them away manually. Selecting the next few tomes, he made his way back to his desk. 
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Draco sat in his office chair, fingers interwoven as his hands rested on his desk. Opposite him sat his daughter’s boyfriend. He’d spent the weekend at his apartment in London, wanting to get away from everyone, and yet Alpheus had found him anyway. To make matters worse, they were now snowed in. He stared across the wooden desk at the younger man, not betraying what he was thinking or feeling, his face like marble. Finally, he stood, and walked toward the window, looking out on the blizzard raging outside. “Do you drink, Alpheus?” He asked, turning back to look at the man. 
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Lily couldn’t help but to squeal in excitement before taking a breath and calming herself. “Alright, so are we going for fun- to be Miss. Parkinson’s wingman or what? Because that will affect the outfit.” She asked, already beginning to look through the clothes. 
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Draco couldn’t help but smile when she produced an excited squeal, but it quickly turned into a grimace at her question. “Actually, no,” He said carefully. “She’ll be my wingman - or woman I suppose. Person? Wingperson.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Draco stepped into the coffee shop and looked around for his son. It looked like he hadn’t yet arrived, so he made his way to the front counter to order something for himself and an iced coffee for Scorpius. He shook his head and chuckled to himself at his son’s choice of drink as he made his way over to an empty table. He’d just started the sudoku in the muggle news paper when the bell chimed to signal someone entering the store. “About time, son.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
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Christmas symbols under cut
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
“Good. i was scared we would have to camp outside of the manor to get you to come back,” Marcie smiled. She had no idea what she’d do if he didn’t want to come back, as the only thing keeping her at her job was how hard she worked to get where she currently was. “I know and I love her for that,” Marcie shook her head with a grin. “i just really want to make it to my 30th birthday,” she teased. 
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“Trust me, Marcelina,” Draco replied, his voice solemn. “If I could have gone straight from Azkaban back to work, I would have. I don’t like the idea of that man people there with you all, anymore than the next person. I hope you understand. If he or anyone close to him bothers you, please go straight to Potter. Don’t stop to talk to anyone and make sure you get to Potter. The Ministry’s been compromised and I don’t trust many people there as far as I can throw them.” It took him a moment to climb out of the dark place he’d lowered himself. “Sorry.” But then she mentioned wanting to make it to her 30th birthday, even in jest, and he was back in that dark place. “I want that, too. I’m sorry Marcelina, I suddenly feel very tired...”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Luna looked over at him, staring at him unwavering. “I think you understand more than you realize.” The woman said simply. She turned to face the garden, walking over to inspect one of the plants. In July during the Christmas party she would be sure to come out for a walk with Neville. He would absolutely adore it. “Neville helped me get through a lot of it- he could understand a bit after everything that happened at school. I’ll have him come with me the next time. I’m sure he’ll like to see too.” She smiled gently at him. “Perhaps I can get rid of the lingering wrackspurts then too.” 
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He simply nodded, glad that they’d cleared the air slightly, though he knew that he hadn’t fixed anything nor had he made up for what had happened. “It’s great that the two of you have each other. Perhaps we can make a night of it. We could invite a few of our old school... friends?” He wasn’t sure how to refer to the people he went to school with. “Astoria, Pansy, perhaps the Potters and Weasleys. The music room is just up the way, it looks out on to the gardens, so no one would even have to apparate to the front of the house, or even enter from that way. They’d apparate to the garden here, we’d eat on the terrace sojourn to the music room for after dinner drinks.”
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“Er, well I’m not sure what wrackspurts are, but if you think there are any in the manor, you’re welcome to get rid of them. I’d definitely appreciate it.” At least he thought he should.
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
Lily shrugged nonchalantly, knowing that she had good taste. She’d put quite a bit of thought into the outfits she’d chosen for him so he’d better say that they were nice. “Clubbing?!” She said rather excitedly. “Oh I could definitely figure something out- are you going this weekend?” 
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Oh God, what had he got himself into. He rubbed his temple. “That’s correct.” He quirked his brow at her excitement. “Friday night.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
“Thank you, I am aware.” Draco replied evenly, determined not to cause another argument. “I said they were similar to Astoria’s curse. I wouldn’t have brought them up if they didn’t make the switch sick. Both times the witches were cursed while they were pregnant, and both times the sickness lay dormant for years before the cursed witch got sick very rapidly. However, the sicknesses that resulted were different in all three cases. The first was a sleeping sickness where she slept for longer and longer until she never woke and her heart stopped. The second would not stop bleeding no matter how that bleeding started.” he paused for a moment, grateful that Astoria hadn’t been cursed with this curse, and tried to get out the rest of his thoughts. “As you know, Astoria’s was more like a muggle cancer. She was wasting away. As I said, the cases were similar, but neither mention what they had been cursed with. They’re basically a history lesson. However I’ve made notes in case something else comes up.”
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There was no point in arguing. Potter clearly wanted to have the last work, and Draco was just exhausted. Nodding, Draco gestured further down the section. “I’ll start down here.” He replied, attempting to keep his tone civil. Before long he had a few times referencing something similar. He piled them up, open at the pages where they were mentioned and carried them to the back of restricted section where there was a bench and some stool. Pulling some parchment and a self inking quill out of his satchel, Draco got to work taking notes. He worked in silence, making notes of any cases or curses that sounded similar. Nothing he found mentioned it by name or how to cast the curse, but there were a couple instances of something similar in two of the books. “This one mentions witches being cursed with something similar back in the late 1400s,” He finally said to Potter, “But this one mentions something similar happening in the 30s.”
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Originally posted by loveexpelrevolt
Harry didn’t say anything further when Malfoy left to go look on the opposite side. He flicked his and and levitated a selection of books to a desk, settling there to scan through them. Harry had half a mind to call Hermione because research in books had never been his strongest area, but a few moments later, he heard the other man speak up. “Does anything sound specific to Astoria, though? Because her curse made her sick. A lot of these cause the cursed to turn into some kind of creature or animal.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
There was no point in arguing. Potter clearly wanted to have the last work, and Draco was just exhausted. Nodding, Draco gestured further down the section. “I’ll start down here.” He replied, attempting to keep his tone civil. Before long he had a few times referencing something similar. He piled them up, open at the pages where they were mentioned and carried them to the back of restricted section where there was a bench and some stool. Pulling some parchment and a self inking quill out of his satchel, Draco got to work taking notes. He worked in silence, making notes of any cases or curses that sounded similar. Nothing he found mentioned it by name or how to cast the curse, but there were a couple instances of something similar in two of the books. “This one mentions witches being cursed with something similar back in the late 1400s,” He finally said to Potter, “But this one mentions something similar happening in the 30s.”
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“I told you I hadn’t planned for him to still be here. Fuck. I’m sorry for sleeping in. I’m sorry he didn’t have any fucking boundaries. I’d also just taken a hangover…” He was being pathetic. Grown arse man, begging, trying to explain himself. Nothing he had to say was going to make it any better. He’d fucked up and now he had to live with it. He’d always had a problem letting Potter get under his skin, even before he’d developed feelings for him. “Point taken, Potter. I’ll try harder. Like I said: it won’t happen again.” Stepping through the floor on the other side. Draco simply nodded to McGonagall and kept his head down as he made his way through the office. He didn’t stop for anything, making his way through to the Library. He barely acknowledged the librarian as he moved through to the restricted section and began searching for books.
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“You don’t have to explain yourself. You just don’t really have a right to bitch at me when all i did was show up like I was supposed to.” Harry dropped it when they stepped in McGonagall’s office, knowing she’d expect them to be arguing - and he did pride himself in growing up some since school, after all. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes when all Malfoy did was nod at their former professor. Instead, Harry put on his typical, charming smile. “Professor. It’s good to see you again.” He thanked the headmistress for letting them in the library and the second he was back with Malfoy, that smile was gone. “Let’s just get this over with, yeah?” Harry illuminated his wand to help give them extra light. He almost hated how he knew his way around the Restricted Section as well as he did. “Dark curses are that way. I’ll start with these.”
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warlockmalfoy · 4 years
“I’m sorry, I started it?” Harry looked at him. “I came and knocked on your door, like I was supposed to, to find you hungover as fuck with some guy hanging over you looking completely unprepared to go with me for something you planned and asked me to do.” He rolled his eyes and followed him to the fireplace. “I’m really sorry for what happened to you in Azkaban, okay? I can’t imagine. But whatever earth-shattering revelations you had while you were in there, I can’t be dragged into. And with all due respect, Malfoy. If you wanted to make me feel less uncomfortable, what happened the other night wouldn’t have happened. So you might want to try a little harder on your end,” Harry added as he followed him through.
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“I told you I hadn’t planned for him to still be here. Fuck. I’m sorry for sleeping in. I’m sorry he didn’t have any fucking boundaries. I’d also just taken a hangover...” He was being pathetic. Grown arse man, begging, trying to explain himself. Nothing he had to say was going to make it any better. He’d fucked up and now he had to live with it. He’d always had a problem letting Potter get under his skin, even before he’d developed feelings for him. “Point taken, Potter. I’ll try harder. Like I said: it won’t happen again.” Stepping through the floor on the other side. Draco simply nodded to McGonagall and kept his head down as he made his way through the office. He didn’t stop for anything, making his way through to the Library. He barely acknowledged the librarian as he moved through to the restricted section and began searching for books.
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