warmachinestan · 5 years
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So… someone asked me to draw that “meme” with Rhodey XDDD DUDE I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT’S ACTUALLY REAL
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warmachinestan · 5 years
rhodey: *wipes out a bunch of hydra agents*
tony: *swoops in*
tony: wow looks like they all became…
rhodey: tony no
tony: …rhodekill
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warmachinestan · 5 years
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[image description: Baby versions of Harley, Lila, and Peter are crawling atop sleepy Rhodey and Tony.]
I found a baby-drawing tutorial and got overzealous. I missed my Sciencelings~
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warmachinestan · 5 years
there's been a lot of ironhusband love on my dash today so,, cute lil headcanon to brighten your day: Rhodey is Mochi's favourite person for cuddles and games and Tony is a bit sad about it, so Rhodey takes him to the shelter and they pick up two adorable kitties as playmates for Mochi. The fluffballs and Tony are so inseparable, they even sit in the sink when he showers
(Mochi the kitty from here)
To be honest, Tony was pretty upset that Mochi started following Rhodey around and cuddling up to him after her leg was all healed. It was a complete 180 from how she acted when they first brought her home, and Tony’s willing to admit that he’s super jealous of all the kitty cuddles Rhodey’s getting now. Tony was the one who found her and stayed with her while the vet fixed her up. Sure, Rhodey named her and went out into the oncoming blizzard to get all the new pet supplies they needed, but Tony was the one who bathed her in love and affection the minute he laid eyes on her. He was the one who carried her to the vet, who held her in his arms and kept her warm during the car ride home. He practically slept on the floor next to her, that first night, although “sleep” was more of a concept and less of an actual function at that point.
Mochi loves Tony, he knows. While her leg was still healing, she was always gently headbutting him and nuzzling into him when he was on the couch watching a movie or tapping away on his tablet. She’d fallen asleep on his chest more times than he could count, and he has the selfies to prove it.
So he just doesn’t understand why she doesn’t seem to like hanging out with him anymore.
Because Rhodey is attentive and caring as hell, he notices pretty quickly how Tony’s smile starts to falter whenever Mochi picks herself up from where she was originally sitting with him to go plop into Rhodey’s lap instead. So one morning, after breakfast, he suggests going to the local shelter.
“I just figured maybe we can adopt another cat, so Mochi can have a playmate when we’re not around,” Rhodey tells Tony. He doesn’t want to make it obvious that he’s doing this more for Tony’s sake than Mochi’s.
At the shelter, Tony immediately falls in love with every single cat he meets. It’s hard for him to choose which one to bring home with them because they’re all just perfect.
The volunteer at the shelter brings Tony and Rhodey around, introducing them to all the animals in their care. They come across a pile of black kittens that have fallen asleep together, and she tells them, “We get a lot of black cats. A lot of people tend to care more about their superstitions than their pets…so here they are.”
As Tony crouches down to get a better look at them, one pair of eyes in a sea of black blinks open and stares right at him. The kitten wriggles its way out of the pile and pads up to Tony, meowing softly.
“This one. I’ll take this little cutie right here,” Tony tells the volunteer.
Tony follows the volunteer to the office so she can get the adoption forms ready for them, and right before she closes the door, another, slightly older, grey tabby cat slips in with them.
“He’s been following us around since we got here,” Rhodey says, amused. He glances at Tony, who already has all his attention focused on the cat. “I think he likes you.”
“Let’s take him home with us too. Is that okay?” Tony asks.
“Of course.”
This time, Tony’s the one to come up with their names. The tiny black cat is Susu (short for Susuwatari because she looks like a giant ball of soot and Tony is forever a Ghibli nerd) and the tabby, Jonathan (because human names for animals are fucking hilarious). Rhodey and Tony get their name tags engraved immediately.
The new kittens love Tony. They definitely love him more than they love Rhodey. They follow Tony around, climb up to the counter while he makes his coffee, sit in the sink when he takes a shower, and curl up next to him when he lounges on the couch.
And if this prompts Mochi to leave her post next to Rhodey and join her new friends and climb onto Tony’s lap with them? Well. Rhodey can’t bring himself to mind when it gets Tony to smile so much.
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warmachinestan · 5 years
rhodey and sam have more worth than just being tony and steve’s therapists send fucking tweet
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warmachinestan · 5 years
Rhodey: *exists*
me, you, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker:
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warmachinestan · 5 years
Rhodey was meant to be the new captain america in IM3.
The name iron patriot was probably chosen before avengers. Before anyone knew steve was alive. They could’ve chosen another name or kept the gray color but instead chose to make him a(nother) walking flag.
Rhodey lived up to the legacy of captain america. Not steve but cap, the idealistic version that was built up over time.
Can you imagine being so iconic?
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warmachinestan · 5 years
Genderswap WarWinter
Jamie "Teddy" Rhodes didn't know what to expect when she heard from her idiot genius friend that he picked up another stray.
She did know that if they were anything like the other strays he had picked up. She wasn't gonna be so nice.
So here she was in front of the Avengers Compound. She was going to give the shovel talk then drag Tony out for smoothies.
Well that was the plan.
One thing threw her plans off. All the was off.
Jasmine "Bambi" Barnes.
"Teddy!" Tony calls happily before hugging his friend/sister. Jamie ruffles his hair.
"Sup Tones." Jamie smiles at him. Tony grins and leads her to the living room.
"Lieutenant Colonel." Steve greets. Jamie looks around the room.
"Colonel actually, Captain." Jamie cross her arms before spotting an unfamiliar person.
"Right, right. Colonel." Steve quickly replies.
"Teddy! This is Jasmine Barnes." Tony introduces pulling her over to the other girl. Jamie stares as Jasmine's eyes meet hers.
"Hey I'm Teddy- I mean Colonel Jamie Rhodes. Pleasure to meet you!" She holds out her hand. Jasmine quickly reacts by throwing Jamie over her shoulder.
"Bambi!" Two very different people shouted. Jamie stares up at Jasmine in a daze. She grins.
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warmachinestan · 5 years
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
Gimme a War Machine Movie
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warmachinestan · 5 years
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warmachinestan · 5 years
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Iron Man 3 (2013) dir. Shane Black
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warmachinestan · 5 years
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Captain Marvel v9 #6 - “Lonely at the Top” (2016) pencil & ink by Kris Anka color by Matthew Wilson
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warmachinestan · 5 years
ok but like,,, ironshieldmachine guys!!! imagine steve and tony and rhodey dating??? absolutely amazing
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warmachinestan · 5 years
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“This is crazy! I just saw you twelve hours ago, but now your outfit, your hair…”
“Our lives are weird.”
“Yeah, everything’s different.” 
“Not everything.”
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warmachinestan · 5 years
Insanity with Tony/Rhodey please
Rhodey feels lucky a lot. He really does, it’s true. He always teases Tony about him getting the best catch in the world. But really, it’s the other way around. 
When Tony rushes into their room, straight onto Rhodey’s bed to tell him about the “super cool awesome amazing discount” he got at their favorite coffee shop on-campus. 
Tony will stay up all night to help Rhodey cram for his human ecology exam that he put off because try as he might, he will never have good study habits. 
It’s kind of insane that Tony actually loves him. Like tells him and hugs him and everything. Puts up with Rhodey blasting really bad songs and repeating things sometimes. 
When it’s Thanksgiving break and Rhodey brings Tony to family dinner, and Tony manages to get Rhodey’s most-finicky Aunt Geraldine to like him, it’s when he knows it’s insanity for Tony to love him. 
But he grins at him as Tony gets the ugliest sweater known to man from his grandmother and proudly declares that he’s wearing it all the time at MIT because they keep the engineering hall so cold. 
They’re at night, Rhodey grinning at his boyfriend. 
“I hope you know you’re forever,” Rhodey says. “You really are.” 
“You’re my forever too,” Tony says, soft smile on his face. “And it’s not just because your family gives me ugly sweaters.” 
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warmachinestan · 5 years
rhodey is the only one in any marvel movie to have more than one brain cell 
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warmachinestan · 5 years
ill stay fighting for rhodey rights
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