wayfaringlegends · 6 months
when two people have been tragically separated for ages, for years, maybe even thinking the other is dead, and they suddenly- accidentally - end up in the same place and they see each other and maybe first think they're dreaming but then they realize it's not a dream and they scramble to get to each other as fast as they can and nearly knock each other over as they crash into each other desperate to hold the other again after so long
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wayfaringlegends · 11 months
Poke-moves Meme - Raphael
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🍞[ NORMAL ] Cut. The target is cut with a scythe, a claw, or the like to inflict damage.
🥊[ FIGHTING ] Coaching. The user properly coaches its ally Pokémon, boosting their Attack and Defense stats.
🦢 [ FLYING ] Aerial Ace. The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. This attack never misses.
🧪[ POISON ] Purify. The user cures the target's status condition. If the move succeeds, it also restores the user's own HP.
⛰️[ GROUND ] Sand Attack. Sand is hurled in the target's face, lowering the target's accuracy.
💎[ ROCK ] Wide Guard. The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn.
🐞[ BUG ] Fury Cutter. The user attacks by slashing the target with scythes, claws, or the like. This attack becomes more powerful if it hits in succession.
👻[ GHOST ] Last Respects. The user attacks to avenge its allies. The more defeated allies there are in the user's party, the greater the move's power.
🔪[ STEEL ] Metal Burst. The user retaliates with much greater force against the opponent that last inflicted damage on it.
🔥[ FIRE ] Bitter Blade. The user focuses its bitter feelings toward the world of the living into a slashing attack. The user's HP is restored by up to half the damage taken by the target.
🌊[ WATER ] Razor Shell. The user cuts the target with sharp shells to inflict damage. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
🌿[ GRASS ] Solar Blade. The user gathers light on the first turn, then fills a blade with the light's energy and attacks on the next turn.
⚡[ ELECTRIC ] Thunder Wave. The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
🔮[ PSYCHIC ] Psycho Cut. The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.
🧊[ ICE ] Ice Shard. The user flash-freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.
🐉[ DRAGON ] Dual Chop. The user attacks its target by hitting it with brutal strikes. The target is hit twice in a row.
💀[ DARK ] Ceaseless Blade. The user slashes its shell blade at the target, aiming to land a critical hit. Shell splinters left behind by this attack remain scattered under the target as spikes.
🌸[ FAIRY ] Spirit Break. The user attacks the target with so much force that it could break the target's spirit. This also lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
Tagging: @dragonskxn, @diamantrosedekalos
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wayfaringlegends · 2 years
Girl knight looking for a Lady to serve. Experienced in monster slaying. Happy to be an extension of your will in exchange for but a fleeting moment of your lips against mine.
Willing to spar with my shirt off.
Blade length 34", if it matters.
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
What was she even supposed to get Maria at this point? What were they anymore? It was Pascale's fault for avoiding the question (although her work dragging her off to other regions didn't help).
She didn't dare risk alcohol again.
She got home late Christmas evening. Exhausted, and not wanting to wake Maria, she simply left her gifts on the kitchen table: toffee, and a new set of silk pajamas (nothing too suggestive, of course) with little Arons in the pattern.
Maria was in the habit of waking up with the sun, which meant even though she woke up at half past 8, it was late for her.
She wandered out of the bedroom Pascale was lending her (which she still felt awkward about having) and wandered into the room, looking for coffee.
Of all the creations since her time, coffee had to be the one Maria could no longer live without. She didn't even notice the presents until she nearly tripped over the box of toffees.
It took Maria a few moments to connect the dots and realise this was one of the newer modern traditions, what was a winter solstice festival in her time had become a gift-giving celebration in modern times. (A huge oversimplification, but it's how Maria understood it).
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"Oh, I-I see..." She mumbled to herself, feeling more than a little guilty she didn't have anything prepared herself. Then again, Maria was not exactly flash with money, nor did she have a reliable, consistent method of making money, seeing how her sole talent of swordsmanship was outdated in modern times (and modern military organisations would ask too many questions). Nontheless, Maria felt a ping of guilt as she felt the silk clothing between her fingers -a luxury she could only dream of back home- and...
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"... ... What the...?" She mumbled as she pinched a toffee in her hand. Seeing how they didn't exist 200 years ago, Maria was very confused.
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
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“Look, here’s the basic truth. There is no inherent meaning or purpose in life, the universe or anything. We gotta decide for ourselves what has meaning and is worth dedicating our fleeting moments to...
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So give me back that controller kid, I’m still working on my high score.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
Were it any other time and any other topic she might have been able to savor it, but as things were it would have been a challenge. It didn’t help that she just knew Crow wasn’t going to be pleased with how she handled things.
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“Maybe not a fight, per se, but…a confrontation. I did…several stupid things, chief among them being I tried to avoid the subject. And Maria got upset, and I sort of panicked under the pressure.”
Crow folded her arms and leaned against the nearby wall. She couldn’t claim to be an expert on people, given how little she had experienced in both friendship and romance, but a part of her expected better from both Pascale and Maria.
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“So from what I pieced together from Maria, you had a few drinks, kissed her, had a guilt trip, hid in your room. Then Maria tried to talk things out, you apologised for the wrong thing and she actually got angry at that.
Now how about your side of the situation, hmm? Not to put myself in position of arbiter of your relationship, but... ... Actually, I’m just gonna skip on the sassy, sarcastic joke for now.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
@zichiandhisnonsense​ asked: “So I Heard you and Maria had a fight or something?” Crow, why. ~wayfaringlegends
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“…Something like that. Maria’s scary when she’s mad.”
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“Wait, what.”
Crow had to double-take that. It was not the answer she expected.
“I thought Maria was just overthinking something. There was an actual fight?”
Crow was actually looking worried here. There’s wasn’t any sarcasm or teasing. Savour the serious Crow, Pascale, for it is rare.
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
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“…Whatever you say, but I’d think you’d at least remember the time of year, or a holiday around the same time or something. One of my sisters’ was near the winter solstice, and that how I remember it.”
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“Boy, I don’t even remember my own name from back there, why would the vague time of year be any easier? Nope, my date of birth is dust in the wind. Hell, the only reason I remember my age is because I have the ultimate weapon as a point of reference.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
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“I might’ve just picked a day. It was some time around now I think. Not too warm but not too cold.”
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“Ha! Chances are I never even had a birthday. That’s not really something a commoner who’s not supposed to count past 10 would keep track of, now is it?”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
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“... ...
Imagine remembering when your birthday was.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
After regaining her dignity and sitting back on the bench, the knight from antiquity moved her shoulders and stared with that intent, focused look on Robin. It might have been un-nerving and intimidating, but after watching her jump like that, the intimidation factor was somewhat blunted.
The difference between the two was striking. Maria was tense to a fault, arms clasped in her lap while she stood straight and focused, while Robin was casually leaning with an arm around the bench’s back and leaning so far back he was almost lying down.
It was awkward, giving some of the backstory to Maria’s problem, but Robin was nothing but attentive, even if his posture and body language was in ‘casual lounging’ mode. Still, Maria explained how Crow had introduced her to Pascale, how Pascale had given Maria a place to stay and call home in this new world, and was always happy to help her adjust to modern life.
The fact Robin was able to point out Maria was in love un-nerved her. She at first accused Crow of blabber-mouthing, but to Robin it was just “really, really obvious”... And then he let a chuckle as Maria’s face reddened.
Then Maria got to the actual problem. Pascale’s kiss. Robin almost cracked a smile, but looking at Maria’s solemn expression wiped it off almost immediately.
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“After that, Pascale immediately apologised, fled to her room and... Cried. And she’s been awkward around me ever since. It feels like she doesn’t know how to approach me, and I certainly do not know how to... Solve this dilemma. Even if she does not return my affections, I would still treasure our friendship...”
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“... ... And you thought Crow was your best option? That’s a bad call if I ever knew one. I’m not sure if her relationship advice can even compare to her general life advice.”
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“Perhaps, but... I do not know who else to turn to.”
Robin -for his part- sat up straight and took in a deep breath.
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“So, what exactly do you want? Things to go back to before? Things to advance? Things to just resolve?”
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“I... I suppose the last one would be ide-”
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“Wrong answer, 0 marks, test failed.”
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Robin faced the woman straight on, his expression more serious now.
“You want it resolved, but you’re not resolving it yourself. You’ve turned to Crow -and now me- to resolve it for you in some way. But this isn’t my relationship, it’s yours. There’s no cheat sheet, no strategy, no perfect solution. This might not be the advice you wanna hear, but it’s what you need to hear.”
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“... But what if I make a mistake? What i-”
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“Then you apologise and move on. People make mistakes. Every day, every moment, and this isn’t your boss... Anymore. This is a friend, and if she truly is a friend or a lover, she will forgive you for making an honest mistake. Now, let’s start from the top. What exactly do you want?”
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“I... I want Pascale and I to be talking again, to move past this divide. I just don’t know how to do that.”
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“Okay, we have a starting point. Here’s a freebie: you’re gonna need to initiate the conversation here. Pascale is clearly struggling to do so, and I know you immortals have a different scale of time, but the sooner the better. Do you have any idea what you’re going to say?”
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“Absolutely nothing.”
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“Well don’t look at me. Like I said, it’s your relationship, not mine.”
Maria paused and fidgeted with her hands for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly she wanted to say. She wanted -above all- to fix their relationship. Whether they stayed friends or something more, that could be decided at a later date, that much she knew. But beyond that... It was difficult to know exactly what to say, how to let Pascale know that she had done nothing wrong, all Maria really wanted was to accept that it was just a careless moment, and she didn’t want to lose it all to one slip up.
“... ... ...
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Pascale, I want to end this uncomfortable silence between us. Whatever our relationship might be or become, that night was simply a careless moment and I don’t want an alcohol-ladled slip up to damage our friendship.”
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“Right, there we go!”
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“... ... ...
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... Did you just... Lead me around this entire conversation towards ‘just say what you mean’?”
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“Not at all. I was trying to make sure you reached that conclusion yourself. The journey is just as -if not more- important than the destination, you know.”
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“... ... I am incredibly annoyed, and unsure if it’s at you or myself.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
Cowardice was -at its core- allowing your fears to rule unchallenged. At least, that’s what her father had once said.
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“... ... I’m sorry father, I must be the biggest coward around...”
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“I dunno, charging head-first into somewhere waving a sword seems the opposite to me.”
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Maria practically jumped into the air in utter surprise, landing on the ground in a jumbled heap.
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“... ... ... I wasn’t that quiet.”
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
@zichiandhisnonsense​ asked: “… …. … … … Okay can we talk about things yet or are we going to keep doing this weird, awkward silence dance forever?” Maria suddenly grew a backbone, I see. ~wayfaringlegends
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There was no hiding the genuine look of surprise on Pascale’s face. Sure, she knew they were going to have to have this conversation at some point, but she had never expected Maria to be the one to instigate it. Especially not like this.
“I…” She clutched her arm and looked away, trying to gather her thoughts. Just thinking about what happened made her chest tighten. After a few deep breaths, she tried again. “I’m sorry for the shameful way I behaved. What I did was uncalled for, and I imagine it’s put you in a very awkward situation.”
It was easier to address the kiss, and not the feelings behind it.
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“... ... ... Pascale.”
Maria sighed and mentally gritted her teeth. This must be what it felt like for Pascale and Crow dealing with her...
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“No.” She said firmly, “That’s not something to apologise for. We both had too much to drink and even then I didn’t mind it. What I want an apology for is for you avoiding me for this long. As a start.”
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Bastien is just stood in the background staring in confusion. Not even he knows where this is coming from.
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
{ Send “old wounds” for my character to tell you a war story }
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
“Sorry…” Before anything else could be said, she fled to her room, closing the door firmly behind her.
If Maria listened closely, she might be able to hear a few gentle sobs behind it.
Perhaps the alcohol had been a little too much.
After confessing her... ‘Interests’, Maria had felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, a feeling that she could be herself -chivalry, honour and dutiful as she was-. Urging from Crow and even Pascale herself was slowly breaking her out of her shell. She even managed an occasional -if quiet- laugh...
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And then, without even realising what was going on, Pascale leaned in with the affectionate gesture with her hand. Maria froze, but -relaxed by the alcohol- did not pull away. And then Pascale leaned in with the... Oh my.
The butterflies didn’t last long however, and within a few seconds of the passionate feel, Maria felt Pascale shudder and pull away, and then...
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“S-Sorry?” She asked, but Pascale was already gone. Rushing to her room and closing the door behind. Maria stared for a long moment, before shuffling off the sofa and approaching to the door, swaying slightly from her tipsy state... Was that... Crying?
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“... ... ... ... ... ...”
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“You have nothing to apologise for, Pascale.” Maria spoke through the door, a hand resting on it, “In fact... Thank you.”
Lightweight as she was, Maria was pretty sure she was too drunk to properly comfort Pascale. Hopefully that would tide her over until morning? Perhaps they could talk properly...
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wayfaringlegends · 3 years
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*Oblivious Maria noises*
Not that she’d consider herself fair.
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