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Be sure to give yourself at least twenty two days of movie/date nights to prepare for the finale. Or binge the weekend.
One month until the new @Avengers is out… You’re going to need 45 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES to be fully updated! Happy viewing 🍿 #AvengersEndgame
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Then I must be a bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️
The nicer you are the more beautiful you become
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Absoruditootly right!
“Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into a thousand bats to get out of social situations.”
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Me too! If you can.
I’m sorry but if I haven’t seen your face I’m just gonna assume that you look like your icon or the human version of it no matter what it actually is
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SWEET! Or as my dear friend says "Radical dude!"
everyone who reblogs this before March 20th will get either a moodboard that I think describes their blog, list of aesthetic things that describe them, or a general vibe I get from them and their blog before the end of the school year (june 16th)
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Of course Zeus would leave me in charge. I may be his most trusted advisor, but that doesn't mean he has the right to leave me in charge of his belongings! Not only am I in charge of Olympus along side Hera, but I unfortunately have to explain to his babbling, whining children which of them get what and who takes over Olympus. I tried to convince Hermes that since he was the messenger of the gods that he should be the one to do it, but he wasn't having any of it. So here I am!
Zeus's offspring and siblings all wandered around the court, examining and pocketing whatever they desired. Apollo even tried to snatch Zeus's signature lightning bolt, however he ended up retracting his hands do to a small shock.
I cleared my throat, "Excuse me, excuse me!"
Not a single one of these little brats gave me the attention I needed to start this meeting.
No one even flinched at my voice, but instead continued on snatching items off of the shelves.
Finally Hermes elbowed me, "Need a horn?" He asked holding up his Golden horn.
"If you would that would be helpful, thanks."
The moment Hermes horn reached the ears of the sniveling adolescent gods and goddesses they all gave him their attention.
"If you would, Themis would like get this meeting over with, so give her your attention!"
"Thank you Hermes!" I turned to everyone and stiffed a small smerk, "if you all will replace everything you have taken off the shelves back to their original places we can get this over with."
The god Zeus has died and left a will. In this will, it is written that everything he owned is to be shared among his descendants in a way that is agreed upon by everyone involved. You are the unlucky executioner of his will in charge of this mess.
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Very helpful!
Want to flesh-out that vague idea of a person who’s been bouncing around in your dome piece? 
Here! Have a handy checklist:
Name, age
Sex, gender, gender expression
Physical appearance; how the character feels about their physical appearance
Race, class, ethnicity
Childhood experience - family relationships, friends and key figures, lifestyle, education, activities and interests
Education level, intelligence level, military service (if applicable)
Attitudes and moral beliefs
Current relationships - parents, siblings, romantic partners, friends, children, etc.
Sex life; attitude and feelings about sex
Religious background and current religious beliefs
Occupation; relationship to boss and coworkers
Hobbies and non-work activities
Political views
Main aspects of personality - introvert vs. extrovert, pessimist vs. optimist, thinking vs. feeling, and the like
What are they proud of? Ashamed of?
State of health
Sense of humor
Core characteristic
Inherent contradiction - the most interesting characters are already in conflict with themselves
In addition to these twenty items, you can ask yourself loads of bizarre questions like, “What would you write on their tombstone?” and “How would they react to a Japanese game show?” but I find this checklist to be the best place to start building real, solid groundwork that leads to a firm character, rather than a list of “fun facts” of likes and dislikes.
Two final items to consider:
What is the best thing that could happen to this character that could turn out to be the worst?
What is the worst thing that could happen to this character that could turn out to be the best? 
These bits and bobs should help you on your way. Remember: you can never know too much about your character. 
Happy constructing!
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How can something be that unstable????
My brother and I were playing Jenga and by the end that tower was more unstable than my generation’s mental health.
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The Many 'When I Grow Up' phases.
We all go through a time when we're kids and adults ask us what we want to be when we grow up...
My first dream was to rescue wild animals...So when my cousin and I went to take garbage to the dump we found a cat. We put it in a box and took it home... no one told use the darn thing was diseased. Later we stuffed our younger cousin down a coyote hole to see it he could grab a pup...we had no idea the mom was down there... fyi my cousin lived.
Second I wanted to be a dentist... that's right two months of finding new insanely painful ways to yank out my younger sisters and cousins teeth.
Third, my cousin wanted to be a doctor...I had heat stroke and she insisted that she could get me feeling better in not time...she waterboarded me off and on for a solid three hours.
Four, I wanted to be a airplane pilot and my cousin she wanted to be an inventor... we invented a flying machine that we were certain was the most amazing thing in the world. What it was made out of was: half a plastic 50gal barrel, bike training wheels, pedals, a car steering wheel, broomsticks on each side with plywood wings, a boat propeller on the back, and an umbrella on top. I test flew it from a three story barn loft. Thank God for helmets.
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The Boring Sister
When you've got siblings your either the oldest, or have an older sibling. For me I'm the oldest; meaning I made the rules.... Anything I did is how my parents made rules. However, my little sister came up top me the other day and told me I was boring.
She said I didn't set rules because I'm too good... but what sucks is she's right, I am boring.
*I have smart friends who I can never hang out with because their always studying and when we do hang out we watch movies and talk.
*I get good grades... well sort of
*I knit and Crochet
*I write and read
Let's get to the point, I am boring. My "wild" nights consist of hanging out with my small town friends. We drink soda out of shot glasses or wineglasses, snort pixie sticks, smoke smarties, suck helium to make hilarious videos, drive down main street or an abandoned street hanging out of the cars sun roof, and attempt to self teach ourselves how to pole dance at the park in the middle of the night...we also play card/board games.
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When Weird Goes THAT Far
Okay guys I'm weird, yeah I just said that, but the thing is I've reached a whole new level of weird. It's not just the TV shows and movies I watch or the books, it's the random stuff I do.
Such As: Microwave my icecream
Put ice in my hot tea (I believe I offended an entire culture with that)
When walking on square tiles I have an impulse to have each foot step in it's own square, if I think it won't I change leads. I have this thing I think one foot should lead the other.... yeah.
I will not, will NOT make any sort of eye contact when walking along busy halls or streets, because I tense up and walk faster, my heart rate jumps, and it feels like my lungs collapse because I can't breath.
The sound of ice, to me, is the worst sound ever! Which is why I don't put ice in my drinks.
I write murder mysteries because I know if I did any of that stuff in reality I'd be behind bars. To be honest murder is quite fascinating to me.... but you'll never find me doing it.
I like attention, I could stand up in front of a bunch of people and talk for hours, unless I make a mistake or stumble on my words; after that its game over.
What do you think makes you weird?
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Unrealistic Expectations
Okay so I'm taking lots of Agricultural Science classes and my Ag/FFA adviser comes up to me and says
Adviser: Hey your going to USU right?
Me: yeah....
Adviser: You should try to get into their Plants in Space program. Their working with NASA to send plants to Mars, I think it'd be a good path for you to take.
Me: For believing in me.... but, Haha, I can't grow a plant on earth let alone send one to Mars.... the only plant I can have is a Cactus cause I can forget about it for so many months then water it.
Adviser: That's not true your good with Plants.
Me: Sir, I may have not greenhand degree in fifa, but I sure as heck didn't have a greenhand in plants...
This shit happens to everyone right? (Especially the not growing plants thing)
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Drama Club
So I've decided that I'm gonna write and publish a book about the drama I witness in and out of school.
Like seriously one of my Favorite teachers is marrying the guy who used to PREV/ hit on me and my friends at work.
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Easter Seizure and PTSD
Never every count on me to help you in an emergency, I freeze.
Easter eve April Fools eve... I was at work and the guy I worked with went outside for a cigarette and I've of my friends came in to say hi.
The guy came back in his cigarette lit and was shaking. First of I thought this was a sick F***ing joke then he fell to the floor and started shaking worse, he also dropped his cigarette and started a mini fire.
I started calling 9.1.1
And then I froze, memories of mr. Baby sisters accident and my baby cousins accidents started to flood my head. My friend took the phone and got the ambulance there. Went back into the fridges and had a panic attack. So do get count on me during stud like that cause i won't be much help.
----- This Shit happens to everyone... right?
#ptsd #emergency #panic attack
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My New Year's Resolution
Mom: hey, what is your new years resolution?
Me: not to procrastinate anymore... Not if you'll excuse me I need to finish writing a research paper that was due yesterday......
This shit happens to everyone... Right?
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My five year old sister just got put in time out and she really hates it. She's complaining that she has nothing to do and I'm sitting here like:
Girl when I was your age I used to love time out, because it meant I didn't have to do anything for a set amount of time. All I had to do was sit there and think... Sometimes I didn't even do that, I'd just leave my head against the wall and sleep.
Come to think of it back there I had a sever fear of getting trouble in general so timeout rarely ever happened. However, nowadays if u get in trouble I swear I hear a belt with the devil's runestones unbuckle and that's my cue to hand my parents my phone, car keys, license, books, computer, and freedom for two weeks.
This shit happens to everyone... Right?
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Ghost in my store!
So I work at Subway, and it's super slow during the winter so I had to work alone.
I'm jamming out to Billy Joel 'uptown girl.' while I'm doing the dishes at work. When the doorbell went off for me to go make a customer's sandwich. I walked out still humming uptown girl, to hello to customer.
An elderly lady was standing there with a grin. I opened up bar.
Me: Hi! What can I get you?
Her: *glares at me and walks way*
Me: Soo nothing?
The girl running the Chevron in the same building walked over to me.
Her: who are you taking to, be ones in here?
Me: that lady. *I walked to the isle she was in an didn't find her.*
Me: I swear she was right there.
The exit door opened and no one walked in or out.
This shit happens to everyone... right?
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