wayward-eclectic · 3 years
Digital Altar
Hello lovelies, 
I’ve suggested digital altars several times for secret witches, witches on budgets, and even those who aren’t sure what all they want on their altars yet as a way to get a feel for setups. 
Today I played around with the idea and decided to make one for Apollo since I’ve started working with him more and more. This is a pretty basic set up but it was all done online with different photos I found that felt right and it didn’t take long to do. 
Here’s why I like it: 
*It’s easy to edit
*You can move things around whenever you’d like
*You can add and take things away for holidays
*The only limit is your imagination and creativity
*Save it to your phone and take it where ever you’d like. 
*You can make as many as you’d like.
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wayward-eclectic · 3 years
Highly recommended! Their reading was detailed and accurate for me, plus they’re lovely to chat with! 
☀cheap tarot readings!☀
$1 per card*💙
Payment through Cashapp or Paypal!
General reading: 3, 5 or 10 card spread.
Emotional Health Overview: 5 card mini outlook or 10 card in depth.
Love Reading: 4 or 6 card Mini option or 10 card in depth.
Messages from Apollo: You can ask for general messages or ask him a question. *The set price for this is $10 as I usually do not withhold cards and he loves to talk 😂
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Alternatives to White Sage & Palo Santo
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Smoke Cleansing: the practice of using the smoke of a burning herb, incense or resin to clear your space of stagnant energy or undesirable emotion.
Smoke cleansing is an accessible, user-friendly way of incorporating the power of smoke and burning without trampling over and appropriating sacred smudge rituals. Likewise, this post is going to avoid the use of white sage, as it is an endangered plant, and over harvesting is making it increasingly more difficult for indigenous peoples to get it themselves. I am also not going to bring up palo santo for a very similar reason.
I’m not going to go into the fine details of smoke cleansing, as I find that it is a very personal practice, but I will offer you a great list of alternatives to white sage and palo santo.
Some places to obtain these herbs: local witchcraft shops, witchcraft Etsy shops, grocery stores for herbs that are also culinary, foraging. (Remember to be mindful of whether or not pesticides are being used on the land you are foraging from, and that the spirits of the land are allowing you to harvest their plants.)
Lavender (Leaves and stems only, the buds will pop when exposed to fire.)
Sandalwood (Be mindful of where you source this; Australia is a good source right now, as sandalwood is subject to wood poaching elsewhere.)
Pine (Avoid burning this inside if you have cats.)
Cedar (See above.)
Lemon Balm
Bay Leaves
Bee Balm (Bergamot)
Dandelion Root
There are of course MANY more herbs that you can burn, but these are my personal favorites for cleansing. Every herb will have its own properties, however, what may be meaningful to me may not be meaningful for you, so experiment and figure out what works for you!
One suggestion: consider starting with the herbs and plants growing on your property or in your area first. You’ll be able to bond with the spirits of these plants easiest, and you may find it much more fulfilling to use these. It will become very personable to collect, dry, and use these herbs, since you have put yourself into the process from start to end.
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Witch Tip
the-eye.eu is a huge public database that has countless free PDFs of all sorts of occultist books and grimoires. Go forth and read.
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Tarot Readings will be back next week!
I’ll have a lot of free time next week and I’d like to do readings. Got a question? Something weighing on your mind? Send an ask and I’ll answer next week. If you’d like a more personal reading I will be answering dms as well. 
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Pine Needles
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Welcome back! I’m from the southern part of the US and we have an abundance of pine trees which sparked this post. I did a fair bit of research for most of the morning to bring you this. You’re welcome. 
Uses: healing, purification, fertility, immortality, protection, exorcism, wealth, energy.
Element: Air
Planet: Mars
Gender: Masculine
Tips: Carry the cone to increase fertility. Burn the needles to reverse and send back spells, cleanse and purify the house, and remove negativity. Scatter on the floor to drive away evil. Add to cleansing baths to help with negative thinking. Place a branch over the bed to keep illness away or over the door to  the home to keep joy within. Burn the wood chips to drive spirits out of the house. Use the scent of pine essential oil to speed healing, increase physical and magical energy and attract money.
How to dry pine needles: (dead needles work just as well and are already dry)
-shake loose debris and bugs -personal cleansing spell over the needles -soak in hot water and a gentle soap for 3-5 minutes -rinse and pinch off the heads. This is what keeps them together -burn them as an offering or return them outside. Throwing them away is wasteful. -Put the needles on a towel. Drying in the sun will lead to bleaching the needles. Shade keeps the color.
I currently have a bundle drying on my window sill. After two hours I can confirm that they are dry. 
Something important to keep in mind: VERY FLAMMABLE 
One of my sources: My source.
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
PSA: Schools of Magic and why you're being scammed.
Hello loves and welcome back!
Recently I came across a site that offered tarot lessons for free. I'm of the mindset that there is no such thing as too much research so I decided to check it out. I found that they also have other lessons in holistic witchery, astrology, everyday magic, and even business.
Sounds neat, but what's the catch? Pricing.
First, let's break down what they're offering. Their July to September course is currently enrolling. You would get four group calls and eight pre-recorded lessons with printables for  topics like sacred space, the elements, spell-work/intention work, clearing and protecting, kitchen and household magic, and magical mindset. Upon completion of their lessons, all twelve months, you will receive "one-of-a-kind online experience and certification program."
Now let's be clear, this is not an accredited school. This certificate holds no real world value besides saying that you paid for twelve months of programs and they printed a certificate for you.
Back to the point, pricing. For the basic holistic course which is 12 months of lessons, an optional in person "graduation", a Facebook group, a certification, and a welcome note and sticker, you would pay $87 a month for 12 months. That's $1,044.
If you add in the astrology bundle, it's $147 a month for 12 months. That's $1,764.
Before you drop that kind of money, because let's face it with the current economical state not many of us have it, allow me to offer you some alternatives.
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Project Gutenberg is completely free. This is the results for a basic witchcraft search. You can also find pdf versions of older books online, usually for free, just by searching for them. 
@my-witchy-journal​ shared a great list of books that you can download for free here. 
Embassy of the free mind currently has over 1600 occult books digitized, including The Tarot of the Bohemians. I plan to go through this more thoroughly later and see what other gems I can find but this is all free. 
There are also so many of us here that share our resources and wouldn’t mind helping you find resources of your own. The last thing I want is to see witches just starting out thinking that they have to break the bank to learn.
But let’s say that you want physical copies. For the most basic course offered it was 87 dollars for per month. With just one month’s payment you could buy multiple books from Amazon. 
The biggest selling point for me would be the online community of other witches to chat and practice with. Except we have that here. For free. If you have any questions or would like help researching something let me know. If I do not know the answer I will help you find it. 
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
For my Dallas witches. Be safe!!
apparently the dallas police dept set up an app where u can anonymously submit videos of ppl breaking the law so they can find and arrest them and kpop stans are spamming it with fancams to the point that it crashed… can we get 100k likes for our soldiers
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Don't let tumblr leave you believing that witchcraft and magic is 100% aesthetic.
Sure, there are pieces that are important. Crystals, colors, correspondences.... but there is NOTHING aesthetically pleasing when it comes to what witchcraft boils down to- need.
Witchcraft is a tool of need, and utilizing every power within your reach to obtain your needs, wants, and desires.
Witchcraft is dirty, bloody, and begging. Witchcraft is merciless, it's powerful, the power that you put behind it magnifies it. Your rage can be just as destructive as your healing and creation.
A smeared bloodstain and hastily muttered curse words is just as powerful as rose petal encrusted candles and poems that took days written for your deities.
A battle cry is just as touching as a melody, to the gods, sometimes greater.
If all you have is a spiral notebook with math notes in the front of it, a couple of herbs you picked outside, and a rock you like in your pocket then that is magic.
Ultimately your tools are something that connects to you. it doesn't need to be a 85$ tarot deck you bought online. You can make your own tools, your own rules, and goddamn what isn't beautiful and aesthetic about the raw fucking power of that.
so go bang some sticks together and scream your intent to the sky. Your witchcraft is meant for you, not for tumblr photos and instagram posts. 💯
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Hydromancy - requested
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There are many different ways to incorporate water into your practice such as ritualistic bathing, cleansing, jars, scrying, spells, and so many more. Hydromancy is using water for divining though and that's what we'll be focusing on today.
What you'll need:
A bowl or container
Something to disturb the water with. (A ring or key attached to a string or cord, a rock, even a spoon with work)
If you're using a ring or key, state how you want your answer. For example, if the object hits the side of the bowl the answer is yes if not, the answer is no. Or the other way around. Think of it like a pendulum reading. You can also do it based on ripples. Large ripples are yes and small ripples are no. Make sure to state it beforehand.
The same can be done by dropping objects into the water. Remember, you're reading the ripples so focus on those. Ask your question and drop the object.
A spoon is just something that amuses me. Ask the question and tap the spoon on the water. Don't hit it harder to alter your results. You know if you're trying to cheat.
So what kind of water should you use? Glad you asked. I would personally recommend water collected and/or charged under a full moon. If you live near a body of water then perfect! Rainwater also works for this. If nothing else, tap water or a bottle of water will also work. Just charge it.
This was a request! If you have something you'd like to see, my inbox is always open!
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
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I got a new star projector. I will be incorporating it into some of my spells, just not sure how yet.
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Moon Water Bath
Want to boost your love life just in time for Valentine’s Day? With all the love in the air, who doesn’t? Self-love counts. (Feb. 15th is the national discount chocolate day!) 
Here’s what you’ll need: 
🌙Distilled water charged under the full moon
🌙A nice hot bath
🌙Red Rose Petal (rose oil also works with or without the roses!)
🌙Your favorite bath salts
Combine and soak! I find that your favorite love songs really put you in the right headspace for this. Let your intentions flow during your bath! 
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Practical Magic was one of the movies that inspired me as a kid.
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Witches in my area
If there are any witches that live in Atlanta, ga please feel free to message me my loves<3
And if some of you guys could reblog this for me also, that would be really great💙
Or if anyone would like to be my witchy god mother that’d be great too<3
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
Don’t get mad at me but...
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
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🌙Moon cycles for 2020🌙
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wayward-eclectic · 4 years
📚Witchy Books 📚
Good day, lil’ Witches and Warlocks! With this little list I would like to share with you some PDF books I have been using. I hope it will be useful for someone. 
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The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors
A Wiccan Bible by A. J. Drew
A Witch’s Notebook by Silver Ravenwolf 
A Witch’s Bible : The complete witches’ handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
Beginner Guide to the Basics of Witchcraft by Ashe. G.
Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft &Wicca  by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner  by Scott Cunningham
The Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak
The Way of the Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Way of the Hedge Witch  by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Witch’s Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Th Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Wicca Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners by Arin Chamberlains
Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain
Wicca for One: The path of Solitary Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
Witchcraft Step by Step 
Witchcraft Today  by Gerald B. Gardner
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