waywardrpsl · 8 months
This list will be regularly updated.
Claimed characters so far:
Dean Castiel Rowena
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waywardrpsl · 8 months
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An event for our members!
If you would like to help promote the roleplay, submit a post to us!
You can use any media, be it writing, drawing, edits, SL pictures.
Don't feel obligated to do so, we simply wish to promote our sim and show off the many talents of our members.
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waywardrpsl · 8 months
The end is the beginning.
Dean has died, Castiel is in the empty.. Now.. that's no way to leave things, is it?
Jack remodeled heaven into the ideal sudo-earth, but earth itself lost some important protectors. The new god promised to be hands off, but he figured he could do something major… just this once.
The dead awakened, alive, in their own beds.. The empty sleeps, Billie is pacified, for now.. the rest of the story is ours to write.
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