we-manifest ยท 8 months
How to be more happier ๐Ÿค
Remove toxic ppl from your life
This is one of the most important things you could do to be happier. Those ppl could be manipulating you to be attached to them and they could be hurting you very deeply to the point of you harming yourself which is not okay. If you try to talk to them about It and they start threatening you or hurting you try to get away from them and tell someone that you can trust. If it's an online friend you can talk to them and if they react badly the best thing you could do is to block them. Blocking them would mean they won't be able to contact you but If they do make their friends text you don't try to argue back simply just block them. Arguments in these kind of situations are simply useless even if they start calling you a "pussy" or a "scaredycat" it's best to just ignore them and move on.
Doing something else then being on your phone
This is probably the hardest one that you could do. Your phone is the reason why your always tired, you always feel depressed and ect. I used to be on my phone even when I was at school and that lead me to being severely depressed and I always thought it would get better If I just continued that habit. Some things you could do instead of being on your phone:
โ€ข read a book
โ€ข go shopping
โ€ข bake a cake, cookies and ect.
โ€ข do some cleaning
โ€ข take a shower
โ€ข go outside with friends
โ€ข take your dog on a walk /play with your pet (if you have one)
โ€ข study/ do your homework
Love yourself
Loving yourself is very Important for your mental health and happiness. Being insecure makes you think your not worth anything when that's the complete opposite. God made you the way you are not so you could be insecure but so you could love yourself, go on shopping sprees, wear whatever you want and not listen or care about anyone's opinion. A YouTuber that really helped me with my confidence was thewizardLiz. If anyone tries to bring you down remember that their just insecure of themselves and are trying to put those insecurities onto you.
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