One more milestone has been reached! Let's celebrate with some more ask prompts!
Don't forget to send an ask to the person you reblog this from.
⭐Eevee - Do you believe you have the potential to change/become a better person?
💧Vaporeon - Would you rather hide from your problems or face them head-on?
⚡Jolteon - Are you a highly energetic person?
🔥Flareon - What gets you motivated to do something usually boring?
☀️Espeon - When do you feel most at peace?
🌙Umbreon - Rate your pain tolerance on a scale from 1 to 10.
🍃Leafeon - Favorite food?
❄️Glaceon - Favorite weather?
🎀Sylveon - Favorite example of looks being decieving?
❤️Partner - Do you have any specific talents you're proud of?
💢Gigantamax - Tell us your favorite thing about one of your friends!
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I’ve come to a conclusion.
Whenever I say I’m going to come back, I forget. I don’t know why, but it just happens.
This has been a problem the entirety of my summer break.
But during the school year it was very much not a problem, because I was on a computer constantly, which meant I always had this open and would have the ability to remember to post.
So here’s what I’m gonna do.
I’m gonna go on effectively hiatus on all the roleplay blogs until the beginning of my school year (sometime in August?), and if I’m active at all it’s really only going to be here on the art blog.
That way I don’t have to feel bad about forgetting to do things, I have time to fix the art burnout before the school burnout returns, and I have time to work on some other art stuff I wanted to do involving both Pokemon, Oneshot, [Redacted] and his homeworld, and some other stuff. Hopefully this fixes my problem of “Oh shit I forgot I was supposed to be doing things.”
So this is I guess a temporary goodbye from me? Yeah that sounds good.
-Z (felt like doing that so have fun with this)
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Ya boi (possibly gender neutral) is going on a road trippppp
This means I will quite literally have no distractions from being on here other than theoretically the time during which I driveeee
I’m gonna do thingsssss
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oh. My god.
finally free from school. Tis summer.
I’m gonna take a nap-
In all seriousness though now that my summer break has officially begun I will slowly get more active again. My health may still play into it a little, but now that the stress factor has screwed off I should be a little better in general.
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I’m sorry, you w h a t?
That’s terrifying-
I did the math on my typing and
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Why am I so fucking weak to ground help
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What in the world-
I did the math on my typing and
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Why am I so fucking weak to ground help
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I forgot to do this- but today is a relatively okay day. Busy with an event I’m helping set up, but other than that I can do stuff.
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I uh… just woke up.
I’ve been asleep for a solid 20 hours.
Needless to say, today is an off day to the extreme. I’m going back to sleep-
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Ah yes, my daily status update.
I'm not feeling all that great today, and I have work later, so I'm pretty sure both today and a chunk of tomorrow are going to be off days. I'll try to do stuff, but we'll see how much I actually manage to do.
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Alright, status update of the day
So far it seems like it’s gonna be an okay day. I’m a little sore still, but I think that’s just whatever was going on the last couple of days still lingering a bit. I’ll hopefully be more active today.
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You are the best thing that has happened to this world. I will not specify as to who I am referring to.
What? What’s up?
Y’know… I think I know who they’re referring too.
I think I do as well Rosa.
What the hell is happening here-
They’ve got to be talking about Saffron.
Must be.
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Okay here's the mini update for the day so far.
I think it's going to be a sort of okay day? I still hurt, but not the way I did yesterday or Sunday, so I should actually be able to do a little more than I normally can. Gonna reply to things as of now.
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Iron Treads
I’ll message Rosa this time…
Thank you. But I’ve always thought the concept of a sword made of plasma would be awesome! I remember reading about it once, and I already practice swordplay, so it seems like it’d be a fantastic choice!
Yes, and you’d immediately become a menace the moment you got your hands on one.
Anyways- I personally would have to go with something like a railgun. I saw it in a show once, and they seem like an interesting choice.
Actually that checks. What’d Rosa say?
Let me read it.
…what’s her answer?
She said she can’t really decide, since she doesn’t know a lot. Which is fair.
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Alright, I guess we’re gonna call these status updates.
Given the state of the morning so far, I’m gonna go ahead and say today is going to be a little bit of an off day. I’m really sore and also just picking up on the emotions of everybody around me, and said general emotion happens to be anger. I’ll still try and do stuff, but ima be pretty slow for the day.
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Small update even though it’s late for me:
I’ve been trying to get myself back into the rp stuff, I love doing it. But I’ve been sick for like two weeks now.
I thought at first it was my mental health, and while I think that’s definitely still a portion of it, I don’t think that’s all of it.
I’ve been having days where I feel fine, and then I’m okay being more active, but I’ve also been having really bad off days where I hurt everywhere and it’s hard to breathe. It’s really hard to think when that happens. Today has been one of those off days where I just haven’t been able to think, and I also had to work today, which didn’t make it much better.
I’m not sure what’s going on, and it’s really freaking me out. So I’m working out what I’m going to do with this.
I think I’ll make a mini-post most mornings on if I’m having an okay day or an off day. That will probably help with people knowing what I’m going to do. I’m still going to participate in arcs, and do my own story stuff too, but there’s going to be days where I’ll be really slow in responding, or might not respond at all. That’s just what’s probably going to have to happen, at least until I can talk to a doctor, or until this stops happening to me.
Hopefully I start getting back to a point where I don’t feel like this constantly, because I really hate the way my body has been feeling recently, and I just want it to stop. But for now, this is probably what’s going to be happening.
(Reblogging this to all the other blogs just so it’s there-)
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That one I’ve got to think about… Saffron? You can go first.
Alright! I also texted, Rosa, we’ll see what she says.
For me? Probably the night before I left Kitakami to come back to Paldea, when I was 13. Me and my cousin ended up just wandering around the whole night. Our grandparents were livid-
I’m sure. I’d have to say it’s a tie for me. I have a memory of when we moved to Alola, back when I was maybe 3? I don’t remember much, but the thing I can remember was the shooting stars we saw that night. The other one I would have to say… is when I managed to help save Lunala and get the regions light back. There was an aurora in the sky, something I’ve never seen since.
God that sounds pretty… Oh! Rosa answered. She said it was her first night in Paldea for her. Everything just felt so open, she felt like she’d never seen more stars.
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🌟 Cosmic Pokemon Ask Game!
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Deoxys: Do you believe in aliens or Pokemon living on other planets? Do you think some cosmic Pokemon origin stories are just myths?
Minior: Do you like sci-fi? What's your favorite movie, show, book, etc?
Cleffa: What's your favorite late-night Pokemon call to listen to?
Staryu: What's a memory you have of a beautiful night?
Solrock & Lunatone: Which is more beautiful to you, the sun or the moon?
Gothorita: What's your favorite constellation?
Porygon2: Would you go to space if you had the chance? Where? How far out would you be willing to go?
Elgyem: Do you think we'd be able to truly co-exist with another human-like society?
Cosmog: Have you ever had any strange encounters with the third poke-kind?
Nihilego: Do extraterrestrial Pokemon or Ultra Beasts gives you the creeps? Which ones?
Guzzlord: What do you think an alien would taste like? Would you be willing to try it?
Blacephalon: Do you think you could deal with being in a spacesuit or not?
Stakataka: What's your favorite planet?
Phermosa: Who's your favorite fictional alien?
Iron Treads: What sci-fi weapon do you most wish you could own?
Iron Moth: Say one day you were taken away by a UFO. What do you think it would be like? How would you react, would you be scrambling to get back to solid land?
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