weaverofstories · 4 years
I love this... especially the touch where the artist depicts the benders with magical creature attributes related to their primary bending art, while the nonbenders are left human. Interesting Kataang interaction where Aang belongs to the sky and Katara to the water, and yet their love (is it Kataang? Don’t know) runs deeper than the elements they live in. Meanwhile, I think Sukka/Tokka is pretty well depicted. Poor Zuko the outcast. Not really, but I feel like his tail not only emphasizes the fiery disposition he has, but also as a reference to the devil somewhat touches upon his slight exclusion from the tight dynamic of the group, maybe alluding to his late entry into Team Avatar? Dunno, I might be spouting random nonsense, but those are my thoughts. And I absolutely love this art.
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summertime in the magical creatures au! click under the cut to see behind the scenes ;)
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weaverofstories · 4 years
My prompts for Kataang Week 2020. One prompt per day. Posting this late. Hope it’s not too bad.
Katara was used to snow.
Innocent flurries of liquid crystal floating gently down through the air, coating the ground and the homes with a fresh new layer of pure white. When the snow had finished falling down, the children of the village would rush out excitedly, taking in the wonders of year-long winter. Snow angels, broken snow forts, and laughing children decorated the otherwise pristine ground, and it was a time of joy for the youth and of additional burden for the elderly who were forced to contend with buried homes and treacherous paths.
And yet, for all the snow that fell in the South Pole, Katara had only known one blizzard before: during her time at the North Pole. The sky had darkened ominously, and snow had fallen down in thick sheets, blurring the focus of the outside world, and making it nigh-impossible to find the Avatar. Never mind the fact that her own tears were adding to the obstructive view in front of her as she frantically searched for Aang... her Aang. She sighed at the old days gone by, when she, her brother, and her fiance laying on the bed next to her had gallivanted across the world, running away from an angry prince while trying to teach all four elements to the Avatar. That stormy day, she had almost lost Aang, and though she hadn't yet realized the extent of her love for him, she was still absolutely shattered at her devastating loss. She was assigned to defend the Avatar - a task she was more than capable of doing - but through her haughty hubris, she let Zuko get the better of her and as a resut, Aang was stolen to a freezing death, almost dying to the cruel, chilly clouds that snowed death upon the North Pole. In fact, now that she had begun to think about it, her self-assuredness of her prowess had indirectly led to the death of Yue, Sokka's first love. Because of their being forced to leave the Spirit Oasis behind in order to find, retrieve, and save Aang, Admiral Zhao was able to get to the Moon Spirit and strike the fatal blow that would have upturned the balance of the whole world had it not been for the sacrifice of the intervening vessel of the moon spirit that existed in Yue.
But that was an entire age ago, during a time of war and chaos, a time where her family was completely torn apart, and lives were lost, and homes were destroyed. Now... the war was over, the South Pole had been restored to its former glory, Zuko was Firelord, Sokka and Suki had just announced their marriage date (setting it only two months after getting engaged? Really? Didn't most people wait at least a year?), and Katara was snuggling up next to the Avatar while the biggest blizzard she had ever seen raged outside their home in the South Pole.
But even despite the protective walls of the home they now shared - despite Sokka's protests that his kid sister had to sleep in her own separate room (and he had received a snowball in the face for his persistent and idiotic whining), she couldn't help but shiver as she heard the ominous howling of the cold storm their home simply couldn't keep out. She squished herself next to Aang, wanting to feel his touch, his body, his warmth.
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