Web Design Trends to Rule in 2021
Website  design  trends in 2021 are going to be more creative to spark interest and engagement and provide a great user experience. Considering the online market for website design Dubai -the competition has already compelled web designers to raise the bar for web designing by any web development company in Dubai with cutting-edge styles and brand memorability.
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Since 2003, Indglobal as a top web development company UAE has been designing websites for online businesses and has a varied portfolio of clients, from family-owned businesses to large corporations. We provide a range of digital optimization services which help you to reap the return on investment on your online platform. 
Here are few of the top web design and user interface trends that any web design company in Dubai will recommend for 2021.
Online Email Template Builder
With Postcards you can custom emails templates faster without any coding skills! Considering website design UAE, this will be an useful trend.
Dark Mode5 
Dark mode offers the ability to toggle between light and dark color schemes for your design.  It can be regarded as a combination of deeper, darker colors that are able to create the same visual feel as light mode simultaneously maintaining readability and functionality.
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Experimental Typefaces
Experimental typefaces are gaining immense popularity in website and mobile app projects in delivering fonts online. These typefaces range from amazing elaborate pieces of artwork, and could be a single color of style, animated including full- or abbreviated character sets.
Designs Without as Many Faces
This trend can be considered to be a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide – with designs featuring fewer people and faces.
Designers are checking for ways to use the existing inventories of images with people not gathering in groups and with mask-wearing, to establish appropriate imagery. 
Text as Homepage “Art”
With multiple options for typography, considering the oversized and experimental trends if you wish to build  a great website design in Dubai as many designers are preferring text as the main “art” for designs, like filled and outline pairs in the example from Known Themes.
Blur & Noise (Grain)
Blur and noise are going to be the beloved comebacks for 2021. All we remember is how they make website design feel sophisticated and refined but also they have left an excellent impression for mobile applications and all other sorts of interfaces and artworks. 
Circes might emerge as the most popular geometric shape of 2021. because of the implied meanings of circles like wholeness, perfection, infinity, motion. They can really bring a visual focus to a specific area of the design.
3D Illustrations 
Designers are currently trying to implement everything in 3D, including illustrations and animations to scenes created along with objects and images.
The examples here stress on illustrated styles. Illustrations can take on 3D effects and this trend has the ability to result in something with a more realistic feel.
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Black and White Illustrations
Other types of illustrations such as black and white drawing styles. also remain popular. The nice thing about these illustrations is that they seem real and can match” almost any design aesthetic as well.
Collage Art
 Sometimes the most impactful website image happens to be a collection of multiple images. More designers are opting for collages these days as the main artwork on pages.
Images can be placed creating a layered collage look throughout the design in their own “containers”.
Images can be combined and merged to create a unified piece of art but actually that’s a collection of pieces.
Colorful Backgrounds
 On the other end of the spectrum from dark mode is the use of colorful backgrounds for design projects. Bright color can be seen as a reflection of the world right now and also as a desire for better, brighter times in a pandemic era.
Colorful backgrounds come in two forms such as  gradients and blurs and both of them allow you to check with color combinations from amazing bright hues to more  softer rainbow-style palettes. 
Big, Bold Typography
 Typography is another big trend heading into 2021.
“The bigger the letters are, the more impactful they will be”- this trend is all over the map from thick sans serifs to thin serifs and scripts and slabs. 
Cool Mouse/Cursor Icons or Actions
This is also a trend that mouse and cursor states can change into interesting things as you click, scroll or hover.
Impero uses a bright yellow circle which floats around the screen with the cursor. It makes other objects animate or move as it approaches and encourages clicks over and again.
Micro Animations and interactions in Web Design
 The use of micro-interactions from any tiny buttons, call-to-actions, text hovering, cursors, pop-up illustrations is a common trend that is subtle but intriguing, 2021 is expected to  witness a greater emphasis on the micro-animated interactions 
The Parallax effect
 The parallax effect is a trending element used by several web designers. Parallax is the optical illusion which occurs when objects that are near to the viewer seem to move faster than those objects which are farther away. 
Minimalism in Web Design
 The idea of simplicity and to offer a streamlined user experience is becoming popular. With customers flooding online, the web design trend of ‘minimalism’ is going to be a favorite for many people.
 Pantone’s Illuminating and Ultimate Gray
 It is hard to mention trends of the year without the pair as noted by Pantone as colors of the year. Illuminating (yellow) and Ultimate Gray along with the yin and yang of design that works with a more muted neutral.
These website designs and UI trends for 2021 do not work in isolation. They are the best when developed and designed as part of a brilliant design scheme as provided by our proficient developers at IndGlobal Digital - the best website designing company in Dubai. The versatility of these design trends make them highly usable, layer able and perfect to be implemented in your upcoming projects. 
We would be happy to know your  predictions about the future of web design UAE  in  the comments section below.
Email your query to [email protected] and we will get in touch with you.
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