weeb-writes · 3 years
Thanks for writing for android 17, there are very few that do
I’m so happy you enjoyed it! He’s a character I am so happy to write for, always 💚
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weeb-writes · 3 years
Do you take zamasu requests?
I do! :D
Also for anyone else who might be curious about which DBZ/DBS characters I'll write for, I'm down to write about anyone! DB is full of amazing characters so don't be afraid to let the heart want what it wants ;D
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weeb-writes · 3 years
Dating Android 17 would include HCs?
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Yes, I am back, I am going through requests, and I am so excited to start with The Best Boy. I do hope I could do him the justice he deserves. Also, I've missed you all and I hope you haven't forgotten about me because I certainly haven't forgotten about you T_T
Dating Android 17 Would Include:
PATIENCE. On your part! Once your relationship has progressed to the stage where you’re officially dating, that means 17 considers himself comfortable around you and when 17 is comfortable around someone, he sort of becomes a handful. A handful you love, but a handful nonetheless.
He’s playful and cunning, which actually balances well with the side of him that’s also thoughtful and observant. Some days he’ll make you fight for his affections in something he deems a “game” while other days, if he senses that you’re truly not in the mood for it, he’ll be extra attentive and caring.
Sometimes, though, he lets his immaturity shine through and that’s the closest you come to wanting to strangle him because he absolutely loves to tease you. If you happen to get irritated enough for your face to turn red or even pout, he considers it mission accomplished (he’ll try his best to make it up to you though, even if it’s partially selfish because seeing you pout like that makes him want to smother you with kisses)
However, one of his favorite things to do is plan fun, extravagant adventures for you, especially scavenger hunts with clues you have to follow to reach the destination he has in mind. And you never know where it’ll lead. A mountain-top picnic? A walk along the river? Stargazing on a hillside?
Which, keep in mind, I hope you enjoy nature because it’s no secret how much he loves it and he really wants it to be one of your favorite places too. Of course he understands if you don’t want to spend every waking moment outside like he does but the combination of you and the great outdoors is quickly becoming one of his favorite things in the whole world.
Believe it or not, 17 is huge on physical affection. He loves you and trusts you, so you're a comfort to him and he likes to show that whether he's lazily slinging his arm around your shoulders while on a walk or curling himself against you while the two of you are just relaxing in front of the TV. He's sometimes very cat like in how he'll choose to suddenly pounce on you with touches and kisses.
If you have little siblings or young relatives of any kind that you're close to, do be prepared to fight them for 17's attention! Nothing brings his inner child out quite like being around kids, and even though you might chide him for it a bit, you can't deny that it's absolutely adorable.
17 doesn't technically need sleep, but he can sleep, and he loves sleeping with you. He absolutely loves coming home late and finding you already tucked into bed, and then wrapping himself around you to keep you warm through the night while he dozes off with his face pressed against your shoulder.
Which is absolutely sweet and heartwarming, but that also means he'll absolutely end up waking you up before you're ready because he's restless and bored and is ready to start the day with you (even if it's before the sun is even all the way up)
He'll always make up for it though with coffee and kisses and extra snuggles before you both actually have to get out of bed.
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weeb-writes · 3 years
I can’t find your master list🥺🥺
I’m so sorry about that! I’m working on fixing it and linking it properly 💚
- Stark
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weeb-writes · 5 years
Can I ask a question please? 👏🏻
Of course!
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weeb-writes · 5 years
Yo I just wanted to say thank you for providing me with the Namekian appreciation that I so desperately need💚😭💜
You are MORE than welcome and please keep an eye out because I’m planning on being more active here soon! Us Namekian lovers have gotta stick together and I’m here to keep this appreciation train rolling
- A
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Ahh! Thank you for my boi Kuwabara! I really liked it! Wonderful job! 😍
- A
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weeb-writes · 7 years
This would be fun if anyone would be interested! <3
A Writer’s Ask Game
Send me an ask with the number(s) you’d like me to answer!
The Basics 1.     Do you listen to music when you write? 2.     Are you a pantser or plotter? 3.     Computer or pen and paper? 4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published? 5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day? 6.     Single or multiple POV? 7.     Standalone or series? 8.     Oldest WIP 9.     Current WIP 10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
The Specifics 11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most 12.  Describe your perfect writing space 13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished 14.  How do you deal with self-doubts? 15.  How do you deal with writer’s block? 16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project? 17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have? 18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about? 19.  How do you keep yourself motivated? 20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
The Favourites 21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? 22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write? 23.  Favourite author 24.  Favourite genre to write and read 25.  Favourite part of writing 26.  Favourite writing program 27.  Favourite line/scene 28.  Favourite side character 29.  Favourite villain 30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
The Dark 31.  Least favourite part of writing 32.  Most difficult character to write 33.  Have you ever killed a main character? 34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write? 35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
The Fun 36.  Last sentence you wrote 37.  First sentence or your current WIP 38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had 39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had 40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
The Rest of It 41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers? 42.  How do you feel about love triangles? 43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline? 44.  How much research do you do? 45.  How much world building do you do? 46.  Do you reread your own stories? 47.  Best way to procrastinate 48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written? 49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real? 50.  [Other question—ask me anything]
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Thanks for the Nail kisses! I loved them!
You’re so welcome, anon! I’m happy they made you happy!!
- A
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Hi! Can you do a Vegeta with a Baby!Reader scenario please?
Hi anon! Okay so I would love to write about anything Vegeta but I’m not 100% sure what exactly you mean so if you could give me a little bit more of an idea of what you want I would be happy to oblige! I’m sorry, I just want to make sure you get what you want and I don’t end up writing the wrong kind of thing! =3
- A
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Kissing and making out with Nail?
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I hope you meant headcanons/would include but if not, let me know and I’ll happily write you a scenario!  - A
Kissing/Making out with Nail would include:
Nail is very gentle with you at first, because he’s very aware of his strength and the last thing he ever wants to do is hurt you
Sometimes he gets too into it though, and panics when his fangs nick your bottom lip
However, you quickly assure him that you don’t mind one bit with a moan that makes him pull you even closer
Kissing you good morning is his first priority when you wake up
While not big on PDA, he makes a point to steal kisses from you when he can, no matter who happens to be around at the time. 
When making out, he likes to lie down or lean back with you on top of him, so he can wrap his arms around you tightly and let his hands wander your backside at will
I have a huge headcanon that Namekian’s like the booty
He likes it when you nibble his ears and kiss behind them
He also loves when you run your hands along his biceps or grip his arms tightly
He’s going to run his fingers through your hair a lot. He can’t help it, it’s so soft and he absolutely loves the way it feels.
Aside from your lips, he loves to kiss your neck, collarbone, and shoulder. Mainly because it usually makes you very breathless and he loves hearing you whisper his name in a heated tone
He’ll lightly scrape his nails up your back to make you squirm against him
However, do it too much and it’s going from making out to NSFW real quick ;)
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Hiya! I saw the post you made with the prompts from Pinterest and I was wondering if you could do "Bar Fight" with Kuwabara... I thought that would be an entertaining match :D
Oh man thank you so much for requesting something for Kuwa, because I LOVE THAT BOY!!
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You’d had a hard dayand just wanted to head to your favorite bar, have a few drinks, and relaxbefore heading home and spending the weekend holed up in front of the TV. Thatdidn’t sound too farfetched, right?
Wrong, apparently. You had somehow captured the attention ofa group of guys without even trying or wanting to. They kept trying to send youdrinks, which you kept having returned, and you could hear them loudlydiscussing the way you looked.
They were obviously drunk and getting drunker. You werestarting to think you’d be better off grabbing some drinks from the conveniencestore and enjoying them at home.
You paid your tab and left a generous tip for the waitress,then headed for the door.
“Aw, where ya going?” The voice spoke as a hand reached outand grabbed you by the wrist. It was one of the creeps, and you weren’t surehow they’d gotten to you that fast.
“Home. Now, let me go.” You snapped, attempting to snatchyourself free of their grip. It didn’t work, and only made him hold youtighter. He smelled heavily of booze and a strange sulfuric scent, and it madeyour stomach turn.
“I think you should stay.” He grinned lecherously down atyou, and for a moment you thought you saw a glimpse of fangs in his mouth. Youcouldn’t be sure, and frankly, you didn’t really care. You just wanted him tolet go of you. Without hesitation, you balled your free hand up in a fist andsent it flying at his face. He dodged, your blow missing him completely, and helaughed.
“You missed.” He taunted.
Seemingly out of nowhere, a fist came flying and connectedwith the creep’s jaw, causing him to release his hold on you and send himflying to the floor. The wielder of the fist, a very tall, muscular redhead,stood next to you glaring down at the fallen drunk.
Your eyes went wide. “Thank you!” You exclaimed, staring upat him.
“Don’t mention it. Are you okay?” He asked, looking youover. He seemed genuinely worried about you, but on edge at the same time.
“I’m fine,” You assured him, though you were sure your wristwould be obviously bruised by the morning.
He nodded. “Listen, you should get out of here before–,” Hebegan, but trouble was already brewing again. The rest of the group of creepsstarted to head over, and looking at them now, you could see something wasdifferent about them. One had a tail, another had talons in place offingernails, another had eyes covering their entire face. They weren’t human.
“What the hell?” You muttered.
“I know you, red,” Eyeball Face screeched. “You’re thatKuwabara kid.”
“I’m flattered that you know the name,” Your savior,Kuwabara, actually grinned. “If you get out of here without causing anymoretrouble, I’ll let you live.”
The guy he had knocked out stood up from the floor, and hisfangs were very obvious now. They jutted out from between his lips, drippingwith green saliva. “Kill him.” He commanded.
And that was how you ended up in a bar fight with a guy youdidn’t know and four…creatures?
“Get outta here!” Kuwabara yelled at you as he pummeledFangs again, before he took out Talons with a sideways leg sweep. The otherpatrons of the bar, including the bartender, were fleeing the establishment,screaming their heads off.
“No way,” You muttered. He had saved you before, and even thoughyou couldn’t believe the things hewas fighting, you weren’t about to leave him. He was a big guy, but he was justone guy after all.
You knew how to use your fists and your feet, and anythingyou could pick up for that matter. Tail Guy had jumped up on the ceiling andskittered along it, dropping down behind Kuwabara to try and take him bysurprise. You quickly grabbed a chair from a nearby table, using all yourstrength to knock him in the back of the head with it. It splintered againsthim, and he whirled around, setting his sights on you.
“Brat!” He hissed, taking a step towards you. You kicked hisankle, sending him down on one knee and cursing in pain.
You moved around him, trying to get to where Kuwabara wasbeing double teamed by Eyeball Face and Talon. You grabbed a particularly sharppiece of the broken chair, determined that you would stab one of these freaksif you had to.
“Ow!” You screamed as a sharp, stinging pain shot throughyour leg. You looked back to see a tail retreating from the pained spot, a tailthat looked more like a stinger on the end.
Tail Guy grinned wickedly at you before jumping onto thewall and scurrying off again. Pain still pulsated through your whole leg, butyou weren’t going to let it stop you.
You reached the fight just as Talon jumped onto Kuwabara’sback, sinking his claws into the boy’s shoulder. He let out a massive yowl ofpain, and the sound triggered you into action mode. Mustering all yourstrength, you raised the wooden stake you had salvaged and plunged it in theback of the monster attacking Kuwabara. He let out a cry that was less thanhuman and you covered your ears as you watched him fall to the floor, writhingin pain.
Kuwabara turned around and faced you, a grin on his face.“Hey, nice one!”
“Thanks…” You murmured as the world seemed to spin aroundyou. Your leg continued to pulse with pain, and your vision was swimming.
The last thing you saw before collapsing on the floor was abright, golden light that almost looked like it was coming from Kuwabara’shands…
After what seemed like an endless fever dream of the wildestthings your imagination could possibly muster, you woke up in a strange bed ina place you didn’t recognize. You immediately feared the worst, your heartbeginning to race in your chest until you remembered the insane incident at thebar.
You sat up too quickly, nausea overwhelming you. You willedit to pass as you tossed the cover aside, looking down at your now bandagedleg. You remembered the way that thing had stung you with his tail the thoughtof the pain it had inflicted made you shudder.
“Oh, you’re awake!”
The gruff voice startled you and you looked over, realizingKuwabara had been sitting in a chair across the room. Rather, he had beensleeping. He reached up to wipe the sleep from his eyes before he stood andwalked over to your bedside. He towered over you, but you knew better than tobe afraid. His height was a protecting comfort.
“Where am I?”  Youasked, clearing your throat once you realized how deep your voice was fromsleep. You felt heat rush to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“I brought you to my friends house…he’s good with plants,and that sting you got needed some special kinda mix I knew he would be able tomake. Don’t worry, you’re safe.” He assured you. He moved to sit on the edge ofthe bed and then stopped himself, meeting your gaze. “Is it ok if I…?”
You blinked, and then smiled softly before nodding. “Sure.”
He took his seat, the bed shifting noticeably with hisweight. “So, how are you feeling?”
“Better,” You replied truthfully. “A little groggy, but I’mnot complaining. What…” You frowned, chewing your bottom lip. “What the hellwere those things?”
“Yeesh,” Kuwabara reached up and rubbed the back of hisneck, taking a breath. “I’d say you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but Iguess since you saw ‘em…”
“And felt them.” You grumbled, jerking your leg slightly.
“Well,” He let out a breath, meeting your gaze beforespeaking again. “They were demons.”
Before you could ask anything else, Kuwabara began rattlingoff about demons, something called the Spirit World, and his best friend whowas a detective? You were trying to keep up with it all, but it was a lot totake in, especially after dealing with what you now knew was a sting from ademon. As Kuwabara spoke, you watched as he excitedly used his hands, orfrowned deeply when talking about a particular subject, or smiled widely whenhe brought up a fight he had won. He laughed at one point, and you found it anentirely pleasant sound. Although thinking about it, there really wasn’t a lotyou didn’t find unpleasant about him.
“I’m sorry, here I am babbling about all this crap andyou’re probably still tired,” Kuwabara smirked and stood up. “You should stayhere and get some more rest. Like I said, you’re safe here. I can walk you homein the morning.”
You were tired, but you didn’t want him to stop talking.However, you could tell sleep wasn’t too far off. “Thank you, Kuwabara. Foreverything.” You told him softly.
“Hey, I should be thankin’ you too,” He replied. “You kindasaved my ass back there.”
You laughed. “I think you had it handled. But I at leasttried.”
Kuwabara took his seat in the chair, picking up a mangavolume you hadn’t seen before. You settled down to get some more sleep, whenanother question entered your mind.
“Did you have some kind of golden sword, or was that somekind of demon poison hallucination?” You asked through a yawn.
When Kuwabara excitedly starting rambling again, you foughtvery hard to stay awake, but his voice was quite nice to fall asleep to.
You assumed he must not have minded when you woke up laterto find his chair moved closer to your bedside, his loud snores making yougiggle quietly so as not to wake him up.
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope things are going okay for you and I hope you had a wonderful day!
Aww thank you so much!! This seriously made me smile :) I hope your day was wonderful as well! You’re the best
- A
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weeb-writes · 7 years
🍙 It is I! Again- Onigiri anon stopping by to say thank you for the birthday headcanons; it's adorable!! My birthday is 4 months away, nyeeheh- If you don't mind me asking, do you write for characters that are yet to be animated? Because if you do, I may, or may not just drop another ask-- if it's alright, of course! ❤️ Thank you again! I hope you're having a wonderful day!!
Hooray Onigiri anon! I’m so glad you liked them, I was kind of nervous writing them xD I’m currently making my way through the Haikyuu!! manga so you are more than welcome to request a character who hasn’t been animated yet as long as you don’t mind waiting just a tad bit (I started reading from the beginning but I’m thinking about jumping ahead to after the Shiratorizawa arc because I’m more than a little impatient for new content with my boys :P). So I’m definitely up for it! :D I hope you’re having a wonderful day as well!
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weeb-writes · 7 years
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates. I have some great requests in my ask that I’m working on and will be up very soon! It’s just been a crazy week regarding family life and I’ve been a bit distracted :( But updates are coming! I hope you all have a lovely day <3
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weeb-writes · 7 years
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hOOT!!!! I do hope you enjoy these, anon! And whenever your birthday is, I hope it is/was absolutely amazing!! <3 - A
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Yaku Morisuke:
Are you ready to be treated like a queen? Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
This is no birthday - try birthweek. 
There’s just too much Yaku wants to do with you and for you to fit it all into just one day.
Is there a movie you want to see? A concert you want to go to? A restaurant you want to try? You’re getting to. No questions asked.
Of course there’ll be a traditional birthday party on the actual day with all your friends, and they all somehow knew just what to get you (totally not because Yaku assigned them gifts he knew you would like or anything...)
Yaku gets you the best present of course (he totally didn’t plan it that way either...wink)
Yaku is going to make sure you have the best time imaginable and he won’t ask for anything in return. As long as you have a smile on his face, he’s just happy he could give you a memorable birthday.
But if you happen to want to give him a kiss every now and then, it’ll feel like it’s his birthday too <3
Futakuchi and Kunimi under the cut!
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Kunimi Akira:
Least likely to throw you a surprise party
It’s your birthday, so of course he’ll be down for whatever you want to do, even if it includes going somewhere loud and packed
But if it were up to him, he want to spend all day just the two of you doing random things
He would definitely want to take you on a picnic to the park, probably followed by a movie or two of your choice
He spent at least two weeks stressing over what to get you as a present, and ended up getting you at least three things because he just couldn’t decide
Your family loves him, so he worked it out with them to let him spend the night at your place, which means an all night camp out in the living room with too many snacks and video/board games
A pillow + blanket fort is definitely happening
When you fall asleep in the fort, curled up in his arms around 4am, you’re both thinking that it was the best day ever
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Futakuchi Kenji:
Most likely to throw you a surprise party, so you almost expected him to
Instead, he “kidnaps” you bright and early to an amusement park
He will dare you to get on the biggest, scariest rides, but promises to do them with you so he can hold your hand
He’s definitely the one who ends up puking afterwards
But that doesn’t stop him from buying you both ridiculous amounts of junkfood
He spends all day winning you prizes, big and small, from every game booth you pass
You stay out all day and well into the night just having a blast!
When you’re about to head home and you’re weighted down with stuffed animals and silly trinkets, Kenji takes them and sets them aside to give you your actual present that he picked out for you weeks ago
You’re both exhausted from the day, but it’s the perfect kind of exhaustion because you’re beaming with happiness and Kenji is the one who made it possible
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weeb-writes · 7 years
How about some sfw and nsfw headcanons for Nappa?
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I hope you enjoy!!
Dating Nappa is like dating a time bomb, but in a good way
As in, the bomb that explodes will probably be aggressive hugs, loud declarations of love, and ridiculous threats to anyone who looks at you with interest
Is your mirror missing? Yeah…Nappa took it
If he’s bored, he will pick a fight with you just to argue for hours on end, then make up before bed
Date nights will probably include monster truck races or underground street fights. He loves the mayhem.
However, if you manage to drag him to a nice restaurant, you’ll find yourself surprised. Who knew Nappa had manners?
He does have a soft side, and you are the only one allowed to see it. Or know about it. If you mention it to anyone else, he will give you the silent treatment and that’s somehow worse than when he’s arguing with you over the color of a kale leaf.
The quickest way to cheer him up when he’s down or if he’s pouty is to massage his shoulders and smother him with kisses. He can’t resist it.
If you start complimenting/praising him while doing so, it’ll quickly take a turn for the NSFW.
He’s a surprisingly good listener. As long as you can both take turns telling each other about your day/what’s bothering you/the stupid thing that happened at work, he’s going to be all ears so long as you are.
NSFW under the cut!
Nappa is very into cock worship. Nothing gets him hotter than hearing you praise his big, gorgeous cock and then watching you take as much as you can.
While he loves seeing you take him into your mouth, he’s more into giving oral than receiving. 
He’s a sadist, so he loves going down on you to the point of you squirming and begging him to stop because you can’t take any more
He’s into BDSM, but only what you’re comfortable with. He’s down for anything, so he makes sure to know what you’re okay with before trying it with you.
Honestly though, if you let him tie you up and spank you (or better yet, use a riding crop), he will be more than pleased
Even more so if you agree to the nipple clamps ;)
Whether it’s hard and fast, or hard and slow, as long as he’s in charge, it’s going to be hard. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand as far as he’s concerned.
If you ask him, though, he’ll try to be gentle. Keyword: try
He loves biting and sucking your breasts to the point of leaving them bruised
Same goes for your inner thighs, actually
He lives to cum inside of you. Creampies are a huge fetish for him. He’ll definitely eat you out afterwards, too.
He has a high sex drive and high stamina, so he will definitely bounce back quickly, unless you’re spent. Then he’s perfectly fine holding you and massaging you. 
Hes surprisingly caring and will make sure you’re okay after every round, especially if things get rougher than usual. 
After particularly long and rough sessions, he’ll even draw you a hot bath and make sure to bring you your favorite beverage to enjoy while you soak.
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