weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
Three o'clock? Couldn't be. That would mean he'd been asleep for like, a day or so? Oops. Asher let go of the man's leg and sat up, or well pushed himself up lazily. His long blond hair wasn't in it's braid and laid in a messy pool around him. "Wow, you haven't changed one bit. Still a bossy asshole." Which was said with as much love as one could put into that sentence. "How did you even know I was back?" He asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, and stood. Stretching again, his back hurt; probably for laying around for to long.
✂ “It’s almost three o’ clock Asher get out of bed and stop your whining.” He tried to tug his leg away but decided to stop since the crusnik was gripping onto it like he’d die without the contact. “I’m not getting into bed with you. I came to visit and don’t intend on doing so while you’re in bed. Get up.”
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
Asher tried to grab his blankets but it was already to late, he was exposed. "Come on! It's still wayyyy to early." No, it was like passed noon. Get your lazy ass up, Asher. The crusnik caught the vampire's leg and latched on, holding onto it like it was his life line. "Blair, way to early. Come on, get into bed and let's go back to sleep." Nod nod.
✂ Blair just rolled his eyes, stepping farther into the crusniks room he closed the door behind himself. “You don’t look it.” Reaching down he tugged the blankets off of Asher giving him a nudge with his foot. “Come on wake up.”
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
Asher twitched within his sleep as a voice floated through his once silent room. The crusnik stretched out while giving what sounded like a moan, something that stretching usually always caused. "..i am now." Said a half asleep blood sucker as he moved around before curling up and pulling the blankets over his head. He was still tired and pretty much half asleep. Asher closed his eyes again and drifted back into a very light sleep not to be rude or anything, just because his face and body were still quite heavy with sleep. The crusnik lightly snored as he stayed within his little curled up form.
✂ While his crusnik friend was away Blair wasn’t doing much. Mostly keeping to himself as usual but he was making more efforts to go outside even though the weather was warming up and the sun was terribly bright nowadays. Though he detested his squabbles with Asher he did at least want to go check up on his apartment and see if he’d returned. Sometimes he asked himself why he even bothered and the vampire just reminded himself that Asher was the closest thing to a friend he had. It was good enough reason for him. He scaled the side of the apartment complex easily and entered through the crusnik’s balcony door. The place was slightly empty some furniture here and there, some luggage. Looks like he’s home. Peeking inside the other’s room Blair stilled watching him in his sleep for a moment with fixated violet eyes. “Are you awake?”
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 11 years
It had been tough lately with all the missions he had been receiving from the Vatican so the crusnik hadn't been home in quite some time. He hadn't left a goodbye letter or anything because he had known he was going to be returning. Asher honestly hadn't thought he was going to be gone very long though but it turned off differently. The vampire was currently within his apartment, sound asleep. Nice and comfortable in his bed because he was just that tired. He hadn't seen Blair in quite sometimes..he didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing, hell all they ever did was fight. That on it's own was tiring. Asher hadn't planned on getting up early hence why he was still asleep and the day was almost..well over, and he was completely unaware that he had a visitor.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
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Asher was a difficult case. Back when the experimentation was finished, he was emotionless until taught other wise. Once taught, he made a couple friends only to lose those friends where as he murdered one of his own. Things like that put dents in Asher's emotional structure, he's either to emotional like now or he doesn't show anything. Somethings triggered Asher's cry baby nature where others didn't. "Because you're special." No eye contact. "I don't just cry for anyone, you know." Distance. "If you were understand me, you'd hate me. You'd hate us."
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✂ It wasn’t a goodbye, but an invitation to one. Blair assumed by the way Asher was acting that leaving would ultimately put his mind at ease. If only the Crusnik would stop being so stubborn for one short moment he’d realize that Blair had no problem going back to the way things were. He wanted that, but Asher made expressing that entirely to difficult. Every time the vampire opened his mouth to say that he was cut off or greeted with tears that flowed even now. “Don’t cry, don’t bother wasting your tears on me. I can’t understand why you would tho I can’t understand you yourself because you refuse to let me..” He huffed eyes shying away from the Crusnik.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
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Asher was silent for a moment until Blair spoke his last words and that's when his face twisted along with tears gathering in his eyes. That..sounded like a goodbye. He didn't want to say goodbye, and that's why he had been trying to avoid it. He just wanted to forget. He wanted to go back to sharing blood, and essence, oh and telling each other stories.. Things to be normal again! He didn't want to be in love.. He just wanted a friend. Someone he could count on, someone that understood him but that was wishing for a little to much. Sinners didn't get second chances, all they got was a one way ticket to hell. -- Tears and Silence was all Blair got.
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✂ It was the complete opposite for Blair. He wouldn’t look away. It ruffled his feathers to see Asher putting so much effort into avoiding him, but he didn’t do anything about it. “Don’t phrase it like that, you haven’t committed some crime. I understand this must be hard, but you’ll have to face your feelings at some point. Tho if my absence puts you at ease then I’ll gladly oblige.”
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
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Asher wouldn't make direct eye contact with Blair, nor would he get anywhere close to him. It just was easier to keep a distance. "I'm not. In fact, I think I'm making things pretty easy and crystal clear." The crusnik said before tilting his head. Friends. It stung more than it should have. He was going to delete that part of himself that was in love with Blair, just get rid of it. Can't face it, get rid of it. "You're right." Was all he said. "I shouldn't run and I should just own up to it."
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✂ All Blair could do was stare at him. No particular look upon his face maybe one of concentration but other than that he was just looking. “Why must you make things more complicated than they have to be?” He spoke finally starting off with a heavy sigh. “If I haven’t made it clear I’m completely alright with you..and trying to remain friends in fact it sounds perfect to me, but if you’re going to run off because you can’t face your feelings then don’t let me stop you.” In other words he was highly disappointed in both himself and Asher.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
"I do a pretty good job if you ask me. I'm still standing." Yeah, barely. Asher was still walking through his home and reliving old memories. Nothing had really had happened in this place that was worth remembering. Not even the time that he was almost seduced by Blair himself. "Mhm, 02 mentioned that it was a long trip so I packed the important things." he answered. He should have saw this coming. Blair certainly wasn't stupid. "I planned on it, and still am. Goodbye? No, I wasn't going to say goodbye. I was just going to leave." No point in lying about it. "We haven't spoken in quite some time so I didn't think it really mattered if I said goodbye or not. Plus, I know you've realized that our relationship isn't the same anymore."
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✂ “Yes of course tho you do a bang up job of it.” He rolled his eyes as he took his place leaning against the counter. “The important things?” Blair glanced around again and in doing so realized he didn’t really like what he saw. “You look like your leaving. Were you planning on saying goodbye?” His tone became flat with the sharpness of a dulled knife.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
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"Mhm," The crusnik hummed as he sat the glass down and began to walk through the large apartment. "You do know that I can take care of myself, right?" He asked but that was as much of a lie as his smile was. Asher, was hopeless when it came to taking care of himself. He was glad that Blair would offer because he didn't feel like bickering over the simple fact that he didn't want to drink the very think that kept him alive. "I only took the important things but I suppose that was mostly everything." In all honesty, Asher had just come back to get a couple things and then he had been going to leave for good but now.. he had a rather difficult obstacle to get over. Blair.
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✂ “Oh I see.” His eyes followed Asher as he moved about heading towards the kitchen. Blair’s brow arched only watching the Crusnik gulp down water like a fish. Someone obviously hadn’t fed at all. He wasn’t going to bother offering knowing his offer would only be rejected. “I came to check up on you. I can tell you’ve forgotten. It looks like somebody looted the place.” He chuckled slightly.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
Asher, don't say anything rude or stupid just because you're butt hurt about being rejected..more than once. "The Vatican." The crusnik answered with a short shrug of his shoulders while he was walking into the kitchen. The vampire had been downing water like no tomorrow considering he refused to take in blood. He hadn't drank blood in months.. "What are you doing here?" he asked without even looking back at the other while he was pouring himself a glass of water. "Excuse the mess.. I seemed to have forgotten about this place."
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✂ He looked around noticing the lack of furniture and scattered miscelanious items. It looked like someone deserted the place. He’d hoped that wasn’t the case. “Oh,” Blair’s ears perked up hearing Asher answer. The vampire drifted towards the door to see the Crusnik setting his bags down. “Where have you been?” Violet eyes looked the man over with curiosity.
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
The apartment was bared considering Asher had left for the Vatican just weeks before. It still had the furniture but other things were scattered and some were missing. Asher just happened to be walking through the front door while Blair was coming through the living room. Upon hearing the others voice, he sighed as he sat his luggage down. While answering, he shut the door. Blair haunted him or more so, it was the love that he held for the other. "I'm Here."
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✂ Blair took it upon himself to make a trip over to Asher’s apartment just to check on him. The vampire scaled his way up the building taking his usual entrance into the Crusnik’s home through his balcony. “Hellooo?” He waded through the living room. “Asher, are you home?”
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weepingbetrayal-blog · 12 years
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