wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Geometric Design
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As I've stated in my previous blog post, abstract is really what I'm into. 
And this time I was able to combine water color and abstract. Two of my most favorite things in art.
What I did here was the dripping technique to create sort of like free style lines that will add to the whole effect of the design. I used circles, thick and lines, and overlapping shapes to create this design.
What I like most about this is how unique it is. No line is of the same thickness and length.
My goal here is to make the audience or viewers' mind wonder and play with the shapes in their head and for them to have the freedom to interpret this however they want.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
South Sea Landscape
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Just like Paul Gauguin he used colors very unlikely. Here I used green hues to color the sea.
To lighten up the work, I included peach and white flowers on the subject to give more fluidity and grace to her movement. I observed that in Paul Gauguin's Ta Maete, the women were very rigid and stiff but the combination of lines made it look really graceful.
I made her into a silhouette because I want the flowers to standout and your attention will immediately be drawn to her. 
In this painting I sort of applied what I learned from my art theory class regarding Buddhism. That no matter how chaotic your surrounding can be, you must remain focused and relaxed.
That's why my work turned out like this. The rugged landscape is in contrast with the graceful strong-minded islander.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Painting ala Jackson Pollock
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This is, by far, my favorite activity or plate ever.
Abstract has been my thing ever since and this activity was just really a blast for me.
As a painter, using this style was very interesting. It's very unusual to the common things I do. It enables me to just let loose and not be limited to my concept or whatsoever. This time I am not pressured to come up with any logical drawing or image. 
I enjoyed the process more let me tell you. Messy, yeah but it's actually distressing. This time color harmony didn't matter, shadows didn't make sense, and proportions didn't exist.
Exactly what I wanted and needed during times like these.
Not every art has to make sense.
Sometimes you just have to let your inner child, go out and play with paint, get messy, and have fun.
So that is what this plate made me experience.
It made me rekindle with my 7-years-old-painter-self.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
More Human Than Human
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I agree, that we humans tend to exaggerate features in our faces or body. The only reason I can come up with as to why we humans do it, is because to create a point or draw attention. 
I mean, imagine a museum with normal looking statues. It would end up dull and boring, right? 
People also produces images that are more human than human for aesthetic purposes. Or to simply create a sale.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
(Untitled Rant # 5342)
Clearly you are stupid
I am so pissed off with you because it seems like you understand nothing even after countless attempt of explaining shit to you
I am growing up. I like doing things my own way. I like being alone. I am not comfortable telling you every shit I do (bc you'll probably freak out). 
I just want you to understand that. 
Things are are different now.
I'm doing me.
I like my privacy. 
I couldn't be a child forever. I couldn't keep my innocence. Unfortunately. 
It pisses me off so much that you don't give me enough room to let myself grow as a person.
You obviously hate changes. 
And I do to.
But it's inevitable.
This is getting too difficult for me and I'm sorry.
I may be unsure of where I want to go but at the same time I don't need your or anybody else's help.
I want to figure this all out alone.
So please let me.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
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kim kardashian’s reaction to getting her laptop back after being without it for two days
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
I've been obedient for a while now. I've been following everything that you want. I did everything for you not to see me as a disappointment. 
But this time I just kinda really want to find myself. Be happy. Enjoy life. So please do let me.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
"We got this"
I love him and he loves me too but the timing and situation are all off.
Hopefully, we'll make things work in the future (if we really are meant for each other). 
Because I'm not ready to give up on him just yet.
I met this guy who I literally can call my other half.
Whatever is going through my head is the exact reflection of his. 
We're like each other's mirror. 
Including the fact that we have slight resemblance.
Whatever I feel like talking about, whatever mood I'm in, whatever I feel like doing...it's like the both of us are always always always on the same page.
Hundred of times, I'm in a situation where no one can just understand me. 
Even after millions of desperate attempts on explaining, they just couldn't get it.
and that's when I miss him the most.
because I know he will. 
He perfectly will.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Loving You In Galaxy Inn
I wanted you with me forever
but I guess you just couldn't stay
I had so many plans for the both of us
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Loving You In Galaxy Inn
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
This is why I hate taking meds.
I get more depressed than usual.
Sure, it stops me from daydreaming too much.
Reality is killing me. These people are killing me. Real life problems are killing me.
And I just want to daydream forever.
But at the same time it's getting me nowhere.
Fuck this shit.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Stuck on Stupid
Okay so.
Last week my professor told me that my essays are getting worse. She complimented how wonderful my first few once were though.
But it ticks me off
Truth is, I can only write whenever I’m sad.
I can only paint or draw whenever I’m sad
I can’t just tell myself to be upset just so I could come up with good shit.
  It’s difficult.
  Art is my act of recovery.
  A form of healing.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
My grades are suffering.
Lately I’ve been…lost. So lost.
Is this still what I wanna do?
Or am I just here because I’m a stupid fucker who took this course up for their significant other?
….who isn’t even with them anymore…
(or was never with them)
  My choices in life are getting horrible.
A simple “should I eat this cookie?” seems like a math exam question.
I couldn’t come up with anything.
It’s like everything around me is going too fast.
Like, you guys know those time lapse videos where a person is standing in the middle of the street or the road and just everything around them is in fast motion?
That’s the clearest way to describe how I feel.
Like everyone around me is doing great. They are actually doing something relevant with their lives. Like they are becoming a somebody.
But I’m still stuck in the blurry slow-paced middle.
I should just shut up.
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
Seeing 12 year olds post about being heartbroken:
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
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wellapparantly-blog · 11 years
AN: And here’s the last part! Read Day 9 and Day 19, respectively in order to understand.
Work is a normal affair for you, sitting in what the employers call, “The Oval Office”, and typing away on your keyboard to get the report done. Sleep only visited you for about an hour this...
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