wester-than-west · 1 day
I’m not sure how many people realize that there’s a way in which hurt/comfort is actually very kinky, because at its core you’ve got this emotional power exchange fantasy where one character is vulnerable and helpless and the other takes care of them. In the case of stories involving grievous injuries, where someone is bedridden for a long time, you often end up with two characters in a 24/7 total power exchange relationship without a safeword. It just doesn’t involve as many whips and dog collars.
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wester-than-west · 2 days
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wester-than-west · 3 days
writing tips - sick/poisoning fics
so since you guys ate up the injury thing like holy fuck 1.5k notes in 24 hours??? hello?? I thought I'd do a semi-related one about sickness.
disclaimer because you guys thoroughly reminded me of this: medicine is fucking weird and everybody reacts differently. this is blanket statement information, not the mayo clinic. idc that 'oh my cousin had that disease and he didn't have that symptom' okay whatever like sorry but that's not the point of this post. this is just to eliminate egregious mistakes. I'm not looking into every possible way this illness will show up. chill your tits. the comments on the last post were just like. dude. chill.
aurkay so.
poison-related illness.
okay poisoning is such a cool concept and there are literally so many cool effects it can have. Idk why everyone goes with the holy trinity of hallucinations, fainting and nausea. like yeah those are good but there are so many other things???
like internal bleeding. literally the best. I love it. It's slow but hella deadly and sometimes people can't even feel it/don't know what's happening. that's such a great option for whump or some angst. like they didn't know until it was too late. gold.
also - some poisons are not dissolvable in food or drink. Like certain medicines, they lose effectiveness if digested instead of injected intravenously. obviously you don't have to know that but if you wanna get into it, do a lil bit of research. could bring up some intriguing scenarios.
infection or sepsis
yoooo. sepsis is lowkey terrifying. infections are similar to actual illness but are caused because of an unsanitary wound. lots of interesting symptoms to browse here:
fever, cramps, fainting, hallucinations, dehydration, delirium, nausea, sores, sepsis, organ failure and on and on and on.
infection happens so fast too. like forget to change a bandage once and boom it could be infected. (is that a whump opportunity I hear...?)
sepsis is like the point of no return pretty much. Unless you've got crazy medical technology, sepsis is really really bad. basically, it's when the body overreacts and starts to damage its own tissue. leading to organ failure and then eventually death. spooky.
regular illness
this just means like a virus or something. a key point of viruses is an elevated temperature and dehydration; the body's primary responses. burn the bug out and dehydrate it.
depending on the illness, symptoms will vary. respiratory infections or viruses involve congestion, coughing, sore throats, a rattly breathing sound, and productive coughing (phlegm and mucus). Stomach illnesses include cramps, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, low blood sugar, weight loss, and diarrhea. these can overlap but mostly those are the groupings.
with fevers come achy joints and sensitive skin. fever is inflammation, like mild swelling everywhere because of how intense the antibody reaction is.
dehydration sets in really quick. really bad dehydration induces dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, delirium, lethargy, and fainting. great motivation for a whumper to possibly restrict whumpee's water intake...?
just some prompts! kinda low energy today sorry I haven't been posting, xox
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wester-than-west · 5 days
Hello fic writers, mind answering something for me?
Me personally, option 1 but wishes I was option 2
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wester-than-west · 6 days
was your first phone a flip phone?
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wester-than-west · 7 days
Can yall believe that at one point I loved Lucio more than Julian :( I like Lucio but Julian is and will forever be my main love 😊💖💖✨✨☝🏼☝🏼
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wester-than-west · 7 days
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wester-than-west · 9 days
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🍁Редизайн Амалии // Amalia s3-4 redesign p.2 :>
Ева Следующая!
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wester-than-west · 9 days
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🏹 Редизайн Евы !! // Eva s1 redesign
Yugo & Tristepin next
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wester-than-west · 11 days
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wester-than-west · 11 days
Watched the 2004 Phantom of the Opera film for the first time ever, ask me anything
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wester-than-west · 15 days
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wester-than-west · 16 days
"x ship is normalizing incest-"
If game of thrones hasn't normalized incest by now (pulling over 10 million views in the 7th season alone) then a small fandom ship most certainly won't
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wester-than-west · 17 days
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wester-than-west · 18 days
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neuvifuri daughters!
Nix, eldest. An engineer at the Fontaine Research Institute. She's very passionate about water, more so than Neuvillette that she made it her career to keep the waters clean. She's a daddy's girl who guilt trips him about the shitty loopholes in the law to get her research funded privately (aka. daddy's money). She is results-oriented and tries to stretch the law just short of being illegal. Very good at arguments. Laid back otherwise, just don't get on her bad side. Her right eye is sensitive to light but can see very well in the dark. She is the most sensitive to the water and the best swimmer of the 3.
Odile, middle. A private investigator who mostly deals with "magical" cases in her father's place. She was a sickly child who often visited her elder sister Sigewinne in Meropide (at her father's insistance). Being in the prison environment sparked her interest in crimes and mysteries, but also made her used to gore and violence. Odile was babied and kept at home so she desires independence and adventure which her sisters provided by sneaking her out often. She is not as results-driven as her older sister and tends to enjoy the chase as it makes her feel alive. She lost her leg when she was younger and instead of a prosthetic, she uses hydro to provide extra mobility. She also has very sharp teeth, the longest tongue, and surprisingly a tail or fins which neither parent has. She thinks Melusine food tastes just fine.
Lilyca, youngest. Despite being the youngest, she is the biggest worrywart due to her sisters always tempting death (due to rough play or poor constitution). She hated seeing her mom worried so always asked doctors who saw her sisters a lot of questions which sparked her interest in solving medical mysteries and helping others. She became a travelling doctor because she needs a break away from her sisters. Lilyca loves learning and using her knowledge to solve problems. She's covered with scales and has her father's horns which I forgot to draw. Her dark circles never go away.
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wester-than-west · 21 days
discovered something terrible today. if you change plot elements early on in the story. later plot elements will be affected
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wester-than-west · 22 days
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current mantra
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