wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
“Don’t Let Me Down”
Seratoph organises a meeting with Harph in the Golden Keg where things get just a bit more personal than intended.
Harph walked into the Golden Keg late at night, the moon at its peak while he entered. Already sitting in one of the chairs was another Kaldorei boy, alone while Colin continued serving those who would be coming in at such an especially late time that night. Harph took a seat right near Sera, while the younger of the two stared at the other with disdain, but reluctant compliance. They had to work together. It was for the greater good, and if he didn’t keep Harph on his side, then he would drive away the gang’s inside man for the Moonlight.
“S-So. . . I talked with Vervain.” Sera spoke, prompting Harph to look up while his ears involuntarily twitched.
“You did?” Harph asked, before taking a sip from his mug, the foam of the ale inside sticking to his beard. “I’m guessing you know that we’re. . .”
“Yeah.” Sera answered the question before it could even be asked. “C-Congrats, I guess.”
Harph studied the boy for a few seconds, while he crossed and uncrossed his legs from under the table. A strange tension was felt in the air now. Nothing terrifying, or angry, but a sensation that would feel as if it phased through the two of them, right through their chests, leaving behind something that felt cold and empty. “And I’m also guessing that isn’t all he said?”
Sera nodded slowly, before placing his elbow on his knee, leaning down slightly. “No. We s-spoke more.” He said, while using his free hand to brush off his side, near his stomach. “I-I. . . I get why you did it.” He stared Harph down with his brows lowered, but otherwise, his guard was down. “It doesn’t excuse it. But I-I get it.”
Harph then kept his legs still, and crossed his arms. “You two sure talked, alright.” He sighed, and placed his ale on the table, the wood making a gentle clunk. “Why don’t you elaborate on that? I ain’t here to play riddles, I wanna talk. And clearly, you do too if you set this up.”
Sera shook his head, biting back a tired smile. “I-I don’t wanna play either. I’m a-already dealing with enough riddle shit as it is.” He ran his hand along his eyebrows, rubbing away stress as if to keep himself going. “Y-You raised me as a fighter. Killer. Thief.”
Harph raised his finger. “Might I remind you how we even met, boy?”
Sera straightened his posture, taking a breath while he narrowed his eyes. “I was s-stealing silvers. I wasn’t stealing priceless artifacts, or expensive machines, or blackmail, or w-weapon plans. Not until you dragged m-me with you.”
Harph kept his index finger over his mouth, while his thumb pointed up towards his cheek. “Point taken.”
Sera continued. “B-But that was all you knew. And running away. . . Th-That was all I knew.” He leaned forward, and muttered, his voice going lower. “I’m done running away. And if you’re g-gonna stick with us, then I want to hear you say that you’ll be done with all that too.”
Harph lowered his hand down to his hip, before his left hand, made of metal, moved up and rested on the edge with the rest of his forearm. His expression seemed surprised, yet amused at even the notion. “Stop fighting, killing, and stealing? Sera, you know sure as shit that I am far beyond leaving that behind.” He scoffs, and begins pulling out a cigarette.
Sera stood, and pulled the cigarette straight from in between the older man’s metal fingers, and tossed it away on the ground, out of reach. “Hey!” Harph complained, looking at Sera with an offended expression.
“I-I wanna hear it. After this is all over and Aela is dead, you’re done with th-that shit. Go do something good for once.” He gazed down at him. “Say it.”
Harph shot straight up, nearly causing his chair to fall backwards behind him. “Sera. There are some things in a man that you just can’t change. Things just sometimes are the way they are. And you either let it kill ya, or you move on.”
Sera scoffed, not backing an inch away, despite him having the disadvantage in size, muscle, and overall force. The force in Harph’s voice, just how assertive it was, nearly drove Sera insane. He didn’t want to hear that things couldn’t be fixed, or changed. He wanted this to go his way or no way at all. “A-And what, you expect me to come running back into your arms? When all they’ve e-ever done was help steal and kill? I’m not g-gonna let you get me angry, not again. I-I’m learning to be better. What are you doing i-in the meantime?”
Harph growled, his face inches away from Sera with the height difference, along with his shadow casted by the candle practically swallowing the boy whole in his presence. “I am here to help you and your friends from getting slaughtered out there, godsdammit! You are a grown ass man, and--”
Sera scoffed in his face, a few bits of spit unintentionally flying onto part of the man’s shirt. “Vervain told me everything. How y-you’re trying to make it all up with me. What’s y-your plan? Stick around, do the horrible sh-shit we did together again, and expect us to frolic around like nothing happened?”
Harph placed a firm grip onto Sera’s shoulder, his silver eyes gazing directly into his gold as if he were trying to hypnotize him. “I have been doing my fuckin’ best to hold it all together here so that you and all your friends have a shot at this!”
Sera chuckled grimly, baring his teeth as if he intended to sink them into his throat. “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you with the fact th-that this isn’t easy.”
“The only fuckin’ way you could disappoint me right now is if you ended up exactly where I was at!” Harph nearly shouted, before letting go of Sera, causing the boy to stumble back a few feet. Sera’s face went from something to smug anger, to uncertainty within seconds. “Having to try and play both sides of this damn fight? Knowing people on both sides could kill you at any fuckin moment? Losing what little faith you’ve had over the past six years? Having to maybe kill the person you’ve been close to for over a hundred fucking years now? No shit this ain’t fuckin easy!” His shoulders untensed, resulting in a weak shrug. “You think I want that shit for you? The whole point is so that you don’t end up like me!”
Sera approached yet again, his voice much more quiet. “Then why did you teach me e-everything I knew?”
Harph slumped back into his chair, scoffing at the ground, before he looked up like a defeated man who just got jumped in an alleyway. “Guess you said it yourself. . . I didn’t know nothin’ else.”
Silence filled the keg as the two stared at each other, the uncomfortable atmosphere only growing. It wasn’t something inherently disturbing, as the situation could be mended within moments with anyone in their right minds, but neither of the elves in the keg were such people. One was juggling learning to grow up again, along with jobs, his social life, his religion, and his goal to defeat the Moonlight before they cause any devastation to the world. The other was trying to mend countless relationships without tearing apart any more, play double agent without getting busted from one of the sides, and come to terms with his massive fuck ups. Both of them made huge mistakes, and both of them had at least a common goal in mind, and only now a common mindset was being established.
“. . . Okay.” Sera muttered, nodding his head while he managed to plant himself back into his chair. “I-I’m. . . Look, Harph.” He placed his hand on the table. “I-I don’t know how this will end. Maybe Aela will die. M-Maybe she’ll get to line us up and gun us down in th-the end. Again, I-I don’t know.” He gestures towards Harph. “B-But I need to know that at the very least, you won’t g-go crawling back to her. That you’re with u-us at least until we’ve seen this all through.”
Harph took a deep breath while he sat in his chair, staring at his feet for a moment while he dissociated, his mind imagining different scenarios in the future for how the entire plan could pan out. Success or failure, sacrifice or loss, love or hate. He contemplated it all at once. He eventually brought his eyes back up to Sera, his body brought far enough against the seat so that his head was leveled. His lips parted for a few seconds, until he finally spoke. “I swear.” He spoke, more like a confession than a confirmation.
Sera leaned back with relief leaving his body, the sensation coming over his body like cool air on a laborer’s back. Unsure of what to say next, Sera only responded with a simple reply. Short, and to the point.
The two would drink in silence for the rest of the night indoors, replaying the exchange in their heads over and over again, before they finally broke it off for the night. Just as the two left, and nearly split their paths from the front door, Sera called out behind him. “Harph!”
The man turned around, unsure what to expect from the boy now. “L-Look. I get you want to see me do better than you.” He gestures up and down at himself, before pointing to him. “B-But. . . I get you care. And I think you can do better too.” He turns, breaking eye contact, before marching onwards towards the gate to the nearby lakes. “Don’t let me down.”
Without another word, Harph watched Sera walk out of sight, disappearing to go elsewhere in the night. The man was left alone, and on instinct, he dug into his pocket for a cigarette. After a small moment, he pulled one out, alongside his square shaped lighter. He stuck the tip of the cigarette in between his lips, while bringing the lit up flame closer, but after a second, he suddenly snapped the lighter shut. He spit, leaving the would-be smoke on the ground, ready for someone more desperate to pick it up and have at it. In the meantime, he lost his appetite.
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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So I fell in love with this man? 
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Calling All Adventures!
Would you like your native food to be featured? I am currently taking recipe submissions for regional dishes! Send me an ask or a message with your idea for a chance to be featured and credited here!
Full recipe not required, I’m pretty capable at working with partial information.
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Reluctant Warrior
Seratoph, taking Cel’s position in the battle for Darkshore after an injury, supports the defense as best as he can from the Horde forces.
CW: Graphic Descriptions of Violence.
The battlefields of Darkshore were undying with the sound of explosives, screams, and the clashing of blades. Fires burned throughout the forests, and countless wisps flew by during the fighting. Seratoph held one of the defending lines as best as he could, contributing by taking the place of Cel after she was injured, guarding the right flank. He had no intention of staying in the fight, but after his friend had been wounded by searing felfires, he felt it was his duty to honor what she would have wanted to keep doing if she physically could.
A small squad of two goblins and an orc, the goblins armed with explosives, began attempting to sneak their way towards the flank by running in and out of cover, coming from the sea. Sera’s keen eyes, glowing a bright gold in their direction, spots them, and he starts stalking towards them. Behind a rock was when they were last seen, and he approached the location with caution while a line of archers behind him continued firing onto the incoming horde forces.
Sera peeked his head around the rock, only to find a warhammer coming straight for his helmet. He quickly springs backwards, gripping onto his axe, while sizing up his foes. The orc who had swung his hammer was huge, perhaps his height but with much more muscle mass. The goblins, however, were easy pickings, as long as they were kept away from throwing their bombs.
The kaldorei boy charges one of the goblins trying to move around him, and he swipes his axe in his direction. The sound of a head thudding onto the dirt was heard, followed by the goblin’s body flopping weakly after it. The orc grimaces at Sera, and charges him once more. He brings his hammer up, aiming, before it slammed down on his shoulder, cracking his handmade armor open, but luckily leaving only a large bruise on his skin. Shards of wood, leather, and metal shatter onto the ground as the hit lands, and Sera is sent stumbling back onto his behind.
The second goblin immediately lit up a stick of dynamite, taking the opportunity and the clear opening to make a move. They aimed their throw right into a bunched up group of archers, all firing into the air, taking out drivers of any air support vehicles, bats, or arcing them to land on top of incoming fighters. Sera desperately began scrambling to stand up, and lunge at the goblin before they could make the toss. As he did, the orc’s arm was quick to lift him by the neck, while he growled at the boy, as if telling him to stand down, and to warn him that his death was nearing.
Sera’s arms wailed and his legs kicked back and forth against the orc as he attempted to free himself, while the orc spoke something in his native tongue, a few words Sera only recognised from his time on the road. “. . . Orders. . . Peace. . . Another life. . .” Was all he could make out from it. He then tried shouting out to warn the archers behind him, but none could hear him over the warfare ensuing. Seconds later, the dynamite bundle, the fuse on it now hissing like a countdown, was thrown, and landed right in the middle of the group. Seconds later, the blast sounded off.
Sera just managed to turn his head towards the archers, only to see that where they once were was just now a bundle of smoke, with corpses and dying bodies now replacing the standing soldiers defending their homeland. Few were still alive, trying to stand on legs that were no longer even attached to their bodies, or holding onto their wounds while they embraced their deaths on the warfront. Sera could only stare at the miserable, helpless scene with desperation in his eyes, and hope flickering from his heart. But then, something within him began snapping.
Any one of those soldiers could have been a friend. Someone he considered closer than family. One of those archers could have been Cel, if the two had been in the wrong place, at the wrong time, when fighting together. It could have been somebody he cared about deeply, and the thought of it being one of those people. . . It enraged him. It filled him with a genuine anger that he rarely felt, and with this emotion, he turned his head around, and stared the orc right in the eye. The aura of astral magic began irradiating from him in a concerning quantity, and before he met his doom while being captive in the hands of the horde soldier, he managed to summon a strong bolt of moonfire down from the sky. Uncontrolled, unmanaged, but still with it’s strength.
The orc was struck in the back, yelling in pain while letting Seratoph free, and falling onto his knees. As he attempted to recover by propping himself up on his warhammer, while his back burned up from the magic attack, a gloved fist met his chin, sending him flying backwards, and with his jaw now cracked out of place. The orc would groan from the ground, laying on his back, while Sera jumped onto him from up top, slamming his knee onto his chest. His fist would begin glowing with lunar magic, as if set ablaze, before it began striking the orc in the face. Again, and again, and again.
“You don’t! Get!” Sera would shout in between a punch. “T-To hurt! Her!” Another strike would make it’s mark against the poor orc’s face. “Never! Again!” The sounds of his glove impacting flesh would eventually turn into his glove impacting bone. Each punch would also be assisted by the magic engulfing his hand, causing the strike to burn. He would beat the orc brutally into the ground, until all that was left of the man’s head was a misfigured, bloodied, and disgusting pile of unrecognisable chunks.
Sera would peer upwards, giving one look at his now bloodied hand, before snarling at the goblin who was now shaking in their boots. The demolitions soldier would begin sprinting away to the best of their ability, before Sera, now in his bird form, caught up. The last thing the goblin would live to see was Darkshore from a high view, while being lifted up into the air by a pair of talons, before being dropped, the ground coming closer and closer by the second.
. . .
The next day, Sera stood defending a new squad of archers near the end of the long, defending line of soldiers. He watched the flank with a careful eye, occasionally looking back to the blood stained dirt and sands where a pile of kaldorei corpses once laid. He pulled his eyes away, trying his best to stay strong during this fight that got more and more hopeless with every lost soldier, and in the midst of it all, he couldn’t help but ask if he would be the next casualty. The next number and name added to a list of thousands of others. But then he looks to those fighting, those dying for their home, and he tries to remember who he’s doing this for.
He took Cel’s place in this fight. No matter how brutal it ends up being, no matter how much it may cost, he will see it’s end. If not for his race, or his distant culture, then for her.
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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Guardian Gearworks will be holding the first Gearworks Gala on August 11th at 6pm. It will take place at the courtyard/gardens of Stormwind Keep.This is a ball-esque event with dancing, food, drink, vendors, and entertainment. The funds we raise during the auction will be donated to displaced and injured Kaldorei after the attacks on Ashenvale and Darkshore yesterday. Hopefully, you can make it out! 
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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“You are a ranger! Your skillset is a blend of naturalistic knowledge and personal survival skill. Rangers are at home in even the wildest and least hospitable of places, such as vast jungles or suffocating caverns. They are skilled hunters and nimble warriors, a base which they supplement with impressive tracking skills and a vast knowledge of their prey obtained through observation and experience. Some rangers bond with an animal and battle alongside it as a partner, while others practice complex combat maneuvers or place a focus on stealthy ambushes. Some even focus on harnessing the magical power of nature, much like druids. A ranger is a skilled and self-sufficient skirmisher who uses their mobility and skillset to fight effectively at any distance - especially against their favored prey.”
I’d say that along with his druidic abilities, this is somewhat accurate! Maybe one day he’ll utilise his connection with nature and animals more efficiently.
Art by @attractive-zombies
Ollie’s D&D Class
Take the quiz here!~
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You are a fighter! The base of your power is tireless martial training and a rigorous discipline. A fighter is any type of trained warrior, whether it’s a mercenary, soldier, gladiator or knight. What they all have in common is an intimate knowledge of different types of armor and weapons as well as a trained combat stamina which allows them both to exert themselves to end battles quickly and survive prolonged assaults. Some fighters polish these basic techniques to perfection, while others practice complex combat maneuvers or even basic combat magic to supplement their martial prowess. A fighter is a seasoned and dedicated warrior who can battle effectively at any range, using a dagger, an axe, and a longbow with equal comfort and striking a balance between offense and defense on the battlefield.
Sounds about right!
Tagged by: @risrielthron @halforc-mercenary
Tagging: @wildname @loalagrace @actionjaxkol @lilthessa @lianna-evermist @summysparklesprocket @jean-aletha @natharaiebonrook @zack-leingod @auroryn-dawnsworn @desmondslade @eldricceverton @elaianna @geraldcreed @saidelia-draconis @riizendraconis
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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Couple days late on the upload, but here’s the first giveaway piece: Seratoph, for the lovely @wests-wow-gang !!! Thank you for your support, and for trusting me with your OC!
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Pandaria Mission Review: Bo Kong’s Mansion, Taking the Cursed Jade
Mission got screwed. Hard.
We were supposed to get in, take the Cursed Jade, and get out. Easy. What wasn’t easy, however, was the fact that Seratoph’s little friends arrived, this time without him. Smart move on his side, but I need to talk with him. I need to explain what I can to him, because what he did. . .
I understand why. I shouldn’t have done what I did. But if he’s going to get his friends all thrown up into this, even with the Cursed Jade on their side, without the rest of the pieces of the weapon, they will die. He will die. They’re in danger just by having it in their possession. Whether Kong had it, or they did, the Moonlight will find a way. And once they do, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
I reported what happened to Aela. Two of our men were arrested, one with handcuffs that I had no time to save, and the other knocked out in a closet. Their sigils reported to the Alliance military, so we’re going to do what we always did. Lay low until they’re convinced that this was just a one off thing. If those two slip their tongues, however, I’m going to have to put them down. We’ve survived because we managed to do what we do without alerting the military. Even in times like this, they’re keeping an eye out. If that eye takes even a slight gaze at us, we aren’t gonna last long.
The mission being a failure hasn’t stopped her. She wishes to secure the rest of the weapon before going after the jade, as essential of a piece as it may be. The weapon can function, for the most part, without it, but it will never reach the potential that Aela sees it can reach for. The ability to turn man into a statue within seconds of contact. . . She dares not to tell us about the weapon itself, in case somebody knows too much and ends up getting caught, but if it has anything to do with the jade, then it’s gotta be something devastating to bring to a fight. Even game changing to the entire way that war is fought if her ambitions are to be believed.
I have to find Seratoph. I have to talk him out of this. I don’t know where he might be, and my only clue is Stormwind. The entire, giant ass city of Stormwind, hoping that I get lucky and just run into him. If he’s keeping an eye on us, then I’ll have to keep an eye on our six. No doubt he’ll be watching out for our next weapons-hunt operation. I’ll request specifically to be in that squad. Once he’s there, I’ll try reaching out to him. I don’t want to have him or his friends hurt (though that ren’dorei boy and human lady is making it very hard for me to hold back), so I’m going to try words for once. Just this once. And if he doesn’t reach out, then they’re just asking for it. You play with fire, you get burned.
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Updated my character page and added a new character! There will be more characters added in just a bit, perhaps one or two more by the time BfA drops. Link to the character page is here <3
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
every person who reblogs this will grow a new bone. Ha ha have fun!
205K notes · View notes
wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Seratoph is Asked Questions by a Disembodied Voice
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Art did by me but I’ll make some better stuff in the future i swear
► Name ➔ “Seratoph. Just Seratoph. There are nicknames, but that’s basically it.”
► Are you single ➔ “Uh, y-yeah! I mean, I joke here and there, and I like thinking about it, but it’s nothing I actively search for. Maybe I’ll run into it some day.”
► Are you happy ➔ “It’s a weird mix. I’m dealing w-with a lot right now, but at the same time, I feel like my friends have my back. Emotionally and physically, th-that is.”
► Are you angry ➔ “Alright. Again, it’s a weird mix. Old gang showing up? P-Pisses me the hell off. And scares me. But again, friends help.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “My birth parents? I don’t know, they can die in a hole in all h-honesty. My. . “ A deep, regretful sigh. “Old dad, Harph, was never married while I-I was with him.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Darkshore. Don’t remember it much. I-I probably am not going back.” 
► Hair Color ➔ “Purple, kinda. All natural.”
► Birthday ➔ “I remember it was in February! It was. . . O-Oh. Oh shit. . . Aww fuck when is my exact birthda--” A few moments pass. Probably just him going through a foolish panic. He eventually comes around. “Twenty-seventh. Let’s just say the twenty seventh.”
► Mood ➔ “Skeptical. I’m s-still on the lookout. I’m planning a strike against the Abandoned Moonlight. Making sure we weren’t followed from the first mission. B-But yeah. I’m just keeping an eye out.”
► Gender ➔ “I’m a boy. A very, very boy. . . B-Boy. I’m boy. Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh boooooyyyyyy. . .”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Winter. The wilds are beautiful, animals become more inclined t-to cuddle, and nights come sooner.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon, p-probably. I like the night, but the sun’s out, just soaking on your skin. . . It’s the best.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Not at the moment, but hey, a-again, still open to it if I happen on it.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I-I don’t know. Maybe at the moment, because I’m younger, yeah. But maybe when I’m a thousand or something, it’ll t-take more than just a look. But I do see some people sometimes, and I-I’m just thinking. . . Damn. You’d be nice t-to be held by next to a campfire. That’s very specific, b-but next question.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I-I’ve never had one before. I mean, non-romantic ones? The one with Harph ended because h-he thought I would be better off as an assassin and thief than as a kid!” A moment passes. “Okay. . . Deep breaths. . . Deep breaths. . .”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Well, to bring up Harph again, yeah. He seemed pretty sad when me and my friends ditched him through a portal. I also broke his hand. With a blade. Wrist down. Th-Thought he’d be more pissed about that. . .”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I don’t know. So far, with all my problems, I just ran away. But I think the keg taught me th-that I need to face them sometimes. So I think that might’ve indirectly helped me w-warm up to that idea.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yeah. Friends, family, friends-that-became-family. It feels good to be able to say that I’ve hugged someone. I-It makes me feel. . . Wanted? Which is great after going it solo for so long.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “No. But I’ve secret admired. Not like, intensely o-or with anyone I talk to. But as I have said earlier, once in a blue moon I-I’ll see someone who treats me and everyone nicely, and they look amazing, and they are amazing, and I’m j-just. . . Wow. How do y-you exist.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I mean, I guess so. S-Set my expectations high, thought something was going to go my way. Then. . . Plop. Just a hard slap on th-the ground.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Love, probably. I mean, while I wouldn’t mind, y-you know. . . Having a special n-night some day. . . I think love takes priority.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “C-Cats. I love dogs as well, but cats have always been a comfort zone of mine. Both as an animal and as for my druid form.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few best friends. Basically wh-what I have now, with a few familiar faces thrown in. I like my friends circle small. I feel closer t-to them, and more connected. And I know for a fact that th-they’re safe.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “While the latter has it’s appeal. . . Wild night out. It’s a-always guaranteed fun.”
► Day or night ➔ “D-Do. . . Do I really need to answer this?”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Well, with my old parents, no. The only time I snuck out w-was the one time they would never see me again. Then with Harph, no. Not only did he teach me how to sneak, b-but I never needed to sneak out. As long as I didn’t lead anyone back t-to where we were sleeping, I could leave whenever I wanted.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Like, once in a while? But I’m used to rough terrain, s-so not too often.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Food, yeah. That’s when I st-started eating tree bark, which is consumable alongside meals, by the way, and i-it isn’t just me being a weird outsider! Other than that. . . Uhh. . . Friends. Th-That hurt. But I have that now.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Well, yes. And t-technically, I did. For six years, before I eventually gutted up a-and walked up to the keg.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Uhhhh. . . Smile? I-I mean, I can read a smile more. And they usually mean someone’s happy. So when I see someone smile at me, I-I feel a bit better.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “If I had t-to choose, then taller. I don’t really mind, but something about someone wh-who’s just towering, but in a non-threatening way, m-makes me feel a bit safer. Like they’d be able to beat back anyone who tried to start something nearby.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “I g-guess. . . Intelligence? But not like, how long they were in school, or how many techniques they know by heart to put me in a ch-chokehold. More l-like, how well they know how to navigate life. And what they do with their experiences.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Probably relationship. I-I mean, I guess the former has their place, but. . . Yeah. I think I’ve become more accustomed to relationships.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “The keg? Y-Yeah. My birth parents? No. Last th-thing I did to them was left them a note saying ‘fuck you, from Mr. Seratoph’ and smashing a window. Then with Harph. . . Well, last time I saw him before that m-mission, I cut off his hand. I have. . . Complicated relationships.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I mean, people have it worse, and it’s getting better. If my life only w-went until I was about thirty? Probably yeah, then. But I have thousands upon th-thousands of years ahead of me. The rest could treat me l-like royalty for all I know.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “. . . No. Never did. Why would I ever run away from-- By Elune yes I ran from home!”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I mean, unless if being kicked out after you ran away counts, th-then no. Also, I-I think I should use ‘fuck you, from Mr. Seratoph’ more often. Th-That was the coolest thing a twelve year old could have ever said.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “N-No. I’d bring it up to them before it g-got to that level. And if I did hate them, th-they’d know.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Y-Yeah! I really feel better when I’m around them, even if I was feeling good before.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Hmmmm. . . I-I mean, the other day, I was on a sugar high, and i-it was almost against my will about how much I thought Jax was a great friend. Pryn hired me as a bodyguard when I was low on jobs a-and just first getting into Stormwind. Ash and Jiira reluctantly took me in despite their better judgement, a-and basically helped kick off my new, better life. A-And they’re helping me now. Cel has b-been a great friend overall and I think sh-she’s really comforting to talk to and hang around.” He sighs, and rubs his face in frustration while trying to think. “G-Get back to me on that, one of these centuries.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Cel, surprisingly. Sh-She’s really easy to vent to whenever sh-she’s willing to take it. Jax and Ash are also big players for th-that field. Kae as well, especially since she’s helped me get testosterone. Pryn was the one who recommended I talk to her about th-that.” 
I got tagged by @actionjaxkol who held me at gunpoint while asking me these questions and forced me to answer them in character.
I tag @engineermermaid, and @riizendraconis if they’d like to answer! (I’d tag more but Jax got’em. RIP)
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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The kind of shit I’m a slut for.
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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a cartoony-shading painting of iri!
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wests-wow-gang · 6 years
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Looking for a little fun this weekend? Look no further! With the much anticipated Darkmoon Faire comes an event hosted by Guardian Gearworks, an esteemed group of individuals focused on inventions and creations that will better Azerothian society. Their section of events will run from 12pm to 4pm on Sunday the first of July near the docks on the island. Activities include:
(12-3:30pm) A raffle including weapons, trinkets, and several mechanical pets!
(12-2pm) A robot building contest. Come and test your skills! (No real skill needed)
(1-2pm) Palm readings!
(1-3pm) Face painting and caricature drawings!
(2-4pm) Game of Tug-of-War. Try out our mechanical enhancements yourself!
Food will be generously provided by the Golden Keg, and a recruitment table will be set up nearby for any interested in joining the Guardian Gearworks’ ranks. We need individuals with a wide variety of skills who enjoy a close-knit environment. Our doors are open to anyone; We hope to see you there!
Contact: Alythae or Grìmhall in game, or message me on Tumblr.
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