Why are their so many budoofs in trees
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Good news: im done catching pokemon for now
Other news: jublife does not know what they've done by teaching me how to make pokeballs
Bad news: i dont know what to do with 100+ pokemon
Interesting events:
budoof in a tree, what can it see
ponyta in a lake, why does it be
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after following rei to learn about research tasks, i am now free to terrorize the fieldlands, jublifes about to get the shock of their lives when i come back with 30+ pokemon
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heading to the fieldlands,and picking up a few requests, its now time ot learn about research tasks!
also gotta say i relate to the guy being kept up at night by their inability to remember shinxs ears, im having a similar problem exept it with beni and trying to find out why their beard and mustache are different colors, why are they like that whyyyyyy
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and forgot t mention that i have meet commandor kamado, and honestly i want to know where he got his clothes from, the clothes shop has nothing like them???
okay cliff notes ahead
finished walking though the villige, whats up with those scandalize villigers going on bout my clothes, like why
say the inmistakable silhouette of the galaxy hall, gotta say galaxy corps os giving me mad team galactic dajavu
got told to go to a cafe and promptly got kicked out by its owner 0/10 stars would not recomend this place, gotta say im curous how they make enough money to keep in buisness if this is how they treat customers
prof lav shows upan we meet our presumable rivial, of rei?, who has had a bad run in with electric types, because pokemon just stright up try to kill you now
we go into the galaxy hall and meet not-evil cyrus? shes named cylene an is presumably cyruses ansestor, gotta say shes looks much cooler then her desendent
cylene then imedeiatly threatens us with death is we dont pass initiation into the galaxy team, which honestly not sure if thats better or worst them cyrus and his remaking the world thing
andwe have to catch 3 pokemon, i hope im getting my starter before i have to do so cause i need a way to defend myself from the appereantly murerous pokemon
also gotta say im getting real cult vibes off of the whole pass initiation or were leaving you to die thing
alsothefact that they seem to run the town, so their ether a cult or the government or both
anyway prof lav says now i get my starter finaly, i would spend time deciding with one i want but i already know as their the reson i got pla in the first place
after picking up my cyndiquill im making my way to leave to the initiation so i can ether become a cultistor a goverment worker, still havent figured out which
on my way out of town we meet the ginko guild and appereantly the only other person to have a pokemon, volo, and its a togapi
given the fact that volo is the only person tohavea pokemon so far i could totally belive that their my rival instead
also depending on how high a level that togapi gets and if it evolves, that togpi's gonna be a monster in the future
after defeating volo we make for the obsidian fieldlands, gotta say im loving the names of the places in pla
after arriving in the obsidian we get 50 pokeballs which kinda seems exsessive tbh
then before we get to finaly catch pokemon and compleate intiationin the galaxy corps we get to battle rei
who has a pikachu, not what i was exspecting honestly, i thought he would have one of the starters
well after defeating rei nowwe can start catching pokemon, right after readin those instructions real quick
ah cool an auto aim feature, that just solved all my problems with aiming
any way after sneaking, and dodge rolling my way arounf i have caught 2putof the 3, also dodgeroll seems to make alot of noise and imediatly alerts the nearby pokemon you honestly just better off sneaking when trying to be stealthy
now i have to catch the most murderous of them all, shinx, honestly not that suprsing how murderous shinx is once you relize its a cat
after doing so with a handy dandy backstrike that failed an a battles we go back to celebrete my become, officially, a cultist or a government worker, honestly probably not the best life decision but i dont real get a choice between them and the murderous wilds
and back at the village we have dinner at the cafe that kicked me out earlyer and is held afloat by the prfites from cylenes stress eating only, we get a nice dinner of potato mochi with beni stareing at me, something has gotta be up with that guy seriously
i would also like to point out that his mustache and hair are different colors so he has ether dyed his mustache or its fake
afterwords i get to go to my new home and sleep, after that cutscene i saved and quit, so we are picking up from there.
TLDR: i scandilize villagers with my clothes, get kicked out of a cafe that is kept in business solely by cylenes stress eating, meet cylene, cyrus's cooler not-evil anscestor, the galaxy corps is ether a cult or the government and i dont know which, get threatened with death if we dont pass intiation, fight volo and rei the only 2 people with pokemon in this entire village, catch 3 pokemon, one of which is an unsurprisingly murderous cat, have dinner at the same cafe that kicked me out, i swear something is up with beni, why is his mustache and hair 2 different colors, and go to our new home and sleep before i save and quit.
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just relized i forgot to add what starter i got, cyndaquill obviously, their the whole reason im playing legends arceus in the first place
okay cliff notes ahead
finished walking though the villige, whats up with those scandalize villigers going on bout my clothes, like why
say the inmistakable silhouette of the galaxy hall, gotta say galaxy corps os giving me mad team galactic dajavu
got told to go to a cafe and promptly got kicked out by its owner 0/10 stars would not recomend this place, gotta say im curous how they make enough money to keep in buisness if this is how they treat customers
prof lav shows upan we meet our presumable rivial, of rei?, who has had a bad run in with electric types, because pokemon just stright up try to kill you now
we go into the galaxy hall and meet not-evil cyrus? shes named cylene an is presumably cyruses ansestor, gotta say shes looks much cooler then her desendent
cylene then imedeiatly threatens us with death is we dont pass initiation into the galaxy team, which honestly not sure if thats better or worst them cyrus and his remaking the world thing
andwe have to catch 3 pokemon, i hope im getting my starter before i have to do so cause i need a way to defend myself from the appereantly murerous pokemon
also gotta say im getting real cult vibes off of the whole pass initiation or were leaving you to die thing
alsothefact that they seem to run the town, so their ether a cult or the government or both
anyway prof lav says now i get my starter finaly, i would spend time deciding with one i want but i already know as their the reson i got pla in the first place
after picking up my cyndiquill im making my way to leave to the initiation so i can ether become a cultistor a goverment worker, still havent figured out which
on my way out of town we meet the ginko guild and appereantly the only other person to have a pokemon, volo, and its a togapi
given the fact that volo is the only person tohavea pokemon so far i could totally belive that their my rival instead
also depending on how high a level that togapi gets and if it evolves, that togpi's gonna be a monster in the future
after defeating volo we make for the obsidian fieldlands, gotta say im loving the names of the places in pla
after arriving in the obsidian we get 50 pokeballs which kinda seems exsessive tbh
then before we get to finaly catch pokemon and compleate intiationin the galaxy corps we get to battle rei
who has a pikachu, not what i was exspecting honestly, i thought he would have one of the starters
well after defeating rei nowwe can start catching pokemon, right after readin those instructions real quick
ah cool an auto aim feature, that just solved all my problems with aiming
any way after sneaking, and dodge rolling my way arounf i have caught 2putof the 3, also dodgeroll seems to make alot of noise and imediatly alerts the nearby pokemon you honestly just better off sneaking when trying to be stealthy
now i have to catch the most murderous of them all, shinx, honestly not that suprsing how murderous shinx is once you relize its a cat
after doing so with a handy dandy backstrike that failed an a battles we go back to celebrete my become, officially, a cultist or a government worker, honestly probably not the best life decision but i dont real get a choice between them and the murderous wilds
and back at the village we have dinner at the cafe that kicked me out earlyer and is held afloat by the prfites from cylenes stress eating only, we get a nice dinner of potato mochi with beni stareing at me, something has gotta be up with that guy seriously
i would also like to point out that his mustache and hair are different colors so he has ether dyed his mustache or its fake
afterwords i get to go to my new home and sleep, after that cutscene i saved and quit, so we are picking up from there.
TLDR: i scandilize villagers with my clothes, get kicked out of a cafe that is kept in business solely by cylenes stress eating, meet cylene, cyrus's cooler not-evil anscestor, the galaxy corps is ether a cult or the government and i dont know which, get threatened with death if we dont pass intiation, fight volo and rei the only 2 people with pokemon in this entire village, catch 3 pokemon, one of which is an unsurprisingly murderous cat, have dinner at the same cafe that kicked me out, i swear something is up with beni, why is his mustache and hair 2 different colors, and go to our new home and sleep before i save and quit.
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that still dosent exsplain when his mustache and beard are different colors
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one of these haVE GOTTA BE FAKE
i would say something about cilan being from unova and not sinnoh but honestly we have no clue where beni comes from so that is entirely possible
also im pretty sure we already have a unova ancestor in one of the wardens i think, pretty sure we have the ancestor of like, those subway dudes running around, and one othe gym leaders? idk ive never played black and white, honestly one remember those dudes cause of like the one anime eisode they were in that i saw
okay cliff notes ahead
finished walking though the villige, whats up with those scandalize villigers going on bout my clothes, like why
say the inmistakable silhouette of the galaxy hall, gotta say galaxy corps os giving me mad team galactic dajavu
got told to go to a cafe and promptly got kicked out by its owner 0/10 stars would not recomend this place, gotta say im curous how they make enough money to keep in buisness if this is how they treat customers
prof lav shows upan we meet our presumable rivial, of rei?, who has had a bad run in with electric types, because pokemon just stright up try to kill you now
we go into the galaxy hall and meet not-evil cyrus? shes named cylene an is presumably cyruses ansestor, gotta say shes looks much cooler then her desendent
cylene then imedeiatly threatens us with death is we dont pass initiation into the galaxy team, which honestly not sure if thats better or worst them cyrus and his remaking the world thing
andwe have to catch 3 pokemon, i hope im getting my starter before i have to do so cause i need a way to defend myself from the appereantly murerous pokemon
also gotta say im getting real cult vibes off of the whole pass initiation or were leaving you to die thing
alsothefact that they seem to run the town, so their ether a cult or the government or both
anyway prof lav says now i get my starter finaly, i would spend time deciding with one i want but i already know as their the reson i got pla in the first place
after picking up my cyndiquill im making my way to leave to the initiation so i can ether become a cultistor a goverment worker, still havent figured out which
on my way out of town we meet the ginko guild and appereantly the only other person to have a pokemon, volo, and its a togapi
given the fact that volo is the only person tohavea pokemon so far i could totally belive that their my rival instead
also depending on how high a level that togapi gets and if it evolves, that togpi's gonna be a monster in the future
after defeating volo we make for the obsidian fieldlands, gotta say im loving the names of the places in pla
after arriving in the obsidian we get 50 pokeballs which kinda seems exsessive tbh
then before we get to finaly catch pokemon and compleate intiationin the galaxy corps we get to battle rei
who has a pikachu, not what i was exspecting honestly, i thought he would have one of the starters
well after defeating rei nowwe can start catching pokemon, right after readin those instructions real quick
ah cool an auto aim feature, that just solved all my problems with aiming
any way after sneaking, and dodge rolling my way arounf i have caught 2putof the 3, also dodgeroll seems to make alot of noise and imediatly alerts the nearby pokemon you honestly just better off sneaking when trying to be stealthy
now i have to catch the most murderous of them all, shinx, honestly not that suprsing how murderous shinx is once you relize its a cat
after doing so with a handy dandy backstrike that failed an a battles we go back to celebrete my become, officially, a cultist or a government worker, honestly probably not the best life decision but i dont real get a choice between them and the murderous wilds
and back at the village we have dinner at the cafe that kicked me out earlyer and is held afloat by the prfites from cylenes stress eating only, we get a nice dinner of potato mochi with beni stareing at me, something has gotta be up with that guy seriously
i would also like to point out that his mustache and hair are different colors so he has ether dyed his mustache or its fake
afterwords i get to go to my new home and sleep, after that cutscene i saved and quit, so we are picking up from there.
TLDR: i scandilize villagers with my clothes, get kicked out of a cafe that is kept in business solely by cylenes stress eating, meet cylene, cyrus's cooler not-evil anscestor, the galaxy corps is ether a cult or the government and i dont know which, get threatened with death if we dont pass intiation, fight volo and rei the only 2 people with pokemon in this entire village, catch 3 pokemon, one of which is an unsurprisingly murderous cat, have dinner at the same cafe that kicked me out, i swear something is up with beni, why is his mustache and hair 2 different colors, and go to our new home and sleep before i save and quit.
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now i want lavingtons secret backstory to exsplain how he got starters from 3 different regions, wild ones at that, into husui
actually given kamandos whole anti pokemon thing how did he get three (3) wild pokemon into jublife
you know that fact you can catch the starters and arnt just given them means that leventon just had 3 wild pokemon he was looking after
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also given the fact that non of those starters are native to husui or the same regions means that at some point prof lav had to go and transport wild pokemon across at least 3 different regions
you know that fact you can catch the starters and arnt just given them means that leventon just had 3 wild pokemon he was looking after
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also i have just descovered pokemon reburst and am having a crises
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okay cliff notes ahead
finished walking though the villige, whats up with those scandalize villigers going on bout my clothes, like why
say the inmistakable silhouette of the galaxy hall, gotta say galaxy corps os giving me mad team galactic dajavu
got told to go to a cafe and promptly got kicked out by its owner 0/10 stars would not recomend this place, gotta say im curous how they make enough money to keep in buisness if this is how they treat customers
prof lav shows upan we meet our presumable rivial, of rei?, who has had a bad run in with electric types, because pokemon just stright up try to kill you now
we go into the galaxy hall and meet not-evil cyrus? shes named cylene an is presumably cyruses ansestor, gotta say shes looks much cooler then her desendent
cylene then imedeiatly threatens us with death is we dont pass initiation into the galaxy team, which honestly not sure if thats better or worst them cyrus and his remaking the world thing
andwe have to catch 3 pokemon, i hope im getting my starter before i have to do so cause i need a way to defend myself from the appereantly murerous pokemon
also gotta say im getting real cult vibes off of the whole pass initiation or were leaving you to die thing
alsothefact that they seem to run the town, so their ether a cult or the government or both
anyway prof lav says now i get my starter finaly, i would spend time deciding with one i want but i already know as their the reson i got pla in the first place
after picking up my cyndiquill im making my way to leave to the initiation so i can ether become a cultistor a goverment worker, still havent figured out which
on my way out of town we meet the ginko guild and appereantly the only other person to have a pokemon, volo, and its a togapi
given the fact that volo is the only person tohavea pokemon so far i could totally belive that their my rival instead
also depending on how high a level that togapi gets and if it evolves, that togpi's gonna be a monster in the future
after defeating volo we make for the obsidian fieldlands, gotta say im loving the names of the places in pla
after arriving in the obsidian we get 50 pokeballs which kinda seems exsessive tbh
then before we get to finaly catch pokemon and compleate intiationin the galaxy corps we get to battle rei
who has a pikachu, not what i was exspecting honestly, i thought he would have one of the starters
well after defeating rei nowwe can start catching pokemon, right after readin those instructions real quick
ah cool an auto aim feature, that just solved all my problems with aiming
any way after sneaking, and dodge rolling my way arounf i have caught 2putof the 3, also dodgeroll seems to make alot of noise and imediatly alerts the nearby pokemon you honestly just better off sneaking when trying to be stealthy
now i have to catch the most murderous of them all, shinx, honestly not that suprsing how murderous shinx is once you relize its a cat
after doing so with a handy dandy backstrike that failed an a battles we go back to celebrete my become, officially, a cultist or a government worker, honestly probably not the best life decision but i dont real get a choice between them and the murderous wilds
and back at the village we have dinner at the cafe that kicked me out earlyer and is held afloat by the prfites from cylenes stress eating only, we get a nice dinner of potato mochi with beni stareing at me, something has gotta be up with that guy seriously
i would also like to point out that his mustache and hair are different colors so he has ether dyed his mustache or its fake
afterwords i get to go to my new home and sleep, after that cutscene i saved and quit, so we are picking up from there.
TLDR: i scandilize villagers with my clothes, get kicked out of a cafe that is kept in business solely by cylenes stress eating, meet cylene, cyrus's cooler not-evil anscestor, the galaxy corps is ether a cult or the government and i dont know which, get threatened with death if we dont pass intiation, fight volo and rei the only 2 people with pokemon in this entire village, catch 3 pokemon, one of which is an unsurprisingly murderous cat, have dinner at the same cafe that kicked me out, i swear something is up with beni, why is his mustache and hair 2 different colors, and go to our new home and sleep before i save and quit.
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i know i havent posted in a while but thats because my internet sucks~
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arivving at the village, i think ill take a small break here while prof laventon thanks the guards
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and theres a gaint storm on top of a mountain, which i assume to be mt corinet.
that storm is in definently not ominous at all. /s
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pokeballs have just been invented, we finallyget reminded were from the feature i almost forgot about that and we have apperently been yeeted my god to become a professors assistant
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you know that fact you can catch the starters and arnt just given them means that leventon just had 3 wild pokemon he was looking after
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the catching machanics are different in the game thats intreasting, and we had to catch all 3 of the starters too
and catching pkemon is a rare skill in hisui, thats... weird
apperently pokemon can just? shrink? at will?? and thats how ye olden pokeballs work? i know minimize is a move but i dont think every pokemon can learn it...
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