whats-a-silas · 6 years
“You know as much as I love comic book movies, I wish the indie comics got the same about of love. Like I’m waiting for a paper girls of a fables tv show. Maybe even The Wicked + The Divine. Like there is awesome material out there that has seriously fallen under the radar. Yet we still keep rehashing Batman and lately not so well.” She nodded as she spoke. “Sorry am I boring you?” 
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“I wouldn’t necessarily say you\re boring me as much as I would say I don’t have a clue what the hell you’re talkin’ about. doll.” Silas responded sincerely, trying his best to keep his tone from saying the opposite of his words or sounding too blunt, despite the small hint of confusion on his face. “But since you know more ‘bout it than me, you gotta be right, right?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Text || Open
Nate: Why isn't The Muffin Man talked about more?
Nate: Like that guy was a mega creep right? Like that was code for something probably
Silas: I honestly don't know what the fuck this is supposed to mean but if it means what I think it means I'm pretty sure it's talked about too much. I mean you're interrogated about it from childhood on. That's enough, right?
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
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‘‘I don’t want to talk about it.’‘
“Just lettin’ you know for the sake of both of us, people are a lot less likely to pressure you into talkin’ about somethin’ when you don’t say you don’t wanna talk about it. What’s the problem, scrappy?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
“So I was a brunette a couple years ago…I’m debating whether or not to try that color out again…blonde is nice but…I feel the need for a change. What do you think?”
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“I think the fact that you’re not sure if you should do it means you’re probably gonna fuckin’ hate it if you do, honestly. But I don’t know shit about it, so I wouldn’t take my opinion too seriously, either.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
What does friendship mean to you?
“Friendship literally just translates to who will and won’t hide you in their closet when the police come. Nothin’ more, nothin’ less.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Describe your perfect partner.
“Someone that finds my bullshit more amusing that irritatin’ would be nice, but really? I don’t have one, it’s stupid to narrow somethin’ like that down so much.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Are you more introverted or extroverted?
“Does it make me extroverted if I’d rather avoid hangin’ out with just myself by any means just ‘cause the guy is an asshole?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
What is your worst fear?
“Waking up one morning completely smooth like a Ken doll, mostly.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Describe what home smells like.
“Depends what you mean. If I mean what I think of as home, I doubt you’d wanna know. Imagine a fish garden, full of people who didn’t shower for a couple days or so. Worst thing ever. But if you can get past the smell, you’d probably be fine.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Favorite song at the moment?
“Anything that isn’t by One Direction and has never been associated with Taylor Swift. That’s a good enough answer, yeah?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Are you/do you want to be in love?
“I’m not sure I’d even know it if I was, so what’s the fuckin’ point, right?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
He smirked, shaking his head. “Not at all. It definitely wasn’t a trip to Disneyland, I’ll give you that.” He listened to the young man. “You think so? Why’s that?”
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Silas shrugged at the question, hands drumming at the space in front of him for a moment as he tried to think of a plausible answer to back himself up. “There’s less chance of a hangover, so that’s one thing - even if pill hangovers are a thing, they’re not half as bad, right? And unless you take way too many, you’re not gonna forget your entire night or act like too much of a moron. Less embarrassing stories the next mornin’ sounds like enough of a sell to me, don’t you think?”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
“I design and model undergarments for a living. I have dabbled into other casual and nightwear, and I haven’t done a whole lot with men’s but we can all stand to learn something new, can’t we? So yes, inspire me.”
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“Oh. That’s - that’s pretty interestin’, I think. This is probably the first time I’ve ever actually realized someone has to be doin’ that, since they’re technically clothes. Still entirely down for inspirin’ you, miss.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
“She’s already bummin’ enough for food already. When are you gonna order me somethin’? Were you gonna give me money for food? Are you orderin’ in? The kitchen has nothin’ in it,” Nick fussed. “I’m one of the biggest eaters I know, there’s always food in the damn kitchen.” He folded his arms over his chest, the serious act falling through as a grin cracked his face. “I thought that was what I was doing, givin’ her space. I’m not tryin’ to dad her too much.”
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“I’m pretty sure they only eat a lot because they need energy for world domination when we’re all too old to fight back.” Silas stated as he nodded at the other understandingly, pretending the words that just left his own mouth were completely logical and not at all abnormal. “Trust me, if you think you’re givin’ her space, she probably thinks she needs more. I’m pretty sure they prefer people around them just pretendin’ they don’t exist. I guess my point is that, to put it lightly, you’re fucked no matter what, friend.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Noelle moved to the side of the ring and grabbed her water bottle while still looking at Silas. She took a sip and chuckled as she walked back to the bag, “You sure? You were watching pretty intently.” Noelle teased as she threw another hook at the bag. “I’m not a teacher here, just a member. You could ask the front desk for a lesson.”  She nodded, letting him take the bag and hold it steady for her before she went back to beating up on the bag, “It’s an unfortunate bystander.” Noelle said between throws. After a little bit she stopped and wiped some hair out of her face, “Does it look like I need my honor defended?” The blonde asked with a smirk. It was pretty well known what had happened to her and that, yeah most of the time she did need her honor defended, but the gym was a different story. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
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Silas smiled brightly, a small laugh escaping him, eyebrows raised. “To be fair, you were demolishin’ that thing. It was intense. Anyone would’ve looked, right?” He pointed out, though he already knew he was right - even if his reasoning was less than a fact. Most people that watched would have probably been doing so because no one could resist an attractive girl doing anything remotely violent, which in hindsight was probably some kind of problem in and of itself, but he’d worry about that another day. The fact that he could feel the blows she delivered was vaguely terrifying, though he wasn’t sure how it came as a shock when he’d witnessed what he had minutes ago. Making a mental note to never get on her bad side, ever, he thought her question over before shaking his head. “You definitely don’t look like you need any help, but that doesn’t mean it’s not right to offer, does it?” He asked eventually, laughing at her statement that followed as he shrugged. “That’s ‘cause I’ve never been here before. Maybe it was for the best, considerin’ I’ve heard there’s some guy here watchin’ people attack punchin’ bags like some kind of creep.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
“Well, it is a mall, I think they’re like nearly extinct now.” Reina said in response as she grabbed a pack of gum from nearby along with the other things she had, “What are you here for? Beanies to make you look more homeless?” She teased with a grin. 
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“I’m not gonna lie to you, I thought malls ended the same time as that place that sold movies or whatever it was. This is genuinely the only time I’ve ever been proven wrong about it.” Silas admitted half-truthfully, turning towards the other with a glare as he caught on to what she’d said. “I’m actually here to see if they sell tips on ignorin’ unwarranted insults.” He retorted, though he was barely able to hold on to his serious expression before breaking into a smile. “What about you? I don’t think you’re here specifically to drive people insane. Unless you are.”
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whats-a-silas · 6 years
Sana smiled at him and nodded her head.  “I could do that but then I might run the risk of being unemployed.” She spoke in a gentle almost quiet voice, it was her natural tone. Always gentle, in just about everything she did. “Well I’m glad no one is getting torn apart, even if they are entitled. Why do you assume I’d be royalty?” She questioned as she folded her arms across her chest. “I’d probably still be some working girl even back then.” 
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“I guess dealin’ with dicks is better than not havin’ money.” He agreed reluctantly, though he wasn’t entirely sure how much he believed himself. Her question took him aback only slightly, earning an almost confused look. “I guess I just assume that about anyone that’s a better person than most other people. It’s based more on who’s good than who’s rich to me, but that’s really not how it worked, huh?” He noted, sighing a little as he shrugged. “Either way, I definitely think you’d be above them somehow.”
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