whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
This RP is going to close
Due to lack of interest in all characters but one.
To those who were excited for this to happen, I'm sorry it didn't work out, and someday, perhaps when I don't have so much work at school, I'll reopen this for all those who wanted to be a part of us.
Happy roleplaying!
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Will this roleplay still be happening? Because I really wanted to audition for the Shay Mitchell character.
I'm so happy you've expressed interest in a character other than Serena, but I'm afraid this group won't be happening.
If you'd like to play a Shay, though, I hear that they're just starting and are looking for characters of any face.
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Is this still happning? :(
I don't think it will because the only apps I'm getting/have seen interest in is Serena. Sorry everyone! :/
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Just so you know (and aren't discouraged), I'm waiting for the Steven R. McQueen character before I apply; I'm trying to decide between him and another character.
Thanks for letting me know, love! It's just taking me a little while to write bios because I've been hit with a super important school project that's worth like 30% of my grade so I'm doing that at the moment. :/
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Will you be taking a character? :)
Yep, I probably will be! (:
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Could you please hold off picking Serena Thompson for a little while? I'll have my app in by tomorrow :)
I won't be accepting any characters until all bios are posted. :)
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
I seriously hope you guys start applying for other characters, too. We need more than one character for this RP to work!
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Oh my god anon was in my other RP a;sfljasldkj I won't post for the sake of the title, but ahh! Hi :) If you ever feel like telling me who you are, though, or even who you played, then my ask box is open for you!
Oh and if you apply for this one I will kinda sorta really love you. <3
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
You say there's a 16+ age limit, so does that mean you will absolutely not accept anyone under that age? Because I'm 15, and I was hoping to apply, but my sixteenth is in December and I'm pretty sure the character I'd like would be taken by then! Haha. :-)
No, I put the 16+ there because I wanted to make sure those who applied are fine with mature themes. I'm not going to be strict on ages if you're a little bit under the limit, but if you're 12/13/14, then I'm sorry but this isn't the group for you.
If you're 15, I'd be more than happy to allow you into the group, but you'll definitely need to be okay with smut/alcohol/drugs/etc.
Looking forward to your app, love!
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
I think I know you, but we weren't that close on your other rp, so I don't want to feel like a total idiot and stalker if I ask you, asdfghjkl.
Whoa there, I think I just peed a little.
Come off anon or message me what RP it was?
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
I've been getting a lot of asks to reserve characters, and I just remind you guys that I don't reserve characters.
The apps accepted will not be based on a first come, first serve basis, because I'm looking for quality writers who can actually play the bios I've worked so hard on writing.
Additionally, I won't be accepting anyone until all bios are posted, and I have 2-3 apps (or until I get one that captures the character perfectly) for the character.
Okay, now seriously, goodnight :)
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
Are there any gay ships? Just wondering.
There was originally going to be two, one girl on girl and one guy on guy in the 9x9 version of this RP, but since I decided to cut down on the size of the group, the only possible girl on girl one will be between Becky Thornton and Morgan Foster, and that's if their players are willing to do so :)
Both Becky and Morgan's bios have one another as a suggested ship, just by the way.
To be honest, none of the characters have a set sexuality, which is why I didn't mention one in the bio, so if you apply and change the sexual orientation of your character, and can find a plausible/logical way to make it work, then you're very welcome to do so as long as both writers agree and let me know!
Hope that helps x
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
I've got school tomorrow which is starting after a week of October Break, and I still haven't started/finished on my homework just yet! That means I'll (most likely) be going off now instead of lurk and write Shay's bio, which I will hopefully post tomorrow, in about 24 hours. So I'm just gonna say goodnight for now, and perhaps be back in a little bit if I complete homework early or can't sleep.
Fill up the inbox with treats and such, yeah? I love questions, just so you know!
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
It's not as well written as the others, in my opinion, but I hope you guys like it nonetheless! I did put a lot of work into his character, because I wanted him to seem like the kind of guy who isn't sure of what he wants from life, and is more of a 'stuck in the moment' type guy who goes for what he wants in that moment. I've tried to avoid making him the typical hot-headed jock his face seems to be written as in all other cases I've seen, and made him a guy who can be determined when he wants to be. But you know, he's not heartless. Hope you guys like him!
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
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whatsyourmuse-rp · 12 years
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♫ Brett Flores ♫ Matt Lanter ♫ 18 ♫ Senior ♫ Open ♫
The Quirky One
Current Relationship Status: Single
Songs: Who's Laughing Now by Jessie J, Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute, I'll Be There For You by Goo Goo Dolls
Suggested Ships: Autumn Winters
♪ History ♪
"Mummy they called me names, they wouldn't let me play. I'd run home, sit and cry almost everyday. Oh they pulled my hair, they took away my chair. I'd keep it in and pretend that I didn't care. Oh, so you think you know me now, have you forgotten how you would make me feel when you dragged my spirit down? But thank you for the pain, it made me raise my game. And I'm still rising, I'm still rising." Who's Laughing Now by Jessie J
As only a boy, Brett was never the one who people wanted to be around. He was always that sickly little boy who sat in the back of the classroom, fiddling with his fingers, picking his nose and wiping it on someone's shirt, or causing some sort of nuisance. That's what the boy was, for a little while, a nuisance. It wasn't until he hit middle school that he realized there was so much more to life than wreaking havoc into other's lives, although that was who he was on the inside. Brett began to take his energy and devoting it to other things, such as getting girls. It didn't take long for the boy to realize that there was a simple formula to success with the ladies; good looks, charm, and a quick tongue seemed to be the only things that were required, so Brett began to take notice of the guys who were older than him, ones who were slicker than grease with the ladies. Slowly, Brett transitioned out of his boyish phase, picking up football to "man up," as his father liked to say. It didn't matter how many girls he got with, though, Brett was still a loyal friend to those who got to know him, and found that he's quite witty, too. If you think you're a sarcastic smart twat, you can be sure Brett's three times the twat you are.
A quality, or vice, as some would say, that Brett possesses is his uncanny need to be correct. The boy simply cannot stand being wrong, no matter what he's talking about, so you can be damned sure that he's studied for his classes, making sure he's on top of all there is to know. Aside from that, Brett simply loves to be the best at life, which is why at first, he and Jasper couldn't get along, since they were almost the same exact person. When Brett found out that Jasper barely tried to be at the same level Brett was at, the boy backed down, the two of them becoming good friends instead.
♭Personality ♭
"You could have knocked me out with a feather, I know you've heard this all before but were just Hell's neighbors. Why, why, why won't the world revolve around me? Build my dreams, trees grow all over the streets but I dont know much about classic cars, but I've got a lot of friends stuck on classic coke. Down, set, one, hut, hut, hike, media blitz- Let's hear it for Americas suitehearts, but I must confess I'm in love with my own sins." America's Suitehearts by Fall Out Boy
If you asked the first five people you could walk into at his school and asked what they thought of Brett, they'd more or less give you the same answers. Brett treats almost everyone with the same amount of respect, just as long as you haven't done anything to prove that you don't deserve it. When it comes to Brett, you can say that it's similar to a simple game of baseball. When you go up to the plate, you have three chances- three strikes, and you're out. To those who simply pass him by, they'd known Brett as the guy who walks down the hall, cracking jokes and sharing smiles. He's a carefree and easygoing guy, and there isn't much that can change that. If you were talking to a particularly nasty person, though, you might hear something bad about the kid, perhaps some jerk saying that he's whipped for all he's gone through to be with Autumn. It's a wonder who Brett is, really, because like everyone else, he's got his good days and his bad days. Just depends on your luck to see which Brett you get, you know?
♥ Autumn Winters ♥
"Stay with me, baby stay with me, tonight don't leave me alone. Walk with me, come and walk with me to the edge of all we've ever known. I can see you there with the city lights, fourteenth floor, pale blue eyes. I can breathe you in. Two shadows standing by the bedroom door, no, I could not want you more than I did right then as our heads leaned in. Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be but with my eyes closed all I see is the skyline through the window the moon above you and the streets below. Hold my breath as you're moving in, taste your lips and feel your skin when the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly." Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute
Although Autumn is a perfectly nice girl, and Brett's a charming guy to be around, the girl definitely made him work to get by her side. From the moment Autumn smiled at Brett with that glint in her eyes, the boy was a goner and he knew it. He'd spent ages chasing after a girl he'd believed was out of his league, and eventually, his hard work paid off. It was only after numerous adjustments in his manners and behaviours towards girls that Autumn began to let him in. It had taken a month alone to convince the girl to let him take her out on a date, and it was only after chocolates, balloons and a teddy bear, did Brett realize that presents wasn't going to do him good. Instead, the boy brought his friend, who played the guitar, along to her house one night, when he'd found out her parents weren't home. Brett had played it old school, tossing rocks against her window until she stepped out onto the balcony, where Brett had sung along to the music, winning the girl's respect and attention. From then on, date after date, Autumn began making small adjustments to him. She's refuse to leave the house if he didn't come up to the door, refused to get into the car if he didn't open the door for her, and even held off kissing him for the first three dates.
Needless to say, Brett's become quite the gentleman, and now that they're six months down the road, he wants nothing more than to pop the question and ask her to be his girlfriend, since it's their senior year. Brett wants nothing more than to graduate with a girlfriend, a best friend, and, more so than anything else- happy, content with life.
♥ Jasper Patel ♥
"It's like you're always stuck in second gear when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even year but I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. I'll be there for you like I've been there before. I'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too. Your mother warned you there be days like these, but she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees and no one could ever know me, no one could ever see me since you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me." I'll Be There For You by Goo Goo Dolls
Even from the very start, Brett and Jasper were as closer than the closest of brothers. They'd first met on the football field in the midst of Freshman year. If they were to be honest, then the two of them would tell you that at first, they hated one another. They'd been neck in neck when it came to all aspects of life, whether it was girls, academics, athletics or extracurriculars. Nobody knew what exactly had made them become friends, but whenever someone asked, the two boys would simply flash a silly smile and laugh it off, sharing a joke or something of the like. That's the way it was with Brett and Jasper- they would always seem to be able to avoid troublesome situations, supporting one another and making compromises so as not to step on any boundaries. The two were truly buddies, and had almost no secrets they kept from one another- almost. When Brett began realizing that his friend was falling for Serena, a girl he'd always wanted to hook up with, but felt nothing more for, he was a little shaken, wondering if he'd be one of those guys who trashed a hard-earned friendship for a girl, or if he'd be the guy who simply stepped aside and let his friend have what he wanted for once. Deciding to take the higher road, as Brett would say should anyone have noticed, the boy decided to let his best friend have the girl. In truth, though, Brett had come to realize that Serena would always look back at Jasper with the same adoring eyes Jasper wore when he talked about the girl. And just like that, Brett encouraged his friend to go after the girl of his dreams, the two of them getting together almost immediately after that.
Now that things have taken a turn for what seems to be the worst, Brett's beside Jasper, trying to get him to move on and find something else that'll motivate him. It's hurting Brett to see his best friend so down, and it's worrying to Brett whenever Jasper brings up something about Joseph, claiming there's something fishy about that guy and how easily he'd managed to sneak his way into Serena's life.
Must Read Bios: Autumn Winters, Jasper Patel, Serena Thompson
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