whenhesaraven · 9 days
it's hard to improve at baking because even mediocre cakes taste really good. what's the incentive
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whenhesaraven · 29 days
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whenhesaraven · 29 days
When writing always remember… a character flaw is only a flaw until becomes useful. 
Is your protagonist manipulative? Well that’s awful… until they manipulate the antagonist into making a decision that saves the lives of their friends. 
Is your protagonist a skeptic? Well that’s not good… until someone tries to lie to them. 
Is your protagonist overprotective? That sucks… until someone they love is in danger. 
Is your protagonist remorseless? Well that makes them pretty unlikeable… until a hard decision has to be made. 
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whenhesaraven · 29 days
Fun fact about the early Catholic church is that, despite spending generations being persecuted by the Roman empire, it took less than 15 years under Theodosius I to go from “the empire is Catholic now” to “and also every other religion is banned.” You can literally read St. Augustine move from “state religious persecution is unacceptable” to “state religious persecution is cool actually” over his lifetime as Catholicism came to power. I’m sure there’s no broader lessons to be learned there
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whenhesaraven · 1 month
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these are the best cards on the planet and no one can tell me otherwise
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whenhesaraven · 2 months
"Under the new rule, which goes into effect Sept. 30, food will no longer count toward calculations for eligibility for benefits, known as In-Kind Support and Maintenance, or ISM.
The new rule means SSI beneficiaries will no longer have to worry that the groceries or meals they receive from family or friends may reduce their monthly benefits, said Darcy Milburn, director of Social Security and health care policy at The Arc, a nonprofit organization serving people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The Social Security Administration, in turn, will no longer have to use its limited resources to document every time a beneficiary received free food and then cut their monthly benefit by as much as a third, she said."
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whenhesaraven · 3 months
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whenhesaraven · 3 months
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The Danish training ship “Georg Stage” (1934) dresses in rainbow colour, 2021 
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whenhesaraven · 4 months
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Goth equivalent to live laugh love
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whenhesaraven · 4 months
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whenhesaraven · 4 months
if you've seen that "voting as a fire extinguisher" poem around you should consider reading the full piece, "TO THROW A WRENCH IN THE BLOOD MACHINE: Five (Season-Appropriate) Metaphors for Voting." the author recently wrote an update talking about how he doesn't like the piece being taken out it's poetic context, where it isn't instructions on what to do but a "grappling with a complex idea, providing different possible doorways into critical thinking." also maybe check out his other work!
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whenhesaraven · 5 months
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whenhesaraven · 5 months
My default outward reaction to things I don't like is indifference and nobody knows what to do with indifference.
I'll be like "This is a waste of time, I'm going home" and ppl expect me to, like, pontificate and go into further detail because most people who say that actually mean "This could be improved to suit my tastes" and are threatening u with the potential of a one-woman walkout strike. So they're still talkin to my back and I'm already halfway home.
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whenhesaraven · 6 months
Just in case you haven't seen it, and because I am honor-bound to post it in the case of an eclipse: Total Eclipse of the Heart, the Literal version.
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whenhesaraven · 6 months
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whenhesaraven · 6 months
Have you been to a teppanyaki restaurant lately? It's a fancy Japanese word that means, essentially, "fried on a metal plate." You go in there, you pay your money, and some dude does a bunch of corny jokes while frying your food right in front of you. Whole thing is a lot of fun, and you leave smelling like a barbecue just happened in your lap.
This sort of interaction between worker and customer is missing from many of our Western businesses. Things are just not fun. Nobody at McDonalds will flip a shrimp into her hat while cracking a joke about the stock market. When you get your car fixed, the team of mechanics doesn't build a flaming PB Blaster volcano to loosen the busted lower ball joint for your entertainment. And when you get someone to do your taxes, the lady they have working there takes one look at your box full of greasy parts-store receipts and just cries a whole lot, over and over, until the manager comes out and asks you to leave.
I figured it was time to change things up. Rather than ask already-overworked and heavily-underpaid workers to add an additional piece of unnecessary and annoying customer interaction to their plate, I wisely decided it would be best to ease everyone into it. Luckily for me, my general geographic area contains a very popular clown college. Thanks to recent maybe-errors in immigration policy, this school has over three thousand students at the moment, all learning the ins and outs of clownery and begging for a job, any job. And – unlike actual comedians – they don't get all froggy if you throw two dozen of them into a car and go driving around town, dropping them off at every business who won't pay our very reasonable "dismissal fee."
Friends, I'll be the first to admit that I fucked this one up, big time. I had absolutely no idea that clown makeup was flammable, or that their extensive bozo education did not include knowledge on safe food prep. That's just what happened at the A&W, which would have been bad enough if not for all the other stuff that happened. You've heard the rest of the defence from my team of attorneys, but I wanted you to hear it from me personally. If anyone has learned his lesson about employing clowns to blow up and then pop a balloon animal for laughs while standing next to the police bomb squad, it's me.
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whenhesaraven · 6 months
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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