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Colorful vacation looks Pink Furry coat on left: Junarose (via Amazon) size large Rainbow dress: Lazy Oaf size large Mary Janes: demonia (via amazon) Glasses: vintage
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Not trying to call out anyone or anything but just curious as to other people’s thoughts about Sad Girl Theory (the theory, not any one in particular).
I have been reading about it and kinda following up on it for a while but I have never really seen the “movement” (?) address any issues relating to people of color (or even specifically women of color/women who are not white, skinny and conventionally attractive according to Eurocentric beauty standards) and I feel like a feminist movement that doesn’t acknowledge women of color basically already exists (white feminism/traditional feminism and no one needs that…) and as someone who doesn’t feel like they fit into the traditions Eurocentric standards of beauty/conventionally attractive, I have never been able to feel a personal connection to the Sad Girl movement. It feels very distancing and exclusive and almost alienating. (And this is coming from the saddest girl you’ll ever meet)
Given how troubling the history of the feminist movement has been via women of color being completely and actively excluded, I feel that for a movement to be truly effective and legitimate, it must a include and acknowledge women of color, let them have the well deserved voice they have been denied for hundreds of years. While I do appreciate the movement’s dedication to being open about feelings, it’s anti capitalist sentiments and its ruthless fight for reproductive freedom, A feminism that fails to represent and include women of color is not a movement I can get behind
(DISCLAIMER: it is entirely possible that the movement is very inclusive and awesome and I just haven’t heard about it (though that seems unlikely as I’ve followed it for a while) but if that is the case and I’m just a careless researcher I APOLOGIZE SINCERELY)
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CW: fat shaming, eating disorders. I’ve seen a lot of skinny people uploading pictures of food using hashtags like #veganforfat or skinny people talking about how feminist they are using captions like riots not diets. but let me tell you something: taking up the space fat people fighted for so long, especially fat people experiencing multiple discriminations, and appropriating their hashtags isnt really feminist of you. there is something called “thin privilege”, just to give you a few examples your size is probably not the first thing people notice about you (unless you being thin-shamed) or you can expect to find your clothing size sold locally and pay reasonable prices for your clothing. you will never have the same experiences as i had: you weren’t bullied your whole school time and even at work because of your fat body, you weren’t harassed from strangers yelling at you to do sports and you were not the one who wasn’t took seriously when you had an eating dissorder and everyone played it down because you were not skinny and just told you to loose weight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and thats why it makes me so angry, it took me such a long time to learn to love my body although i’m not fitting in any beauty standards, these hashtags got invented from fat people to support each other and to make them visible and not for some skinny feminists to appropriate them for their “activism”. #knowyourthinprivilege #fatactivism #feminism #fatshion
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Dress: target Tights: target Shoes: converse Sweater: American rag vintage
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U kno who u r
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Find a good one it’s worth it (and u deserve it)
Like What’s attractive about a man who isn’t excited as hell to be with you? Who doesn’t smile when you walk up? Who doesn’t hold your hand? Who isn’t all in? What’s attractive about a man who is too prideful to just let go and love? What’s attractive about an emotionally unavailable man?
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why are men like this
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