wheresmyhair0-0 · 7 months
I might never make it out…
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 10 months
Really wanna go to the other and the better side
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 1 year
I miss writing, i miss the eagerness
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 1 year
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 1 year
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
decorate my grave with the jewels i gave you and mourn my death as if you weren't the one that killed me. scream at the sky and wonder why you lost me, knowing it was your love that drowned me. all you ask is all that you know, you never loved me and for me that was death enough and when you're angry at the world for taking me away, i hope they realise it's all just for show.
you killed the lover in me and left me beyond repair. forget about loving, you made sure i never hoped again. this was your love, this is what you did to me. stop weeping at my grave wearing my jewels pretending i'm no longer in misery.
when the sky goes black and the rain starts to pour, when the silence starts to feel too much like regret and my name builds in your throat like a scream, know that i will be your silent despair and i will echo in your destiny. when everything goes wrong and you remember my long-forgotten name that is when i will truly beam.
cry because you lost me. shriek because you did. it doesn't matter if you wear my jewels to my grave. I'll still haunt you for an eternity.
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
Cages of her cell.
A girl i knew once, 
as fas as i recall, 
i’d always waited for her,
though she never came at all. 
She’d shy away from crowds,
I rather not know why, 
So scare of her demons, 
she would ever even try. 
So she crumpled up her life,
among all but still alone.
She’d talk about to herself, 
and never outrun her zone. 
He thoughts slowly drowned her, 
that she’d keep things to herself, 
and all the talent locked within, 
was like a statue in her shelf. 
She knew it wont help, 
if her thoughts were yet unknown, 
buried in her heart they were,
waiting to be shown. 
So she said through the storm, 
and new people she met, 
and finally felt free enough,
to break the cages of her cell.
— Yuvika Vikas Gupta
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
Have you noticed
the bags under her eyes?
Or the anger issues
she has?
Her hollow cheeks
and cracked lips
still forced into a smile. 
Struggling to show everyone,
That she is a fighter 
and that she will be alright. 
No one bothered 
to hold her close, to tell her
that its okay no to be fine. 
So she breathed through her life 
as if it were a battlefield
and wished that one day she would live,
and not just survive. 
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
Sometimes I wish life was written in pencil
So we could erase it and write it all over again.
-Thisuri Wanniarachchi
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
It really doesn't feel like me. And I can't escape that anyway.
Sad hours again
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 2 years
We’re just sad kids, who put all of our hopes in the fact that putting our headphones in makes us feel like we’re not alone.
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
So do it.
Call me greedy, desperate, and hungry but I just crave love.
The type I find in books, and in shows. The type of love, that starts with 2 teens and ends with grey hair.
The type of love that's soul shattering, "'Till death do us part" love.
But I do know, i'm aware that males in this world don't show up to your door, flowers in hand on first dates.
They don't take you to a small hill where they gaze at you, under the midnight sky.
They definitely wouldn't take a bullet for you, if that were to keep you safe.
They cannot do any of those. They cannot love me like that if they can't even text me back in real life.
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
I'm better than yesterday and do not know about tomorrow. But I'm better and that's what matters.
Chin up and smile 😃 😊. You can do it
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
Even though it was not the best year for me or many of us,
I still wanna thank myself for making it through all this shitty days.
When nothing worked, I'm glad I was still myself and made it through.
And I hope to do better this year,
For myself.
Even if I want to give up, I will try.
So, let's forget all the bad memories and just live, do whatever you want to, and be happy.
Happy new year to all, let's hope for better days!!
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
“It may be the wrong decision, but fuck it, it’s mine.”
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
The kindest things
are the lonely ones,
Like a shooting star
A bright flash of beauty
granting wishes to those awake to see
But destined to soar alone.
-V.e.k poetry
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wheresmyhair0-0 · 3 years
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this is the perfect grade of good luck
reblog in 5 seconds and all of your grades will inch ever closer to perfect
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