#depends on the f/o
canon-can-fight-me · 22 days
Out of all of your F/Os, who would you choose to be your co-host if you had a podcast and why?
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cinnamon-phrog · 7 days
HEYYY!!!! Reblog with your favourite picture of your f/o [just one please unless polyship, but do feel free to come back for another when I'm done!!!] and a little about them [colours, themes, aesthetics you'd like. It'd make making the moodboard much more personalised and help me make them faster<33] and I'll make a moodboard of them! Like these ones below!
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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You've been here for me in a way that no one has.
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salsflore · 1 year
hi i already made a post like this but idc! let me say it again!!
cuz my heart goes out to the underrated self shippers who never get their self indulgent work reblogged or get no notes on their posts and never get sent asks or feel ignored by the community or or feel like nobody cares about their ships or maybe find it embarrassing to talk about — you are most definitely not lame or unwanted by the community because your blog is ‘unpopular’, and you have only have a few followers or something.
admittedly, it can be pretty sucky when your imagines, art, fanfics, etc. posts don’t get seen, and no one seems to care about your ships — but HELLO !! ME !! I DO !! i love seeing that stuff so please please pleaseeeee never stop posting about your faves, you’re all very cute when you do and i love you all so much 🤍 you keep the comm going! don’t stop being silly on your blog if it makes ya happy.
i’m sorry your stuff might not get loads of positive interaction sometimes, especially if its something you put a lot of effort into! but rest assured, i personally really love and appreciate that sorta content ( and i’m sure quite a few others do as well! ) so pls add me to your taglists n whatnot! send me your cute gush posts! pls and thank u!
[ dni pr-ship / dd1g / t3rf blogs ]
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vellichorsdesire · 3 months
fellow queerplatonic f/o havers i am loooking and you and shaking you by the shoulders…
imagine not being qpps with them yet and them just enjoying whatever time they get to spend with you, however short or long. with the way you smile at them or the way you laugh or even the slightest brush of a hand they think about these things after you part most definitely, with the way you’re so special to them. they’re pining for you extremely and very much treasure the relationship you have— maybe they’ve thought of asking to be qpps but feel shy or feel like they’re not ready yet and just waiting for the right moment. maybe you beat them to it and they’re thankful you brought it up or silently going noo… i was going to do it…!!!!
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wayfinderships · 14 hours
Good afternoon gamers!!! As a fun little thing for myself and to stop hoarding a bunch of crushes, I'm gonna be announcing a new f/o every day for the next few ??? Days!
DAY 1/??? of Panchi revealing new F/Os: K.aidan
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This is a crush I've barely mentioned on here-afksnfkdnfkd and I know I'm far from finishing the first game but I just had to add him! In a series full of interesting aliens, I fell for the human- It's ok though bc my s/i is one of those cool aliens <3 I just really love the s/i I developed for this series and the relationship I've developed between those two
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cherry-bomb-ships · 5 days
Just did a lil update on my carrd, including moving around f/os ranking-wise, as well as some new self-insert tags and more elaboration on comfort with sharing for some of my f/os!
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Selfship blog withdrawals
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lovers-lake · 28 days
Day 15's hatefuck is Lute
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cosmicmakos · 2 years
imagine holding your f/o when they need comfort from their lover (even if they don't make it known and/or try to deny it). they feel safe in your presence and can finally let their walls down and release all of their pent-up emotions while in your embrace.
#my favorite war criminal <3 would sometimes avoid letting herself let her emotions out#half the time its because her mission takes priority and she wants to avoid distractions and the other times she denies she needs it#when she first came back to the citadel after she died and got brought back she shoved all her emotions down when she saw me again#a friend of hers convinced her to go over to me while i was watching skycars go past in the market area#she came up right next to me and said my name quietly to get my attention - all i could do was stare at her confused#she started to stumble out what happened and to tell me everything but she started talking too fast and the tears made it worse#i pulled her close to me and told her it was a story for another time while she mumbled apologies into my neck#she held on to me like i was going to disappear into thin air#during the war she just refuses to give herself a moment's rest since the galaxy is depending on her to save it#she always tells me her emotions can wait and goes off on her next important mission#unless we're all alone between missions she won't let her emotions out as they could compromise the task at hand#if those conditions are met she finally lets her emotions out while i hold her close to me for as long as i can#corporate necromancer has a hard time letting her walls down and at one point it caused an argument between the two of us#she doesn't like/want people to see the vulnerable side of her#she thinks it'll make people think less of her or make her look weaker#she slowly opens up to me and after some time she doesn't keep her walls up around me#its hard for her to admit she wants to be held while she lets her emotions out but one of the times she did was before the o4 relay mission#oops only two characters on this one since i have too many thoughts on this#f/o imagines#imagine your f/o
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tired-little-fawn · 2 years
Now that your F/O has you in their life they don't want to think about the possibility of that changing.
You, the wonderful precious being that you are. The one they adore with their heart and soul. A life without you in it? Incomprehensible. They don't even want to consider such a thought.
No, they shall never allow a future without you to happen. Like it or not, you're stuck with them for all eternity.
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articskele · 1 month
If you and your F/O could fuse like in Steven Universe, what would they look like?
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lieutenantselnia · 1 year
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Sometimes it just be like that.
(Don't take this too seriously lol)
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marinerainbow · 4 months
... 😔 tumblr stole yellow from us 😔😔😔
But on the bright side!!-
Goodmorning and here, have some surprise F/O pictures XD
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He is threatening you to have a good day. XD
Instead of making it available to Mobile Tumblr, they took yellow from everyone. They punished the whole class 😔
I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything because I burst out laughing when I saw my name XDDD yes. Yes I would be in that position (and wouldn't mind it one bit *cough*)
Thank you so much!!! I hope your villainous F/O's threatens you to have a good day too! XD ^^
Except Otis. No threats from him for you. Nobody wants that guys threats 😅
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ufolvr · 5 months
How I sleep understanding my favorite villain's personality and backstory and why they work so well while also throwing key aspects of it away for the benefit of my own indulgences btw ^_^
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#📡 incoming transmission 📡#once again talking about frieza. mostly. their backstory and direct mirroring of goku's is the strongest in the series#they never had to life a finger for anything ever and thats the point#but.... sometimes a guy has certain needs and urges#i also mess with buu and cell but thats after they died so i can do whatever. like introducing a character for them to bounce off of#is one thing but changing their backstory is another. do you see it? i dont think i need to do that to tell a meaningful story#for frieza however i do not want them 'going soft' for anyone ever. i want them to have been soft from the very beginning#that's a lot stronger to me. what if they cared? what if they cared so much. what then.#any other changes i make to characters i like esp villains is more... well. where can we go from here buddy?#and less What would happen if your backstory was a moved a little bit to the left. it just genuinely depends on what works best ^^#self insert#selfshipping#f/o#selfship#self ship#also bc its driving me up the wall:#me whenever i tell you that frieza cannot be enjoyed separately from their femininity and poise so frieza with a square jaw means nothing#and cell was hard for me to grasp but the truth is that the more human she became the scarier she got.#like another false sense of familiarity almost#and buu is all over the place because buu is buu and makes little to no logical sense#this has nothing to do with the post. sometimes i just like to sound smart#and as a proof that i do know frieza plenty well i just love to fuck with them and make them care for someone
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mouseship · 2 years
Ohh new f/o assignment game. Rb with a pic of your f/o (two max pls) and I'll assign them a cat or dog breed!!
(Sorry I am done with these!! ^^)
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