whitehousepetitions · 4 years
FREE KASH LEE KELLY and PARDON Kash from ALL PAST and PRESENT CHARGES Kash was arrested for being at the Capital demonstration on January 6th 2021. Kash is a good man who believes in God, love, family, change, and his country. He supports the president of the United States, which shouldnxt be a crime! The government is supposed to listen to the people and be for and of the people. Kash is a Streetlight and believes in Unity and Progress. Kash is one of the most realest , profound. and honorable men there is! They donxt make them like Kash! He changed for the good and inspires others to do the same! Kash loves and accepts everyone with his whole heart! xUnite donxt Fight , Be a Streetlightx -Kash Lee Kelly
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
The impeachment of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is of great importance to the well being of the people of these United States of America. She has willfully ignored her duties as house leader to put the people of america first and continues to place and or accept/ed other non essential spending or (pork) into relief packages and spending bills whilst the american people are suffering. Nancy and other Democrats of congress have continuously harassed the President Donald Trump and continues to waste tax payers money to try and remove him from office on baseless claims. Nancy has gone as far as speaking to high ranking officers of military to stop the president from upholding his role as commander and chief. This should be considered a coup and treasonous. Immediate action is needed!
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
In FY2021, 260,000 employment-based (EB) green cards are available - 85% additional EB green cards vs normal years. If these are not issued by Sep 30 2021, they will be lost. USCIS is not moving at the speed required to issue all available EB green cards. Preventing the loss requires rescinding 2 executive orders issued by the Trump admin that take up significant time in EB green card adjudication. This will free up huge USCIS capacity. The EOs are - 1) The interview mandate Go back to pre-Trump approach. Interviews for employment-based green card should not be mandatory and instead should be done only for suspected fraud. 2) The public charge evaluation This evaluation is unnecessary for employment-based green card applicants who are holding steady jobs for more than a decade.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
Trump-supporting news media such as the Fox News and The Epoch Times create and spread false news, manipulate the presidential election, attack and discredit the presidential candidate Biden, instigate violent terrorist incidents, deceive the American people, and divide American society. We now request the Congress to remove the Fox News, the Epoch Times and other media reporters team out of the White House and cancel all subscriptions from related newspapers.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
After the CDC announced the groups that are qualified for Phase 1C of the COVID-19 vaccine, only Type 2 Diabetics were permitted for this phase of the vaccine. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundationxs website (JDRF.org), the committeexs decision for this was not based off the most recent publication that people with Type 1 are more at risk for severe illness, and people with Type 1 are 3-4 times more likely to be hospitalized or die because of the virus. Because of this, JDRF is pushing for the CDC to reconsider. I, as a Type 1 Diabetic, am asking for signatures on this petition to also get the CDC to reconsider and allow Type 1 Diabetics to receive vaccinations during Phase 1c.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
Nancy Pelosi does not serve the American people any longer and has not in a long time. She has no purpose, she is full of hate and does VILE things to get her way. Her hate for the President has blinded her from matters that really matter..for example: HELPING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. "If a federal official commits a crime or otherwise acts improperly, the House of Representatives may impeachxformally chargexthat official. If the official subsequently is convicted in a Senate impeachment trial, he is removed from office." She has done nothing but commit multiple crimes and has acted improperly the whole time Trump was in the White House. Speaking ill of our President countless of times. xTreason . . . imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of faith.."
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
United States Federal, State, and County courts are using digital resources such as zoom and skype to conduct legal proceedings, hearings, and even trials for the safety and security of judges, attorneys, and litigation parties due to the coronavirus. These changes have been in effect since March of 2020 due to the coronavirus. However, the US Immigration policies have not been updated, or even reviewed, to allow for the same procedures for immigration. Interviews are still being required to be conducted in person at the embassy for immigrant and non-immigrant visas. For some countries, this requires extensive travel for applicants and beneficiaries, and face-to-face interviews with US embassy staff. I am requesting that the same digital platforms should be available for immigration.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
Dustin John Higgs does not deserve to be executed. He was charged with three counts of first-degree premeditated murder, three counts of first-degree felony murder, and three counts of kidnapping resulting in death. All witnesses and co-defendant, Willis Haynes, have said that Dustin did not kill anyone. Willis Haynes pleaded guilty to shooting the three victims. The government has claimed that Higgs bullied Haynes into murdering the three victims as a way to justify executing Higgs, although Haynes wrote that Dustin had not threatened him nor was he scared of Dustin. Haynes wrote that Higgs didn't make him do anything that night. Dustin John Higgs is supposed to die on January 15, 2020, we can still save him. ( quoted from another petition that had been closed down)
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
I live in Virginia, but I am sure I can speak for the majority of people who are still to this day waiting for a single payment from your state when the majority of our benefits exhausted on Dec 26th. Virginia just posted their update (1/13/2021) on when people on PUA/PEUC can expect to see the system updated with the new guidelines, they said they expect 1/29/2021 for the system to be ready. People currently living in VA and who are on PUA/PEUC who have exhausted their 39 weeks before or on Dec. 26th have been without any type of assistance since then. Most states paid out the new relief in a reasonable amount of time, some did not. We are asking congress to force states to update their systems and pay out those who are eligible within 15 days of any new relief being signed. Please.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
The current Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival requires applicants to have resided in the US since June 15th, 2007 to present date. Many individuals meet ALL OTHER requirements, except the date of entry, which could have been missed by simply days or months. Changing the required date of entry to include later dates can help thousands of undocumented individuals qualify for DACA. This will not only aid young undocumented individuals obtain a legal status, it will enhance the benefits DACA has had on the American economy and education system.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
President Trump announced "I fight against the Deep State". On 6th Jan this year, BLM and Antifa rushed into the US Capitol building. This incident shocked many Americans greatly. BTS donated to BLM which is part of the Deep State, and has propagated the Deep State. Therefore, this case has caused great harm to the American society. American people feel pain now. It shows that BTS has harmed the US, moreover, promoted a harmful consciousness to the world. It makes the world people to have a wrongful thinking of the US. Please impose sanctions against BTS & Bighit Entertainment after investigating. The US Government can impose the freezing of assets or arrest them. South Korean people have lived peacefully because of the protection and support of the US military. As a Korean, I apologize.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
Dustin John Higgs does not deserve to be executed. He was charged with three counts of first-degree premeditated murder, three counts of first-degree felony murder, and three counts of kidnapping resulting in death. All witnesses and co-defendant, Willis Haynes, have said that Dustin did not kill anyone. Willis Haynes pleaded guilty to shooting the three victims. The government has claimed that Higgs bullied Haynes into murdering the three victims as a way to justify executing Higgs, although Haynes wrote that Dustin had not threatened him nor was he scared of Dustin. Haynes wrote that Higgs didn't make him do anything that night. Dustin John Higgs is supposed to die on January 15, 2020, we can still save him.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
1. USA Constitution & Laws are jokes for CCP. CCP paid for 911, MH370, ISIS. CCP TikTok BackDoor BLM & ANTIFA. CCP owns Joe Biden, Democrats, Republicans except 6, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Bill Gates Space Force AI Real time upgrades USA Constitution & Law Enforcement Tools against Internal & Worldwide Threats & Corruptions. 2. 100% Senators must be re-elected & manually 1 by 1 Counted by Hand, as 100% Democratic Party Senators paid to CCPxs 400 Million Dominion for 350K Votes Headstart to f up USA even if President Trump won 2nd Term. Space Force detect who again Fraud. 3. Thoughts based. Space Force taps into all Networks & Thoughts. 0 Fake News & Instant 4. 0 waste Tax Payer's Money on wrong Senators 5. End CCP Now. Xi is Dead. Nuclear Leaks Chinawide hurt American Businesses
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
We have until January 15th, 2021 to save a man by the name of Dustin Higgs from death row. He was falsely accused for another man's wrong doings of murdering three young women, which the other man has confessed to and said that Higgs had part in the crime. Please, let's save him before it is too late.
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
The Cuban community in the US and Cubans on the island request that consular services be resumed in Havana Cuba. There are many separated families who assumed another obstacle by having to travel to a third country to carry out their visa procedures. We cannot be victims of political differences between governments. We ask the new Biden-Harris administration to listen to this request from the Cubans.  Main affected: Family Reunification Cases Visa Lottery Winners
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whitehousepetitions · 4 years
Were you aware that 8% of the United States are Vegetarian, 2% are Vegan? Several religions such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews have a strict diet which lacks a certain, or all, meats. Doritos, Cheetos, and even Crest toothpaste contain pig enzymes. Ingredients like glucose (dextrose) are animal tissue and fluids which are usually in baked goods, soft drinks, candies, and frostings. Isinglass is a gelatin made from the air bladder of a freshwater fish, used in alcoholic beverages. Pepsin is an enzyme made from pigsx stomachs used in cheese. I think every consumer deserves to know what is going into their bodies, especially those restrictive diets. There needs to be a law that displays information to the consumer which distinctly states the animal that is in the product.
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