whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Since Vol. 6 questions were ignored... What the hell is Yang’s “severe” ptsd?
Like honestly. She got over severe ptsd in about 2-3 months. What happened to her having nightmares, flashbacks, and hallucinations? At the time where it should’ve completely frozen her, it did act up at all. Honestly, I’d feel insulted if I had ptsd. In fact, I saw one guy say his brother who had pretty bad ptsd felt insulted with how much they played it down. It would’ve made for a much more interesting arc if she actually had ptsd.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
"Blacksun has romantic coding"
What, you want a fucking medal for noticing the sky's blue? Hate to break it to ya, there's a lot more to the sky than just blue, you're just looking at it at the same time every day like a broken fucking watch
Sorry this is a shock to some people but romantic coding != romance. While we’re at it, that’s not “shipbaiting” either. It’s not the same as hints being peppered around just to keep you watching in hopes the ship may eventually happen, and honestly? If you’re watching RWBY and thinking it’s like that then just leave. Sun left, so there’s nothing there to “bait” viewers with. It wasn’t intended to go any further, and instead of keeping him around and playing will they/won’t they, a very obviously bait-y move, the show made it abundantly clear that you shouldn’t be watching just for the potential Blake and Sun romance by very clearly removing it as a possible focal point for Volume 6.
Characters are allowed to flirt or show interest in someone else without eventual payoff because guess what? That’s how the real world works too sometimes. Would you sleep with or date every person that winks at you and has their heart in the right place? Of course you would because you’re boring and media has conditioned you to think that’s how it works, but it doesn’t, and you’d know that if you went outside every once in a while.
Giving things romantic undertones isn’t “building up” to some sort of payoff every single time. That’s the point here; media as a whole has tons of examples where m/f couples get together with said undertones, so just.. Let creators do something different (and arguably more representative of reality) with their romantic coding for once, yeah?
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
An All-Too-Brief defense of Lesbian Yang
Gonna say this one more time for the people in the back. hc-ing Yang as bi in and of itself is fine, in fact it’s great! Keep doing your funky little thing. What’s not fine is dismissing someone else’s headcanon like we have solid canon information to the contrary, like we do with, say, Ilia. With that out of the way, let’s move on.
So, I may or may not have read a post implying that Yang is “allowed” to be bi if Bumbleby becomes canon, yet it makes no mention of the possibility of Yang being a lesbian. Now, I get it, you’re lesbophobic and/or homophobic, and I shouldn’t argue because “uwu she said that line about guys one time!” But I gotta tell you, women making remarks about guys? Doesn’t make them bi. Same goes for guys making remarks about women.
While saying someone is bi because of remarks about other genders isn’t necessarily a bad thing (it’s a headcanon after all, and I don’t intend to shame people who think this way unless you act like your interpretation is canon in a serious manner), it’s not a good idea to assume the comment dismisses any headcanons that Yang is a lesbian.
For what it’s worth, Yang’s line about men is also omitted from most other interpretations of Volume 1′s events. It’s literally not important to her character, and shouldn’t be considered as such since it can clearly lift right out without the show’s intentions being changed any amount.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Apparently being terrified of someone who used their position of power over you multiple times to cause you physical and emotional harm as well as endanger and injure your partner is “irrational” and acting to keep them safe makes you a “coward”. I guess standing up against them just makes the survivor a “whiny bitch” as well huh? What, you think she shoulda just done what she was told? Stood on her fuckin head and whistled because it was the right thing to do?
If you’re thinking all of that sounds fucked up, congratulations! You have a working brain. Turns out some people don’t.
Idk about you or the chief but I don’t think this is it
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Oh we’re being assigned GFs now? You got one for me as well anon?
Your little girlfriend is so toxic in this entire fandom and it drags everyone down.
I have a gf? Damn why didn’t anyone tell me?
Real talk tho, I stay away from fandom drama unless someone is being really, truly, honestly, spectacularly stupid. And also because I’m a 25 year old adult and fandom drama isn’t a good look at that age. So believe me when I say I have
No idea
What you are talking about.
Shit, you think if I had a gf I’d be here? On this website? tolerating this buffoonery? Fuck no, I’d be out suckin and fuckin rn instead of stuck here with you incels.
Anon tell me who my government assigned GF is so I can encourage her reign of terror on your fandom I guess
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
The Branwen Twins, colourised
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Happy Trans Day of Visibility Everyone!
For those of you who aren’t aware, Summer was trans and very proud of her two trans daughters, Yang and Ruby!
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Excuse you @lamb200345567 the only planning I do is which ships are gonna be present and I'm damn proud of it
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Knowing a fic author through AO3 is like attending someone’s thesis presentation and clapping politely at the end, knowing a fic author through this hellsite is like going over to their house at 3AM to watch them eat mayonnaise out of a jar
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
one of the best things about making friends with people who read your fics isn’t just that they usually review, it’s the energy for your writing they have, the way they hang on even your maddest ideas and help you refine them or just help you stretch your mind a little with “what if” back-and-forths
y’all are great
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
This is the first time I’ve written an idea based on the fact I really wanted to use a title, but I offer some Bumbleby angst in this trying time Summary straight from the fic page:
Blake kisses Yang. She kisses her because she has no idea how to say it, or that she even could if she knew. Just... Stay here, like this. It’s all she wants. Yang to be here, close to her, breathing her in, locking away her demons where they can’t reach her. Losing herself in a lilac sea under a golden sunset as opposed to one of midnight black and crimson skies. Yang pulls away, an easy smile resting where it always has before pulling her back into an embrace. I’m not going anywhere, where else would I have to go? There’s a certainty to the admission, a finality. No one else could give her what Blake does.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Send me some short(ish) Bumbleby prompts!
I'm gonna regret this, but let me set the scene: Blake and Yang are immortals, and immortals have a lot of time to kill. Their friends and family are bound to reincarnate by the same curse that's keeping them from dying at all. They try their hand at a lot of things, but always run into the people they know. The last thing on their bucket list is growing old together, and I've got that part of the story covered.
So I thought, why not ask y'all for some stuff they'd be doing in the meantime and write one-shots based on them? Random professions, cute fluffy moments, anything really. As long as it's not like, legitimately gross anyway.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
The Blake Witch Project
So, @katiethetransbian said “but still, Blake as a witch...” during a discussion about modern magic AUs and, well... This happened. I might turn it into a full fic eventually (Trust me I have Ideas For That) but this was a fun little distraction for an hour.
She must’ve done something wrong. Maybe the pronunciation wasn’t quite right, or the time of day. What should have appeared in the middle of the pentagram is one of the most dangerous demons to have ever been recorded. Instead, there was a blonde girl, hardly looking fazed by the event, irises burning crimson and hair aflame. But calm. She blinked her surroundings into focus, eyes flicking to Blake’s lips and back, tongue slipping over her own lips as though about to speak. “This-this can’t be right.” Her summoner interrupted, flicking through the pages of the book again. “The spell is supposed to summon a 7th circle dragon! A being that only knows of destruction!” “Oh, baby.” The blonde speaks, and it’s like the world’s already begun to end, playful smirk dancing on her features. “I think you’ll find I’m plenty destructive.”
The mysterious girl steps outside of the cottage, followed in short order by Blake, who can only watch in stunned silence as a series of yellow-red eyes begin glowing in the treeline. Grimm, maybe hundreds of them, all galloping towards the pair. Her tome begins to levitate, the young witch preparing a lightning spell as the pages turn faster and faster. “I’m Yang, by the way.” Time seems to slow for everything save the two of them. Yang’s fists are engulfed in fire, skin replaced by talons and scales. “Ready.” Her stance changes, like she’s been in this very situation several times before, expectant. “Set.” The flames die down, replaced by a crackle of raw demonic energy as her face twists into a cocky grin. “Go.” Before Blake can even complete the first word, Yang is back, facing her, claws buried into the head of a Beowolf as it whimpers. “I just happen to choose what I destroy, unlike the lower level stuff you’ve probably dealt with.” She finishes the sentiment from earlier, punctuated by a loud snapping of bone and the melting of a Grimm. “And right now, it looks like you want to destroy me.” Yang winks, irises settling into a lavender colour as her hair falls more naturally against her back.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
When I Can Let You Love Me
So this is still a work in progress and I’ll be posting the full fic to AO3 when it’s done, but I’ve had this goddamn title stuck in my head for like 2 weeks now and felt like sharing a little preview, for anyone interested.
Blake kisses Yang. She kisses her because she has no idea how to say it, or that she even could if she knew. Just... Stay here, like this. It’s all she wants. Yang to be here, close to her, breathing her in, locking away her demons where they can’t reach her. Losing herself in a lilac sea under a golden sunset as opposed to one of midnight black and crimson skies. Yang pulls away, an easy smile resting where it always has before pulling her back into an embrace. I’m not going anywhere, where else would I have to go? There’s a certainty to the admission, a finality. No one else could give her what Blake does. “Thank you.” No sweeping declarations, no extraneous feelings tugging at her heart. Yang is whatever Blake needs her to be. Sometimes, it’s a friend; others, more than that. little moments where she lets her in, opens the cage around her heart and allows it to beat freely between them. It’s not love, and at the same time it’s not all skin deep. Blake looks at her a certain way and nothing else can infringe on her vision. Speaks a few words like they should really be “I love you,” and Yang echoes the sentiment right back at her. There’s something between them, but she isn’t ready to admit it, to let it happen. To let Yang love her. Not after last time. She’s an art major, but even when she thinks she’s captured Yang in every possible way, she notices something new; a detail screaming at her to be committed to memory just like the rest, filed away for later use. Right now, she’s only just noticing the way Yang’s eyes reflect the moonlight streaming into the bedroom, sounds from the party on the other side of the door becoming white noise compared to their voices. “Happy birthday, Blake” She whispers, hand reaching around the back of her head and pulling her closer.
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Okay so I read like 4? Soulmate AUs in the past 3 days and decided starting one of my own wouldn’t be so hard (it was) We got bees and Whiterose in here but it’s mostly bees after the start, I might post the Whiterose paragraphs on their own eventually
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
Incorrect Quotes from the in-progress Steampunk/Thief AU
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whiteroseisendgame · 5 years
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Thanks to @sister-ilia for making me laugh about a character death on the same day as the episode releases
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