whocaresinc · 2 years
VUS Abstract
“Whoever designed this car, he clearly didn’t got his medication. The only good aspect is Abstract’s ergonomy, modding options and transition (speed and stopping), rest of stats is average at best. But, hey! This car is considered one of first drag racers to be seen.” - Carful Of Knowledge Issue #11
Abstract is a car of overall compact-like appearance. It is the worst car from lemons collection (losing only to Crudal). The only few advantage over other cars is price, quicker shifting gear transition and ability to mod for various situations. Abstract’s weight allows it to be decent car for off-road use. Along with it’s big modding ability, you can make a low budget jeep for yourself. Just be careful when steering, And space enough for your grandpa’s Kalash-47 or few Uriels (or another gun dealer’s franchise).
VUS Abstract made this car in near the same year the Gremlin’s lineup started. Besides same manufacturer, familiar style, being called “lemons” and few same stats they’re very diffrent. It’s startup had some interesting question about the design like “Why front window wipers are hidden?”, “Why it’s styling is so weird?” or “Where can i put my Stallion .45?” But who cares? Can this car ride? Yes. Can this car handle you? We hope so. Can this have any engine? Suprise! Yes, it can. Few Abstracts were found using a electric-powered engines. It got a lot of praise for it’s futuristic (for the time of first models) design. However, later various negatives resurfaced. Apparently car had problems with more advanced parts like engines, steering wheel and even both front and back seats. Nonethenless (I hope I wrote it correcly) it’s production ended in 1979. During 80′s where sex, drugs and melancholy mixed with nostalgia of your dumb as hell parents (unless they are from post-soviet country or western parts of europe, they tend to look at them a bit sober) started, it got a popularity by various, minimum or low wage job having minorities, like Irish, Arabs, Mexies or our lovely homies from Canada. Abstract was featured in such films as “Hamburger It Is!”, “A Life Of Janye”, “Dooby: The Moviestered”, or “God, You Are Annoying!”. We cannot forget about “Automobiles”, where there is a Abstract named “Puerto Diego”, a hardworking, spanish-speaking charmer with a heart of gold and IQ of a cinderblock. Did I mentioned it also appears as Mr. Quickie’s car in “Rocket To The End”? Besides being now considered ugly, yet a classical car, it is also one of first cars used in drag racing (as well as being a icon of street racing culture in some regions of both Americas). it got a lot of tuning abilities. Example could be The Beast monster truck, Mud Bath accesories turning Abstract into jeep-like car and my favourite - somewhat official wagon with some parts can turn your car into very good delivery boy car. Summing up: this car sucked, yet some of us, car enthusiasts, like this piece of U.S, vehicle manufacturing history.like it was Bermuda or Ocelot. Just take care of it when you can, Then it will be forever.
Behind The Scenes
Abstract is based on AMC Pacer. Name itself comes from very weird look of the car. Originally, instead of Asbstract, car’s name was supposed to be Tracer. Change of name comes from being too familiar sounding to Pacer. Abstract as well could be used to describe this car, due to it’s look and history.
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whocaresinc · 2 years
VUS Troll
“Troll made by VUS is considered one of more known cases of bad becoming okay with time. Steering isn’t the best along with some problems with exhaust, engine is giving it’s best and it’s suspension  can withstand any surface. Any pop star you know probably had one during their early days. Don’t forget about stereo, it can help with mood.” - Carful Of Knowledge issue #62
VUS Troll is American-made car considered to be a subcompact, but it looks more like a inbred racecar with genes of golf cart. When being performance-wise average in most, it’s steer is not good. It compesates with pretty nice speed and it can drive with the same speed on any surface. Modifications incude police cruiser bodykit, semi-jeep, and even armored derby car. Besides, Troll’s chassis is very good when it comes to repair. Average repair cost is around 500$. Car itself has a average cost of 3549$.
VUS Troll’s history starts in 1970. VUS needed a car for their little money injection. Finding plans of failed project by their early attempt of coupe, VUS engineers decided to use the project’s plans as the reference. It was compared as it came out with DM Kafer and Shermy Aloy. Along with it’s late years, the Troll’s problems came out of hiding. Yet it was also considered sort of a protoplast for more modern compact cars made in US. Along with two other low quality cars from the era, they were called “The Three Stoners”, due to their popularity among the less normal parts of society, like hippies, junkies or gangs. Production ended in 1978. Over 8 years nearly 671 500 (!) Trolls were made. To this day they are being driven by anyone, who wants to get their four wheels. Considering the way Troll’s buyers usually don’t have very high standards, it imported to other countries: Australa, Mexico and UK. Along with fairly affordable price, it became one of more used cars by gans like Conos de Gusto Verde, Bulhaeng Clan or Chicago Dreads. Ironically, some of those sold cars were once a police cruisers. Troll is considered to be a splat on American automobile history, that turned into short story with good moral - every cars can give it’s user good memories, even if the cars itself is worse than bathtub on wheels.
Behind the scenes
VUS Troll was inspired by AMC Gremlin. Name comes from trolls, beings usually not caring about anything in particular. Name also comes from AMC Gremlin itself, as both trolls and gremlins are very similiar in the overall summary. Troll also comes from car’s overall weird look, like it was made by a troll.
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whocaresinc · 2 years
Vystava Slavia
“This car is shaped like a matchbox on wheels. Luckily enough, it won’t set on fire anything (besides itself). It’s main pluses are good speed and ability to change it’s position relatively smoothly. Just be careful with it when driving, it is a bit of a fragile soul”. - Jerome Stellards
Vystava Slavia is car from Serbia, made by now-defunct car manufacturer, Serbian-originating Vystava. It is cosidered as one of more delicate cars from terrains of ex-USSR countries. Funnily enough it’s speed and overall specifics are stated to be one of the better in comparison to other cars from post-soviet states. As one of better features, it can use engines with hybrid fueling system.
Production started in 80′s. This car was one of few, which had got themselves from car dealerships in Soviet Union to America. In America, this car was called one of the worst (and still does to this day), but it got interest in more poor parts of communities all over the world. Some of them were once a cop cars, cabs or even they had been racing in various off-road rallies. One of more known version is called “Loray”, which is Slavia customized to be a jeep with pickup cabin. It was, and still is, popular in countries of middle east, asia, southern parts of the globe and some of those are used in iced terrains, like Alaska, Yukon or Siberia. It got more modernized versions since 1992, as Vystava wanted to upgrade their overall product lines. In 1998, Slavias were more cheap than ever in Russia, Serbia and Belarus, along with other countries of post-soviet states. Moreover, car got infamy, due to it’s use by some of more dangerous mafias, gangs and even some of more politically radical groups such as Blue Monday Movement, IRA or AEB. The production of Slavia ended in 2008. Slavia became the icon of lemon cars in US. On the other hand, in former Yugoslavia teritories, car is greeted like ugly fat aunt, that makes good cookies and can tell some good jokes along with giving you some very wise life advices. Overall, Slavia became sort of a icon for Yugoslavia. When it peformed very poorly on technical level, it’s customization options, speed and reliability made it good car for someone with a bit of driving experience. 
Behind the scenes
Vystava Slavia is based on Zastava Yugo. It’s name is wordplay for Yugo, as both put together create Yugoslavia, from which cars names come from. Originally, name was supposed to be ‘Yogurt’, but ultimately Slavia was chosen. Funnily enough, author of Slavia really likes drinkable yogurt. Interesingly, there is familiarly called ,and nearly identical looking to Yugo, Zastava Skala.
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whocaresinc · 2 years
“Being made back in times, when Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Russia and various other countries made one big soviet bloc, it was one of well-known cars due to it’s clunky, yet nice design. It remembers a lot, it had seen a lot, and it will do a lot if you take care of it”. - Tomas Kolar
Poza-988 is a car made by UVA back in 60′s, along with 70′s, 80′s, and in some limited quantity in 90′s. It is, like most of Soviet-era cars, quite tough. It’s main gimmick is slow speed with decent handling. However, it is one of the best cars for begineers in drifting, derby or hit-and-run. 
Poza-988 originates form Soviet Ukraine. First parts were made in bigger cities, like Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia or Lviv. The primal market for those cars were various average soviet families. Along with Ural’s Laikas and Desia’s Kuvars it was used by Militsya in Ukraine during the first years of 60′s. In 70′s cars had been improved with better engines, springs for reduction of bumping on the road were made from harder steel to make them more solid and at last some of first custom-made parts appeared on the market. In 80′s, some of them got themselves to the vehicle markets in western countries, like Canada or US. Although Poza was considered a failure by most, it gained some fans in countries of Columbia, Cuba, Africa and even some in UK and Ireland (however mostly due to being a perfect material for a taxi). It’s production ceased in 1996. Yet it is thriving in it’s glory on streets all over the world, joining his friends from other soviet countries, reminiscing of the old days, and waiting for you to step the gas and give it another ride down the nostalgia name. Poza is one of noticable cars in Eastern European culture of tuning, due to some of it’s soviet culture inspired tuning designs. Car also appears as ‘Comissar Zenya’ in cartoon “Automobiles”, which is famous for including lots of lesser known vehicles, like Ural Gorka named “Officer Alyosha” or Pidgernn Naserie named “Pierre La Mullede”. There are some of the Poza’s who were modded into really funky cars, such as monster truck “Red Sickle” or “Taiga”, car owned by president of Russia himself. Car itself is also decent to afford, being usually around 2499$.
Behind the scenes
Poza-988 is based on ZAZ Zaporozhets series of old soviet-era cars from Ukraine. Name itself is anagram to Zapo, a short for Zaporozhets. Notable model it was based on is ZAZ-966. Car itself is actually used in some countries of South America as a cab, such as Columbia in real life.
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whocaresinc · 2 years
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my drawings of cars from "Lemon" collection, which are cars of low quality but were quite popular or known by bigger audience.
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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Link to my Volvo acconte:
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whocaresinc · 3 years
minion fucking dies
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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Postal 4: Who Cares
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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he is coming
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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235 pounds of coom
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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whocaresinc · 3 years
is she shitting into a chimney?
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Cyd Charisse
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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One day, one day...
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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2004 Morris Mini moment
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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what the fuck?
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whocaresinc · 3 years
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aw fuck
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