whoficky · 2 days
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happy pride month to these two specifically
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whoficky · 2 days
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whoficky · 2 days
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#I'm obsessed with the fact that Jackie and Ruby go to the same bar, which could mean nothing.
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whoficky · 2 days
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whoficky · 2 days
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the first person to kiss the ninth doctor was jack bffr
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whoficky · 3 days
Until Morning
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: No matter how tired she is, Rose isn't interested in sleeping. Not tonight.
Chapter 5
Rose finished her meal and handed the empty plate off to Jack to put in one of the take-out bags they were using to consolidate their rubbish.  She felt full and sleepy, but she couldn’t imagine letting herself sleep at all tonight.  She’d stay up and help the Doctor with whatever he needed to do to prepare for tomorrow.  And at some point, she’d find time to tell him about the small matter of the stars going out.  
She fiddled with the memory card in her pocket that was full of all the information her Torchwood had gathered on the matter.  Even though she fully intended on making her way back to the Doctor again, it didn’t mean she’d wait to pass the information on.  Even as determined as she was to get back to him, she wouldn’t gamble the fate of the multiverse on it.    
To her surprise, no one really seemed interested in a planning session once they had finished their meal.  She’d gotten so used to the more regimented processes of Torchwood’s strategy briefings that she forgot the Doctor liked to make things up on the fly.  
 Jack stood and stretched, cracking several joints down his spine, “Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to catch some shuteye.”
“I could do with a rest,” Martha agreed through a yawn, “Anything resembling a bed around here?”
“If by bed, you mean some old work jackets spread out on the floor in the office, I got ya covered,” Jack grinned.
Martha wrinkled her nose, “Lovely,” but after yawning again she admitted, “I think I’m tired enough that almost sounds fine.  How about you two?”
Rose looked to the Doctor who was rocking on this heels with his hands in his pockets.  “I’m not that tired,” she lied, “Are you?”
“Not particularly,” the Doctor said.  “Care to take a walk instead?” He offered his hand, wiggling his fingers, and she didn’t hesitate to take it.
“Thought you were in hiding though.”
“Welllll,” he drawled, “Up on the roof should be safe enough.  No CCTV up there.  I disabled all the ones in the area earlier.”
“Alright then.  A walk,” she grinned up at him and swung their arms back and forth a little.     
Jack wolf whistled.
“Jack!” she admonished, afraid he was going to spook the Doctor.  But the Time Lord seemed unruffled.
“Will the two of you be ok down here?” the Doctor asked Jack and Martha.
“Yes, of course,” Martha smiled kindly before making a shooing motion, “Go.  Have some time together.”
“Get outta here you crazy kids,” Jack agreed with a wink.
So they went.  
The Doctor led Rose out into the chilly spring evening.  It had stopped raining, but the air still had the charged feel of an impending lightning storm.  At the first brush of wind, she felt goosebumps erupt on her arms and legs, but embraced the shock for the alertness it brought.  And, well, there may be other factors contributing to the pleasant prickle racing over her skin that didn’t have anything to do with the weather. 
Like the feel of the Doctor’s hand on her lower back as they made their way up the rickety staircase.  Or this thing, this magnetic humming between their bodies that was both familiar and new.  
She had always been aware of the Doctor, his movements, his subtle shifts in mood, when they had traveled before.  It had driven her mad as much as it had come in handy when they worked together seamlessly through a challenge.  But now, after she’d felt his lips on hers and seen his willingness to be more open, that vague awareness of him had ratcheted up several notches. She felt like every atom of her body was tuned in to every atom of his.  Rose threw a smile over her shoulder at him, and he grinned back, as if their trip to the roof were the grandest of adventures.  And maybe it would be.
The Doctor was beside her, reclaiming her hand as soon as they made it up onto the roof.  He surprised her by tugging her arm up over her head and leading her through a series of twirls that ended with her giggling and wrapped in his arms.  
“Very suave,” she complimented as they swayed back and forth as if there was music playing.
“I can be extremely suave, Rose Tyler.  Who do you think taught Sean Connery the moves?”
Rose laughed, “You are so full of it!”
“Am not!” he insisted before attempting to demonstrate by whisking her through some kind of waltz that ended up with their legs twisting together and the both of them almost ending up sprawled on the wet roof.  Rose laughed and kissed away his pout as soon as she got her legs back underneath her.  Then she kissed him again, just because she could.
  When they came back up for air, she found her gaze drawn up to the night sky as the twinkle of stars caught her eye.  
   “S’ beautiful,” she said, sure the awe was obvious in her voice.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Doctor follow her gaze up to the stars that dotted the night sky, “What, this?” he scoffed, “This is just the bits that show through all the light pollution and haze from the city.  You’ve seen far better, Rose Tyler.”
“Not recently,” she murmured, thinking of all the stars missing from the other universe, of the darkness in so many different universes she’d walked through.
Of course, he missed her meaning.  “No space travel over in good ol’ Pete’s World then?” he asked, nudging her side.
 “Not unless you’re an astronaut,” she nudged him back.
“Well that’s a shame,” he said, “You look lovely in starlight.”
Rose couldn’t help but snort a laugh.
“What!?” he sputtered defensively.
“I’m sorry, but are you trying to hit on me?”
“Oi, I’m a bit rusty,” the Doctor pouted.
“Good,” she said turning back into his chest to ward off the chill of the night air.  “And you don’t need to anyway.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked into her hair.
She craned her neck to look up at him, “I’ve been yours since ‘run’, you plum.”
His slow, satisfied smile was the most gorgeous thing she’d ever seen.  
“In that case,” he said, bringing his hand up to cradle her face as he lowered is lips to brush against hers.  After several light passes, she grabbed him by the lapels and rocked up on her toes to kiss him properly.  He wrapped his free arm around her waist, holding her close and helping her balance.      
She sucked his bottom lip in between hers and ran her tongue over it, smiling when his breath stuttered against her lips.  For a man usually so self-contained, all these little hints of him losing his tight control were intoxicating.  She wanted more of it, more of him.  
By the time she had to break away to catch her breath, she was definitely not feeling the cold anymore.  The Doctor rested his forehead on hers as their breath mingled.
It was so, so tempting to go in for another kiss, but she knew if she didn’t bring up the whole stars-going-out-thing now, she may never get around to it.
Regretfully, she gave him a quick peck and then eased back.  “Before I get too…distracted,” she shot him a wicked grin, “I have to give you this.”
She plucked the flash drive out of her pocket and held it out to him.
“What’s is it?” he asked, as he took it from her open palm.
“Everything I have on the impending multiverse collapse,” she said with a shrug.  
“Oh is that all,” he raised an eyebrow, “And how is it happening this time then?”
“Dunno,” Rose sighed, “But Pete’s World is ahead of this one and it’s starting to sorta fall apart.”
“What!?  How?” the Doctor asked in alarm.  Maybe he was realizing that the place she was going back to wasn’t the safe haven he’d thought it was.  
“Well, the stars are going out, for starters.  Just disappearin’.  Temperatures increasing too, not just on Earth but in all observable areas of space.  Then there’s the rift in Cardiff.  Been so active lately we’ve evacuated the whole city.  The laws of physics are getting kind of…eh, loose I guess you could say?  Only with really big and really small stuff so far.  But it’s getting worse.  I’ve been through, blimey, must be dozens of universes now and it’s happening in all of ‘em.  There’s more too.  Everything’s on there,” she gestured to the flash drive. “Thought that maybe you could give us a hand.  Or,” she grinned at him, “at least that’s how I got the government to sign off on funding the dimension cannon project.”
“Unstoppable, you are,” he said looking sideways at her.
She gave him a brief tongue-touched smile before continuing, “Do you think it has to do with the Master?”
“Maybe,” he said, but he sounded doubtful, “How long has this been going on?”
“Started…dunno bout a year before we first crashed there.  No one noticed for a while though.  Well, a few scientists did, but of course no one listened to them.  The changes were too small to really concern anyone in power at first.  Then everyone was busy fighting the Cybermen for a few years.  Wasn’t until I’d been trapped there a few months that people started putting it all together.”
The Doctor stared down at the memory card as if he could extract the information from it just by concentrating.  Hell, for all she knew, maybe he could.
“I think that’s why the cannon finally worked.  Things are breaking down,” she added.
“Blimey Rose, can’t I have one apocalypse at a time?” the Doctor groaned, resting his forehead on her shoulder.
“Sorry,” she sad softly, running a hand through his hair, “I guess you’ll just have to make a queue.”
He let out a huge sigh, longer and deeper than a human’s, then straightened back up. “Do you think it will hold?  While I deal with the Master?” 
“I think we still have some time.  Torchwood and a lot of the world’s governments are concerned, but for most people it’s still life as usual.  Beans on toast.  Trips to the shops.  I thought everyone would be panicking.  But well…”
“Humans,” the Doctor said affectionately.  “Stars going out and it barely phases ‘em.”
“Maybe they’re hoping that they’ll get a few pints and wait for the whole thing to blow over,” Rose alluded to their favorite zombie movie.
“Bang on,” the Doctor laughed.  
He pulled out his sonic and scanned the memory card before pocketing both.  “There, now it’s saved in the sonic too.  I’ll find some place to hide the original and keep it safe.”
“Alright,” Rose said.  
That was it, then.  Her mission complete.  The mission that was supposed to have been impossible.  The one she’d dedicated her life and hope to for years now.  At the realization, she felt her muscles slacken and she leaned into the Doctor.  His arms came up to wrap around her again and she was thankful for the additional support as much as the closeness.    
“You’re tired,” he said, concern in his voice, “How long since you’ve slept?”  
“No idea,” she yawned, “But probably no more than twenty hours or so.  Not too bad.”
“Not too bad?  Not too bad?  I’m starting to think you are an imposter, after all.  The Rose Tyler I knew would be far more grumpy if it had been twenty hours since she’d slept!”
“Oi!  I do not get grumpy!” She poked him.
“Oh yes you do!  Grumpy, and you have a tendency to throw things,” he said, “At me!”
“Doctor you cannot base your idea of me on the Lord of the Rings marathon you forced on me after the Queen’s inauguration.  And anyway, it was a pillow.  I threw a pillow at you.”
“And it hit me right in the face!” 
“Oh poor Doctor, did the fluffy pillow hurt you?  Honestly it was three in the morning and I was near delirious at that point.  You’re lucky a pillow’s all you got, mister.  Whatever possessed you to -”
The Doctor pulled her closer and murmured something into her hair.
“What’s that?”
“Didn’t want you to go to bed, that night,” he admitted after a brief hesitation.
“Oh yeah?” She asked, “Why’s that?”   
He jerked up to look at her like she was being thick on purpose, “Your face…Rose, you’d lost your face.”
“Oh,” she smiled up at him, feeling a wave of warmth expand out from her chest, “That’s sweet.”
“I can be very sweet,” he agreed nuzzling into her neck.  She couldn’t suppress a shiver and she felt him grin against her skin when he felt it. 
“Well I lost more than your face at Canary Wharf, Doctor.  I’m not sleepin’.  Not tonight.”
“Fair enough,” he mumbled as his arms tightened around her.
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whoficky · 6 days
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whoficky · 6 days
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Fourteen in his glasses appreciation post
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whoficky · 6 days
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No, I'm gonna wait for the Doctor, just like he'd wait for me.
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whoficky · 12 days
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Doctor Who | 4.01 - "Partners in Crime"
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whoficky · 12 days
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"Pretty Boy, you're with me."
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whoficky · 12 days
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You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand! You say no! You have the guts to do what's right even when everyone else just runs away.
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whoficky · 14 days
Until Morning
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: Rose and Martha have a chat and they all enjoy a hot meal.
Chapter 4
“I got Chinese,” Martha said as the Doctor and Rose approached, “It was the closest place.  And I used cash, so he can’t trace us.”
“Brilliant,” the Doctor beamed, showing almost no trace of the emotion from minutes before.  Rose wished for his composure and tried to surreptitiously wipe the moisture from her eyes.  
“Sounds lovely,” she said when she could trust her voice.  
Despite everything, her mouth did water at the savory smells coming from the takeaway boxes.  It had been…God, who knew how long since she’d had a hot meal.  Four or five days at least.  She had grown accustomed to living on protein bars and bad coffee.
“Here, let me help,” she offered Martha, reluctantly dropping the Doctor’s hand to sort through the large takeout order, “And Doctor, can you let Jack know dinner’s on?”
“Oi, and what am I, your errand boy?” he mocked great affront, clearly trying to pull a grin out of her.
She rolled her eyes at him but gave him that smile, “If you were, it’d make up for all those times I ended up disguised as the help or,” she shuddered theatrically, “the lunch lady.”
“You too then?” Martha asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh yeah all the time!” Rose lamented. 
“Is that your thing with all of us then, Doctor? Swoop in, promising adventures and excitement, and next thing you know, it’s months of being a servant in 1913 or working in a shop while you figure out how to get the TARDIS back!?” Martha stared him down with her hands on her hips.
“Right, I’ll get Jack,” the Doctor said, turning on his heel to fetch the Time Agent.
The two women laughed at his hasty retreat.    
Rose considered Martha thoughtfully.  She had been somewhat wary of her at first, worried things would be messy between them like it had been when she’d first met Sara Jane.  But Rose was older now, and Martha didn’t seem the sort to get catty.  She was happy they seemed to have skipped right to the part where they could laugh together.  At the Doctor’s expense, of course.  
When they finally caught their breath, Rose asked, “You said you’ve been traveling together for a year now?  I hope it wasn’t all drudgery.”
“Oh no, it’s been brilliant, really,” Martha assured her, “Present predicament notwithstanding.”
“Yeah, it seems like I popped in during the middle of one hell of a crisis,” Rose sobered.
Martha was quiet for a second before she shared, “The Master…he’s got my family.”
“Oh God, I’m so sorry Martha,” Rose said, putting a hand on the other woman’s arm.  After a moment she added, “The Doctor’ll sort it, you know.  They’ll be ok.”
Martha studied her for a moment, “You have so much faith in him.”
“I do.”
Martha sighed, “Yeah, me too.  It’s just…it’s hard.”
Rose didn’t know what to say, so she just nodded.  She thought about the times her Mum had gotten wrapped up in some alien plot or other.  Rose had always been wracked with guild and worry.  If the Master was as bad as the Doctor said, well she didn’t blame Martha one bit for the catch in her voice.  Rose gave the other woman a moment as they finished arranging the takeout in silence.
“Anyway,” Martha said, seeming to want to change the subject from her own worries, “I’m glad you’re here.  This has been awful for the Doctor too.  I mean, of course it is.  Losing the TARDIS on top of everything - “
“What!?” Rose said in alarm.  She knew the Doctor didn’t have access to the time ship by the TARDIS’ conspicuous absence, but with what Martha said, the separation sounded more…permanent.  Visions of a despondent Doctor staring out the window of their cramped quarters on Krop Tor flashed through her mind.        
“Yeah, the Master took it,” Martha confirmed Rose’s worry, “We only got back here from the end of the universe with Jack’s vortex manipulator.”
“How dare he,” Rose growled and for a second her vision was tinged golden.  She was briefly filled with a protective rage that made her want to set out immediately to liberate the ship.  The mad Time Lord had no right to her!  
At Martha’s alarmed look, Rose took a breath and blinked the golden haze out of her eyes. 
“Blimey, Rose.  I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side,” Martha chuckled nervously.
“Sorry,” Rose said, “It’s just…It’s so wrong for the Doctor to be without the TARDIS.  They’re such a pair, you know?  And who knows what the Master’s doing to her.”
“Her?” Martha asked.
“Yeah, the TARDIS.  Didn’t the Doctor tell you? She’s sentient.” 
“Yeah, but I guess I didn’t really take him seriously.  I thought ‘Old Girl’ was just, I don’t know, like sailors naming their ships after women they fancied.”
Rose hummed, “I thought that too, at first…” her mind wandered to hazy memories of the Gamestation.
She snapped out of it when Martha spoke again.  “Well, like you said.  The Doctor’ll sort it,” now it was Martha’s turn to offer reassurance. 
 After glancing over Rose’s shoulder she added, “Here, grab a plate.  I don’t know about Jack, but the Doctor can be a right pig sometimes.  No idea how he stays so thin.  Better load up before they get here.”
Rose laughed and took the plate from Martha, happy to set aside her anxiety for the TARDIS…For the moment, at least.  She had so much to worry about, and she knew it could overwhelm her if she let it.  She’d rather focus on what was in front of her for the limited time she had left in her home universe.  
“I heard that,” the Doctor said, sliding up to Rose and wrapping an arm around her waist.  He kissed her temple and tried to wrestle the plate away from her.     
“Oi, get your own!” she laughed, elbowing him in the side. 
The Doctor mock pouted but accepted a different plate from Martha.  Jack snagged one too and they set about loading their paper plates with food.
The Doctor and she settled in on a single overturned crate and Jack and Martha each picked a seat of their own.  Rose hummed happily after taking her first bite of the sweet crispy chicken, “Oh, this is brilliant!” she sighed.
“It is really good,” Martha agreed, “I’ll have to remember this place if we ever get out of this mess.  I think it’s a chain? Wonder if they deliver to my flat...Or well, wherever I end up after all this.”
For a while they were silent as they ate.  It seemed Rose hadn’t been the only one who had skipped a few meals lately.  She leaned against the Doctor and occasionally stole a bite off of his plate like she used to when they’d traveled together.  As before, he didn’t even bat an eye.  
“Oh, I got farther into the Master’s database and sniffed around some news sites,” Jack said eventually.
“And?” the Doctor asked.
“Don’t know what he’s planning, but he’s called a massive press conference for tomorrow morning.  Supposed to be introducing an alien race to Earth or something.  The American President will be there, and boy is he pissed.  Probably thinks he should be the one in charge.”
“Typical,” Martha snorted.
“The Master’s meeting Airfare One at the airport at dawn.  Looks like his next move isn’t until then at the earliest.  So…we have some time.” 
 “How long until the cannon is charged?” the Doctor asked her softly.
Rose pulled it out of her pocket to check, “About four and a half, maybe five hours.”
“That’s how long we have then,” the Doctor said resting his hand on her knee.  She looked up to meet his eyes. 
“Until morning,” she said.
“Until morning,” he agreed.
It wasn’t nearly enough time.    
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whoficky · 17 days
Certain Doctor Who Phrases and how Olive Garden Customers React: An Experiment Done by a Server
As a server, I did an experiment tonight, I was saying basically only Doctor Who quotes to my tables, some understood, others did not. These are a few of the phrases and people’s reactions:
[When greeting tables] “Oh hello! I’m The Doctor! I am here to help! Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget who I am! Very thoughtful as that does happen.”
Lots of confused faces. Many people laughed. The few who got the reference clapped, laughed, or smiled all big like. One girl who got the reference gave me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, later I would receive her number.
[When speaking to a baby playfully aka fishing for tips] “Oh hello! I speak baby, you know.” [baby does baby thing] “No, he’s your dad you can’t just call him ‘not mum’”
I’m met with a roar of laughter from the table, and the neighboring table, an extra 10 dollars added to my tip. 
[Offering desserts (to the kids)] “You could have a slice of Triple Chocolate Strada for only $6.99 which I personally think is a bit steep. But then again, it’s your parent’s cash and they’ll only waste it on boring stuff like lamps and vegetables. Yawn!”
I actually sold every table the dessert I offered when I offered it this way. Few got the reference, the ones who understood “Hi I’m The Doctor” were completely losing their shit at this point in the meal, as I’d been dropping references all dinner.
[When an elderly woman literally threatened to slap me for being so strange] “900 years of time and space and I’ve never been slapped by someone’s mother.”
Her family started cracking up and she just chuckled a little. I narrowly avoided a guest complaint for the sake of Doctor Who. I’m proud of that one.
[Messed up an order] “I’m sorry, I’m so… So sorry.”
No reaction from this one, save for the girl who was fangirling over me from the beginning. (Not too surprising though, only table I messed up on, so I only got one chance to use it)
[After Guest hands me their ticket and wishes to pay] “Allons-y”
Two guests understood and stared wide-eyed. One gave me her number (After I had been using Who quotes on her table all night), and requested I pick her up in a TARDIS. Those that didn’t understand stared at me quizzically.
And lastly, that girl who gave me her number FINALLY talked as the family was leaving. Her final words to me were “I don’t want to go.”
She then threw her arms out at her sides and I had to explain to my manager what I was doing. He laughed for a solid minute. Then told like half the staff. Needless to say, I am now quite the oddity at the restaurant. BUT I MADE A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY.
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whoficky · 18 days
Another reason why Rose is the greatest love the Doctor will ever have is that he was domestic to her. Seriously. The Doctor claimed that he was not the domestic type, and that he would not let Rose bring about this change. Yet that’s what he became. We literally see him spending time at Rose's house, with Jackie who they visit. God, the first thing he did as Ten was spend Christmas with Rose and her family. Their family. Note that after the RTD period, we never again saw the Doctor do such a thing with a companion's family. When Eleven moved in with Amy and Rory, he could barely sit still for a few hours, that's saying something. But with Rose, he was a domestic. He wanted to settle down. He was tired of traveling. After her in the series, that was no longer the case. And somewhere, in another universe, the Doctor is with Rose, living a domestic life. The one he always wanted from the moment he met her.
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whoficky · 18 days
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Catherine Tate on the unexpected happy ending for the Doctor and Donna
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whoficky · 18 days
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When I found out that I was returning to Doctor Who, I was fine up until about three weeks before shooting and then I had a minor breakdown, and I thought I could never play that character again. So I went out desperately, frantically, buying box sets and watching my own performance.
+ bonus:
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