whoreofabuckethead · 4 days
I feel like my girl Moo Deng the Pygmy Hippo has not taken off yet over here and I’m trying to rectify that immediately
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whoreofabuckethead · 4 days
idk what young person on the internet needs to hear this but you are not obligated to share any personal details about yourself online. in fact im gonna straight-up circle back to 00s era advice and say being anonymous is good actually
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whoreofabuckethead · 6 days
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whoreofabuckethead · 6 days
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Another wip of this damn project
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whoreofabuckethead · 6 days
We are aware that there is an issue with logging in and staying logged in. We are currently working on a fix.
Posted: September 19, 2024 17:32 UTC
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whoreofabuckethead · 6 days
We are aware that there is an issue with logging in and staying logged in. We are currently working on a fix.
Posted: September 19, 2024 17:32 UTC
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whoreofabuckethead · 7 days
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whoreofabuckethead · 14 days
I would like to announce
That I got no writing done yesterday
I thought about writing.
*round of applause*
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whoreofabuckethead · 15 days
Reblog this if it’s okay to DM you and shoot the friendship shot.
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whoreofabuckethead · 16 days
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompts: "You need to distract me. Do something, anything." & Kissing as a distraction
main masterlist • prompt masterlist
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Din's visor tilted at the sight of you, his modulated voice as charming as ever as he greeted you at your doorway. "Hey."
All you could do was blink at him in response, your gaze transfixed on the sight of his gloved hand clutching the hilt of a blade that was lodged between his shoulder and his chest.
"Can I come in?"
His words finally snapped you back into action. You all but tugged him inside, the anxious knot wounding itself even tighter within your chest when you heard him grunt at the movement. After securing the door closed, you turned back to Din and properly assessed the situation.
Your eyes weren't deceiving you. There was still a blade lodged inside his flesh, and he didn't seem worried about it whatsoever—despite how much crimson you saw staining his flight suit. "Shit, Din." You fussed as you practically ran around your flat in search of your medpac. "Shit."
Din huffed. "Don't you want to know how it happened?"
You fixed him with a look across the room. "You can tell me while we're fixing it."
Din hummed as you approached with the medpac. You eased him into the nearest chair and set the supplies on the table. "I'm gonna need a better distraction than that."
Your furrowed your brow, but didn't step preparing everything you would need to assist him. "What do you mean?"
Your stare remained on your hands as they sorted through the supplies in record time, but you were forced to stop when Din set his gloved hand over them. You looked back up at his visor, watching as he nodded towards the hilt of the blade. "I need you to take this out for me."
Your throat tightened with panic, but you spoke around it. "You... don't want to do that yourself?"
"I can't. It'll be too painful." Din tilted his helmet at you. "Haven't you done this before?"
Your voice was so strained that it was just a squeal. "No!"
Din's hand tightened around yours. "Listen. It's gonna be just fine. Once it's out, the pain will be more than manageable."
He took one of your hands and guided it to the hilt. Your racing heart plunged into your stomach, threatening to make you sick as you instead swallowed hard and focused on Din rather than yourself.
"I only need you to do two things for me. Okay?"
You nodded, more than happy to let Din's soothing voice guide you. It came as no surprise to you that he was the calmer one in this situation, despite the fact he was also the one with the weapon in his shoulder.
"You need to pull this out, and you need to distract me while you do it."
Your gaze searched his visor. "What kind of distraction do you need me to do?"
You instinctively tightened your grasp on the hilt, causing a tight groan to slip through Din's modulator that had clearly caught him by surprise. His next words were curt, but not angered. "Do something. Anything."
You nodded and gently adjusted your grasp. You thought through all your options, looking upon Din for something that you could use to distract him. If talking wouldn't be enough, then there had to be something more powerful.
Your gaze caught on the lip of his helmet. It would be a risky move, but with the fogginess of your panic for him blinding you, you didn't bother to consider the consequences. All you cared about was blinding his pain.
The first move you made was straddling him on the chair, which Din clearly didn't mind, based on the quick way he secured you there. Then, with the hand not clutching the weapon in his shoulder, you lifted his helmet just enough to press your parted lips against his.
It was sweet relief, an acknowledgement shared in the sighs between you, and for a moment it made you forget why you had done it. But the weight of the hilt in your hand still remained, even if the warmth of Din's mouth was a strong distraction.
You were right to make this choice. If he was enough to distract you, then you were no doubt more than enough to distract him.
Your hand on his jaw, which still balanced the metal rim of his helmet, tilted his head back further to deepen the kiss. The moment you pushed your tongue into his mouth, you tugged hard on the blade, freeing it from his shoulder.
Din released his groan into you, his teeth capturing your lip as he did so, but he never broke away from you. Instead, after a few heavy breaths, he simply returned the favor by exploring your mouth with a passion that left you breathless.
But again, the weight of the blade in your hand was too heavy to ignore.
You forced yourself to pull away from him, your brow shooting up as you did so. "That's enough of the distraction, Din." You showed him the blade in your hand. "It's out. We need to fix it now."
Din's gloved hand wrapped around the back of your neck. "It's fine. I can survive for a few more minutes."
When he made the move to kiss you again, you stopped him by setting your thumb over his lips. "Din." Your eyes were at least double their usual size. "You're bleeding out."
Din paused, his hand only leaving your neck to take the lip of his helmet from you. He removed it from his head completely, leaving you to gape in an entirely different way than you had before. His brow rose as his brown gaze burned at you with the same flame of desire that you had lit deep within yourself.
If the sound of Din's natural voice wasn't enough to make you melt on top of him, then the words he spoke certainly were. "Does it look like I give a fuck?"
You yet again blinked at him in surprise, unable to do anything except let the blade clatter to the floor as you willingly went back to him again. You kissed him like your lives depended on it, because—in a way—Din's did. And that's the way he wanted it.
He had just proven that you were more tempting to him than life itself, and that's what made it impossible to put an end to this "distraction."
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whoreofabuckethead · 16 days
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Wrecker moodboard💥
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whoreofabuckethead · 17 days
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whoreofabuckethead · 17 days
once the bad batch ends i need everyone who works over at lucasfilm to realize the potential of adult omega just appearing in everything. she knows literally everyone. hera syndulla? oh she helped free hera's parents from imperial prison back when she was 12. captain rex? the guy might as well be another one of her overbearing older brothers. asajj ventress? yeah she almost trained omega in the force. fennec strand? tried to kidnap her once but she'll hang out with a few bounty hunters. why not, espeically once omega learns about boba fett. omega can be connected to almost anyone in star wars in 5 degrees of seperation or less and i need this to be shown almost excessively in the future.
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whoreofabuckethead · 18 days
This is an oc x canon safe zone.
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whoreofabuckethead · 19 days
not to be controversial but sometimes I think the private personal lives of celebrities are in fact none of our business
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whoreofabuckethead · 19 days
i’m okay with change and i’m fine if things are no longer the same i embrace change
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whoreofabuckethead · 20 days
Whispers in the Dark 2.0
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Chapter One: Hold Your Breath
Pairing: Dark!Din Djarin/f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Non-con, unprotected piv, restraints, dacryphillia, somnophillia
A/N: Guys the difference between the original and 2.0 in just the prologue and this chapter alone is bonkers to me! It has me so excited to have it finished so I can read the original and 2.0 side by side and see just how truly different and changed my writing is with slightly over a years difference in time. I dunno it's kinda fun but also kinda cringe because it makes me realize just how bad my writing started out in comparison to what I get written down these days, it's a strange feeling... Anywhozzles, I hope ya'll enjoy <3
Oh and should I make a taglist for this??
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The slog back into consciousness is painful and exhausting. You're clawing at the walls of your mind, frantically pushing against the pain in an attempt to pull yourself from the pits of your unconscious mind. You're faintly aware of the world going on around you, of things happening and other beings existing. You float in and out of a limbo state, sometimes you think you can feel your body being moved but it's never definitive enough to say for sure. You can feel motion but not in a way you're able to fully grasp onto, just the faint feeling of not being entirely still.
You're forgetting something, you're sure you are. Something important.
But as you struggle to regain any major function, it slips from you like the faint scent of nostalgia on a breeze. Something you know on an intrinsic level but can't quite properly remember or place.
Your handle on reality starts to grow more solid with the sensation of something hard and cold beneath your body. The icy feeling on your bare skin sends a jolt of pain to your head due to the shivers it starts to wrack through your body. You feel so lonely, cold, isolated. Your brain is only half in and out of awareness.
You slowly become aware of your body being moved in a consistent rhythm. The movement warming your body up slowly as it continues on. Your head lulls back and forth as you try your best to keep your stomach from twisting in its place. Something feels wrong—something isn't right.
You try to lift your head but there's concrete weighing it down. Your eyes roll painfully behind your eyelids.
Distantly, the vague sound of a voice reaches your ears. It's not enough for you to catch but it's something different in the unyielding darkness you're wading through.
Your body twitches but is met with resistance. Your brain becomes slightly more cognizant. There's something surrounding your body—the sensation of some other thing completely enveloping your body.
Your brows furrow and crease before you're finally able to lift your eyelids. For a moment you think the opposite and that maybe your eyes are still closed, your subconscious now playing tricks on you. But then you realize just how much more aware of things you are and realize you are in fact finally awake.
There is nothing for you to see other than a black void in the space you occupy. Not even the tiniest fragment of light can be seen. You move your head as much as you're able, trying to see if you can capture anything beyond the veil of darkness.
"Has my mesh'la sarad finally joined me?" The low rumble of a male voice resonates in your ears.
The sound of it is the final thing to pull you fully back into reality.
You become all too aware of the body draped atop you, weighing you down into the floor. The steady movements from moments before have slowed but not entirely halted. The gradual realization of what's occurring reaches you in a devastating way.
Before now the pain in your head was enough to distract from any other sensations, but now there's a crystal clear clarity surrounding your current situation. There's an acute pain lacing through your lower body. You horrifyingly realize the cause of it all. The man is by no means small and there is no ease to be found in the momentum of his thrusts. Despite them being languid, the power and force behind them outweighs the slower pace.
"Oh Maker." You choke on the bitter despairing tears that rise up your throat. The more attune to the pain you become, the worse it grows. Each passing moment cluing you into the anguish that floods your body.
Phantoms of light dance across your vision as you stare up into the black room. You can feel the floor vibrate beneath you with a gentle humming. The sound of the man's heavy breaths fill your ears, his pace beginning to increase. The size of him grows undeniably evident as your inexperienced body is repeatedly forced apart for him. It's impossible for you to not cry harder as the feeling of being so wholly violated by this stranger takes over you.
The knowledge that he'd begun this while your body still lay unconscious spins you into further hysterics. Your hands lash out in a fraught attempt to push him off you. Your legs kicking out in a venture to gain possible further leverage.
A heavy weight holds tightly to your right ankle, the sound of chain clattering against durasteel echoes in the space with your frenzied efforts to fight him off. His hands come up to grab your wrists—his grip like iron bars—before slamming them into the floor above your head, a snarl of displeasure leaving him.
"I'd like this a lot better if you didn't insist on fighting," His head hovers threateningly next to your ear. "Though I can't help but admit how much I love the pretty tears you shed for me."
The wet heat of his tongue chases the path of your grief upwards before halting. Your struggle is paused as a shudder of horror and distaste rolls through you. His lips leave placid kisses on and around your shuttered eyes.
His tangential actions cause your thoughts to halt. You lay docile beneath him, your body left to be played with by his whims.
You're in pain—confused. You're not quite sure how it all led up to this point, to your body laying petrified and your mind becoming desolate.
Could you even recall what you were doing just yesterday?
Time suddenly seems far more fleeting and disjointed than prior past experiences.
The sound of indiscernible murmuring can faintly be heard in the momentary seconds of silence.
He shifts so he's holding you by your wrists with a single hand. He uses the other to lift your leg up onto his hip—his thrusts driving deeper into you still. The tiniest impression of pleasure blooms deep within your core. The change he makes in his angle is minute but that doesn't prevent the strangled wail ripping from the depths of your chest at the feeling of it.
"You don't know just how incredible you are. And fuck, you feel absolutely incredible too. Better than I could have ever dreamed." The groan he lets out is a lewd rumble. The slick sound of your bodies together fills up the empty spaces of silence. Your assault is an audible cacophonous roar in your ears. The combined echo of your coupled bodies mixed with the small sounds that leave either of you to punctuate the air is too much for your addled and scrambled mind.
You involuntarily clench around him, your hands wildly clawing at nothing as he continues to restrain you.
"Please, no…" You pleadingly whisper, but somehow you're too far gone. The sensations being forced upon you are too much to fight against and you're lost to a shameful and perplexing level of pleasure.
It proves to be too much for your assailant as you feel him begin to falter and twitch. He buries his face in your neck, ragedly panting as he finishes his pulsing inside you. He begins to create a delicate collar of kisses along your neck, a soft sigh of contentment slipping between them.
Everything feels wrong, nothing feels real.
This is a nightmare you've yet to wake up from, a night terror of the worst degree. Surely this must be something your mind has conjured in a cruel act of revenge for past sins.
You've been staring into the darkness for so long that patterns have begun to form in it. Faint wisps of vague ideas dancing and spinning before you. Your hands twitch beneath his hand's unyielding grip on them. You faintly make note of the way his cum leaks from your abused hole as he softens.
"You have no idea just how long I've been waiting for you." He places a kiss at the base of your throat. "How long I watched you before I couldn't handle only watching." He follows with one pressed to your collarbone. "I tried to be good, to be okay with just watching." Your shoulder is the next place he brushes. "I'm so fascinated by you." He presses his lips against the shell of your ear. "You have no idea just how much you've possessed me." He brings his lips to hover above yours, his next words being whispered directly into your mouth. "I intend to possess you just the same."
His lips collide into yours. There is no pretense as he shows you exactly who he is with the way he kisses you. There is nothing kind or sweet in it. It is powerful and possesive, forcing you to see his fucked up delusions and just how deep they run. His kiss feels like an attempt to consume you, his cock twitching to life inside you showing his rekindled desire.
He moves his hips against yours slowly, stoking his desire back to life. You whine against his lips, your whole body twitching uncomfortably in his hold. Now that you've come down from your ultimate high, the pain in your head has increased tenfold. When you close your eyes tightly, bright light zips back and forth behind your lids. You can feel each jolt physically dart to your brain with each minute movement of your body. The pain is intense, forcing your nausea to return frighteningly fast.
"I'm sorry." He raggedly whispers against your lips.
You force back a pained cry—though a short whine still makes its way out. You're overwhelmed by everything you're feeling and for a moment you almost beg for death. Surely any further experience with the man would grow only worse.
What if this was only the beginning for you?
"Shh," He hushes gently. "I know cyar'ika. You'll be alright. I promise you'll get used to all this. You can do this, I know you can."
You sob brokenly between the sensation of him pulling your insides apart once more and the agony radiating throughout the rest of your body.
Your hands have begun to grow numb, your fingers barely able to twitch with each continued lurch of your body. You can't help the distant note you make of just how large his hands must be to hold yours so easily. He controls you with such ease of strength, it's blatantly clear that you could never hope to be a match to this man. As long as he deemed it, you were doomed to submit yourself to him.
What choice did you have otherwise?
It isn't entirely apparent at which point you passed out but you know you had at some point. By the next time you make conscious note of anything—you're alone.
You use the moment to make an assessment of your body. Some things hurt less, some things hurt more. You're laying half on your side, half on your stomach across the cold floor. Nothing there to buffer you from the freezing steel of the floors. You slowly test your movement, your right ankle bearing its new extra weight as you move that leg back and forth slowly. Your arms are sprawled out on the ground around your head, your fingers moving slightly as you move your hands and arms to assess next. The muscles groan and strain in protest but the pain is barely the worst of it all.
Your head still hurts but now the ache has localized to a dull thrumming where it impacted the alley wall. New parts of your body have begun to ache from his cruel touch. Your core has taken the brunt of it all, pulsing painfully with additional stinging. You never would have anticipated such a brutal first time. The agony you feel from him was something you never fathomed you'd experience.
You groan quietly as you force your body to move the way you request. Slowly and with all the effort you could muster, you eventually manage yourself into a seating position against the wall you've discovered your chain anchors to. You pant concerningly from the exertion you've expended.
You feel so weak—so broken and fragile.
Confusion still lingers heavily in your mind. What led you here? Realistically you knew it was because of your shows, but how did something seemingly so innocent at the time turn into something so dastardly as this?
Why you? Out of all the millions, billions, trillions of people in the galaxy, why did he pick you? You were nobody, nothing, in all honesty no one should have noticed you in the first place. How could you have attracted such a dangerous and scary individual?
He raped you.
That's what happened.
He kidnapped you from your home, stole you away, and took your innocence from you. Not that it had ever mattered a great deal to you in the first place, but to have it so viciously and ferociously ripped from you, how could you not be left spinning out from it all.
What now? What was his end goal in all this? What was your purpose here?
Were you momentary fun? Something to play with and toss aside only a short time later. Were you meant for slaughter? A quick end to the universe's most cruel joke on you. It was hard to fathom let alone pinpoint what exactly it was that you could be here all for.
How insane was this psychopath?
What were your survival rates? Would you make it long enough to even try?
Your head spins rapidly with your inner turmoil. The time you spend awake and alone seeming to drag on infinitely. Your body goes through moments of numbness, until you're shifting and the sensations all rush back.
At some point you end up testing the boundaries and limits of your prison. You find quickly that the wall opposite you isn't all that far. You're able to crawl to the other side without your chain growing taut. You follow the walls to either side, realizing very quickly just how small this place was.
You can't help the way your body begins to hyperventilate as your direness continues to increase. The already too tight walls seem to close in around you, the darkness you're shrouded in feeling as if it were alive with horrible things you couldn't see.
You can't help but choke on a rising shriek amongst your sharp abrupt breaths. Your body felt so pained—your brain so disoriented. The whole weight of the galaxy seems to have crashed into you.
A piercing scream tears up your throat when you feel a hand placed on your shoulder. Your body lurching back as far as possible in a mad scramble to get away.
The sound of a low chuckle reaches your ears. You find yourself feeling a mix of both relief and further mounting dread at the revelation that your captor has returned.
You can feel the tears soaking your flushed cheeks, the heat in your face uncomfortable from your emotional anguish. Heaving shudders roll through your trembling form.
"Please…" You say with no particular intent.
The distress from these most recent past events has caught up with you in a terribly significant way. You're drained and tired, your will close to breaking. When he places a gloved hand on your leg you think you might shatter entirely.
"Come now, cyare. You need to eat." His voice is different than before, slightly corrupted—distorted even.
There's no point but you shake your head back and forth, wanting to remain where you cower on the floor. You didn't want this man anywhere near you, you didn't want to be anywhere near him.
He heaves a sigh, his grip on you increasing. You mutter out your protests even as you're helpless against him. If he wanted you to do something, you were going to.
He wrangles you into his arms, batting away each of your clawing attempts at him. Your hand brushes by his head, the feeling of it being covered pausing your struggle momentarily. Smooth cold metal greets your hand when it makes its brief contact.
"You really shouldn't expend what little energy you have on fighting me, you look exhausted sarad." If you were a fool you might have thought you heard actual concern in his voice.
"Just let me go, please." You murmur tearfully as he wrangles you into his embrace.
"That won't be happening. You should get that through your head quickly. The sooner you understand, the better." His voice is stern yet softly hushed next to your ear.
"What do you want from me?" You cry hopelessly.
His whisper is a fervent prayer. "Everything. Your mind, your body. Your heart, your soul."
"You're insane." You weakly challenge.
"You'll change your mind about that. You were meant to be mine, from the moment I saw you, it was a fact I knew instantly." His hand grabs your chin harshly. "You will find that it's easier to just accept that."
Your eyes overflow with terror and sorrow. You can't help but bite your lip to try and muffle your small sounds of misery. His thumb comes up to gently tug the flesh from between your teeth, urging you to release it. Your mouth drops open in a few seconds of shock, unsure how to ground yourself in the midst of this all.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. That's why I need you to eat."
"How do I know you won't just poison me?"
"Oh sarad, you're far too precious for me to do that."
Despite how much you'd like to deny it, there's a seriousness in his words. Still, you are afraid to give in so easily. To just submit to his command.
A nervous buzzing ignites beneath your skin, making you twitch uncomfortably in his arms. Your body shudders slightly with each anxious jerk—legs kicking out along the ground.
"Shh," He coaxes gently, his tone tender in an effort to subdue you. "I know it's a lot, but the sooner you learn things the easier this will go for both of us."
You don't want to give up.
You don't want to give in.
You're so exhausted…
"That's it." He coos down at you as you settle a little further into his arms. Your tense body relaxing a minute amount as he lulls you into a sense of false security.
You're almost too tired to care.
"Are you going to continue to be and let me feed you?"
Your resistance is truly futile at this point—all you can manage for him is the slight nod of your head.
"Good girl." He brushes his knuckles along your cheekbone, down the side of your face. His voice is tender as he praises you once more. You can feel the barrier between his hand and your skin but aren't able to give it more than a passing thought. Your mind is ablaze with everything and you're having a harder and more difficult time retaining and understanding things.
"Open your mouth." He commands gently.
Your hesitation is only momentary, your fight lost for now. You squeeze your eyes tightly, feeling the tears spill across your cheeks as you part your lips for him. You don't know how he can see you to know where to direct the spoon but the first bite is guided to your lips with perfect accuracy.
You close your mouth around it, gently slurping the mysterious substance off. the utensil. The taste is bland, nondescript. The texture is a strange mix of wet and pasty. You struggle to swallow the small portion down despite knowing it's better than eating nothing. You can't help the small gag it induces as you feel it slide down your throat.
"See, I knew you could do it." He coaxes gently as he places another spoonful to your lips.
You don't want to open your mouth again but find you're losing the battle even with yourself. You've begun to run on autopilot as your body does what it can to follow his commands.
He's able to guide you into eating enough for him to deem satisfactory. Consistent praise flowing from his lips as he feeds you one bite followed by another. He places a kiss on your head after you take your final bite. A small hum of contentment rumbling against you as he does.
"You did so good. Things can be so good, if you let them."
There's not a single response you can manage, shame and sadness filling in alongside your exhaustion.
"Why me?" The question falls tiredly from your lips before you have the chance to even think to stop it.
"Oh cyare, it was only ever you." 
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