whywhywhy9 · 5 years
You attach more importance to money than I do.''I can well believe it . . . You see, you've always had it and I haven't. It's given me what I value almost more than anything else in life - independence. You can't think what a comfort it's been to me to think that if I wanted to I could tell anyone in the world to go to hell. - Maugham W. Somerset
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
Fulfillment is the essence of our existence - Sunday Adelaja
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
A house is never small or empty, when filled with love. - Anthony Liccione
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
3 qualities of a good investorKnowledgeCourage &ampPatience. - Vijay Kedia
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
If only money was as capable of caring about people as much as people care about money. - James Rozoff
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
That's why Credit card companies are evil. Are they sponsoring the show tonight? ... They are Evil. - craig ferguson
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
I view doctors as the vampires of the medical insurance industry. - Steven Magee
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
Ensured Enjoyment With All-Inclusive Travel InsuranceNot a lot of folks recognize that looking for the right travel insurance is at least as important as looking for the ideal destination. In fact, some give no significance to it at all. Oftentimes, planning periods focus on thrill and the excitement that await their next stop, they overlook the imminent dangers. Fun loving individuals anticipate creating happy memories day in and day out of the whole trip's duration they forget to take health into consideration.Medical connected aids including expenses due to accidents are only one of the many benefits insured by these insurances. Travel insurances go the additional mile by including evacuation coverage although some health insurance policies cover these. Emergency Evacuation Coverage includes transport airlifting to a policy owner's hospital of choice or back home or such ambulance. Expenses for such services would be arrangement and costly time consuming.What Can You Get from Travel InsuranceOther advantages a traveler might get from a travel insurance include bags coverage and trip cancellations. With the countless promotions airlines and travel agencies come up with, most experience seekers plan their trip in advance. Many of these pre-paid holiday expenses are non-refundable.Airlines refund tickets when trouble comes from their end while passengers get to refund only part of their payment when the motive is private. Same is true with most lodgings. In cases of delayed flights, policy owners get the privilege to book a hotel which may or may not comprise meals while waiting. Some policies even contain refund for pre-paid holiday expenses in case vacations must be cut short.For whatever reason, passenger bags get mixed up in some but not infrequent cases which causes delay in claim. Sometimes, bags gets stolen or lost. Not all establishments take responsibility for such cases. This is when coverage for such come in handy. Travel insurances pay for lost or damaged possessions while waiting for delayed baggage claims, and even supply money for basic needs such as clothing and toiletries.Depending on the insurance provider and scope of coverage a traveler chooses, there'll always be one that suits an individual's desires and desires. What may appear to be an added, unneeded expense even, could prove valuable in the long run. Whatever function the journey of one is for, taking extra things to do in order to caution ensures less stresses. This really is what ensured enjoyment when guaranteed travel is all about.There are definite responsibilities we have to choose as grownups, and receiving travel insurance is one of them. This is critical especially for those who travel on experiences or love extreme sports. There's saving, in extreme cases that's necessary, along with travel insurance that will cover emergency medical expenses. Don't laugh. There have been instances when skiers needed to air lifted from mountaineers or an avalanche needing to be flown to the nearest hospital due to injuries.Additionally, anything can occur while swimming or surfing. These scenarios should not be left to chance. Travel insurance may well not keep these things from occurring, but it will at least guarantee you will receive the best medical attention possible. In states that are distant, you will need to be transferred to an area with better hospitals or flown back to your country of origin in case war breaks out. Before heading out for a trip, it is just better to cover all your bases.Not a lot of folks recognize that looking for the right travel insurance is at least as important as looking for the ideal destination. In fact, some give no significance to it at all. Oftentimes, planning periods focus on thrill and the excitement that await their next stop, they overlook the imminent dangers. - Zip N Go Insurance
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
When kids come on the dance floor it’s time for elders to go to the bed. - Vijay Kedia
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
During recession greed dies, frugality survives. - Amit Kalantri
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
All you need to enjoy this world is imagination not money - Vineet Raj Kapoor
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
Ask them about their sex lives or their drinking habits or the times they beat up on Granny and they may dodge around a little but eventually they'll tell you all about it - they're dying to tell. Get to the money question, though, and they start acting like you just tore off all their clothes in public. In some way, money is the cover we use for the most intimate parts of ourselves. - Elizabeth Gunn
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
If only money was as capable of caring about people as much as people care about money. - James Rozoff
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
Invest your money, time, energy and all resources in yourself and own your massive success. - sivaprakash
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whywhywhy9 · 5 years
Life’s opportunities are meant to be utilized and explored - Sunday Adelaja
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