wicked-whisper-blog · 6 years
I have taken on some works on Rev, a transcription service, as well as started to accept jobs on Upwork. 
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wicked-whisper-blog · 6 years
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wicked-whisper-blog · 6 years
The Submission of Anna
Below is a sample of my writing in a work that details the evolution of a character as her work life becomes a stressor on top of the obstacles in her personal life and the self growth that inspires in her. Please enjoy.
Anna smoothed her emerald green blouse just before the elevator doors opened and out strode Carter Anderson. She had never seen the man before but had heard all the whispers and tales of his infamy spread far and wide over the break room. He was known to be a strict man, not necessarily outright cruel but ruthless in his pursuit to achieve success and take what he wanted. There was also talks about his good looks, but those were overshadowed by his attitude. Although there were several women that wanted to spend a night with him or have a quick go in his office over lunch, his cold demeanor and no-nonsense attitude at work kept them away. He'd never expressed any interest in any woman in the office that she was aware of, but then again Anna had only been with his company for six months. She also found herself unconcerned with the gossip, considering she was here to bring in a decent paycheck and not get involved in anything outside her scope of duties here. She was utterly not interested in the most active half and face of the company, Carter Anderson. She had received her MBA just two years ago at the age of 22, but had been working hard to climb the ladder and make herself a decent spot in the business world. Marketing was a niche that she fit well into, being able to exercise her creativity and sharp mind to determine how best products would sell. A family friend who worked for Anderson & Clemens in the accounting department had instantly guessed that Anna would be a good fit for the company and had recommended her. She had passed the initial interviews with flying colours and left her old job at a little start-up that had served as a good stepping stone. Initially, she was hesitant to speak up but after getting to know her team began to feel more comfortable and found that everyone seemed to like the ideas she came up with. Thanks to her out of the box suggestions, products were selling quickly. She had earned her place on the team that had pulled the biggest deal yet this year but always stepped back into the shadows and let John (her department head) take the credit. Annaleigh hated having the spotlight put on her and usually did what she could to wiggle out of it. Mr. Anderson breezed by her with a quick glance. For some reason, his eyes felt like they were seeing right through her, focused and intense. They made Anna want to lower her own green eyes and bow her head in respect, but she resisted, straightening her spine until she was standing as tall as she possibly could. He truly was an attractive man and she was unable to deny it. His five o'clock shadow would usually scream "unkempt" to her, but now it only said, "ruggedly handsome." His thick hair was flipped back off his forehead and the fit of his suit couldn't be any more perfect - revealing the broad width of his shoulders and strongly muscled chest beneath the stretch of the dark fabric. She fought the urge to shiver. The moment passed and he continued into John's office. Annaleigh finished gathering her files she needed for the client meeting, putting the encounter out of her head. She was just stepping away from the desk to head from the conference room when the phone rang. Picking up, she listened to John request her presence in his office despite knowing about her important meeting. She hung up and delegated it to Lina, a more senior employee that could always be counted on to get things done correctly. Anna fluffed her hair and quickly checked her makeup in the small compact she kept in her drawer, reapplying a dab of gloss over her ruby-red lips. She did have to admit that it perturbed her that Carter Anderson's presence in the department became a priority over any clients. Annaleigh had been working on building a rapport with these people for the last several weeks with visits to their own office and several phone conversations, but she realized she couldn't exactly say "no" when asked outright to meet the CEO. Slowly, she crossed the floor to his office and pressed the door open. Her eyes scanned over Carter sitting comfortably in the leather-backed chair in front of John's desk and she noted he was doing the same to her, instead with much more of a thorough glance than the one she leveled him with. He made no secret that he was looking her over from head to toe before standing and taking her hand firmly in his, refusing to let go when she attempted to release the hand shake. She had to tilt her head back to meet his eyes since this man towered over her tiny 5'2 height. Replying softly, she said, "Pleasure is all mine Mr. Anderson. It's Annaleigh Brayden, if you please. John gives me too much credit - I only made a couple suggestions and managed client relations over the phone. Nothing that he couldn't do." She made another attempt to free her hand and this time he did let go, but his long fingers dragged against the soft skin of her palm as her hand dropped back to her side. Her fingers twitched nervously as he continued to scrutinize her, so she continued, "John has been a great mentor. I'm learning a lot from him and hope that I can continue to provide such good results to your company, sir. It's very well known and I am so pleased to be a member of your team."
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wicked-whisper-blog · 6 years
Hello lovely people. My name is Lynn. 
I’m a 27 year-old Registered Nurse from backwoods, middle of nowhere, rural NB. This blog will mostly be for my own personal writing, but I also hope to take on some projects that involve ghost-writing, editing, transcribing or various other tasks for reasonable, negotiable prices. I'm willing to work on both professional pieces as well as more personal chunks of writing/editing. Following a busy few summer months, I thought I would try and get my name out there to undertake some work since I’m having no luck with sites like Upwork where I had originally posted. I’ll be creating some various social media sites to keep you apprised and post some examples of my writing for you to peruse as well. 
My skills include editing and proof-reading a wide variety of subjects as well as writing. I am knowledgeable in many topics but always do the research required when writing or editing any subject matter that I am not familiar with. Most of my own writing projects have been independent thus far; I've been creating story lines and fleshing out plots for many years prior to this in my own free time without requiring any monetary contributions payments for services rendered on sites such as Tumblr, livejournal, AO3 etc. I have been doing volunteer editing work on a variety of different online mediums in the past several months and am now seeking to turn some profit on my skills at this point. I have also been engaging students from a local university in editing their assignments/papers as needed in my role as a freelance tutor there.
I am someone who enjoys role playing with other authors for the enjoyment of the audience but am fully capable of coming up with material on my own; it only adds to the experience of writing when I am able to discuss my ideas with others or make their own come to life under my fingers, and I think this is why I love editing so much - to help realize someone else's vision on paper or digital medium is so fulfilling. There is nothing like submitting that draft to the individual who commissioned the piece and receiving feedback such as, "that's exactly what I imagined it could be!"
I have a flexible schedule and always do my best to meet your needs. I am available for pieces both shorter in length as well as more novel like epics. Please message me and we can discuss projects or timelines and I will make every effort to accommodate this. I will be available throughout the entire writing process to update you if required or to incorporate any ideas you may have - I have been known to be good at adapting to changing story lines "on the fly" as I have been writing with other people for several years and often the contribution of a second writer (in role-plays) means that one must be able to change their plan to react to the curve-ball one was just posed.
The writing genres that I most enjoy are: horror, romance, fantasy/adventure and science fiction, but I am able to write/edit most other genres as well, including professional papers and other formal documents if that is what you need. I am open to adult subject matter and even fan-fiction as some of my interests are more on the atypical side of things. I do have experience writing both of the aforementioned genres. I am also able to do vocal recordings or audio book style format if that is something that you may be looking for. I can do transcribing if you need.
I have four years of Nursing education under my belt and five years of employment in the medical field. My writing skills must be on par as it is critical to document each action or change in patient condition clearly and concisely in order for the healthcare team to deliver the best patient outcomes, as well as deciphering transcribed orders from physicians. Most people do not see Nursing as a profession where ability to read and write has such a huge impact on day-to-day care, but it does. We are always learning and growing, reading new research and policies and questioning when something does not make sense, doing our best to make the necessary changes and communicate our points well. I am well versed in the medical field and offer a fresh perspective to edit any such subject matter, but after five years in such an upstanding profession I find that my ability to communicate, of which written word constitutes a great deal of importance, has only grown substantially in the last several years. Nurses must be able to read between the lines and see what the point or cause behind the change is and adequately communicate that with other members of the team; it has led me to develop strong collaborative skills that I can use to put forth great works of editing or writing for potential clients.
I am currently seeking to return to university and expand upon my education.
I have also taken some schooling in the field of Arts and have experience in courses regarding literature/story-telling and editing thanks to prerequisites I have taken in the past. Combining my education and my most recent volunteer projects on top of my own writing, I have a multitude of satisfied clients at this time. I have more than five years experience in the fields of both writing and editing.
I'd like to think that I am flexible and friendly, able to respond and accommodate a variety of requests in a timely fashion. Please contact me about any potential projects you may have and we can discuss prices/payment upon agreement between writer and contractor. Open to negotiation.
Have a wonderful weekend, hope to hear from you soon!
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