wilburthedemonfic · 6 years
Wilbur the Demon #2: Introduction to Adam
I push open the squeaky and frosted over glass door of the high school lobby, walking down the hall, going with the flow of other students. I get jostled around by the shoulders of others, having to tell several people to go away.
I see my classroom ahead, and start trying to speed up to get there in time in order to get a back seat in Mr. Hansen’s classroom. You never want to sit in the front, or Hansen will watch you the whole time and make the rest of the class hell for you if you don’t concentrate constantly.
As I speed up, somebody from behind me walks faster as well in order to take up the free space. I get a couple of meters before the person in front of me stops suddenly. I bump into her, obviously, and the person behind me does the same, but into me.
“What the fuck was that?” The person behind me mutters, pushing me softly and angrily in the back. I ignore him, and continue walking as the person in front can walk again. “Like seriously, are your reflexes not enough that you can’t dodge that?”
I swivel around, ready to death glare at the guy behind me, but the first thing I see is Wilbur flying above the students heads, pretending to sit cross legged, a couple of meters back. I glare at him instead, tempted to yell at him to go away.
“What are you staring at?”
I finally look down at the person that pushed me, giving them a worse glare. “What did you just fucking say to me, you little bitch?”
The guy looks slightly taken aback, and puts his head. I turn back around to see my classroom almost at my side. When I reach it I slip out of the line and into the classroom. I look around, and notice two desks available at the back.
I quickly weave my way through the desks and sit down at one of them, sitting all my stuff down on the floor, my backpack leaning against the grey and metal table leg.
I sit there for about ten minutes before Mr. Hansen finally walks in, and I follow him with my eyes as he scans the classroom. It’s only when I look away that I notice Wilbur standing in the doorway, staring at me.
He disperses into dust, melting into the walls, and then appears beside me.
“That was pretty good, buddy.” He says in a deep, demonic, gravelly voice. “Telling that guy what he needs to hear.”
“Fuck off Wilbur.” I think, talking to him in my mind.
“No.” He replies, clearly trying to bait me. After a pause, he says it again. “No.”
This time I take the bait unable to resist.
“Yes.” I say, yet again in my mind.
I don’t reply this one, trying not to continue it.
“No.” Wilbur says, suddenly appearing in the seat in front of me. “No. No, no, no, no no no no no no.”
“YES. GO AWAY!” I yell, standing up, this time not in my mind.
Everybody turns and stares at me, confused. Mr. Hansen glares at me, and, after a pause, calmly but angrily says: “Get out. Now.”
I breath out, making my way to the door, glaring at Wilbur on my way out.
Goddammit, I wish someone else could see him.
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wilburthedemonfic · 6 years
Wilbur the Demon #1: Introduction to Wilbur
My eyes feel blurry as I stare at my phone, ticking over into the third hour of doing so. I glance at the clock: 1:23AM. Guess I might as well sleep.
I click the phone shut and pull the sheets up to my chin, rolling over to face the wall and letting my eyes fall closed. I slip into sleep, my brain going numb as I do so.
In my dream, I’m sitting on a stained wooden bench, looking out over the park. The birds chirp around me, and the leaves me. I feel a presence, and I feel like a mattress is coming up from in front of the bench and slapping me in the face.
I then snap awake, laying on my back, my bed sheets wrinkled and my mind on edge. I try to sit up to look around to make sure I’m alone, but can’t move.
Dammit, this again? Seriously? Dammit.
And then, as if on cue and as expected, a red eyed, goat horned demon emerges from behind the coat rack at the end of my bed, and ominous groan growing in it’s throat.
“Hello, Wilbur.” I think, closing my eyes and imagining moving and running so this would end quicker. “How are you doing?”
I’ve named him Wilbur. I see him almost every night, emerging from behind my coat hanger. The deep groan slowly dies down, eventually stopping.
“I’m good, you?” Wilbur says casually, smiling ominously, the deep red in his eyes staying vicious.
“I’m okay,” I think, talking to him in my mind.
Wilbur walks up on his curved legs and sits on my bed, retaining the red glow in his eyes and the creepy smile. “Anything on at school tomorrow?”
“Nah.” I sigh, both in my mind and physically so Wilbur will hear the irritation in my voice. “I’m trying to sleep, can you go away?”
Wilbur laughs, a laugh that would scare the shit out of anybody else, but not me. “Fine.”
I open my eyes as Wilbur the demon slowly fades away into dust, melting into the walls as I regain the ability to move. I sit up, looking around my room, then falling back into my pillow, sleep consuming me.
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