wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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“ur up early” bold of you to assume i’ve slept
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Where: Kinderlodge Park
With: @wildbrokenmosaics
When: Unknown Date, Sometime during East Haven’s 62nd Annual Spring Festival in 2023
Stevie was sitting in the park while she watched the twins kick a soccer ball around with some friends and trying to feed Naomi. The little one was way too interested in what her siblings were doing to eat so it was becoming a struggle, but she needed to do it. She was trying to clean her up and get another spoonful of food to her baby when she noticed the ball the kids were playing with cut someone off who was working. "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologized to the woman. "Guys, I told you to just do it in your area, okay? Please watch out." She begged all the kids before sighing and looking back up at the other. "Andrea, hi. I didn't even realize it was you." She laughed. "How are you? I'm sorry, again. Zoe is always too consumed in playing to watch what she's doing."
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For as long as she could remember, Alexandrea is what you consider to be a party pooper. So much so that she’d work so hard in trying to help other people at social events that the young woman would end up inadvertently killing the relaxed enjoyment and ruin the whole social environmenr for everyone. Its not like she necessarily wanted to be one, but its usually what she ended up becoming in most of these circumstances, even when she made her hardest conscious effort not to be one — refusing to relent and resign to her fate there. It definitely didn’t help matters with the fact that her chosen poisonous career essentially doomed her to leading the lifestyle of little to no work life balance and equipping her with the inability to stay away from landing herself to being a chronic workaholic, especially since it felt as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders when she’s incredibly burdened and given the honour of having lives be her responsibility with them depending on her delivering at work whenever she is required. Unfortunately, her work in the form of a junior surgical resident needing her to review the respective time-sensitively pressing patients‘ labs on her caseload and that is how you’d manage to find the brunette surgeon perched on any surface that is available for her to balance on with her laptop on her lap in hand and squinting at the digital screen past the glare against it from being under the harsh sun rays in a seriously solemn, concentrated focus that importantly demanded for her attention more than instead of living in the moment and enjoying the vivacious festivities of the atmosphere surrounding her. That is, until she is momentarily distracted and pulled out of her serious work mode post-reviewing every single last one of lab results that were of significant concern and sending in her feedback and instructions hurriedly by a pair of, quite frankly, for the lack of better words, downright gorgeous twin children playing in her general direction and the bubbly sounds produced by them and their activities had piqued her unsatiated curiosity significantly. She greeted the blonde woman with a soft smile in genuineness from a softly small smile gracing her features and brushed off the apologies of the matriarch perfunctorily with an amused chuckle to reassure her.  ❝ Stevie, hi! Oh no, please don’t ever apologise for the kids being active and just having their fun playing. Its honestly quite refreshing — their carefreeness is contagious, you know? Its what I certainly needed as a reminder to stop being such a party pooper here before I ruin the vibe for everyone else. I’m fine, doing as well as I possibly can. As always. What about you? How are you doing? How have you, and the kids, been doing recently? ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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softness / tenderness and unremitting strength are not mutually exclusive, i am both soft and strong with equal intensity
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Where: The Spring Market
With: @wildbrokenmosaics
When: Unknown Date, Sometime during East Haven’s 62nd Annual Spring Festival in 2023
Sunny had wandered a bit far from where his wife was looking at hand made baby clothes because their unborn twins already would have no shortage of clothes and he had gotten bored. Luckily he knew he could call her if they separated for too long but he spotted someone he knew from work and approached. "Dr. Montgomery." he greeted with a smile. "Good to see you here."
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Alexandrea would’ve been shifting through the random knick knacks being sold at the farmer’s market type shops at the Spring Festival that sold varying products, kind of bored out of her mind at the slow pace of the fair this afternoon in which its livelihood has been reduced down to an almost too quiet halt. It is rummaging through shelves idyllically with delicate gentleness for anything that she could get the little girl that is essentially her own daughter that would have a likely inclination in towards hopefully enjoying such purchases received from the young surgeon, though the older matriarch of a woman of the two tended to lean towards cultivating less materialistic of appreciated gifts for the delight of the little girl to meaningfully enjoy. Mindlessly brushing an errant strand of hair from blocking her sight of view in irritation, the brunette surgeon turned around from her focused attention from what she has been eyeing on a random shelf for a while to address the young man who is her workplace’s good colleague that is a coworker of hers.  ❝ I’m glad to see you in better, more joyous circumstances outside of the workplace, Hussan. How is Ashi doing? I’m assuming that she’s somewhere around here. Guessing that she had to practically drag you to accompany her here outside of your workaholic comfort zone? Not that I, myself, am necessarily absolved of all the guilt in that aspect either. ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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                          give me back my  girlhood 
                                                            it was mine first. 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Where: By the food trucks
With: @wildbrokenmosaics
When: Unknown Date, Sometime during East Haven’s 62nd Annual Spring Festival in 2023
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After returning from Australia, there was no doubt about her jet lag. She was already running late for work that morning, and even forgotten that she was working her shift at the food trucks that day for the festival. Had it not been for her having to make her way through town to get to work, she likely would have showed up, leaving the other short staffed until she could get back again. She had rounded the corner to enter the area, focusing on the screen of her phone after a colleague had texted her asking where she was, when she felt her shoulder gently brush up against someone else. "Sorry!" She said, looking up. "I didn't see where I was going."
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Alexandrea had been non-stop running around the bustling town’s events area since earlier in the morning and has been trying her best to help the hosting locals in any capacity that she could render help with her fiery versatility. The brunette had been haplessly rushing to maneuver through the swarming crowd attendees under the harsh rays of the relentlessly unmerciful sun and the scorching heat, which made the young surgeon question how any of the guests hadn’t fainted for the duration of the event’s commencement for the day thus far, whilst she weaved through the dodging sea of people in search of a particular one to pass on some items from another townsfolk member that needed to be brought to the intended recipient of significance as soon as possible. It is unintentionally bumping into a blonde woman on accident when she is so simultaneously so visibly preoccupied by the distractions on her mind and trying to scour any sightings of the very sole person that she time-sensitively needed to locate being her only laser-focused task on hand and she couldn't even be upset with the mutual transgressioner since it'd be so very hypocritical of her to make a big deal out of — considering that she'd basically been doing the same thing or even worse; not concentrating on where her movements went when all of her attention was currently bisected by trying to search for the very important person of interest and looking to stare down on her smartphone in her efforts of reference for how the person she has been trying to desperately search for in any remote form for resemblance.  ❝ God, no! Please don't apologise since I am partially at fault for this here as well. I really should learn my lesson to pay attention and watch out for where I'm going. Or, in this case, who I'd bs bumping into with my ignorance. I'm so sorry, once again! ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Taylor Swift — Dress
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Where: On the field of the egg hunt
With: @wildbrokenmosaics
When: April 8th, 2023
Alara smiled as she watched all the children play and search for plastic eggs filled with candy. This was Alara’s favorite tradition although she will admit it was a weird one. “I miss when that was my biggest problem. Finding a plastic egg filled with chocolate or a toy before anyone else.” She said the person next to her.
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❝ Well, I mean, I think that its a universally known cosmic mistake that’s essentially a rite of passage when it comes to growing up. We all wished for the appearingly  ❝ fun independence ❞  that seemingly comes with adulthood when we were younger and desperately longed to be grown-ups. ❞  Alexandrea mused with a gentle playfulness gracing her soft lips that curved into a slight smile of disconcertingly awkward, anxious nervousness from apprehension when interacting with acquaintances. The brunette woman nodded in a kind of humming way, sort of agreement manneristic of actions with everything the other woman standing beside her said and watching the children fumble around in the search for hidden eggs being concealed on the field full of the flourishing green grass, whilst admirably preaching with beyond impressiveness, much to her skeptical surprise and lightheartedly, knowing chuckles in amusement.  ❝ If I could go back in time to give our younger selves any advice, it’d have to be first and foremost to never wish for the responsibilities-burdened that come with the stage of life that is adulthood to arrive more swiftly and quicker with the sped up passing of time, because no matter how fun it looks. When in reality, growing up and being riddened with so much painful exhaustion that is the future that they could look forward to. That is, the said discovery would rock their world beyond belief after their abruptly robbed loss of their blissful ignorance and innocence to the harsh realities of the real world when their biggest problems are no longer finding the most number of chocolate eggs for Easter egg hunts than any other person around your age would get. I miss the simpler times of when that is our only carefree, most pressing issue to tackle and take care of at hand during the current moment back then. If that is even relatable to someone else that isn’t me. I’d like to think that it is for more people — just at the very least, right? ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Alexandrea’s Spring Celebration Outfit
Part ii — Dark green cable-knit sweater top, high-waisted black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, black high-cut Doc Martens combat boots, & a claddagh ring facing inwards on her right hand
Not seen — Evren’s dark army green exterior trenchcoat.
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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closed starter for @wildbrokenmosaics​
location: petting zoo
Eli lingered at one of the goat pens at the petting zoo, watching as all the young kids begged their parents to let them feed the goats. He wasn't talking to anyone in particular when he opened his mouth, but he turned slightly to the person next to him. "A goat bit me one year, when I was a kid," he clarified, "never fed those goats again."
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❝ Sheesh, what did you to antagonise the sweet, poor goat to cause them to turn on you to traumatise an innocent child and scar them for the rest of their life? They must really hate you. ❞  Alexandrea playfully quipped with a teasing, joking lightheartedness in gentleness when messing around of humor with the man, since the brunette surgeon is leaning her body mass on her forearms from a relatively near distance away from the petting zoo gated fence. As they stood there and watched the children feed the goats with an ignorance to their hearts’ contents, which is beyond beautiful to watch. Brown eyes sparkle in the sunlight and their depths reflected the radiant joy of watching Rowan having fun with the soft, small petting animals with a prideful amusement and admiration.  ❝ Well, I’ve no degree in being an emotional trauma response shrink to help you unpack the deep-rooted fear that stemmed from your childhood, but I think that you might need to seek treatment for working through your PTSD, in regards to this. Though, that’s probably hypocritically rich of me to advise for you to do so before I’ve even sought help for coping with confronting my own trauma. Notwithstanding, we probably want to protect their innocence from suffering such a similar and unfortunately tragic fate, right? I know that’s what I’m trying my best to do with Rowan in general. ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Alexandrea’s Spring Celebration Outfit
Part i — Simple & natural face with no makeup on her face, an elegant arrow necklace of white gold, & a sophisticated classy wristwatch with a leather strap
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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“Which one’s yours?” Lake asked the woman standing next to him as they watched the little kids searching for eggs. He didn’t know why this was something they did. Search for eggs a magical bunny dropped for them. It wasn’t like a bunny could lay eggs. It was all confusing to Lake and it was never something he did growing up. But, what ever Poppy wanted to do, he would be there for support. 
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❝ Ah, well, that’s a loaded question. So, the short answer would have to be the tanned little girl with her brunette hair pinned up in those unique hair clips that she’d eventually abandon at some halfway point today. If we’re going into technicalities, though, Rowan’s neither biologically nor acknowledged as mine in the legal justice system’s eyes. I really wish that it were otherwise and I definitely do see her as my own, legal details be damned and all. But I mean, its complicated, but in the sense that if my boyfriend does regain his full legal custody over our daughter once again, I’m not even entirely sure since we haven’t talked about if I was ever going to get any legal rights to make decisions in her best interest or not. ❞  Alexandrea responded in a rapidly swift rambling from the anxiously uncontrollable nervousness in skeptical hesitation when approaching the confrontation of the delicate subject since she would never want to step on toes unnecessarily. Ever. Dark brown eyes trained on watching the little children running around and enjoying themselves with such an admirable, carefree innocence, which sparks joy in the brunette surgeon’s heart to swell with such pride and daydreaming of how her future could be looking like in relaxed, blissful happiness.  ❝ I’m sorry—. You didn’t really ask for an exposition of my current honourary parenthood’s circumstance, but I tend to babble relentlessly when I’m antsily uncertain. Um—. God, I just made this so incredibly awkward right now, didn’t I? What about you? Where’s yours? ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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who: Alexandrea 'Andrea' Montgomery
where: East Haven Memorial Pediatric Ward
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Between their two work schedule's, it wasn't often that Evren and Andrea were able to enjoy a meal together. He was a tattoo artist and a mechanic, which meant that a lot of his time was spent gone, making money in an attempt to save up anything he could to provide the home his daughter deserved; because no child of his would live in an RV forever if he could help it. Because of their schedules, most dinners were shared either through FaceTime calls late at night or on the rare and off chance that they shared an off day together, which meant that there was a little of improvising when it came to being together even just for a few minutes. Today, Evren had managed to be off from the mechanic shop and had ordered takeout from The Delyle nearly an hour ago, and had driven to the hospital to bring the food to Andrea. He wasn't always the most romantic guy, but acts of service typically allowed him to express himself, and adding in food was always the best way to do so. As one of her co-workers let him into the pediatric ward of the hospital, he was led to a conference room and told that Andrea would be with him shortly. So, he prepared the food, laying everything out as he awaited her arrival. Drinks, meals, and even silverware were lay out on the table - that had been freshly cleaned - in preparation to be enjoyed.
Nearly ten minutes after arriving, Evren pulled out his phone, texting Andrea. Hey there beautiful. I know you're busy working, but I brought you dinner. Conference room 3, I think? I'd love it if you could join me.
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Alexandrea had driven to be there and the first to see her second boyfriend ever, who ironically is her high school sweetheart and first long-term boyfriend — when he was first released from serving time. Being imprisoned in jail for a sentenced crime that he hadn’t even committed, but his noble ass just had to swoop in and save the day by taking the fall for a good friend. Damn him and his dang sense of honour, but she knew better than to lecture him on his martyristic self-sacrificing endeavours for what he deemed to be the worthy better good. And the young brunette surgeon couldn’t even fault him for it, even if it upset her deeply when it was no longer her place to have any right to harbour any opinion to how he chose to live and how he makes his live choices when she somehow had heard about her ex-boyfriend from down in the grapevine. There isn’t even really a solid reason for why they abruptly broke up after being together in a relationship for nearly more than five years, but that’s other than the fact that several extenuating factors were working against them at that particular point in time such as them being in two different geolocations going to be thousands of miles apart ot each other for long stretches of time on end and their very hectic work schedules in their specific job industries and having just started out in their respective careers. Notwithstanding, Andrea never really fell out of love with the only man who had ever really treated her right with that the respect she deserves within her entire lifetime thus far. So, after being put on the dating market and letting herself explore the rest of the singles in that world, it became quite excruciatingly clear that her heart has always still belonged to the one boyfriend and love of her life get away from her. Hence, why she was so adamantly determined to get him back when he could have finally gotten out.
Plus, it didn’t really hurt his chances with her when she caught wind of the fact that he is now the father to the sweetest little girl after they had ended the first time around and met Rowan herself. No, it certainly didn’t truly hurt his case at all when the young woman fell in love with a child that wasn’t even biologically hers, but would die to protect her innocence for and loves like biological genetics weren’t a contributing factor and the seven-year old was her own baby girl. And this fact, by extension, made the brunette surgeon in training fall even more susceptible to plummeting harder heart first for the man who she had grown into adulthood with, as if she could possibly fathom doing so at anymore of an accelerated rate imaginable, but somehow, defying all of the odds and throwing logic out of the window, she did and still unbelievably does with each passing day, more than she could even dream to believe is possible. Either way, though they hadn’t seen much of each other since the breakup more than half a decade ago, it felt like no time had passed between them when they reconnected around a year ago now and fell back into their oddly comfortable routine of accidentally staying awake way later than they should’ve and the conversation flows just so easily with them easily talking at three am into the early mornings without intentionally having let so much time get away from them without noticing it like it is as naturally simple between them during their various interactions that the experience could be compared to being as instinctual as breathing for her.
The brunette surgeon entered the conference room through the door with such distraughtly mess of a state for her hair after a beyond long work day. It had taken her far long than it should’ve to get away and manage to make her way to the only man that she spent most of her free time with and the sole keeper of her heart that awaited for her to make an appearance for. Except that she had to deal with at least more than three interruptions in the form of needy surgical residents that disrupted her every attempt to make her quick escape to spend some time with him, all in the name of having to ask her so many questions in regards to the patients’ cases. Profusely apologetic with her guiltily mortified small smile of feeling bad for having kept him waiting alone as long as she did, she offered in a hurriedly breathless explanation softly in greeting as she finally rushed in and closed the door behind her.  ❝ I’m sorry for making you wait for so long, Babe. I swear that I was trying to slip out to meet you and all of a sudden, the residents decided that its now the best time to ask the questions to give the parents the answer to the question that they’ve already had since lunchtime. I got here as soon as I could. ❞  They should’ve known better and should have I to have expected this from them.  The thought occurred to herself as she mentally noted down how blessed she is with how patient he is with understanding her in perfection as well.  ❝ Hey, babe. How are you doing today? I’ve missed you so much. Especially after today’s long hours in particular. ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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With how cold and icy it was, riding her bike wasn’t exactly the best option for Chandler, but she thought to hell with it. It wasn’t like her car was starting that morning and she wasn’t going to be asking her sister for a ride to work. She liked having the freedom and it wasn’t that bad once she bundled up a little. The morning was definitely easier, but now heading home, she felt it was a little more icy and had to correct herself a few times. However, she didn’t expect a car to whip around the corner and she swerved, sliding on the ice and the bike coming out from under her. She hit the ground hard, and she groaned as she laid there on the ground, holding her wrist while staring up at the sky.
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The cooler weather wasn’t minded by the brunette surgeon who had decided to take a refreshing run after she woke up from her day nap in anticipation for her second consecuitive night shift that starts later in the evening, despite it being rather chilly outside. It is not something that she really minded as the hospital halls since her regulating body temperature acclimated to ever since she moved to East Haven a little over a year ago for the specialising surgical fellowship made her live in a new city with the ever evolving unpredictability in its temperamental weather conditions. It is learning to adapt to the quick-paced drastically, violent change in the earlier forecasted weather. It is a good thing that she practices the what she preaches part of the phrase — ❝ in omnia paratus ❞  when living her every day life, which roughly translates to always being ready for anything. Either way, the young brunette woman was on her way back to her home to leave and change in preparation of her shift by making her way on the pavement sidewalk that is parallel to the road when she counted her lucky stars that she prides herself on usually being extremely aware in attentiveness of the environment of her surroundings.
Fortunately, the car skidding past and the loud crash of a vehicle swerving caught the better part of her attention and piqued her intrigue sufficiently enough to alerted to check on the loud commotion that caused her to be alarmed in concern. It is only an natural instinct of hers as a practicing physician for her to be worried enough to reignite the passion that help take care of injured people with an intrinsic protectiveness inculcated. Bending down once she reached the body of the young woman after she hurriedly rushed to her aid once she noticed the violent altercation and horrendous indiscretion done by the precariously careless, recklessness of the driver who made her blood boil at their caveliar attitude towards the regard of the general population’s safety when out in public, Alexandrea cautiously examined her in skepticism upon reaching the young woman who seemed to be in some pain from the accident once she had quickly taken a snapshot of the car’s license plate to deal with later when she has assessed the injury of the victim who had seemed to have injured her wrist, at the very least.  ❝ Are you okay? I saw what happened. I am a surgeon who can help if you’d just tell me about what you’re experiencing currently. Can you move your wrist and do you have any dizziness? Does your head hurt or ache in any way that it hasn’t originaly been? ❞ 
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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Where: Primrose Park
When: Early/Mid Morning
Open to: Anyone
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Tom had been back in town for a good six months now, which meant he was rediscovering places that he used to call home, he’d been finding his footing, re-realizing favored locations, and Primrose Park was one that he often frequented. He’d always loved being outside, hiking, camping, fishing, biking - lately he’d been really into morning runs with his dog, Inara - a shepherd/retriever mix that he’d fallen in love with while he’d been on the road - and she’d fit into his life as though she was always meant to be there. Inara seemed to love running just as much as he did, so every morning without fail they found a spot to do their thing, today’s spot was the trail along Primrose Park, watching the town wake up. Once they’d completed his goal for the day he took a moment to rest, settling on a bench as he let Inara off the leash to run free and play a while.
“Looks like it’s going to be great weather today…” He commented when he was joined on the bench, then again, any weather was good for Tom - he never minded the cold, rain, sweltering heat - he made do with whatever he was handed. “Don’t worry…she’s a big teddy…” He added on quickly as Inara bounded back towards them, practically jumping into his lap though she’d outgrown such a thing months earlier.
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Alexandrea is gulity of being a creature of habit to an annoyingly irritating fault. She has ran eight miles a day every chance that she got ever since she started competitive figure ice skating in her freshman year of high school and it was required of her to keep up her rigorous exercise routine. Alas, one of her only good healthy habits stuck post-graduation from high school and persisted in prominance throughout her university education. Even during the most heightened and busiest peak times of her surgical training, the young brunette always tried her best to ensure that time is always carved out to be made for her routine that preserved her sanity. It helped clear her head and process her emotions when the surgeon in training is allowed to be alone with the sacred space and privacy to listen to her own thoughts and just sit to be comfortable with them beyond what most people could fathom. Though, she could go overboard to take advantage of and abuse the benefits as an unhealthy toxic mechanism to avoid confronting her predicaments all too well. Every coping mechanism is a double-edged sword just as is everything else in life, right? Notwithstanding, this has to be one of the handful few of her chosen ones that she makes a point to unkeep in long-term maintainence regularly by this stage of time in her life.
❝ Aw, no. Please don’t make such a comment, ever. Because its like a stupid newbie stating that the ER seems quiet today, which somehow always causes the craziest, most bustling of incoming patience to flood the hospital abruptly that same day. So, its like an unspoken forbidden taboo that’d inevitably jinx the conditions to be proven otherwise. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person which ruins good things for everyone else as well, ever. ❞  She rambled on with a nervous conviction, quickly exhaling in surprise when having her one-minded laser focus on responding to one of the rather junior surgical residents who had texted her with an emergent few medical questions about one of the patients of hers that required criticslly time-sensitive responses to be demanding such an urgent attention of hers interrupting in the midst of her run when she has finally completed answering their questions for now and took a moment of the quiet silence to calmly collect her thoughts once again on the bench when the soft noise of someone else sitting on the bench drew her out of her earlier found focused. Greeting him with a softly curt, polite smile after offering out a soft nod to him, she shifted herself in order to get a sip of water from her grabbed water bottle that beside her to take a quick refreshing recharge momentarily in preparation of bracing herself to stand and make her way home if they immediately needed her to come into the hospital for further investigation of the most recent concerning development with the said case on short notice when the acclaimed evidence of a teddy bear sized dog came bounding towards their direction and she hesitantly reached out to almost pat her affectionately.  ❝ May I? She’s so sweet, even if she does seem like a larger than life teddy bear — what’s her name? ❞   
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wildbrokenmosaics · 1 year
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Alexandrea Faith Jean Montgomery
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒): Andrea, Alex, Lexie, Faith, Jean, Montgomery, Drew, Drea
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒): Andrea Montgomery, Faith Jean Montgomery, Andrea Faith Jean Montgomery
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 33 years old
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: June 13, 1991
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒: 9 pounds, 15 ounces & 22 inches long & 12:07 am
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍: gemini (cancer moon & aquarius rising)
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄: pearl (traditional) & alexandrite (modern)
𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃: Ravenwood High School, Princeton University, Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins Hospital Surgical Residency, East Haven Memorial Surgical Fellowship
𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: MBBS, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S, Surgical Residency, Surgical Fellowship
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Surgical fellow attending of East Haven Memorial’s pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, fetal, neonatal & in-utero fetal surgery department
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑: female
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: she/her
𝐃𝐘𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑: dark brown with darker shades of dark blonde & lighter shades of light brown
𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑: darker brown, almost dark olive green-brownish
𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: double ear-lobe piercings on both ear lobes
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒: “joy” & the infinity sign underneath below the first tattoo of the word “joy” on the outside lower part of the carpal of her right hand
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒: crescent moon birthmark on the back of her right shoulder blade
𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒: details coming soon
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌: Crystal Marie Reed
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: Victoria Juliette Forbes Keating (biological birth mother), Unknown Unnamed Father (biological birth father), Alyssa Jasmine Keating-Morgan (half-biological maternal younger sister), Aaron Jaxson Keating-Morgan (half-biological maternal younger brother)
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄(𝐒) 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍: English, French, Archaic Latin
𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒(𝐄𝐒): severe anxiety, borderline personality disorder (bpd), post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)
𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒(𝐄𝐒): chronic migraines & dysmenorrhea
𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃: ambidexterity with a right-handed lean
⚠️ TRIGGER WARNINGS IN THIS BIOGRAPHY ; abandonment, Alcohol, Anxiety, Assault(s), Babies, Bordeline Personality Disorder (BPD), Blood, Child Abuse, Cigarette Bud Burns, Disease(s), Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Illness(es), Intoxication, Manic Depression, Medical, Mental Health Illness(es), NSFW, Physical Abuse, Physical Scars, Postpartum Depression (PPD), Pregnancy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Rape, Severe Anxiety, Sex, Sexual Abuse(s), Sexual Assault(s), Wound(s)
More details coming soon.
𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬.
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wildbrokenmosaics · 2 years
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❝ # WILDBROKENMOSAICS. ❞    Independent ALEXANDREA MONTGOMERY blog heavily affiliated with the private group verse of Tumblr East Haven RP as portrayed, written & loved by AMELIA  ( she / her, 25 ). This blog is +18 with triggering content that is tagged!. If you are under the age of 18, this blog is not for you. Established on 11/22/2022. All of my CANON muses are HEADCANON BASED with SOURCE MATERIAL INFLUENCES are protected under the copyright law. SLOW RESPONSES, PRIVATE & SELECTIVE. Personal blogs: don’t reblog anything from me.
MUSE DOSSIER BIOGRAPHY  ;  check out my muse’s medical history & biodata from within her dossier of a biography.
CREDITS  ; a document of credits that is always going to be more accurate than my tag of credits full of in-depth detailed credits.
ASK MEMES  ;  these would never go out of style in terms of relevance and there is never such a thing as too many.
NAVI  ;  its self-explanatory. At least, I hope that it is.
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