wildsonggg · 4 years
i’m dying of boredom so PLEASE give me some ideas for what to write/ what you guys wanna see!
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wildsonggg · 4 years
Chapter 1
Hey guys! I am so bad at explaining things, but I wanna give a brief overview of this series before I launch in. It’ll be a mashup between the Avatar the Last Airbender worlds (in a way) and the avengers. This pic will feature Steve x reader and Bucky x reader. this will feature love, sex, drama, pregnancy, heartbreak, choices, and much more. the time period will start a little before winter soldier time period but will move around. I hope you all enjoy!!
                              ------------------------------------                                                  I giggled as the cold air hit my face. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I felt goosebumps pop up all over my skin. I grinned, hugging my arms closer to myself. I opened my eyes and watched as the world spun around me, lights coming in and out of focus. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips, forcing me to clamp my hand over my mouth, not wanting to cause a scene. 
“Its so nice out tonight! We could go for a run! We should go for a run.” I narrowed my eyes at the sidewalk before me, trying to get it to stop spinning. Maybe if I just ran with my eyes closed…
“Careful, doll, I think you may have had a little too much to drink.” A voice mused gently behind me. 
“Lighten up, Steve!” Another voice slurred, several octaves higher than I was used to hearing. I turned to see Nat stumble out of the club, pointing her finger at Steve. Her short red curls fell into her face and she gave a frustrated sigh, blowing them out of her face. “What good is a boyfriend who can’t get drunk if he can’t get drunk if he won’t support his woman.”
he frowned, trying to make sense of her sentence. “I stay sober and keep her from making dumb choices.”
She rolled her eyes. “She never gets to have any fun! Just because you have a stick up your ass doesn’t mean you gotta put one up hers, too.” She wrinkled her nose, swaying back and forth. “You don’t put stuff up her butt, do you?”
I watched as staves face turned a bright red. “Natasha!”
I smirked, glancing between the two. “Only two of my holes are in use, and I can promise you my butt is not one of them.”
Nat and I burst out laughing, cackling like hyenas. Steve clamped a hand over my mouth before I could spill anymore secrets on our sex life. Nat began to stumble forward and Sam appeared, grabbing the back of her dress before she could bite it. 
He sent a long, slightly annoyed look Steves way as he fished keys out of his pocket. “Lets get them home.”
Steve picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I giggled and waved to Nat as Steve strode off. “Oh, not fair!” She whined, tugging on Sams shirt as he followed us down the street. “Why can’t you pick me up, too?”
 “You see what you started?” Sam yelled for Steve to hear. I could her the light chuckle in his chest.
“Don’t be a little bitch!”I yelled at sam. “She’s not even that heavy, noodle arms!”
This earned another fit of laughing from Natasha, causing her to finally fall to the ground. This caused me to point and laugh.
Sam said a long string of less than friendly words before grabbing Natasha and throwing her over his shoulder, too. “You two are in deep shit for this. All three of you, actually.”
We made it to the car and sam dumped Natasha to climb in shot gun while Steve and I settled into the back. Sam started up the car and peeled out of the parking garage. Steve wrapped an arm around me and I settled into his chest. “You know, Tony is gonna be pissed if you show up to the meeting drunk or hung over tomorrow.”
I glanced up to him, batting my eyelashes. “I guess I’m gonna need some coffee in the morning.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that your way of asking me to make you coffee in the morning?”
“No, this is.” I grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. 
I’ll never get over the feeling of kissing Steve. Like his lips, however cliche this may sound, were made for me. They seemed to fit just right. A fire was lit somewhere deep within me and a hunger filled every inch of my body. I pulled away while I could still manage. “Can I please have some coffee tomorrow morning?”
“You’re gonna get us in trouble.”he muttered.
Nat scoffed “Please! You have a master assassin and a princess from another world who can BEND all the elements. Let a rich playboy in a tin suit try and tell us ANYTHING.” 
Sam snorted. “If he can’t beat your ass I promise you he’ll lecture you to death. Azula, you KNOW he thinks you and Korra are his kids.”
I grimaced but felt thankful on the inside. Tony had really been a rock for us since we showed up on his doorstep. We didn’t have the best luck when it came to fathers, so Tony was a nice stand in. No matter how overbearing and annoying he may be.
“I’ll never forget the look on his face when he found out about you and Cap.” Nat said.
“I’ll never forget the broken nose.” Steve mumbled, absent mindedly rubbing his nose. 
I gave his nose a peck. “And it healed beautifully.”
“Please, his body was sculpted by the Gods. Nothing about him is less than exquisite.” Nat said.
“The Gods my ass!” Sam yelled. “Science created that body.”
“Oh don’t be jealous, noodle arms.” Nat crowed, punching his arm. 
Sam shook his head. “That shit don’t even make sense. I hit the gym everyday. Noodle arms my ass.”
Nat and Sam began to squabble in the front seat and I grinned. Steve grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the conversation we were having. He began to pick at the hem of my tight black dress, fraying the lace. “You know, we could just skip the meeting. Go somewhere else instead…. Somewhere nice” 
I raised an eyebrow. “Like a vacation?”
He shrugged. “Well, something special.” I watched as his hands nervously fidgeted with something in his pocket. “You know, I was thinking….”
I sat up straight, suddenly more alert than I had been all night as Sam turned onto the highway. My vision was still off, and my insides felt warm, but the feeling was undeniable. Dread was seeping into my body.
“Do NOT throw up in this car! Do you hear me, Azula?” Sam asked. He glanced at me in the rearview mirror before turning his gaze back to the road.
I shook my head. “No, no… something is wrong. Something bad is going to happen.”
Steve grabbed my arm, gently rubbing it with his thumb. Nat watched me, eyes locked on mine in the rear view mirror. Im pretty sure I was the only one watch her reach for her gun under the seat. “Hey, everythings Fine. Korra is safe at the tower. She’s with tony, JARVIS, the worlds best security system. She’s gonna be fine. You gotta stop worrying.”
I shook my head. “No. No not to her. To us.”
As if on cue, something slammed into the roof of our car causing a large dent to form. Bullets shot through the metal and I screamed as one of them grazed my thigh. “BRAKES!” I screamed. 
Sam slammed on the brakes and a large black mass as thrown across the highway. Cars swerved around us to avoid hitting us. The large blob raised up. The moon reflected off something where his arm should be. 
“Is that a man?” I asked. 
“We need to get out of here.” There was something Nat voice I had never heard in her voice before. Nervous, on edge, maybe even…. Fear? “NOW, SAM, DRIVE!” She screamed.
The awful sound of metal hitting metal sounded and my was lurched forward, slamming my head into the car rest. I felt blood fill my mouth. I turned to see a car had hit us, propelling us forward. “Gas, Sam!” I yelled.
Sam floored it, attempting to hit the man infront of us. He easily jumped, landing on the hood the car. He smashed the glass, ripping off the steering wheel. Nat began to shoot and he jumped off. 
“They’ll steer us off the road!” I yelled, pointing to the thin railing that kept us and the 50 foot drop to the highway below us. The car behind us sped up, ready to run into again. 
Steve grabbed onto me and sam nodded to steve, signaling he had Nat. “Hold on tight.” Steve yelled. He kicked the car door off and we went with it. He held me close as the car door shot down the highway. I watched as the car we were in seconds ago was pushed off road and over the railing. 
I felt staves arms let go of me and I fell off of the car door, hitting the hard asphalt. My body exploded in pain as I felt my skin rip open. I opened my mouth, blasting a large enough burst of air to keep me from hitting the ground again. My plan had been to blow myself upwards, so I could land gracefully, but I had miscalculated. I blew too late and manage to shoot sideways, straight into the cement barrier. I heard a loud crack and the air was knocked out of my lungs. I clawed at the ground, gasping for breath. It took a few moments for me to regain my eyesight and breath. 
I glanced around trying to find Steve. I fear filled my body at the thoughts of what could’ve made him let me go and I tried to swallow my fear. I finally spotted him, about 30 feet back hunched over something in the street. I felt vomit rise up in my throat.
That stupid fucking compass. That stupid picture of Peggy. He had let go of me to save a hunk of metal. 
I began to shake as rage filled me. I felt smoke roll off of my body. I had lost once again to Peggy Carter. And it wasn’t even the real woman! Just a picture. 
I watched as he gently rubbed the photo, looking with concern. ‘
I bit back bile and turned to see Nat and Sam watching us, horror on their faces. Nat had a nasty cut on her eyebrow, but other than that, the two seemed to make it out unharmed.
The sound of screeching tires pulled us from our thoughts. The car that had run us off the road came to a halt and 6 fully armed men jumped out, guns at the ready. The metal armed man joined them. 
“The civilians!” Nat yelled, jumping into action. Sam joined her, running to the armed men. Steve finally snapped out of it, his eyes meeting mine. 
Regret filled his face as his mouth opened and closed. “Azula….”
I turned to see civilian cars getting closer. I plated my feet firmly in the ground and did a few moves, creating a wall of rocks, blocking the cars from getting to us. I turned back to the action and my hands set ablaze with my signature blue fire. Lightning crackled around me as hatred filled my body. “Tin man is mine” I said, cooly. 
I launched into action, Steve close behind. Metal man found me first, watching me from a distance, eyeing me up and down. 
I couldn't see much. He was clad in all black. A mask covered most of his face along with thick black goggles. long brown hair framed his face, giving me no real feel for what the man looked like. 
I scowled. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” I yelled at him, from down the street.
With blinding speed he had managed to pulled a rocket launcher from his back. “Oh shit.” I ran forward, using the rocks to propel me up and over the shot. The blast threw me off, and I fell onto of him, knocking him down. 
“What the hell.” He gruffly said. 
he went to punch me and I quickly rolled off. I shot a rock at him and he punched it out of the air, breaking it in half. A car door hit the man, knocking him over the railing. I glanced over to see him on the ground, under the car door. I turned, scowling. Steve stood close by. “I don’t need help!” 
II blasted him with air, knocking him into the armed men. 
“Azula!” Sam yelled, taking down one of the men. 
“He deserved it!” Nat yelled, running over to me. “You boys got this?”
I grabbed her and we jumped down off of the raining. I used the air currents to ease our descent and let go once we had hit the ground below. I did a few more earth bending moves, blocking the road off. A large crash sounded and I saw a bus flipped over, smoking. Nat was fighting hand to hand with the metal man. I ran over to the bus to see what had happened. 
Steve lay among the mess, groaning. “How the hell did you get down here so fast?! You should’ve stayed up there.” I hissed, angry. “We got this.”
“Azula, please…”
“Go help Nat. I’ll get the civilians out of here. Go, NOW!” I yelled when he hesitated. 
He gave me one last look before going to join Nat. I ripped the bus doors open and helped the civilians out, directing them to safety. A gun shot sounded and I heard Nat cry out in pain. I whipped around to see her on the ground. Stave ran to her, but I could tell he wouldn’t make it. 
“Hey!” I screamed. I shot a ball of fire at the man, trying to distract him. I needed Nat to be okay. She has to be. “Over here, jackass!”
I began to run at him, shooting more fire. He did his best to dodge the blasts, yelling in annoyance. I shifted the rocks under his feet, taking him down. I grabbed the gun before he could fire, bending the metal in my hand. I tossed it aside, straddling him. I had managed to knock off his glasses in the process, revealing his big blue eyes. 
I paused for a moment, caught of guard. My flaming fist paused right over this head and time seemed to stand still. Something seemed oddly familiar about those eyes. He used that moment to inject something into my side. I yelled out in shock, my whole body going numb. I fell off of him and he leaned over me. 
With my last ounce of strength I thrust my hand up, ripping off the mast he had on.
Oh my god. I had never met the man, but his image was burned into my brain. “Bucky….”
“Who the hell is Bucky?”
A shot came from behind him. He gave me one last long look before he took off, vanishing from my sight. Sam appeared, helping me up. “Oh fuck, you’re bleeding… like, everywhere.”
“Nat was shot. Where is Nat”
“Azula, can you walk? What did he do to you?”
“He injected me with something.”
“Did you get a good look at what it was?” He asked, supporting my full weight with a grunt. “Azula, hey, I need you to focus, okay? Can you hear me?”
“I didn’t, but I got a good look at something else. We have bigger issues.”
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