thesis : my girlbulge is visible in most “ women’s “ clothes i wear antithesis : my girlbulge isn’t usually visible in “ men’s “ pants synthesis : women’s clothes were designed to show off girlbulge
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does anyone have these phases where they feel eerily eloquent and can articulate their opinions/thoughts/ feelings with perfect clarity and accurate vocabulary. followed by a phase where they use the same list of words over and over again, absolutely devoid of meaning and substance?
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i know the new year won’t magically erase everything bad happening in the world but i hope 2021 is kinder to you all and that it brings brighter moments and healing 
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Gotta make room for new mistakes in 2021!
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im really bad at conversations sorry if ive ever talked to you
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turn them into earrings!!!
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I feel like that’s right up your alley
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overcoming societies distorted perception of the "perfect" body
'body positivity' a concept i struggled to cope with and still do to this day but i can say very confidently that I'm getting better and I'm writing this down for someone that is possibly experiencing the same thing as me and needs a reminder or some sort of motivation. 
i never thought of my body as something that would be perceived as unattractive or not good enough in the eyes of others as well as mine. or i never thought it'd someday be something i started to be the most insecure about and sometimes the most ashamed I'll ever feel about. to me one of the the worst way in which I've put myself down is by being negative about my body. it's brought about times when i wouldn't wanna go out to even school on some days or attend social events or whatever because of how judgemental I'd get about myself or because of how much i dreaded having to hear discreet and subtle remarks about how i look or about how I've gained weight and about how I'd look better if i lost weight in places or something. reading quotes and stories about body positivity, and body embracing did motivate me a lot and made me feel better but actually putting them into practice was much harder than i thought it would be. as the saying goes 'it's easier said than done' which is why i found saying affirmative and positive stuff to myself more effective than just listening or reading to motivational and inspiring stories and yet not actually practicing them. something that i learnt during all of this was that the comments and remarks NEVER stop. even if you do lose weight wherever so and so told you you should  because of which you will apparently look "better" and what not, 10 other people will find another flaw in you and so the cycle never ends. i keep thinking bout how society and social media. have shaped our minds into believing that particular body types just don't match societies expectations? and that particular body types aren't considered attractive or good enough? and to think about how massively it has affected us knowingly or unknowingly to the point where  even the smallest changes in our body that comes under the category that society looks down upon brings us so much discomfort and worry about how if we gain a little face weight we immediately start youtubing or googling exercises or ways to get rid of it and some people may justify this by saying they personally don't like how they look with that and that is understandable until you realize that if no one ever told you that that doesn't look good on you, you'd never know, right? like if we truly thought of ourselves as absolutely beautiful and perfect and if there never was a "good body and not so good body" idea we wouldn't be bothered by a little weight gain/loss in places, right?
after reflecting a lot i came to think about how we tend to behave when we're in love with someone or something this 'someone' ranging from our parents, to our s/o, to our friends and even to our pets. notice how we never pay attention to the flaws that the person or thing we love posseses and even if we are aware of their flaws we still love them the same and accept them as they are and their flaws almost never tend to come in the way of our love for them lessening or something and yet these same people are never gonna last with you forever but we still make sure they know just how much we adore and love them and that is because humans in general have the capacity to distribute that amount of love and respect for another person. now think about the fact that if we can adore a whole other person to such levels, we can give 10 or even a 100 times more of that to ourselves cus we've had ourselves from the very start and will continue to till the very end, right? ironically though, loving ourselves isn't as easy as loving another person but it still isn't impossible. 
each of us have our very own ways to coming to good and accepting terms with our ownselves and i think our first step is to understand ourselves better. we often tend to sleep over our insecurities and we try to build a "tough" exterior towards people's opinions about us as a coping mechanism and that is something that I've very often done and I've come to realize that that does nothing more than coming home and feeling worse because of the fact that you faked most of that self love and that tough exterior. talking, learning and understanding yourself and learning to embrace your body for how it is can make a huge difference to how  WE start to see ourselves and trust me once you learn to accept yourself for who you are even the most obvious and hurtful comments from even the person who's opinion matters to you the most will seem like nothing cus at the end of the day you're the one that matters in all of this and your confidence is what will take you places. Atleast 25% of the people you are associated with rn won't even be a part of your life in the next 5 years or so and we all know that's true and if it is why must we knowingly let such people's opinions and comments about us matter? Body positivity is something that is being normalized lately but needs to be spoken about more often. the very fact that it took me over 3 years to finally open up about this shows just how much society makes one feel about our very own self. different types of bodies and i mean every kind is beautiful in its very own way. literally no body type is unattractive or not good enough and if you think it is then here's your much needed reminder that it isn't. 
I'd even like to add that working out or exercising or doing anything to make you feel better about your body is extremely fine as long as you're doing it to please and feel better about yourself and not because a few people told you you'll look better that way. remember to always have your ideal self as a goal for when you want to grow in anyway. the moment you start doing something to please someone else inspite of you being perfectly fine with it is when you need to remember who comes first and that's YOU and your opinion alone about yourself. 
to whoever's reading this rn here's your *virtual hug* and even though i may not know you personally i do know and i want you to know as well that i genuinely think your body is beautiful and perfect just the way it is and that you're very very beautiful/handsome  and that you're an amazing person both inside and out and that you deserve all of the love and happiness in the world
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Me when the drums start playing in Black Panther
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Before IW vs After:
*iw spoilers*
Before Infinity War:
Me to me: there’s no way they’ll kill Black Panther, Spider-Man, or Dr. Strange; they all have new movies coming up- it’ll be fine.
After Infinity War:
Me to me:
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Loki fans waiting for an explanation from The Russo Brother as to why Loki didn’t use more of his powers to avoid death:
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(thanks for 17,000 followers x)
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how the fuck do people just stay motivated their entire lives? what drives you? I got out of bed once and i’ve been exhausted ever since.
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This seal hugging a plush seal toy is everything
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Shoutout to bi men of colour
You deserve every happiness and validation
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