willows-witchy-ways · 1 month
Well since I no longer have my old account (desertwaterwitch) along with my original posts, I’ll start anew.
I’m Cici. I’ve been a witch since 2020 and call myself a water witch because I love all things water and work with it a lot. Ever since I was a kid I would go to wherever the water was, which, living in the desert, would be in the mountains or a manmade reservoir.
I love divination and have worked with several things. However I only work with tarot and do water scrying now for several reasons.
I am clairaudient and a medium, so I’m able to see, hear and sense spirits. My maternal grandparents are my spirit guides.
I wish I still had my other account because it had so many of my projects on it and spellwork I’ve done, but I don’t, so I’m starting over. I might repost a couple things over time.
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Here are some of my witchy things I keep in my desk. I love Bastet and she’s helped me before, so I make sure to have her there. I also have the white wine vinegar as an offering thing for Hygeia. She said it was okay that it was vinegar and not just white wine. She’s helped me a couple times and I want her to always have something special for her. I’m not particularly religious, but I do love her and appreciate all of her help. She’s been wanting to help me clean my room again, but I haven’t been able to because I’ve had surgery and now Covid. So we shall see.
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willows-witchy-ways · 3 months
Hey yall! Reposting this because I'm a bit short for my rent this coming up month by 150$. Even if you can't pay reposting would be appreciated!
Tarot and Oracle Readings
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Month Ahead Reading ~~ $10
I will pull a minimum of 5 tarot cards as well as 1 Oracle card in order to give a general idea of what your month ahead will look like. Any clarification cards that I need to be pulled are free.
Question Answer / 5 Cards ~~ $10
Will answer one question, that is within my rules, and pull 5 tarot cards. Any clarification cards I need to pull will be free.
1 Card ~~ $2
I will pull 1 card for you, this can be stacked up so you can do 2 cards for $4, 3 cards for $6, etc.
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No questions about health or financial matters
I am allowed to deny a reading if it is something I am not comfortable answering. We can work out a question that would be better or one I'm more comfortable with or I can refund the money.
Send me a message telling me which reading you would like. Before doing this send the correct amount through my Koi-fi with a message of your Tumblr username in order for me to confirm.
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willows-witchy-ways · 4 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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willows-witchy-ways · 6 months
I'm so excited to announce a giveaway from my shop!
What you get:
• 12oz witchy mug (microwave & dishwasher safe)
• Cardstock Witch hat gift box with 7 mystery tumbled crystals & a list of the correspondences
How to enter:
🌙 •Be a follower
🌙• Like this post
🌙 •Comment your favorite crystal (People who don't comment won't be entered)
Extra entries(optional):
🌙 •Share this(& tag me)for a +1 to your entry
🌙 •Like some other posts on my page for a +2 to your entry
🌙 •Visit my Etsy shop & favorite for a +5 to your entry
Both Tumblr & Instagram will be put into a random name picker for a single winner.
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willows-witchy-ways · 7 months
I just finished making a shadowbox-ish project entirely out of cardstock!
I should have a shop update sometime soon with these cool new crafts!
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willows-witchy-ways · 7 months
Update from Discord server land!
I officially left a toxic discord known as the Occult lounge (please don't join, here’s why)
I have been noticing issues from the "owners" (colonial much?) And stepped down as mod and educator. Fine everything was fine. But the problems this server was having was more so in the back ground. I said it pretty well here so this was my last post which I did post in the main chat for everyone to see.
"Hey guys. There hasn't been an official announcement because this server doesn't do those anymore but I stepped away from being a mod and educator due to a feeling of being overwhelmed. It also is because the admin staff likes to make decisions without consulting others in staff or making radical changes because one member instead of multiple people say they dislike something. I don't know if others feel this way but it's become a toxic environment for those that speak up and don't follow the status quo of the grand vision of the server "owners" if I didn't know the actual definition of a cult. I'd call it a cult.
This may be said in a moment of irritation in which case I'm sorry. But I do think it's time someone was honest with the rest of you.
With that, So long"
I received a message on discord from said owner saying "thanks for that have a goodone" after the fact. Couldnt respond tho. Cool. Thought we were done right? No I received a follow up ON TUMBLR from the same person in the picture below.
Which is right. I could have said something to you...(not really seeing how you blocked me but...oh well)...the point of the matter is you are not a person someone speaks up to. Everytime they do you do voice recordings, long messages, and get so defensive on why you're right and their wrong. So no...I didn't feel I COULD speak up to you. Especially since I gently suggested something to you today and you blatantly ignored me and sent someone else after me. Everyone else in staff I don't have an issue with except those that call themselves "owners"
You don't fucking own me and you don't own my peace.
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Reblog if you support Otherkin. For a few reasons:
So I can find more people in the Otherkin community
so I can see how many people support Otherkin
So I can find Antikins via process of elimination
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I think it's time to do another one of these!
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Interact w me/reblog if you:
⛧Are into Paganism/are a Pagan
⛧Are a Theistic Satanist or Luciferian
⛧Are a Daemonolator or study Demonology
⛧Work with Spirits
⛧Practice Astrology, Occultism, or Witchcraft
⛧Are into Tarot
⛧Or anything similar
Divider Credits: Link
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wait theres people out there who do readings on famous people????
i’m going to speak my mind about certain tarot topics and then run away like i just threw an active hand grenade — feel free to disagree with me, these are just my opinions. don’t like them? you don’t have to.
i don’t think that anyone can accurately describe your future spouse or future partner through tarot cards!! readers who spend all of their time doing future spouse pick a card readings are just feeding their audience what they want to see.
people who do readings on or about famous people and their situations make me feel some type of way. like what are you doing “predicting” bts members love lives? you do not know those men like that. you don’t know those men at all?
the tarot readers on tiktok that only do love related questions but then pull the three of swords and say “he’s definitely coming back to you” YEAH TO HAUNT YOU?? the three of swords is objectively a negative card. trying to make every card you pull some sunshine and rainbows card is so counter intuitive.
i’ve said it once and i will say it a thousand times, you don’t have to have every single upright and reversed card meaning memorized. decks come with guidebooks for a reason.
that’s it for now, if i can think of anything else i will add to the list but like i said, these are just MY opinions. you don’t have to agree with everything i say but i’m curious as to what tarot reader things bother other people hehehe i love being nosy
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Blog Intro 🔮
I thought I should do a bit of an intro post so that I could (1) put into words what exactly I want to do with this blog and (2) hopefully find some more people to follow...
Morgan, she/her, 23, UK
Not sure if I'd call myself a witch or not?? I've never made a decison in my life
I've been interested in witchcraft for over 5 years now but I've not been full on dedicated to research or practicing that entire time
I had a witchy/polytheist blog but I stopped using Tumblr for a while and also kind of felt a bit lost in my practice
I'm looking to follow a bunch of new people (on my main cause this is a side blog)
I'm not too sure on what I'd call myself... I think the best way to approach it is just list the kind of blogs and content that I'm looking for:
18+, no bigots etc. all the usual interaction stuff
Not interested in Wicca content
Spells, "baby witch" content, tips, resources, book reccomendations etc.
Irish paganism
Paganism in general
Irish language resources (for this blog and my main)
Mythology and folklore (specifically Irish but also broadly speaking celtic stuff, also always going to be interested in Greek stuff too)
I still like to learn about some Hellenic polytheism stuff
Also aesthetic/vibes stuff you know how it is
I'd love to find a community of some sorts, especially because I've never been open about my interest in any of this stuff beyond "I like mythology and also witchy candle vibes", so hopefully I can get to know some people and really learn a lot !!
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Post Ideas
What would the people of the witch/occult/spiritual community like to see in a post?
I wanna post stuff so bad but I have no ideas for what to write, no topics brain is empty. plz help
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hey hi hello can you reblog this if you’re a trans-inclusive witchcraft or paganism blog i am fighting for my LIFE out here
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About the Blog
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Welcome to the intro of Willow's Witchy Ways!
This blog is a place where I will be posting about my witchy and spiritual experiences. The posts will be mainly UPG though there will definitely be sources in the posts.
I have been practicing since I was 13 (thirteen) years old, meaning I have about 6 (six) years of experience. My practice started with identifying as Wiccan before I left that and haven't claimed any other labels, other than the very general witch, pagan, omnist, and polytheist.
Currently, my practice mainly consists of spirit work, divination, herbs, crystals, baneful workings, demonolatry, elemental work, and astral projection. Thus the majority of my posts will be on these topics.
Here is the link to my Tarot Reading post if you would like a reading from me!!
Questions are more than welcome in my ask box and I will do my best to answer or provide sources.
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I'm 20 years old and going into my junior year of college! I'm majoring in Anthropology with a minor in Native American Studies and Religious Studies.
I use they/them and xe/xem pronouns. My hobbies are writing, reading, drawing, watching anime, and various video games.
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Almond Basil
Fire Earth Water Air Spirit
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Tarot and Oracle Readings
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Month Ahead Reading ~~ $10
I will pull a minimum of 5 tarot cards as well as 1 Oracle card in order to give a general idea of what your month ahead will look like. Any clarification cards that I need to be pulled are free.
Question Answer / 5 Cards ~~ $10
Will answer one question, that is within my rules, and pull 5 tarot cards. Any clarification cards I need to pull will be free.
1 Card ~~ $2
I will pull 1 card for you, this can be stacked up so you can do 2 cards for $4, 3 cards for $6, etc.
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No questions about health or financial matters
I am allowed to deny a reading if it is something I am not comfortable answering. We can work out a question that would be better or one I'm more comfortable with or I can refund the money.
Send me a message telling me which reading you would like. Before doing this send the correct amount through my Koi-fi with a message of your Tumblr username in order for me to confirm.
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they need to make more study places for bitches who don't want to expose their back to an open room
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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