winding-road72 · 1 year
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For all of your needs...automotive or otherwise.
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winding-road72 · 2 years
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San Juan, PR
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winding-road72 · 2 years
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winding-road72 · 5 years
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The stark contrast of dark and light play with the mind.  The world prefers shades in between, whether grey or color...but not all light or all dark.  We lose our sense of perception.  Looking into the abyss of a black pool, following the light that appears to guide you can suck one into the depths instead of leading to salvation.
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winding-road72 · 5 years
Worth a Thousand Words
Each word moved her.  A series of images in her head created by the deliberate combination of 26 characters.  Anger, lust, love, betrayal, resentment, deliverance...all his ideas and she lived them in that moment.  The brown eyed woman was her.  She felt and knew as he wrote that the things his namesake did...acts he committed on the page were done for her and to her.  She felt it right then.  Wet.  Deep.  Clutching her phone and staring intently at the tiny screen while those words echoed through her whole body.
"Oh God," she whispered, fearing that either the supreme deity or her children would hear.  Her body swayed momentarily and then seized.  A trickle of the ferrous tasting red liquid spread across her lips and then swept aside by her pink tongue after taking an unintentional assault from her teeth.  It was the only way she could attempt to suppress the growing lust as she felt what he created with his words.  
She clutched the phone in her hand desperately, trying to hold it steady enough to read.  It would have been so much easier laying on her back, but on her knees she could imagine.  She could feel.  She could ride and rock back and forth with the words.  She did just that. He licked and sucked her.  Teased her and brought her to the edge of exploding and then put her whole world on pause.  It was beautifully cruel.
"Fuck," teeth clenched and eyes rolled.  Hips grinding as the he did things to her.  She arched and closed her eyes for a moment, letting the words burned into her memory linger for a moment.  Yes...there he was.  His perfect attentiveness to her made the story almost impossible to believe.  It was her story wasn't it?  She was every character, older and younger.  Innocent and perverted.   The new hot, wet sensation probing her challenged everything she believed she knew about herself.  What she felt was familiar in a way that only one familiar with their own anatomy could be.  She...she was slightly different.  Smaller breasts which protruded out from underneath and welcomed a touch.  Could she set the phone down for a moment and let her mind take over where the words left off?  Could she see and feel and taste something she'd never experienced before?  He was taking her there.   It wasn't the only time he did this to her.  The first time she thought the words were safe.  Then she realized it was much easier to let the body do and feel what it would as long as the mind stayed out of the way.  Now he had her again.  Being used by people she never believed would make her feel what she did right now.  As she scrolled through the screen, the soft lips of her new, buxom lover probed the deepest parts of her body as well as her mind.   She drank it in. "No!" she screamed louder than intended.  Did anyone hear?  Her legs clenched suddenly and protectively against the intruder, yet she couldn't stop herself from allowing the woman in.  
A woman...a type she'd never suspected could make her feel the way she did.  Was it her or was it him making her feel this way? The notions of love and sex and lust broke down with each word.  She could love a woman.  Or a man.  Or both.  All.  Lust could be beautiful.   It was blissful.  Soft and sensual, like no experience before.  Pausing for a few moments to close her eyes and let her head fall back, she let the words echo in her mind while she felt the stranger's lips burn their way across her chest and down her stomach.  Fearing she would miss what happened next, her eyes fluttered open again.  The slow seduction continued moment by moment; her breath getting faster and faster while her skin burned hot.  She was so very close.  
Was it his words first or her senses that triggered his presence in the room?  He watched and listened to her from the dark shadows.  It wasn't a betrayal of what she knew they felt for each other for her to be her as she was now.  He wanted her opened and her soul exposed.   There was no way to reach him, so she grasped her lover's hair, pulling her lips into places she'd never felt a woman before.  A soundtrack of her pleasure mixed with music in her head.  Not the 80's keyboard porno vibe, but Beethoven's Ode to fucking Joy Chorus!  The arpeggio played on her by the talented fingers and tongue described in each passing sentence brought her closer to the erupting climax of chorus and symphony together.
He never relented.  Men she never dreamed of touching suddenly appeared on either side of her.  It was his story, but even then she felt as though she had free will as if he wrote as he watched her.  That could not be, yet he knew somehow she would make the choice to take everything he presented her.  Now if only they could all keep her silent.  Certainly she felt her mouth and hands moving back and forth to each as if they could fill her and keep any noise from escaping her lips.  It was the calm before the storm.
Despite the throbbing of every nerve, relief of the kind only he could provide her did not appear.  She needed to see his eyes.  His crystal blue penetrating eyes that would tell her everything she now imagined was not only possible in fantasy world he constructed, but so to in the life she so desperately wanted to build with him.  
She clutched the long member in front of her face and stroked it furiously while the rest of her body bounced helplessly upon the viciously hard pike poles he conjured.  The figure above her tensed as did she and when her eyes raised in anticipation, it was his face staring back at her.
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winding-road72 · 5 years
When it Rains, It Pours: Part 5
There was a reason Tina never got fired.  Drew's thought that she might somehow be in on the video recordings wasn't exactly false, but it wasn't entirely true either.  She and the motel owner were really blackmailing each other...to each of their benefit.  A weird symbiosis that got him a little bit of extra money while illegally recording people and got her all the sex she wanted and a little bit of extra money to go with a roof over her head and work she would have for as long as she wanted it. 
It started with bikers riding from Tijuana up PCH to Laguna Seca near Monterey.  Not the fat, sweaty, biker gang Harley riders kind...but the 250 MPH crotch rocket that left cops and women's clothes laying in a heap on the ground in their wake. 
"How fast?" Tina asked the young blonde "kid" who sat down in her booth that Saturday afternoon.
"Zero to orgasm in 1.3 seconds," he grinned back at her like he was hot shit.
"I'd bet against that every day and twice on Sunday little man," she taunted. 
He had money and he wasn't used to be treated this way. 
He crossed his arms and leaned back in the booth, eyeballing her hard. "Its a HA-YA-BU-SA, lady," emphasizing each syllable.  "The fastest bike in the world," like it was supposed to impress her.
Really what she was trying to get him to do was take her for a ride or let her sit on it so she could feel the power of that machine between her legs.  Hell, the kid wasn't bad looking either, so if she lost a bet and had to give up something like a fuck it wouldn't be a loss at all.
"Put your money where your mouth is, Junior," Tina winked at him, taking off her apron and signaling to the kitchen she was stepping out for one of her regular smoke breaks.  The bikers were the only ones in the café and they weren't going anywhere without their friend.
The kid got out of the booth and followed the older woman to the door.  He didn't invite his friends. 
The bike was pretty.  Red and black.  Sleek, but powerful just standing still.  Tina ran her finger along its length from the taillight to the ignition. 
The kid was right behind her.  She could feel him breathing on her neck, like he was getting as excited about starting the bike as she was about the possibility of getting into his pants.   That is if he realized that's what she really wanted to do.
"Get on," he demanded, pushing a red button on the handle.  It sounded like a jet being fueled.
Tina looked the young man dead in the eye while she hiked her turquois colored skirt up her firm thighs to her crotch and threw her leg over the bike, flashing her landing strip of pubic hair and bare lips at him before settling into the saddle.  Feeling the hum now, she seemed less confident that she could last the whole 1.3 seconds.  She was already on the verge of cumming thinking about this bike and then the tan, young man punishing her cunt. 
He smiled wide at the show and knowing that he would ride the next several hundred miles with a hot cougar's cum on his bike.  Then he it the switch. 
Just firing up the bike without gunning the ignition sent vibrations through Tina's whole body and made her knees weak.  He came along side her and put one arm around her waist and the other on the handle with the throttle.  "When I get to three, turn this handle forward."
She put her hand where his was.  "Wait...we didn't set a wager.  1.3 seconds.  What do I get when you lose?"
The cocky grin returned, "I will give you a thousand bucks if I lose, but I'm not going to." 
"Ok...so what do you get if I lose," she suggested a solution by thrusting her chest out.
"Since I don't need your money, how about you clean your cum off my seat with your tongue and then I get to fuck that wet snatch of yours?" he offered.
It was a win/win no matter what happened.  The boy just didn't realize she'd already cum on his seat once and if they talked any more about fucking, she would again before the real bet even started.
"Deal," she nodded, waiting for him to start his countdown.  Her whole body was already starting to shake.
He took his hand off of hers as he started to count down, "3...2..." As he got to one and Tina throttled up, his free hand slipped between her thighs and his fingers slid across her clit.  Everyone in the restaurant and on the street jerked their heads toward the bike as it screeched to thousands of RPMs.  It didn't take 1.3 seconds for her to splash his leather seat with an explosive orgasm.
"Oh shit!" they both yelled at the same time, yet their tone differed wildly. 
He had to take her hand off the throttle because every muscle in her body was stuck wide open.  When he shut the bike off, her body was still shaking.
"Fuck, you came all over my hand!" he said proudly.
"You cheated, you little shit," she growled at him, still trying to recover.
"Yeah right," he argued back.  "Either you came from the bike, in which case I win; or, I have magic fingers and you're gonna want me to drag you off and fuck you senseless anyway."
"Split the difference," Tina panted.  "Give me $500 and we can go over to that room right over there and you can shove your little pecker in me until you cum.  If you don't get me off, I'm going to ride that smug grin right off your face until I cum."
"Deal," he said, helping her off the bike and holding her around the waist for a moment while she got her sea legs underneath her.
Tina took off toward room 27, the very same room that at the current moment Drew was plowing her with that billy club he called a penis.  Biker dude followed closely behind, pumping his fist and thrusting his hips as he made faces at his friends who stared through the plate glass windows of the diner.
"You had better start getting out of that thing now," she ordered before they even got to the door.  "This is going to be quick, 'cause I can't afford to lose my job over some kid."
"Stop calling me a kid," he demanded, unzipping the aerodynamic leather riding suit and slipping his arms out one at time.
Tina stuck the key in the lock and turned it, thrusting the door open and pushing the young man in before closing it behind her. 
He started to talk again which is not what she wanted right now.
"How do you want to...," he started before she grabbed him and thrust her tongue in his open mouth. 
"Shut up," she said as she pulled away and dropped to her knees.  His fucking skin tight suit hid what was actually a very cut body and a decent cock from the outline in his boxer briefs.  She didn't even get everything all the way off before she had him out and in her mouth.  He was sweaty and salty, but that didn't bother her at all.  She loved real sex that wasn't planned and perfect where everyone showered and douched ahead of time.  
"Fuck," the boy groaned, pumping his hips forward and back while her hands cupped his tight ass.  She let one hand drop down between her legs to rub small circles around and on her clit until she was about ready to cum.
He pouted when she stopped deep throating his long, thin member until he saw her getting on the edge of the bed on her hands and knees.
"Fuck me you stud," she begged.  Tina was getting his confidence up.  She didn't have the time for an angry fuck, even though it might be fun with this one.  Her pussy glistened in the pale light and he lined himself up behind her. 
"I told you I was a real man," he grunted, poking at her with his cock. 
It was almost too thin.  He felt good, but she loved thick...like that fucking bike.  He was taking too long.  Tina could almost hear the pounding of each passing second on the old clock on the bedside table.  Each tick was like a gavel coming down that would lead to her getting fired, but she needed him to cum and she needed to as well.
"I bet a real man like you loves to fuck a bitch in the ass, don't you?" she egged him on.   It was a sure fire way to get it all done the way she needed.
"Fuck...yeah sure.  Yeah I do that shit all the time," he chimed...which told her he'd never even sniffed an ass, let alone had his cock in one.  Luckily, he was thin enough and she was still soaked from stem to stern so he would slide right in. 
"Take me with that snake then," Tina begged. 
He did.  Hard and fast.  Tina reached her hand back to spread her ass cheeks apart just a little further, but she really didn't need to.  The head of his cock was fairly small, so he slid his entire length into her in one push.  It felt fucking amazing, especially when she reached between her legs and began working on her clit again.
"Yeah!" he bellowed, "You like that bitch?  You like getting your ass fucked like this?  I'm going to fuck you senseless." 
"Do it, Baby," Tina moaned.  It was a shame she needed to end this so quickly.  Just as she was getting ready to cum, she stopped rubbing her clit and reached far back between her legs and started massaging his balls as they slapped against her bare pussy lips.  That did it.  She felt him tense.
"Fill me up with that hot cum, Baby!" she demanded.  "I'm cumming too."
"Shit!  I'm fucking cumming," he growled as he filled her ass with his seed.  There was a ton of it.  She loved younger guys for that.  So much cum.  It would be leaking out of her, down her legs for the rest of her shift if she still had a job. 
He slowly pulled his still semi-erect cock out of her and fell backwards towards the old warn chair in the corner.  Tina was already of the bed and reaching for a towel that was crumpled up on the floor to wipe up some of the mess before pulling her skirt down and heading for the door.
"Make sure you close the door behind you," Tina demanded.  "And don't forget our deal."
The kid just nodded and she walked out and back toward the café.  Her boss was standing behind the counter, waiting with his arms folded. 
Tina just smiled.  "Better keep an eye on your buddy," she said as she walked by the booth of other riders.  "He may have a hard time walking or thinking for the rest of the day."
The older Indian man pointed back toward the kitchen and had his phone clutched tightly in the other hand.  He made sure the door was closed behind them before starting in on her.
"You are fired!" he said his thick South Asian accent.
"For what?" Tina asked.  "The State of California says I'm entitled to two fifteen minute breaks and one thirty minute break every shift, and you rarely give them to me."
"To fuck?" he asked furiously.  "You...fucking!  Customers!"  He kept waving his phone in the air.
"I don't know what you are talking about, sir," she said calmly, knowing that the $500 she was hoping was sitting on her table wouldn't get her hardly anywhere in this state.
Finally, he committed.  He held up the phone and unlocked it, turning it to her so she could see a video of the young man clearly entering her ass... in her room!!! 
"You have a camera in my room?!?!"  Tina yelled loud enough for anyone in the restaurant to hear.  "You've been recording me this whole time?"
"You are employee and fucking during work," he tried to pass off the clear violation of privacy, but his head and face grew more and more sweaty and red with each passing moment.
Tina had him, but what did she want to do with him?
"Listen mister, I don't know what country you come from, but here in these United States...that's a violation of my Constitutional right to Privacy and I could have you arrested," she stated matter of factly. 
The man began to stammer, realizing he'd screwed up.
"Fact of the matter is, I need this job," Tina said.  "I also like to fuck.  I even don't mind people watching.  But here's the deal...if you ever do anything to piss me off or even hint at firing me, I'm going to the cops.  Now how many of the other rooms have cameras?"
She got to move to a nicer room and yes, it had a camera as did all of the guest rooms.  Tina may have hinted that they could make some money selling the videos at first and then live streaming them, but didn't ask where he was doing it and how.  She just knew she was making money, had a roof over her head and a secure job. 
The bikers came back through town on their way home.  The video of her and the young man did so well, Tina decided to invite all of them to her room.  The gang bang was her first and by far their best selling video so far.  It helped that two of the guys were former motorcycle racing champions including "Chris," the guy who fucked her the first time around.  It also helped that several of them were hung like donkeys and fucked her over and over again for couple of hours.  It was the only encounter where Tina asked for the next day off and where her boss gladly gave it to her.  He just closed the café for "spring cleaning." 
Now here she was, a few years later with her face buried in the pussy of a beautiful young woman and a thick member being driven into her by an older guy who's brother had just ploughed her not 30 minutes before...and who's cock was getting sucked by the same young woman she was eating.  Is this the circle of life or what? 
"Come on Daddy, fuck me good," Tina encouraged Drew before returning her probing tongue to Rayne's bare slit.  She knew her boss was watching as were several thousand other people.  That thought alone made her cum, but it was Drew's swelled head drilling away that made her squirt like a porn star. 
"MMMMMMM....," she moaned as her cunt contracted and nearly pushed Drew out.  But he stayed strong and pushed through, letting go inside of her, roaring the entire time.  Her whole body shook like that afternoon on the motorcycle.  Mike and Rayne were hazy visions, still kissing and fucking away as she retired; strong hands pulling her away from the young lovers.
Tina lost sense of where she was, floating for a moment and then settling on a cloud before falling asleep enveloped in arms that held her close against a soft, carpeted chest.  It was the first time she felt at peace in a while.
To Be Continued....
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winding-road72 · 6 years
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Sun-kissed goddess, Freya, girded equally for fighting and fornication.  Carnage or Pleasure left in her wake.  Mankind accepting either fate.
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winding-road72 · 7 years
There are simply things that one should not do.  Not because they are illegal, but that they defy social convention and commonly accepted morals.  This makes wanting the people I want that much more difficult.  Both in terms of the depth of my desire and the sadness that some things simply cannot be.  They are much deeper than just a crush unless that crush means the weight of the whole world perched perilously on my heart. 
I will say I love you and they will say it back, but they will never know what I mean.  That I long to blurt out how I want them in every way is something they can never know. My spirit is connected to theirs. My heart to theirs.  My mind to theirs.  I hope they feel when I think about them.   Even the hint of sadness so perhaps they will know in a different world, maybe...just maybe. 
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winding-road72 · 7 years
Threshold: Part 2
Light is a funny thing.  We hide from it sometimes and relish it at others.  We get scared that people might see our flaws or we may use it to reveal things that are truly beautiful, but hidden from us in the dark. 
 Drew knew Angel was beautiful.  He watched her from across the room during the reception as she danced and smiled her way through the event.  Sometimes it wasn't an honest smile, but she did it anyway.  It was only by chance that they ended up talking to each other while she and others smoked outside.  He didn't smoke, but there are often times much more interesting people who do smoke than the stuffed shirt prudes who remain inside with their vices hidden from everyone.  It was those same prudes along with her stupid boyfriend...(ex-boyfriend?) who ruined one part of her night, but drove the two of them together. 
 Now he had this woman in his arms, carrying her into his room after a quick, explosive tryst on a dark but very public pool deck.  It was the first moment they had alone and suddenly, for once, he wasn't sure what to do. 
 Angel was equally as unsure.  She had never thought a strange man would be carrying her into a hotel room.  Maybe in a fantasy she thought about a man she loved doing it again, but wasn't anywhere close to that now...especially not after tonight. 
 The bed was a huge king with mounds of pillows and a thick down comforter.  There were even a couple of chocolates to go with the bottle of champagne in a chiller and two flutes that sat on the night stand.  A "thank you" from the resort to the friends and family of the bride and groom. The air conditioning was cranked up to combat the hot, sticky Georgia summer.  It made the hairs stand up on his skin and he was certain the chills would hit Angel soon, if not already. 
 Drew laid her down on the bed and stood frozen looking at her incredible form.  The puffy covers accepted her body like the heaven in which her name prescribed she belong.  Stretching and squirming, Angel spread herself out on the cloud. 
"Oh God...what a day!" Angel sighed as she writhed on the bed, smiling up at him.
Flipping onto her stomach, Angel offered the zipper to her lover to pull down so he could finally remove her dress.  It didn't hinder them much in the frantic groping and fucking outside, but anything extra on either of their bodies were unnecessary barriers now.  
As he tugged at the annoying metal tab, Drew saw the ink across her lower back for the first time.  Tattoos...he had a thing for women with them.  Sometimes it was the story behind the art and sometimes it was the tattoo itself.  Mostly, it was the risk a person was willing to take to have their body marked in such a way.  A commitment of a sort that involved pain and permanence.  He couldn't not touch her again. 
Angel shuddered and goose bumps spread across her body as Drew used his finger to trace a line down her spine from between her shoulder blades to the inked area of skin on her back.  Her butt wiggled while he yanked the dress to pull it down over her hips.  There were so many ways he could go, but he wanted to ease her tension before they resumed their extracurricular activity.  He needed to touch the tattoo again. 
It seemed like his hands could close completely around her waist and make her do whatever he wanted.  They pressed into her back, working through her tight muscles...the sinew built over years of hard work making other people happy.  Now she was the one being pampered. 
"Mmmmm..." she sighed. 
The pressure was constant.  He put in energy and drew out the aches and pains leaving tingling pleasure it his wake.  Up to the tangle of curly hair and back down to her perfectly formed ass.  The longer his hands touched her, the more the pressure built inside of him remembering what happened a short time ago. 
"You know we talked outside for almost an hour," Drew mentioned, trying to make some kind of small talk.
"That's right!" Angel chimed, suddenly realizing where and why she recognized and felt comfortable with him.  "I thought you were trying to bang that other woman who was so trashed."
He really concentrated on her shoulders now and she buried her face into the bedding while he spoke.
"Nah," he said.  "I like a woman to remember that she's been with me.  Someone drunk like that?  That's just like my wife.  She would fuck anything that moved whether it was me or someone else.  Wouldn't matter."
There was an awkward silence for a few moments.  Not that Angel didn't have anything to say.  She clearly did after the shit her boyfriend pulled.  It was just the things his hands were doing had her paralyzed.  The more he talked about his wife the harder he kneaded at her body.  She was enjoying it even at his expense for a moment.
"I think I remember seeing her at the engagement party," Angel said, turning her head to look at him as he stood still clothed next to the bed.  "She was so trashed.  I think she ended up in the hot tub without any clothes on at one point.  I'm sorry."
His huge hands ground into her even harder, to the point where it almost hurt...but the good kind.  She gasped and he froze.
"I'm sorry," Drew apologized, pulling away.
"No...don't," she begged.  "I should have left it alone.  Can I change the subject for a sec?"
"Yes, please," he replied.
"Do you do legs," Angel asked, blindsiding him a bit.  "My upper body feels fucking fantastic, but my calves and feet hurt like a sunofabitch." 
She saw him smile as her country came out and that made her smile return.  Their eyes caught each other for a moment and neither wanted to turn away. 
"Lotion," she hinted before his hands got hold of her again.  Not that she minded feeling the manly texture, but for her legs she wanted and needed them to glide along her skin. 
Drew left her side and went into the bathroom for a moment, coming out with a bottle of what was probably the most expensive lotion either of them had ever seen.  Fortunately when he popped the cap on it, the odor wasn't overly offensive.  Juniper and something that made their nostrils tingle.  He was attentive, putting a dollop of the thick white cream in his palm and warming it in his hands before grasping one of her feet.
"Why aren't you at my house every day when I get off work," Angel sighed as his hands worked their magic on her instep, toes and heal. 
"I do house calls," Drew offered.  "I don't think your boyfriend would like that though."
He regretted it as soon as he said it because her whole body tensed up right away.   He let her foot go and leaned over the edge of the bed next to her, his hand on the small of her back and his lips next to her ear.
"No more talk of them," he stated as much for her as for himself.  "There is no one in the world but you and I right now." 
He felt her body relax under his hand and he kissed her shoulders, then her tattooed spine before returning to rubbing her feet.  They were completely silent for a while save for the occasional moan escaping her when he hit a particularly sore spot on one of her feet. 
Angel still tingled from chugging the whiskey a couple of hours ago.  Where her buzz would normally have worn off and she would have fallen asleep, this man kept her heart racing and her head spinning.  She needed his hands, but also something cool for her lips. 
"It would be a shame for that champagne to go to waste," Angel suggested.  "I mean...since the bride's parents paid for it and all."
They both laughed.  There were no more superficial and shallow people on the planet than the young woman's parents.  It drove them absolutely crazy that their daughter was marrying the young son of a single mother who was strong and didn't put up with their shit. 
"I've got an idea," Drew offered.  "Why don't we pile those pillows up and you can sit back and let me keep working on these crazy calf muscles of yours so you can enjoy some of that bubbly?"
"Great minds think alike," Angel laughed.  "Why don't you get the bed ready and pop the cork for me..."
The veiled reference to his earlier release was not lost on either of them, leaving them both laughing as he watched her perfect body disappear into the bathroom.  His excitement stirred again despite his efforts to control himself.  Neither of them were ready for him to pop off that way again just yet. 
Angel emerged from the bathroom in a thick terrycloth robe just as the cork hit the ceiling and it made her squeal in surprise.  Uncharacteristic of her given how tough she normally was. 
"I can't believe you got it off without me!" she hinted at the rather phallic looking scene in front of her.  They both laughed. 
"Well, being around a woman with your body gets a guy kind of excited if you couldn't tell," he replied, looking her up and down with only a mild disappointment that her body was covered.  He grabbed one of the champagne flutes and filled it too near the top and the bubbles splashed over onto his hand.
"There you go again," she chastised as she walked up to him, taking the glass from his hand.  "How is a girl to tell if a guy is excited with all those clothes on?"
She put her hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes before taking a sip of the cold bubbly.  The banter and innuendo had her heart racing as she was sure it did his as well. 
"Hold this a moment," Angel demanded, handing the glass back to her masseuse as she climbed onto the bed and leaned back against the pillows. 
Her knees parted slightly and she could again feel the contrast of the cool air in the room against the excitement between her thighs.  She held her hand out for the glass, but what she really wanted between her fingers was something else. 
Drew set the champagne bottle down and reached for the lotion before starting to climb on the bed.  Angel cleared her throat and waggled her finger at him. 
"Ummm...still too much clothes," she admonished. 
"But you put a robe on!" Drew responded childishly.
"Only to keep you from getting too distracted while you are doing my legs," Angel offered.  "Does this help?"
She loosened the tie around her waist and the robe separated slightly, showing the curve between her breasts.  She kept the robe between her knees however, not wanting to reveal all to him again just yet. 
Their agreement reached for the time being, the man stripped down to his boxers so as not to be too immodest or to reveal to soon how he was feeling right now. 
"Much better," Angel approved. 
"Thank you," he replied.  "Now where were we?  Oh yes, those calf muscles."
Her legs truly were perfect.  Some may have argued overly muscular and not ladylike enough, but not him.  To Drew, they were a sign that she worked hard and played hard.  He was slightly embarrassed now being half naked with her because he wasn't as fit as he wanted to be and still had a hard time believing a woman like her would consider doing what they did in anything other than the dark of night.  So much for his confidence.  Until he touched her.
Angel loved the chest hair.  Yeah, she'd had her share of shaved guys who were all tatted up and smooth, but sometimes it was nice to have a man who wasn't afraid to be a man handling you.  He wasn't a gym rat, but the way he moved her around out at the pool and how his hands handled her now, she knew he wasn't a couch potato.  She took another deep gulp of champagne and closed her eyes while his hands worked away at her tense calf muscles and wishing they would work on something else.
"Mmmmm...." she sighed.  "Are you sure you don't want to do this for a living?  I couldn't pay you much." 
"So you want an exclusive contract," he asked. "No sharing or pimping me out to others?" 
The bubbly was really going to her head now because the thoughts of him and her and other people she knew came flooding in where she would normally not allow. 
"Well, maybe with a select few," she hinted.  "But otherwise you would be all mine."
Angel's heart beat so hard that it pounded in her ears.  She was getting closer to drunk, but not too much.  His hands were moving up her legs, around her knees and pushing them apart slightly to allow access to her thighs.  She gulped the last bit of champagne from the glass.
"You'd better slow down on that," Drew hinted.  "I might get you to agree to all kinds of special incentives in my contract."
"I've spent my life slowing down for other people," she said, setting the glass down on the bedside table and grabbing the bottle out of the chiller. 
Drops of freezing water fell from the thick green glass down onto the bare skin between her breasts while she chugged straight from the bottle.  Her back arched and she gasped as soon as the bottle left her lips.  The cold droplets formed into a small stream that flowed down to her belly. 
"You keep touching me that way and you can have whatever the fuck you want," Angel sighed as his hands wrapped around one of her thighs and he worked the tense muscle. 
"Whatever I want?" he inquired in a slightly sinister tone.  "My tastes are fairly simple most days."
Drew could feel her trying to move to him as his hands pressed further up each thigh.  He was almost between her legs completely now and her robe separated revealing her perfect stomach and pouting puss.  It made his cock lurch in his boxers thinking about tasting her again.  Having her firm nipples between his lips. Filling her up.  What he wanted right in the moment was very simple.  What his horny man brain envisioned outside of this moment was not.  He promised he would stay right here. 
"Hey!" Angel yelped as he took the bottle from her hand and took a big swig of his own.  While he handed it back, she still pouted at him.  "I didn't think your tastes included my champagne!"
She drank again and then held the bottle to her chest while his hands continued their magic on her.  She had completely given over control of her legs to him and didn't care at all now that her thighs were spread completely apart and her pert breasts and nipples were exposed. 
"What tastes?" she wanted to know. 
His hands never stopped working at her upper thigh as she suddenly felt his lips on one of her protruding nipples.  The cold bottle and excitement of him had them aching and his mouth suddenly and unexpectedly sucking one of them in made her gasp.  He let go too quickly she thought...until he found the other.
"Damn you," she groaned.  "That's not fair.  I wasn't ready."
"You asked the question," Drew stated.  "I just didn't use my words to answer."
His hands moved to her other thigh and they came closer and closer to her vertex.  Drew could feel the heat of her excitement.  His own was barely concealable any longer and if he got much closer she would feel him. 
"Fucker," she slurred a bit, drinking again from the bottle.  "What if I didn't like that answer?"
She was poking the bear now, but the bear needed to keep some self control even if she didn't want him to.  Drew moved his hands all the way up between her thighs and as he came closer to her wet slit, he let his index finger slide between her lips before moving away.
Angel started to open her mouth again and suddenly found a finger with her own not too unfamiliar taste between her lips.  She instinctively closed her mouth around it and sucked. 
"That taste is my favorite," he answered while she moaned in some agreement. 
Angel's mind flashed back to the way his tongue felt inside of her while she squatted over his face.  She wanted to feel him again, but more.  She wanted to be selfish and use his desire for her whether it was payback or missing the skill of someone who truly enjoys pleasing her this way...she wanted it.
"What are you waiting for then?"  she chided, poking the bear again. 
Drew's whole mindset flipped from being in total control to not being in control at all.  He ripped the bottle from her grasp and set it on the nightstand against her protestations before taking a leg in each hand and twisting them to flip her onto her stomach.  It happened so quickly, all Angel could do was let out a half hearted yelp before her face was pushed forward into the pile of pillows.  He pulled her hips up and put her knees underneath her, but left her legs spread enough that she was still open to whatever he was going to do to her.  It wasn't what she expected.
"Mmmmm," Drew could hear Angel moan into the pillows.  She was in for the ride of her life and unless she kept her face there, the entire hotel would receive their morning wake up call with her screaming and cursing him. 
He was pretty certain she was expecting him to take out his cock and fuck her senseless.  The thought had crossed his mind.  So too had the possibility of snaking his tongue into her pussy again.  It was literally dripping in anticipation.  He would get to that too.  Right now, however, he wanted her to experience something unexpected. 
Angel wasn't used to the sensation of a tongue pressing against her sensitive asshole.  She was used to the occasional drunk "oops" where a guy tries to shove it in the wrong hole on "accident", but not having it teased as a form of foreplay.  He held her hips steady and pried her cheeks apart, letting the protruding tip of his tongue trace around her puckered hole.  Normally she would have been nervous, but the champagne mixed with the earlier whiskey and all of the touching over the last hour made her amiable to anything he would do to her.
"Such a perfect ass," Drew commented before blowing lightly on the area where his tongue had just been.  She shivered and muffled moans came from the pillows.  "I wonder if I can make you cum without touching your pussy at all?" 
Was he really going to do this to her?  Angel questioned momentarily how wise it was to be this vulnerable in the hands of someone who could do what he wanted with her.  That included the possibility of him taking that fat cockhead and ramming it straight into her ass.  It was an exercise in trust. 
Drew could feel her body freeze as he was certain she was thinking he would totally violate her.  Instead he returned to softly circling her ass and pushing his tongue gently inside of her.  With each intrusion, Angel pushed back against him, trying to get him farther inside of her.  She wanted him to fuck her with something.  His tongue felt amazing, but she needed girth and depth.  He could pound her right now but there was no way to make him. 
"Maybe they aren't so simple," Drew said, pulling away from her for a moment. 
He kissed each of her cheeks and then sat back to see how her body reacted.  She was still trying to push back against him and began to turn her head.  He solved that by working his index finger into her ass.  Angel buried her face back into the pillow and screamed. She was slick and slightly open from his tongue, but the thick digit pressing against and past her tight pucker shocked her. 
Neither of them moved for a moment.  He let her body get used to having something in her ass and she breathed and let herself enjoy the tingling.  She was so close to cumming and wanted to...but also wanted to enjoy this feeling for a moment before she begged him to fuck her. 
What's that line from the song?  These hips don't lie?  Angel's didn't and before she could even ask, Drew began moving his finger in and out of her ass in time with the rotation of those hips.  He let her take him in further and further if she wanted or to pull away...though she never let him slip from inside her.   
"I hate you," Angel huffed.  There was a button this man was pushing that drove her absolutely insane.  She was so close to cumming. All he had to do was touch her clit or run a finger between her pussy lips and she was a goner.  She tried to reach a hand down between her legs to help herself along.
"Don't...," Drew commanded as he began to withdraw his finger from her completely.  "Give me your hand."
Angel reached her cheating digits back to Drew and he took hold of her wrist firmly.  She wrapped her other arm around the pillows in anticipation of some kind of punishment.  Her penance, if it could be called that, was the insertion of his index finger all the way into her anus and curled it down toward the thin wall separating her ass from her aching womanhood.  It felt like he was reaching all the way through her to touch the button that could set her off.  He technically still hadn't touched her pussy, though he was as close to it as one could possibly be. 
Drew could feel her pulsing as her body adjusted to the violation of her ass and then accepted it as something it wanted. 
"You're used to getting what you want, aren't you," Drew asked.  She nodded as best she could with her face still buried in the pillow. 
It was so clear to him why.  Men would bend to her out of desire and women would hate her, but still do what she desired of them.  Having this little control had to drive her crazy.  He could picture her pouting face and loved it.  He knew what was to come even if she doubted it momentarily. 
Angel couldn't keep her chest from heaving trying to keep from hyperventilating.  It was intoxicating and scary what he was doing to her.  It didn't help that he was now playing with and spreading her ass open with the thought of what might be to come.  Would fuck her ass?  Did she want him to?  She knew what he felt like and how he filled her mouth and womb so completely.  She would gladly have both again.  That thing in an even tighter hole made her nervous and scared.  Every time he shifted on the bed while he moved his finger in and out of her, she tightened up at the thought.  Fear was the only thing keeping her from cumming, but just barely.  Even that was beginning to work against her.  She imagined being tied up and blindfolded, giving herself over completely and suddenly she relaxed and began to orgasm.
"Mmmmmm," Angel's sounds of pleasure filled the pillow.  Drew could feel the difference immediately.  Her ass opened to his finger and he thrust it deeper into her, withdrawing and then pushing into her again.  He let go of her wrist and reached for her hair, grabbing her curls and pulling her face back out of the pillow.
"Tell me what you want," he demanded.
"You," she huffed between climaxes. 
"It's going to hurt, Angel.  You understand that, don't you," Drew confirmed.  As he looked at her inked lower back and tight body.  Thought about the piercing through her tongue and he knew pain wasn't something she was afraid of.  If anything it was a reminder to her of being alive. 
Angel pushed her behind into the air as far as she could make it signaling her readiness.  Drew worked his finger into her deeply one last time before withdrawing much to his lover's reluctance. 
There was no lubrication aside from their own anticipation.  Drew let go of Angel's hand and instead of mounting her as she anticipated, he grabbed her thin frame and flipped her onto her back like a wrestler pinning his victim.  It wasn't what she anticipated and her sharp squeal echoed in the room. 
"I want to look at you," Drew proclaimed, reaching for one of the thick pillows and propping her upon it. 
Angel's curls spread over the comforter and she stared back and Drew with a lust and intensity that didn't require words.  He was poised right at her puckered hole.  His precum and the wet anticipation from her coating the forbidden entrance.  He didn't have to ask if she was ready.  What little movement she could muster while he held her legs in the crooks of his elbows was torward him, not away.
"Slow," she begged at first, knowing this was not like ripping off a bandaid.  It wasn't Drew's first time, but it was with her and the fear that he would hurt her was real.  Angel reached between her legs and grasped his shaft with her long fingers, holding him steady while the sweet and sticky tip pressed into her.
Drew's head and heart and body pulsed, like one giant heart beating hard.  He could feel himself spreading her apart and her body initially fighting back despite her eyes telling him she wanted him to continue.  They widened moment by moment, her mouth opening and her hand releasing him and falling to gently rub her clit until finally...
"Uhhh," Angel expelled as the large mushroom pushed past the threshold and popped inside of her. 
The white walls began turning purple and pink and red around them while the sunrise filled the room.  Angel glowed like her namesake, but the look of lust growing on her face and the words coming from her lips could not be considered "heavenly." 
For Drew, the feeling was almost overwhelming.  Her body gripped him tightly and even while Angel begged him to thrust, he stood frozen in the moment of completely filling her.
"Fuck me, Drew!" Angel yelled.  She hadn't really said his name since the beginning of the night and hearing her call him...specifically him, broke the trance.
She weighed next to nothing for him anyway, but coupled with adrenaline Drew moved her lithe body at his will.  Angel clung to the bedding with one hand while continually frigging her clit with the other during the repeated crashing of their bodies.  Withdrawing until only his pronounced head remained in her, he would drive himself back home again and again. 
Drew thrust into her while pulling her to him simultaneously in perfect time like a piston.  Not an identifiable word escaped their lips, though the room was filled with sound to accompany the scents of sweaty and satisfying sex. 
In the mid-pleasure thrashing of her head, Angel caught the glint of the green champagne bottle and let go of the comforter long enough to reach for it.  Drinking required letting her clit rest for a few moments to prop herself up.  Drew recognized her struggle and lowered her ass back to the pillow supporting her which changed the angle and speed of their sex.  He slowed and let her take a long pull from the open bottle, which still managed to spill on her chest despite how careful. 
"Want some?" Angel teased, putting the bottle to her lips again?  Drew simply nodded, but when the vixen held the bottle out, she poured it over her chest and belly.  His eyes smoldered.
"Come and get it," she taunted, thrusting her chest out at the man.  To get close enough, Drew had to push himself into her as deep as he possibly could, leaning forward to take one of her protruding nipples between his lips.
"Fuck," she sighed, rotating her hips to take in his cock like she had done earlier with his finger.  She couldn't have enough of it and when he took her other nipple between her teeth and bit, it nearly made her cum again. 
Angel's legs were long enough to wrap around him and she locked her ankles behind his back while bottomed out on his cock.  Of the piercings she did have, now she regretted not having her nipples pierced.  Something that would change after tonight.
"You sure don't share very well," Drew complained as Angel moved the bottle away and offered her other breast again instead. 
"But I still haven't gotten what I want yet," she argued, reaching first one hand around the man's neck and then the other.  He wasn't like some guys who would have bent under her grasp.  He stood stock still, his member stuffed in her ass, and allowed her to pull her chest up to his. 
"Oh," Angel yelped when Drew grabbed her around her small waist and lifted her clear of the bed.  She clung with her arms and legs, but truly wouldn't go anywhere because of the several inches of him buried inside of her. 
"Yes...give that to me," she demanded as she arched her back and held onto his neck by only her finger tips. 
Drew had the full view of Angel's body again.  Her firm stomach.  Her perfect breasts.  Her beautiful face with that tantalizing pierced tongue and her golden curly hair.   He began to move her again, up and away before letting her fall back onto him.  Angel did her best to move with him, like a child pulling on the chains of a playground swing to thrust higher into the air. 
Angel wasn't sure if she was cumming again, or if this was just the same prolonged orgasm her body seemed to experience since he laid her down.  She wanted him several places at once, but the one he was in would have to do for now.   She knew he was close from the way he breathed, she learned from earlier.
"Come on," she said.  "Give it to me!"
The day was beginning to fill the room in an explosion of light just as he began filling up her ass with white, sticky seed. 
"Fuck," Drew grunted, continuing to drop her onto him over and over again until he finally expelled every last drop into her. 
Angel tingled all over and hoped he would just lay her down and pull away.  She got the best she could hope for when the man moved one of his hands from her thigh up to her back to pull her to his chest.  Her hair tickled him again and his chest hairs played with her nipples, but none of that mattered because they weren't letting go. 
"Was that still an improvement on your night," Drew asked, breaking their momentary silence.
"Oh yes," Angel replied.  "Many times over, thank you."
"You're welcome," he said as he began setting her ass back down on the puffy comforter.  He finally softened and slipped from her, leaving a gaping hole for a moment before her body began to recover.  Angel sighed reluctantly, but held tight to his neck encouraging him to follow her.  Drew moved onto the bed with her and collapsed. 
It seemed their eyes barely closed when the sharp knock came to their door.  Not housekeeping.  Not at this hour.  Angel started at the sound of voices, but Drew didn't move even when the knock came again louder and the lock disengaged....
To be continued...
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winding-road72 · 7 years
The Finals
Another quick and dirty story for a friend... If there was one thing Sarah could count on during the spring, it was her dad having friends over to watch basketball. Off and on for three months, starting with the NCAA tournament and going through the end of the NBA finals, they would sit around and drink while the pined for the days of their youth and how "they could have taken Labron" back in the day. As Sarah got older, it became necessary to stay in her room more and more. It started in her early teens when suddenly the men realized she had tits. No bra and her shirt stretching across her growing chest. Mom noticed the looks first and prohibited her from coming out of her room without a bra ever again. Funny thing was, she loved the attention. The men would wink and make comments. One friend even walked behind her during one of the games and pressed himself against her. She could feel something hard in his pants rubbing her butt and smell his rancid beer breath. Maybe she should have been grossed out by it, but it made her heart race and her girl parts tingle. At least that's what she called them then. This continued on from year to year with one or two of dad's friends taking more liberties with touching her and their comments. She had a boyfriend now and was essentially an adult. She knew they wanted to fuck her and would say as much when her mom and dad weren't paying attention. It was the ones who didn't say anything or touch her that she was even more interested in. One in particular would cast glances at her and his face would crinkle in near rage when he saw the others approach her. He didn't normally drink, but this year he was. Something happened at home and she could tell from the talk he had with her dad that it wasn't good. Maybe it was a divorce or he caught his wife cheating. Either way it sounded like the guy was angry with life and the time he had here watching the game was the only break he got from it. The games on the west coast didn't finish until near midnight and tonight's was a blowout. Maybe the whole crew would have stuck around if it was a weekend. They all had to work the next day though and the house started to clear out by the 3rd quarter. "Hon," her dad said, "Drew is staying over tonight. We are carpooling to work tomorrow." That was the excuse her dad gave anyway, but she knew. The man was going to sleep on the couch and had an overnight bag that looked more like a suitcase with at least a week's worth of clothes. He would be staying more than just the night. Sarah went to her room and put in her ear buds while she texted her friends who were also stuck at home for the summer. It sucked not having a car. The bathroom light shown under her door for a few minutes and then clicked off. She didn't think anything of it. Just another night. It must have been 2 in the morning when she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Forgetting about the visitor on the couch, she turned the light on and filled her glass before turning around and realizing the guest was laying there on the couch. He was in his boxers and a t-shirt but it was so hot that the blanket was cast off on the floor. As she focused further, she realized his cock was hard and sticking out of his boxers. Not just kind of stiff, but thick and firm and damn he was excited. He didn't wake up when the light came on and seemed to be snoring, so she walked over quietly to see. He wasn't as long as her last boyfriend. He was black and hung like a horse. Its amazing her folks never caught her fucking him in the house. He was an ass and a cheater though so despite the good dick, he had to go. This guy was as thick and his head was as big if not bigger. She wondered how he would feel in her mouth and her pussy for a moment and got that same tingle she felt from her dad's friends. She always did like older guys. She didn't want to wake him though and definitely didn't want to get caught. That didn't stop her from leaning over and touching the tip of his head with her tongue to grab the little bit of pre-cum that was beading there. He moaned a little bit didn't wake before she scurried back to her room. Her dad usually woke at 5. Even as a teenager he would come in and give her a kiss before going to work. She liked it and her body was conditioned to enjoy that moment and not let him know she was awake even though she usually was. So when the door opened, she didn't respond. The footfalls approached the side of her bed but instead of feeling a kiss there was just silence. She stirred a little and moved her head closer to that side of the bed just in case he was afraid of leaning over too far and waking her. The fingers in her hair were different. Daddy usually didn't do that. It was caring beyond what he normally did. That was fine, but it was tempting to open her eyes to see if he was ok. Then the covers moved. Inside she was beginning to get nervous. In the hotter weather she slept with just a thin t-shirt on that didn't cover all of her and when the covers were gone she could feel the air against her pussy...she was exposed. She tried to tug at them to cover herself back up but the hand on them wouldn't let her. The voice in her ear next wasn't her fathers. "If you are going to touch me that way you should really finish the job," he said. She opened her mouth to say something and instantly had it filled with what she assumed was the cock she stared at earlier. She could see it in her head even though it was dark now. That large purple head and the veins running down the underside. She moaned as he pressed further into her mouth. "There you go," he said taking the back of her head and pushing himself further in her mouth. She started gagging a little but tried to take him in even further. She didn't want him to stop. Her pussy was soaking wet. He took his hand away and she kept sucking. Reaching up, took his thick shaft in her hand and stroked him while her lips and tongue concentrated on his head. He was shaking. Trying to hold off cumming she assumed. Sarah didn't know how long it had been for him. Her hand fell to his huge balls and she played with them gently, urging him to want to fuck her mouth harder. He started panting, getting closer and closer. "Mmmmm," she said. "Cum for me Daddy." She devoured him again and took his cock head all the way to the back of her throat before letting him almost all the way back out of her mouth again. He started shaking before the first stream of his cum hit her tongue. It was quickly more than she could take in her mouth and she tried to swallow. It seeped from her lips and onto her t-shirt. She was afraid he would groan to loudly but was able to hold it in and not wake up her parents. He pushed his cock into her mouth one last time and she swirled her tongue around him to gather as much of his salty seed as possible before he slipped from her mouth and then left her room. All week, she thought. Oh the possibilities.
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winding-road72 · 8 years
Hal blurted out, "you need to get you some of this,” to Lisa as he grabbed my crotch amidst the buzz of the graduation party.
He didn't know I'd already had his best friend many times over the few years prior and that more than likely I would have her again later that night.  My alcohol induced buzz let my mind wander to places that made me harden while his hand rested there feeling me grow.  His blue eyes widened.
"Well, on that note I gotta take a leak," I said, smiling at my lover's gay friend.
He let me stand up reluctantly.
"Let me know if you need help with that," he offered.
I chuckled as I walked out of the den and down the hall to the restroom.  My cock was still hard.  His hand felt good and I wondered for a moment if he and Lisa ever talked about me.  I stayed semi hard even as I pissed and struggled to zip up my shorts without catching myself in them.  The hall was dark walking back to the main room where I could hear everyone getting more and more drunk.  People were getting laid tonight.
I didn't see Hal come down the staircase that emptied into the very pathway I walked, though I suspect he timed our meeting perfectly, "accidentally" bumping into me and pressing me up against the wall.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, putting one hand on my chest and letting the other wander back down to my bulge. "You really do need some help with this."
The scratchy whiskers from his five o'clock shadow brushed against my face and neck.  I'd never kissed a man and here I was suddenly wondering what it would be like to kiss him.
Hal was a gorgeous man.  If there was any guy I would ever think of doing it with, it was him.  As tall as me, eyes like blue sapphires, perfect hair and a model's face.  A hairdresser, community servant and all around good person.  What wasn't to like?
I felt his lips brush my neck and as he whispered one last message, "come see me tonight."
My heart raced as he walked away and rejoined the party.  I couldn't figure out what to do or where to go right at that moment.  My heart was torn between needing another late night tryst with Lisa while her 400 pound husband snored away in the next room or waiting until she fell asleep too and sneaking out to meet Hal.  It turns out my decision was made for me.
As the house emptied, Chris dragged Lisa upstairs and others paired off to the remaining bedrooms.  I was left in a dark room alone in the basement listening to the man of the house pathetically try to fuck my lover.  My erection never subsided and my mind turned to Hal.  To his touch and the smell of him standing so close to me.
My phone buzzed.  Two thirty in the morning and the text flashed, "are you coming?"
It was him.
"I need to," I typed back quickly. "Tell me where."
The address popped up on the screen followed by, "the door will be unlocked."
I didn't respond.  I threw my clothes on and grabbed my keys.  By this time, I was stone sober save for my mind being on fire from the confusion and excitement of something and someone new.  I couldn't get to his house quick enough.  Made two wrong turns and missed the driveway on the first pass.  I paused before trying the doorknob, waiting to see if I would back out.  No...this was happening.
Hal was standing there in pair of jeans, a white linen short sleeved shirt unbuttoned to show off his tanned chest, and no shoes.
"I didn't think you were coming," he said.  "It felt like forever."
"I got lost," I said, thinking at the same time that I wasn't sure I was coming either.
I walked over to him and we stood close for a moment like two teenagers who had never done this before.  Not sure whether to hug or shake hands, we reached out at the same time and put a hand around each other's arm and came close again.  Then it just happened.  We looked into each other's eyes and our lips met.  That strange feeling of prickliness returned, but it didn't put me off of how good his lips felt.  Our tongues began to dance with each other and our breathing grew more rapid as the moment intensified.  It seemed like it lasted for hours before we finally broke for air.
Hal motioned to the den and asked, "do you need to watch some porn while we do this?"
I hadn't noticed the big screen TV showing a buxom blonde getting taken hard by a couple of guys who looked like body builders.
"I don't need that to be excited," I said, pulling his hand down to my bulge.
He smiled and took my hand, leading me to his bedroom.
We stood there for a moment next to the bed and he undressed me, but stopped my hands when I tried to do the same.
"This is about you," he paused, looking me straight in the eye.  "I want you to be comfortable."
"I trust you," I said, and let him finish stripping me before laying down on the bed.
He turned and picked up a hand towel from the dresser before laying down next to me.  We embraced and kissed again before his hands and soon his lips roamed over my body.
"A real man," he sighed, letting his fingers get caught up in my chest hairs before he took one of my nipples between his lips.  My cock stirred in excitement.
I closed my eyes for a moment and enjoyed his touch.  I didn't have to think about a woman to stay hard and when I felt his lips touch my pelvis, I had to open my eyes and watch.  There his blues were staring right back at me as his lips parted and he took a lick of the sticky pre-cum before taking my swollen mushroom head between his lips.  I moaned and my eyes rolled back.  He was incredible in every way.
I normally do not cum from oral, yet here I was being take care of by a master.  A man who made it his singular purpose to please me.  I managed to resist for a few minutes, but the stroking and sucking and licking brought me ever closer.  He let me fall from between his lips to my regret.
"I want to see you cum," he stated.
I took my member in my hand while Hal continued to massage my balls and lick quickly at my head while I brought myself the rest of the way.  I'm glad he didn't let me finish in his mouth.  He needed to see the excitement brought on by his attention over the course of the evening.  My legs tensed suddenly and I growled as the first jet took flight high into the air and landing on my chest.  Each spasm brought a new milky, thick glob of my seed as Hal watched wide eyed.
Eventually, I stopped cumming, but my body continued to shake.  It was as intense an orgasm as I ever recall having.
Hal looked at the meager towel he held in his hand and realized it was horribly inadequate for the task at hand.  "Do you want to take a shower?" he asked.
"I'm fine.  Just wet the towel and I will be ok," I replied.
I closed my eyes while he went too the restroom and waited for the water to warm up before soaking the cloth.  Nearly dropping off to sleep from contentment, I came back to reality with his caring hands wiping the thick goo from my chest and hips.
"You came a lot," he said.  "I've never seen anything like that."
"You had me very excited and it's been a couple of months for me," I replied.  "Thank you."
He deposited the cloth in a hamper and returned to my side on the bed.  We kissed again.  That's when I reached for him.
He began to push my hand away and I pulled back so I could look into his eyes.  "I want to feel you."
This time I started with his shirt, undoing the remaining buttons and exposing his tanned, shaved chest.  I returned the attention to his nipples that he gave mine and thought he was going to crawl out of the bed and up the wall.  It felt good to know I was pleasing him.  His crotch was very swollen and as I tugged at the button securing his jeans, I found him ready for me.  His manhood emerged full and thick and ready for me.  While my shaft is thick, it is the size of my head that gets most people.  With Hal, his shaft was even thicker than mine with a small, pointy head adorning its tip.  He leaked pre-cum that covered him and my fingers as I stroked him.
I wanted to taste him.  His whole body shuddered nervously while I made my way over his tight stomach to his cock.
"I've never..." I started.
"You don't have to," he assured me.
"I want to," I replied, licking his head and tasting the sweet nectar of his excitement for the first time.  "I just don't want to hurt you."
"You will know," Hal said.
My real fear was my gag reflex.  I have a horrible one, to the point where dentists will sedate me to do work on my teeth.  I took his head in first and licked all around it before opening my jaw wider and wider to take him in.  I felt him flinch slightly as my teeth dragged along his shaft, but eventually took him all in.  I didn't gag.  It actually felt natural and when he moaned as my nose touched his pelvis, I knew I could do this.  I let him part way out and his hips rose to meet me as I took him back in.
As quickly as I thought my orgasm came, Hal's was even quicker.  He pushed me away just in time to avoid filling my mouth with his seed.  Several small spurts landed on his belly and hips.  The milky white color looked beautiful on his tanned skin.  I leaned forward and licked a dollop from him and swirled it around in my mouth.  I was afraid I would hate it, but far from it.
Hal lay there panting and smiling.
"I've dreamed about seducing a straight guy for a long time," he said.
"So that's what I was, just a conquest to you?" I joked.
"Actually, I've wanted this for a while," he replied.  "Lisa tells me some of the stories Helen tells her."
"I didn't realize I made that kind of impression," I replied as I pulled my shorts up.
"I hope I get to see you again soon," Hal said as he lay there, propped up on an elbow while I put my shirt and sandals back on.
I leaned over and gave him one more kiss, "Count on it."
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winding-road72 · 8 years
The anon seemed to equate being a Dominant with being a sadist. The two certainly are not the same.  I suppose it is easy to confuse the two.  Both involve one having a measure of control over another person, yet that's where the distinction begins to part ways.  Doms benefit from a willing sub and the sub benefits from having a caring Dom.  A sadist can be a sadist regardless of the willingness of their partner.  In my opinion, they thrive more on the unwilling partner than on a masochist who enjoys being used.  
Feel free to correct me if you have a different opinion. We all speak from our experiences. 
Been reading ur blog. U need to stop calling urself a dom. All this lovey crap makes real doms sick. A sub is not for respecting and loving. A sub is for using and thats what they like. Its fine that u love ur girl, just dont call urself a dom. Real doms show dominance, use there sub and leave her laying like the cunt slut she is. Bein all sweet, and all that does is give her power over u, which makes u not a dom.
Hi there, Anon. I almost didn’t even dignify this with a response, but I think you’ve actually given me a good opportunity to say something that new doms need to know, so kudos to you. 
First and foremost, let’s establish something right here and now: You don’t get to tell me what I am, and you are damn sure not the leading authority on what does and does not constitute a dominant. For the record, I didn’t wake up one day and decide to be a dom. I never even thought of myself that way until I met belovedsangi 10 years ago. I always had the characteristics of a dom, sure, but I didn’t ever put that title on myself. That title was given to me by my submissive. SHE is the one who wanted to call me Master, and Sir, and sometimes Daddy. I never told her to do these things. But of course, you probably think I am making your point for you and that if I were a REAL domly dom, I would’ve demanded those things. 
And that’s where you have a fundamental issue understanding the meaning of the title. So let me help you with that. 
A dom does not demand respect. He conducts himself in such a way as to be worthy of respect. 
A dom does not bark commands. His presence is such that he can seduce and command with nothing more than a glance. 
A dom does not raise his voice. He is the kind of man who gets what he wants without needing to. 
A dom is not a braggart. He is possessed of a calm, quiet confidence that is evident in his demeanor, the way he walks, the tone of his voice, and all other aspects of him. 
A dom understands balance. He knows that while a firm hand and discipline are critical in this type of relationship, knowing when to be gentle and understanding is every bit as important. 
A dom is a gentleman first and foremost. That doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a fancy man who values the finer things in life, but he does understand manners and protocol. He opens the car door for her. He orders for her if she is having trouble deciding. He treats strangers with courtesy and respect. 
A dom is a protector. He makes sure that his submissive feels safe and protected at all times. This means so much more than just telling her you will protect her. A dom shows her. He keeps a hand on her shoulder or on her waist in crowds so she doesn’t get nervous. He sleeps on the side of the bed closest to the door so that he is always between his submissive and an intruder. He walks on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street so that an errant vehicle will hit him before his submissive. If anything or anyone should threaten his submissive, he must be prepared to fight for her with the ferocity of an alpha wolf. 
A dom earns her submission. It is not a thing to be demanded, expected, or assumed. And he continues to earn it, each and every day.  
A dom values her submission. Fully submitting your will and trusting your body and well-being to someone takes a kind of strength most can’t imagine, and a dom never loses sight of that. 
A dom understands that being a dominant is 10% privilege and 90% responsibility. He is literally taking her life into his hands. He is accepting the most sacred and important thing she has to give. He is taking her burdens and bearing them as his own, always, every day. 
A dom is consistent. He understands that he can’t just be her protector, lover, confidant, master, etc. when he feels like it. There will be days when a dom is tired. There will be days when he is stressed. There will be days when he is broken. On those days, it is more important than ever for a dom to show his submissive that he is still everything she needs him to be. 
So what does it mean, then, to be a dom? I get the feeling that you, anon, would say that it’s all about making her kneel, having your way with her, shouting orders and using her. Helpful hint: Any jackass can buy himself a whip and bark commands. That’s not a dom. Don’t get me wrong, I do absolutely have my way with belovedsangi. I love it when she kneels. I love the kinky, rough, mind-blowing sex we have. I love to dominate her in the bedroom. But for every moment of that, there are a hundred moments of holding her, of talking to her, laughing with her, gaming with her. There are a hundred moments of making her feel safe when she is afraid, giving her confidence when she is unsure, comforting her when she feels troubled. Those are all things that a dominant does too. 
I love my submissive more than I love oxygen. I love my submissive with a fire that can never be extinguished. I value her and respect her in every way. I treat her like a queen and fuck her like a slave. These things don’t make me weak. They don’t make me less of a dominant. These things make me stronger than you can possibly imagine. There is nothing quite so formidable as a dominant who has found the perfect submissive to fuel his fire. Never will you see anyone love so strongly or fight so fiercely. 
Bottom line, Anon, is this: you sound like a boy playing at being a man. You decided one day that you were sick of women having willpower and a voice of their own, so you decided to call yourself a dominant and seek out some weak-willed submissive who wouldn’t talk back to you or stick up for herself. You are not a dom. You are a jackass with a whip. Classic case of toodomforyou.
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winding-road72 · 9 years
No one seemed to think she could be stressed out. Like"only being 18" somehow exempted Becca from ‎life. If anything she was forced to grow up far earlier than her friends in every way.  It was hard because they didn’t understand. No one did. It was unbearable. 
Today was one of those days. Fight with mom. Argument with boyfriend. Shit at school. The only respite Becca found was in her room with her bear.  ‎Not just any bear…a larger than life sized panda. Those ones with the super plush fur that you could sink into and get lost.  
Like many days, she came home, slammed the door closed and rushed to the bathroom, bypassing the comments and criticisms of everyone in the house. The shower cranked on hot, Becca stripped down in front of the mirror.  She both loved and hated her body. Girls were jealous of her breasts and the attention they got from boys and teachers alike, so they criticized every other part of her.  ‎While the words hurt, they didn’t realize she actually enjoyed her body. 
From a very early age, Becca realized she could make herself cum. Maybe she didn’t know what it was called until she heard and saw her momthat one night with some “friend” screaming “oh fuck, I'm cumming!” and he said the same. She noticed it a lot after that even though her mom tried to protect her from it. Becca would just got back to her room, lay on her bed and begin to touch herself until her body felt the same thing she thought her mom was feeling…that same intensity.  It was a few years later that one of those men her mom was close to, like a dad to her, bought the panda for Christmas. It brought Becca joy and eased her sadness. She also found his arms to be a warm and inviting place to lay while she touched herself.   Sometimes she would clamp one ofhis legs or arms between her thighs and squeeze it against her crotch until she came. Often times that happened on days like today.  
"Fuck you!“ Becca screamed at the door when the persistent knocks started trying to force her to deal with whatever issue wasgoing on at the time.  
They finally stopped and she climbed in the shower, scrubbing furiously at her body until her skin glowed pink and tingled all over.  ‎It was exactly how she wanted her body to feel when that plush fur joined with her skin. The thought made Becca’s pussy tingle and she slid her fingers down along her slit, just spreading them enough to put her middle finger in to the first knuckle. 
She didn’t want to cum in here.  It took every bit of self-control not to lay down in the tub and frig her clit until she came. Her buddy was waiting for her. 
A rush of activity in the hall with the bathroom door swinging open and Becca’s bedroom door slamming generally indicated the stormhad not yet passed to the others in the house.  Not everyone in the house currently ‎understood the sign. 
"Ahhhh…” Becca sighed, flopping down in the arms of her giant bear. 
The bath towel hung loosely over her body, held tenuously up by her full breasts. It didn’t cover her entirely. The towel ‎barely covered her bum and shaved puss. The air in the room was much cooler than the steam filled bathroom. When that mixed with her wet excitement, it made goosebumps rise on Becca’s skin and the moisture flow even more. She reached back and opened the nightstand drawer without having to look. She knew right where the solution to her condition sat.  
Becca so focused on her pleasure that she didn’t hear the heavy, but deliberate foot falls in the hallway.  The shadowy form followed the wet footprints leading from the bathroom to the girl’s door. In Her haste, she didn’t ensure that the door latched as it slammed and a small sliver of light breached the dark corridor. It allowed figure to peer in on herwith dark intent. As she reached back to the drawer for her toy, the towel covering Becca fell away. Her still pinkish skin was alive from the air and the plush fur ‎surrounding her.  She wriggled her curvy hips and ass to pull the towel completely away and expose as much of her skin to her friend's embrace as possible. 
"I love you…“ she whispered to him, spreadingher legs wide and pulling one of his big arms around her.  
Becca’s nipples grew harder than they already were which made other parts of her ache as well. The fuzz caressed her in a way so much more sensual than any man. It’s too bad he couldn’t make love to her in more ways than his touch. She dreamed sometimes about him having a cock and how it would feel to have his weight on her while he plunged into her…or better for her to straddle and ride as she sometimes did with her toy inside her pussy. 
The coos and moans slipped through the crack in the door along with the light. The man watched anxiously as Becca closed her eyes and pushed the little vibrator from her drawer down between her breasts, over her belly and stopping right near her clit.  
"Yes…do it,” he groaned, rubbing his hard on through his jeans. 
No one was paying attention right now. Too many drinks took their toll on the adults in the house, including the girl’s boyfriend. As the light began to fade outside, the oranges and purples painted her pale skin. ‎ He unzipped his pants and released his member from the building discomfort.  
Becca took one of her bear’s “paws” and held the vibrator to her clit with it.  
"Fuck, you know how to do me,“ she sighed.  
There was no response, just the pounding in her eardrums from the excitement growing inside of her. Her hips squirmed against the less than rigid fur and foam. Damn…why didn’t he have a cock? It was frustrating. She never looked toward the crack in the door. Never even opened her eyes. She just lay there on that big pile of fluff trying to getherself off and the frustration was building. Then she flipped onto her stomach.  
"Look at that ass,” he hissed. “Fuck, I could eat and pound that all day.”
It was a level of crudeness he normally didn’t exhibit around anyone…but younger women made something snap in him. He pushed the door open a little bit more now that she clearly couldn’t see him. It was arisk he was willing to take. Secretly he almost wished she did find him this way. 
Becca pinned her vibrator against one of the legs that she then wrapped her legs around, pressing the toy against her crotch. Humping away at her friend while her breasts rubbed back and forth over his hairy body brought her so much closer. 
"You tease!“ she cried. "Why do you do thatto me?"
The need was blinding for both the girl and the man watching her. Becca’s thoughts raced to her giant teddy spreading her wide and fucking her deeply. Her audience could only imagine how sweet and tight the young woman was in front of him and how he wanted to show her what really pleasure could be.  
The door was completely open now and the man stood just inside, his thick cock in his hand. His huge head bulged purple and a dribble of pre-cum flowed down onto his fingers. At first he was afraid she would hear, but her own pleading moans drown out his heavy breathing. Her ass moved forward and back, up and down…searching for anything that could give her what she needed.  
"Oh God,” she sighed with a shudder.  
Becca’s body quaked and then it subsided just as quickly.All of these little orgasms didn’t do anything to satisfy her and she began to cry. She loved her bear, but needed more.  She clenched her eyes closed as if making a wish for some secret genie. Just as she did, Becca felt a different, more bristly fur against her spread legs and ass….then something warm, wet and semi hard flitting over her asshole and down between her swollen lips. 
He was afraid she might scream, but didn’t care at this point. Her young, sweet holes called to him, begging to be licked and sucked…and fucked.  She moaned louder, but didn’t open her eyes or scream. Instead, she pushed her knees apart, letting the furry panda leg slip from between them.  
Was this a dream? Becca didn’t want to open her eyes and wake up if it was.   She wanted to feel what he was doing to her everywhere. The squirmy probe slithered toward her clit and pushed the vibrator away momentarily. The numbness caused by the constant barage of buzzing gave way to the slow, sweet attention of his tongue. 
"Ahhhh…“ she sighed, arching her back to push her hips and butt up and out as much as possible. He put his large hands on her hips to pull her to his mouth,going from french kissing her clit, to fucking her with his insistent tongue. 
“Mmmm…fuck me bear. Please…” she cried.  
Did she mean him? She had to. The girl completely gave herself over to his mouth…she must want more.   It was a step beyond anything he’d imagined.  Becca pouted when the furry skin and skillful tongue pulled away from her. That was replaced by something new…a cock she wasn’t used to.  She knew her boyfriend and in some way she hoped it was him behind her. This wasn’t. The thought of getting caught…and then used by someone made her insides dance with new excitement.  
He looked down at his swollen cock as he moved the head upand down along her swollen lips. She was so wet that he could imagine sliding inside of her with no hesitation…but not yet.  
Becca tried to push her hips back against the stranger. She was no longer under the illusion this was some bear dream.   The need had built in her so much she didn’t care who he was.
“….please….,” she begged him.  
It was the signal he was in control of whatever would happen to her from this point on. He’d imagined her pierced tongue gliding over his cock. He’d thought about her walking in the door and straddling him on the couch. They were all forbidden wishes until now.  
"You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you?“ his deep,bearlike voice growled.   
He teased her pussy mercilessly, spreading her young cunt lips apart with his mushroom head, but going no further. 
"No,” Becca replied matter of factly.  
His free hand left the small of her back and swatted herpale white ass, leaving a growing red hand print. The girl squealed, but didn'tcry out for help. 
"Are you sure?“ he asked.  "If I had your attitude I would have been spanked too."
He punctuated his point by striking her bum again in the same spot. The first brought shock…the second really stung.  
"Yes…I am,” Becca sobbed.  
"Slamming doors, filthy words…teasing me with yourlittle pussy and tits,“ his voice trailed off.  "Do you loveyour bear?"
He knew the answer, but she confirmed it anyway by nodding her head.  
"From now on, I will be your bear…and when you beg him to fuck you, you will be asking for me,” he ‎stated as he plunged himself completely inside of her.
"Holy shit!“ Becca squealed as his thickness filled her completely. 
He stayed there for just a moment and then she felt his hands grab her hips. Her mind flashed lights of every color like a kaleidoscope, but she kept her eyes closed tight.  Then he started. Slow at first, he let himself slide almost completely from her before he thrust back in. Becca wrapped one arm around her bear’s neck and held tightly to her little vibrator with the other.   Each thrust inside of her left her breathless.  
He growled like a bear behind her as he pounded away. The moisture flowed, squishing out of her from around his shaft.   When she made sounds, they were long, slow moans into the plush creature she clung to for dear life. That’s when he felt a tickle, like a dull hum.
 Becca needed to cum badly. He felt good, but him and the vibrator would feel better. She moved the thumb shaped toy down between her legs and pressed it against her clit.  
"Fuck!” she cried as the orgasm finally crested.  
It didn’t stop with one. She kept the buzzing object firmly affixed to her little nub while he drove into her over and over again. Each time she would try to squeeze her legs together and hold both of them there.   More. She needed more.   The harder he fucked the harder she ground the vibrator to her clit…and the harder she came. She gushed out around him and her knees began to shake. 
 "Don’t….stop….yet,“ Becca begged.  
There was one more in her and it came when he did. She moved the toy down even further to tease his shaft as he withdrew and that did him in too.  
"Jeezus, fuck!” he grunted.
The first spurt of his copious cum was left deep inside ofher and the feeling of being filled with his seed set Becca off again. He pulled out just as the second spasm released an even larger stream of the milky white fluid all over her ass. He let go of her hips and grabbed his shaft, pumping himself wildly.   Jets of cum shot up toward her back and ass until finally they slowed to a dribble.
 Becca lay clinging to her bear, her eyes still closed. He picked the vibrator up from the floor where she droppedit and shut it off.  
"Next time we will have one of these for your ass,“ he stated as he stood and composed himself.  
She could only sigh and wonder as she started to fall asleep in the arms of her big, furry friend.  ‎Her Bear.  
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winding-road72 · 9 years
Just Friends
Everyone feels it at some point in their life.  It is like young love...or infatuation...or any number of other names we can put on it.  The tingling skin and pulsing temples.  The inability to put two words together coherently when you are trying to say something to the person you "like."    There is fear too.  Opening ones self up to sharing a feeling that may not be reciprocated.  That sense of being shot down and possibly losing a friend in the process.  Yet I find I cannot get out of my mind the singular feeling I get when I see that girl.  It is like realizing beauty for the first time.   I am happy when I'm with her.  The smile she shares infects not just me, but everyone around her.  And when she touches me...God when she touches me my heart flies away and all I want is to keep that memory on my skin and in my mind forever.  I do...I feel every hug.  I feel every time she lays her hand on mine or takes me by the arm.  Thoughts of all the ways we should touch occupy my waking and sleeping moments.  The smells and sounds of her are there too, forming as complete a picture as I am allowed to have.   In the end I realize it cannot be.  I'm "taken" by another, at least in one form even if my heart is somewhere else.    I will not be able to make love to her.  I will not be able to comfort her as she struggles through her loneliness except as a friend.  I wouldn't trade that for anything.  Any time, thought, hello, touch or smile is worth it to me.  It is worth having that feeling that spreads over my body from my head to my toes.  A part of me likes to think she may feel the same.   
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winding-road72 · 9 years
Threshold: Part 1
‎Everyone and everything has a threshold; a breaking point past which there are long lasting consequences. They can also be a positive or negative. Engineers test the tolerance of materials and machines to see when they fail. Or it may be a line to be crossed into a new world, like a groom carrying his bride through a door to their marital bed. It is generally good in its literal and symbolic meanings.
For Angel, nothing was positive about it right now even though this should have been a happy occasion. Her limits were tested tonight like they hadn’t been in a long time. Betrayal by a lover with a friend was not something easily forgiven. Figuring out exactly what to do about it was the problem. Was it just the heat of the moment combined with copious amounts of liquor that pushed them together or something else? Could it have all just been a misunderstanding and the problem was her own perception?   She hoped the water would help clear her head.  
It must have looked funny to anyone watching if they could see her through the dark, moonless sky. The tall figure in a shimmering gown that hugged her lithe form and tapered down into the shallow water of the empty pool‎…she could have been a mermaid or one of Odysseus’s Sirens.   Holding her cusedly uncomfortable heals, Angel bent down and slid her hand through the thigh-high slit and rubbed her calves to get some relief from at least that physical ache.   “Too much dancing?” she heard a deep voice fill the air behind her.   She turned and sought the source of the voice in the dark. Her eyes had not yet fully acclimated to the night, but she could see the faint outline of a tall man standing several feet away. 
“Too much drama,” Angel replied. The sweet lilt of her Southern charm drew out each sound. 
“You can say that again,” he chuckled. “Aren’t you the groom’s mom?"  He could clearly see who she was, even in the dark. It made her wonder if he hadn’t followed her. Yet the man hadn’t moved and she had ways out along with her voice if she felt in danger. Clearly the whole hotel would wake with a scream.  In truth, she didn’t mind the company. 
"That’s me‎!” she chimed like a school girl at roll call.  
“I thought you were his sister until they called your name,” he complimented. 
“You don’t look old enough to have a kid my son’s age let alone one old enough to be getting married." 
"Why thank you,” she replied, knowing the compliment was double edged. She didn’t just look young; Angel was young. A blessing in many ways in that she was close to her kids like older parent might not be. On the downside, the snobbish stares of folks who didn’t agree with the fact that she started so young stung her, even with her tough exterior. 
“You are by far the prettiest girl at the ball,” he complimented. ‎"Are those slippers you’re holding made of glass?“
"Oh stop!” she begged. “Now you’re just blowing smoke.”
“No, I’m really not,” he said taking a step closer. “I was distracted all evening.   Pissed my wife off though. A lot of things did.”
It was a huge wedding and Angel searched her memory for who the man might be. It was useless. So many new faces coming into the world her son’s betrothal brought them. 
“I was on the bride’s side,” he said, realizing she was probably trying to figure out who he was. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have noticed me.”
“How do you know?” she asked. “After my boyfriend showed out his drunk ass, I started noticing all kinds of people.”
‎She kicked at the water a bit with her toe remembering the anger from those tense moments inside. A taste like sucking on a battery filled her mouth.   She was reaching another threshold…a line that could be crossed or just toed to death before backing down. 
“I’m sorry about that,” the man said. “No one deserves to be treated the way they did you. Is he still here or did he go home?”
“He’s back in the villa too drunk to drive his sorry ass home,” Angel fumed. 
“And that’s why I’m here.   He sure ain’t getting any tonight.”
The more upset Angel became, the thicker her accent…and the greater her desire for a drink.   She wasn’t sure why she brought up sex. Just testing the waters she guessed.   And then he bit.
“But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get any,” he said.
There was a long, silent pause as the two contemplated the veiled offer.  
“I mean, shit….you are gorgeous,” he stammered. “You could have any man in there if you wanted.”
“Except my boyfriend evidently,” she laughed. 
He chuckled with her and took another step closer. Angel’s eyes were more used to the dark now and she could kind of see him. She had noticed the man. He was tall, broad shouldered, balding, but handsome enough. She had no clue what his name was and not sure she wanted to know given the direction her mind was going.  It sent a pleasant shiver through her. 
“Cold?” he asked, taking off his jacket and moving toward her before she could even respond. 
“I suppose,” she said. “But the water is soothing. A drink and a smoke would make it even better.”
“I can’t help you with the smoke,” he sighed regrettably, “but the bar is still open. Let me run and get you something.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Angel said, even though she hoped he really would.
   “It really isn’t any trouble,” the man replied. “Here, you take my coat so you don’t get too chilly and I will run and get us a drink. Are you a whiskey girl?”
“Please…,” she pleaded. “A stiff one. Not that weak shit they’ve been trying to push on everyone all night.”  
“You got it,” he said stepping up to her.   
He towered over her as she stood one step below the pool deck. Even though she was tall, that 8 inches plus the 4 or 5 he had on her already made him seem huge. Angel was going to turn her back to him so he could put the coat over her shoulders that way. Instead he whisked the jacket through the air and around her while she faced him, drawing her to him like a fisherman with a net. His arms pulled her all the way in against him and he held her there for a moment.   She drank in his scent and the feeling of his arms and hands on her for that brief moment. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized suddenly. “You just looked like you needed that.”
Before she could say anything, the man walked away in the direction of the reception. Left alone again, Angel found herself missing the stranger’s presence. She turned and sat on the pool deck, keeping her feet in the water. Her dress hiked up her thigh, revealing her tanned, toned leg. She worked hard to keep herself looking this way and it stung that it took a stranger to give her the attention she deserved.  
In a short while she heard foot falls again. She didn’t move. If it was him, he would know where she was. If it wasn’t, maybe they would just keep walking. 
“Someone was holding out on us,” his voice echoed with excitement.  
She hear glasses clinking and then felt him approach her. He set down two low ball glasses with a few cubes of ice in each and then a bottle with a familiar red wax seal.  
“That wasn’t out there before!” Angel said excitedly.
“Yeah, I know,” the man said. “The gal at one of the bars ran to get some more ice and I peeked underneath after seeing her pour something for the bride’s dad. Sho nuff!”
Suddenly he plopped down next to her and thrust his feet in the water too. She didn’t realize he’d taken his socks and shoes off and rolled up his suit pants. Angel was already working on the bottle and handed it over in frustration so he could finish. He poured a couple of fingers each and set the bottle down. 
“Hell no,” she cried, grabbing the bottle.   “If we’re gonna do this, it will be done right!" She filled the glasses nearly to the brim.  
"Hey!” he gasped. “I don’t do this that often. Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?”
There was that awkward pause again.  
“I just might be!” Angel chuckled, and he along with her. There were far worse things that could happen tonight. 
They each grabbed their glass and held them up for a moment.  
“To young love!” he offered.
“Fuck that,” Angel replied. “To old lust! That sounds a lot better.”
Their glasses touched and some of the precious brown liquid splashed onto each of their hands. Angel sucked it off of her fingers. 
“You’d better not let that go to waste,” she ordered him.  
“Seems like you took care of yours just fine,” he observed. “Want mine too?”
He meant it as a flirt, but Angel was passed that. She grabbed his hand in hers and plunged his index finger into her mouth, savoring not only the whiskey but the thought of what this was doing to him.  
“Mmmmm,” she moaned as she took his middle finger into her mouth, using her tongue to gather the smokey sweet liquid before finally letting him have his hand back. 
‎"Good Lord,“ the man sighed.  
Angel giggled and took a huge swig from her glass. Much too big considering she was still laughing. ‎ Half of what was intended for her mouth ended up on her chin, neck and chest. 
"Shit, I can’t believe I just did that!” she cried. 
Without a pause he turned to her, took a handful of her long, tightly curled hair and pulled her head back to expose the faintly glistening skin. He leaned over in and sucked at her neck, running his tongue along her skin.   Angel gasped, but didn’t push away. He had edge closer to her and now her bare leg touched ‎his.   The man’s persistent lips and tongue moved down to her chest, toying with the top of her cleavage before returning to her neck and then her face.  He stopped. Right at the corner of her lips.   Angel sat there panting; her chest heaving at the intensity of the moment. 
“I think ‎I got it all,” he said in a voice much huskier and darker than before. He clearly didn’t want to stop where he did. 
‎"Maybe,“ Angel replied. She stopped paying attention to her need for a drink and turned to another ache inside of her. 
He sat, leaned back with his hands planted on the pool deck and legs out in the water. Angel stood, wobbly at first and then hiked her dress up before turning to face him and stepping over his legs. The slit in her dress was high to begin with, but now it exposed a part of her that had grown very excited in the last several moments making her whole body tingle. She knelt on the pool deck, straddling his thighs. They were thick and hard which only made her think even more about the rest of him.  She kept leaning forward until she finally found his lips waiting for hers. 
His lips and tongue were softer than the rest of him. They accepted Angel’s kiss and took her in. ‎There was urgency and want, but also an unspoken desire to make this last.  ‎Their tongues met, probing and playing with each other.   It had been a while since either felt something this new. Angel kneaded at his chest, feeling his strength and wondering what it would be like to have him possess her. It made her hips squirm and she inched forward on his thighs until she found his excitement. It was empowering to her. She could feel his lust and knew it was because he wanted her. Their kisses grew deeper. 
The man wrapped his arms around Angel and lowered her on top of him on the pool deck. They slid along on top of each other, his hands reaching for her ass and she moving her hips to center the bulge in his pants against her aching mound. 
"I think you missed some,” Angel moaned, pushing away from him to pull her dress and strapless bra down and expose her firm breasts. “Right there.”
She thrust a breast into his awaiting mouth and he took it in. His tongue played with her nipple while he sucked as much of her tanned tit in between his lips as possible. 
“Fuck,” she sighed. 
 ‎He mimicked her as best he could with his mouth full.  
Angel fully rode the mountain inside his pants. He worked her dress up over her‎ hips and could feel the texture of his wool slacks against her silk covered clit.  What had started for her as a romantic tryst with a mysterious lover was now developing into the full-blown need to sate her lust.  
‎Angel wrestled away from him and sat up, pulling at his shirt to expose his chest to her. She needed to feel skin on skin. The man put his hands behind his head and watched her fumble with the buttons on his shirt. She looked down at him in frustration barely detecting the outline of a smile on his face. She would take care of that smug look. 
She stood up, pushing herself off and standing over him with her dress pushed up on her hips.  Her gash was soaked and needed something. 
“You missed another spot,” Angel said, moving over his head.  
Not waiting for a reaction, she lowered herself down onto his face.  ‎ Sitting in a catchers crouch she waited for the probing tongue that lit fire to her lips and nipples before. She wasn’t disappointed at all. He traced the shape of her puffed pussy lips and the dripping groove between them before pressing against her slit.  Angel’s silk panties were drenched‎ and truly in the way of what she wanted. 
“There you go,” she sighed. “I spilled so much and it got me all wet.” She pulled aside the silk from her shaved lips and let him touch and taste her without the cursed barrier. “See….so wet.”
The muffled approval‎ was lost to Angel.   She rocked back and forth on the man’s tongue and would stop with her clit against his nose before moving back again and letting his tongue play with her. He was persistent.  Her free hand found an aching nipple and pulled at it.   The whole thing made her head swim and lose track of everything that happened earlier in the evening. 
The first orgasm snuck up on her.  ‎Angel had to keep herself from screaming and from falling over. She felt his hands support her, but also center her on his tongue. He fucked her with his tongue like he was drilling for oil and was rewarded with a splash.   
“Uhhhh…,” she grunted, her legs shaking as the ripple moved through her.   It didn’t put out her fire as welcome as it was. If anything, it made her need him even more. 
He needed her as well. If she could have seen him through the darkness, his eyes would have told her everything.  ‎If she couldn’t see,  he would let her feel.  The man let her fall back off of his face and onto his chest and legs, sitting up as she moved back and continuing until her legs were wrapped around his torso as he began to stand. She squealed when they left the ground at first, but then enjoyed the anticipation of where this new ride would take her.  
They didn’t go too far. ‎ He knelt, depositing her gently on the edge of a lounge chair. Angel kissed him again, this time tasting herself on his lips. She’d always thought she tasted good and it was even better sharing herself with him.  She was finally able to reach down and pull his shirt free, reaching up underneath the layers to feel his hairy chest. Her hands only lingered for a moment before working on the other area of need.  
His body shuddered when she traced the outline of his cock with her fingers.  ‎ He kissed her harder and she grabbed him with equal passion.  His belt clinked and the sound of his zipper seemed insanely loud in the quiet that was only broken by the two of them.  
“Wow,” was all she could say. 
Angel was surprised at how thick he felt in her hand. His head was large and leaking his sticky pre-cum onto her fingers while she explored him. He began to pump his hips forward as their mouths ground harder into each other and she stroked him.  He was ready and so was she. 
He grabbed her, pulling her ass to the very edge of the cushion.   It was her turn to lean back.   Angel felt him pull her panties to the side and nearly burst with the anticipation of feeling him enter her. Then it happened.  
“Yes…” she hissed as his head pushed against her lips, spreading them open and then in.  
It was a beautiful sensation having a nice cock enter her. He kept moving deeper and deeper until he could go no further.  ‎Angel wrapped her legs around him and held him inside. They writhed against each other, trying to gain every last millimeter.  
Angel finally let go of him with her legs and spread her knees as far apart as they would go. He held them there and withdrew everything from her but his head. 
“Fuck me,” Angel said, half asking and half demanding. 
He drove into her hard, but didn’t pull out right away. Her muscles grabbed at him anxiously.  When he did pull back, she didn’t want to let him go except to anticipate his next powerful thrust. Those began to come harder and faster. Angel reached down between her legs again. Her clit ached for the attention she was giving it.  She was going to cum again. Unlike the first time tonight, she could feel this one build and had to bite her lip when it arrived.  She couldn’t squeeze her legs together this time with his large frame and arms keeping her spread wide. She simply had to stay there and take his relentless pounding which kept her going.  
“Shit!” she cried, louder than she’d intended. “When are you cumming?”
Not that she wasn’t enjoying this…but she wanted him to as well.   Then he pulled out all together and she practically sobbed. 
“You want me to cum,” he growled. “Try this.”
He flipped her over on her stomach like she was a rag doll and pulled her pesky panties down her thighs before letting her knees drop to the ground. They were spread apart and her ass and slit were exposed to him again.  
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked as he slid his mushroom head up and down her crack. 
“Yes…I want you to cum,” Angel begged. She knew she would again too. Hell, she was already close. 
He ‎wasn’t gentle when he grabbed her narrow hips and thrust forward.   It pushed all the air out of Angel and she had to suck it back in quick before he rear-ended her again. Then suddenly she felt her head jerk back. He grabbed a fist full of her girls and yanked…which made her cum again on that beautiful cock. ‎ That triggered him. He pounded away until suddenly he stiffened.  
“Fill me,” Angel begged. 
He let go. For what seemed like minutes, his member jerked and shot jets of his seed inside her. He held onto her hips to keep from ‎sliding out too soon. He didn’t want to ruin her beautiful dress.
When he was finally done, Angel pushed herself up from the lounge and leaned back against his chest. He put his arms around her and kissed her neck.  ‎They stayed there for longer than either of them realized. The sky began to get lighter.
  “Oh shit,” she said. “What time were you supposed to go?”
“It’s on,” he reassured her. “I called and said I wasn’t going home. They gave me a room here.”
He stood up behind her and zipped up his trousers before leaning back down to collect Angel in his arms. She felt safe and wanted with him as he carried her into the Inn.  
“The key is in my inside pocket,” he said when they got to the door. 
She pulled it out of his jacket and slid it into the lock, turning the handle when the light went from red to green. He pushed the door open with his foot and carried Angel over the threshold, kicking it back closed behind them.  
Outside as the sky turned from indigo to violet to deep red…two pairs of shoes and a stray pair of silk panties lay on the pool deck as a reminder of the night. 
 To be continued… 
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winding-road72 · 9 years
Called to Order: Part 1
The stench of cigar smoke combined with the oiled hard woods filled the centuries old space.  It was the smell of privilege.  Money, not so much earned, as made on the backs of the people who shuffled past the wrought iron gates and marble steps of this very ancient institution.
There were always rumors about the inner workings of this place, but no one really knew what went on.  The members never spoke of anything outside of these walls and anyone else who was allowed to enter either had their loyalty and silence paid for or coerced...and occasionally both.
The later is how April found herself here.  It started with a video posted to a web site by a "friend" unbeknownst to her.  It showed a bit too much of her face and some other identifying charactristics.  As a freshman at a huge midwestern university, she assumed some level of anonymity even with that.  Who would pic out one girl out of 15,000?  She was surprised to say the least when she received a hand written note in her dorm room asking her to come to the office of the Chair for the Economics  Department.  She was in a survey course in that department, but by no means on the radar of her professor for either excepionally good work or cheating.  Now she was walking into the spacious reception area for a man who a decade earlier had made his name by winning a Nobel Prize for his theories on economies in the developing world and leaps in technology.  It was not at all uncommon to see him on a major cable news network or appearing with the President.
April was ushered into his private chamber by the stereotypical secretary...a school marm-ish looking middle aged woman with her black and silver streaked hair pulled up into a tight bun on the top of her head.
"Sit here young lady," the woman said to her stearnly as she pointed to an oversized leather chair in front of the giant mahogany desk.
The chair, the desk and the room made her feel even tinier than she was.  Then there was the man who walked out of what she assumed was a private restroom, rubbing his hands together as he scanned and found her sitting there.  He was enormous to her.  Over six and a half feet tall...and perhaps closer to seven, he made her feel like she was a little girl again waiting for her father to punish her.  He didn't speak and she couldn't.  He just stared at her for a moment, or what felt like through her.  Then he opened his mouth and like a baritone horn his voice filled the room.
"April...," he said, letting her name linger on the air for a moment.  "It has been brought to my attention that you've committed a most grievous violation of our University's Code of Conduct."
It seemed as though at that moment a cloud crossed over the sun and April's whole world went black.  Goose bumps raised on her skin and as she looked for the professor, his face was suddenly aglow like like the stereotypical image of Satan alit by the flames of hell.  
In reality, the professor had a dimmer switch and drop down screen installed in his office to rehearse presentations for the myriad conferences and meetings at which he was called to attend.  The light...a sudden and familiar image from a video she thought she could forget.  The unfairness of it all gauled her...except she wasn't some dumb, drunk girl being taken advantage of by the group of frat boys.  She wanted them.  In the end it was easy to get herself in the middle of them...she just didn't plan on it being recorded.  So often the only time we are truly sorry is when we get caught.
"Do you deny that this is you in the video, April?"  the professor inquired like a prosecuting attorney.
Rather than try to hide what he obviously knew was true, April came clean.
"I don't deny it at all," she proclaimed.  "That's my face and that is my tattoo."
Perhaps the professor expected her to grovel and beg for forgiveness. He was more intrigued by how forward she appeared.
"I'm 18...and they were all 18.  Is there something wrong with having sex?" April asked. "Are the frat guys going to get in trouble too?"
"They will be dealt with," he dismissed.  "Right now we are talking about what is going to happen to you."
"And what might that be?" April asked.  "I didn't see anything in the code of conduct about not having sex on campus...or even a gang bang among willing participants."
There was a moment of silence where April thought the man might be too embarrassed to continue his inquiry when faced with what she believed to be the truth.  He looked at the screen and looked at her again.  That evil smile returned.
"Who do you think writes the laws we live by?" he asked.
April sat silent expecting he wanted to answer his own question.
"Men write the laws April," he stated.  "And in this town, in this county, and in this state...whether you believe the laws arcane or not, were written by God fearing men who would not stand for the kind of woman you have become."
April's face turned red with anger.
"They fucked me!" she countered, raising her voice to a level that shocked even her.
He was winning and she knew it.  An argument can only be won if you have perfect knowledge, or at least better knowledge than your opponent and can sell it the right way.  The professor was an expert at selling his knowledge.
"Are you familiar with the term 'succubus'?" the older man asked.
She had heard the name in high school while studying mythology, but it didn't stick amongst all of the other things she had to memorize.
"A succubus is a demon...who takes the form of a woman to seduce men," he informed her.  "And the laws here were written so that women like you who seduce men are punished."
"What a fucking joke!" April laughed, shaking her head.
"You think this is funny?" the professor inquired.  "You broke the law...and the university's code of conduct is clear on how students who violate our criminal codes in this community are to be dealt with."
She returned to silence trying to figure out another way out of this.  Her ears were buzzing and she missed his blather about how she would be prosecuted and the jurors deciding her fate were all old, conservative White people who frowned on these things.
"Can we come to some arrangement?" April offered.
"Excuse me," he paused.  "Whatever might you mean?"
"I don't want to be kicked out of school.  Nor do I want to go to court," April said...pausing for a moment before she continued.  "Did you like the video?"
"That's not what is at issue here," he proclaimed.
"But it is, isn't it?" She stated, continuing their chess match.  "If you liked it, you can have what they had."
April stood and walked toward him, removing her shirt first and depositing it on the floor followed by her bra.  The identifying tattoo scrawled across her ribs was now clearly evident: the name of her father and date he died two years ago leaving her family destitute. Her scholarship was all she had.   ‎ "Are you trying to bribe me April?" the professor accused.  "Or have you truly become what this community accuses you of?"
"Come now, Professor," April replied with a new confidence.  "This is just a market issue, isn't it?  Buyers and sellers.  I have a service and you have a means of payment.  I've read some of your work about prostitution and you certainly aren't against it."
"That was a long time ago," the man said with significantly less confidence.  "My views have matured a great deal since then."
"So were you wrong then, or just more of a man?" she challenged.
"I'm no less of a man," he proclaimed, puffing out his chest to make himself seem even bigger.  It was childish but he was being challenged by a child.
"Then let me see," April demanded.  "Or would you rather wait until I leave and jerk your pathetic, wrinkled old cock to the video of me being fucked by real men?"
"They're just boys," the professor challenged.  "They don't know how to please a woman."
"And you do?" the girl questioned.  "Why don't you show me?  Or is it all just talk about old guys and their 'experience?'"
April lingered by the edge of his desk, running her fingers over the dark, smooth surface before bending herself over it and swishing her skirt clad ass slowly back and forth at him.  Her insides tingled.  She imagined that this huge man must have the largest cock she's ever seen and would do anything to see and feel it right now.  Succubus was right.
The professor needed to maintain his composure.  It would be so easy to have this girl and then dispose of her in such a way that no one would ever know she existed.  His secretary certainly wouldn't tell.  She was taken care of in such a way that her silence was guaranteed.  At the same time, he firmly believed this girl might be the one in a thousand or even one in a hundred thousand that could serve the purposes of his Order.  She could be bought, but also made to feel threatened.  Yet she would relish the special role given to her rather than crying out in fear at what would become of her.  A "keeper" was the country bumpkin term he had so often heard.  Only "kept" for her would mean something entirely different.  
The girl sighed and shuddered as she felt his long finger trace her bare spine.  It caught on the waist of her skirt and lingered there for a moment before continuing down.  With little effort he pulled it down off of her hips and over her thighs until it dropped on its own to the floor.  Only a thin string around her hips and disappearing between her tanned buttocks remained.  A trickle of excitement flowed down her leg and she spread her feet apart wider hoping he would take advantage of her soon.
The professor had to retain his composure. Nothing of substance could happen here unless it was absolutely necessary. There was a fine line with a new subject that allowed sampling, but not ‎complete possession. She would only feel his fingers today...and his disappointment would be as great as hers. He had to think of this as a current investment for future gains.
The soaked string and tiny patch of fabric that was April's thong separated reluctantly from her body and stopped stretched tight midway down her spread thighs.‎ She arched her back anticipating that the old man would ram his cock into her, but felt something quite different. It was long and thick, but as it entered her up to its base there was a wide, cold band of metal covering it.  
The professor's hands were proportional to his height. His fingers rivaled the length and thickness of the average man's member. Add to that the thickness of the large, gold ring with the ancient emblem embossed in ruby on its flat face and what he filled the girl with must have felt like the cock's of some of those fraternity boys.  ‎She gasped first at how deep he penetrated her and then again as the temperature difference of the metal and skin confused her sensitive insides. He had her complete attention.
"I'm not going to fuck you here April," he whispered into her ear while working his finger inside of her.  
She sighed in disappointment.
"You've shown a particular aptitude for something I and many of the men I associate with value," he continued. "The enthusiasm you showed in the video and again in my office today is a rare and special thing.   The term I used to describe you was true, but by no means derogatory."
April only nodded, occasionally letting out a noise of one kind or another when his long digit touched a particular area of her insides. He was exploring her. At one point he turned and hooked his finger downward and she ejaculated freely onto his hand. Few had ever made her squirt, but this man knew which buttons to push.  
"My goodness," he proclaimed. "You will be perfect.".  
He continued for another few moments, watching and feeling how she responded to a finger in her ass as well as the sharp pain of having her hard, upturned nipples pulled and stretched. The effect was not one of fear or revulsion. She wanted this and more.
"You are going to transfer from this school to somewhere more suitable for your talents," he stated clearly. "A colleague at the University of Chicago will mentor you and provide an apartment and stipend on which you will live. You will be his assistant and will go where he says and be there when he tells you. You will say nothing of what you see or do to anyone...not your mother, your younger brother or sister...no one. Do you understand?"
April nodded.  He yanked her hair back making her squeal as he looked into her eyes.  
"I asked if you understood...you will answer me," he demanded.  The mention of her family was a clear threat, but he didn't need it.
"Yes....Sir," she replied.  
He let go of her hair and withdrew his fingers from her to April's great regret.  ‎She remained bent over his desk for a moment until she heard his heavy footsteps retreat.  
"Wait!" she called out. "When will I get to see you..."
She wanted him now and the denial of having him completely made her ache. He knew this of course and‎ despite anything that might happen to her in the future she would always be his.
"Soon," he said before retreating back into the ante room from which he emerged at the outset of their meeting.  
The door clicked closed and the main door through which she entered opened. April was embarrassed, but the secretary didn't seem phased by her appearance.  
"You've made a mess Dear," the older woman observed. "Here, clean yourself off and get dressed."  
She handed April a warm, moist towel and proceeded to pick up the girl's clothing from the floor.   As the lithe young woman put each piece back on, the older would hand her the next.  
"I'm Ms. Dobbs, by the way," the older woman stated.   She looked at April lustily. "I've already arranged your flight to Chicago and your dorm room is being packed as we speak. You can tell your family you won a great honor, but that's all."
"Yes Ma'am," April replied demurely. "What about the rest of the semester here? Do I start all over?"
"Dear...you earned straight A's today," the woman said licking her lips as the girl turned away to put on her bra.  
After April composed herself, she followed Ms. Dobbs back to the reception desk.  
"Here is your flight information," the woman said, handing April an envelope. "And a card with the address for where you will be staying in Chicago. Don't lose it...or show it to anyone."
"Thank you," April sighed, throwing her arms around the older woman. Ms. Dobbs held her tight, drinking in the musky scent of youth and sex.   Her own cunt ached for the touch of the girl.  
"It is my pleasure," Ms. Dobbs replied.   "I'm sure I will see you again. The professor seems quite fond of you and that's a rare thing.   Now don't miss your flight."
She let go of the girl reluctantly and April smiled before hurrying out the door toward the unknown. She had no clue, the older woman thought. Ms. Dobbs did though. She had been in this exact same position in a different time and a different place. She went back to her desk and clicked play on the video stream from the office. Like the gang bang, she would watch this again and again to her great satisfaction.  
To be continued....
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winding-road72 · 9 years
Hey i was wondering if you follow any other blogs that post stories like you do? And if you did what were a few of your favourite ones?
That's a very good question.  I've ended up following so many blogs that the other authors I've followed end up getting lost in the noise.  You've given me a mission.  I will do a post where I link all of my favorite erotica writers and others who do similar such work like those who do extended captions on photos. These are all people who put a ton of effort into what they do, but it gets buried under the pics and gif from people who put up a hundred things a day.  Thank you for getting me going on this!  Results will be forthcoming. 
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