winged-plague-doctor · 11 months
SCP IC RP Masterlist!
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if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they're canon or an OC, and both their SCP number and name if they're an Anomaly
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
this is a masterlist only for IC blogs!
multipara RP blogs, please reblog this masterlist instead!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in alphabetical order can be found HERE
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Subject: Scp-049
Photographed Activity: Standing, holding a picture of an amethyst gemstone.
Photo Result: Picture of amethyst gemstone has been replaced with an amethyst geode.
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Subject: Scp-049
Photographed Activity: Sitting in a chair in front of a table, waiting to be interviewed. There is an empty chair on the other side of the table.
Photo Result: Scp-049 is sitting in the same chair, though now appears to be having a discussion with Scp-035, who is sitting in the chair across from 049.
Note: When asked about the picture at the end of its interview, 049 expressed that it missed speaking to 035, since it had been unable to do so in a while.
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Subject: Scp-049
Photographed Activity: Standing for the camera, neutral pose. Wings are folded.
Photo Result: Scp-049 sitting on the floor of Scp-999’s containment chamber. 049 is holding 999 and looks happy as he laughs.
Note: When questioned about the photo, Scp-049 admitted that it wished to visit Scp-999. Visit has been scheduled.
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Subject: Scp-049
Photographed Activity: Sitting on the floor of its containment cell reading a book. It’s back is against the back wall.
Photo Result: Same thing. The location of the photograph has changed to a calm, sunny flower field. 049’s back is now against a tree.
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Send 📷 or "snap" to have a picture of your muse taken using SCP-978 Desire Camera to reveal what they desire.
Bonus points if you write your response in the style of the testing log.
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Retcon date
As of the time this has been posted, this blog has officially been retconned. Any information before the date of this post (besides the post about the retcon and the info on the new 049 and the ooc posts that don’t have to do with an rp at the time. Also two, at the time of writing this, unfinished rp threads that don’t need to be retconned) are officially wiped. The posts will stay up for the sake of rereading though. The tag #before the retcon will be added to the posts if you want to filter them out or look at those specifically.
0 notes
Possible retcon?
So, my 4 followers and anyone who may stumble upon this blog, I was thinking of changing my AU 049 a bit. These changes would lead me into making a huge retcon of the events of this entire blog. Meaning everything, event wise, would start from scratch at the beginning. I’ll talk about the new 049, and see what you all think.
New 049:
 -still has his current appearance 
-likes to collect shiny things and lavender. He will give shiny things and lavender to people he likes as a gift.
-has some bird like mannerisms 
-has healing powers. His powers can fix cuts, bruises, and headaches instantly, but can only fix broken bones a little bit. He can’t fix incurable diseases or Cancer.
-is pretty old, but looks like he’s around 30
-has 0 clue what the pestilence is
-has vast medical knowledge
-due to him becoming an anomaly about 20 minutes after he died, his body never rotted. And for some reason, whatever caused him to become an anomaly and gain his wings also caused his body to not rot.
-the mask is actually a proper mask, and he does have a face under it. He just doesn’t want to take it off in front of others or the cameras.
-His outfit is also an actual outfit 
-wants to help out the medical staff, but they won’t let him.
-is basically a massive sweetheart that just wants to make sure everyone is ok and is basically a mom friend.
-this tiktok has definitely happened at least once between 049 and one of the researchers
-this tiktok fits him too, even though he’s pan.
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*The spirit slightly wagged it’s tail, then ran off to take 053 home*
053 held onto the spirit so she didn’t accidentally fall off.
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I’m going back up!
*Before 053 could say anything, Insomniac jumped up into the air and flew off to find the cave entrance*
053 watched insomniac leave, then looked at the canine spirit and petted it’s head.
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Heh, your loss.
*Insomniac loudly whistled into the trees, and the canine spirit returned*
Take em home, okay?
*The spirit nodded, and placed 053 on its back*
053 looked at insomniac.
053: “what about you?”
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Wanna go home, or crawl back up the slide to go down it again?
053 thought for a moment, then answered.
053: “let’s head home.”
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I don’t know, but I do know that if I was a human I would’ve already turned to dust several times over.
053: “wow...”
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Well I have been around for a long time!
053: “how long?”
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I know! I think I’ve done that like 500 times, and it never gets old!
053: “wow, that’s a lot!“
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*The two were pulled forward by the waters powerful currents, before being thrown into a large tunnel made of rainbow crystal. The surface of the crystal was incredibly smooth, and mixed with the rushing water made for a fun and fast slide. The tunnel turned in a giant spiral, then the two were thrust back underwater, and shot out of a waterfall into a lake in the forest connected to a river. The two swam over to land, and Insomniac started laughing hysterically*
053 started laughing too.
053: “that was amazing!”
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