wip-journeys · 1 year
Today I am planning to give my gifts to my co-workers. They will each get an ornament, a chocolate bar, and a cupcake. I don't feel like going to work because I will have to work with my new co-worker tonight, and I just feel tired from stressing about all the sewing projects I have to do.
I will talk about that some other time because I have to get ready to work. Bye!
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wip-journeys · 1 year
Too tired
Lucy's vet appointment this week went well. The steroids are working so far. Now I have to give her an oral steroid medication, which getting was an ordeal that I won't go into. It was very stressful, but I got it for her. That is most important.
Not worked on any homework this week. Ugh. I am so over this class, but I can't give up. I must finish with a B grade or higher for it to transfer to community college.
In a couple of hours, I go to work. I might meet a new co-worker today.
Ugh, I am so tired. Obvious right? lol. I'd better go.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Some Updates
It's a new month! The last month of the year. Finally!
I was at work when I received the call from the vet. Lucy does not have cancer. She has irritable bowel syndrome. The vet gave Lucy a steroid shot (that will last two weeks) to ease her into the meds. I have a follow-up appointment for next Tuesday. She has been eating a lot, drinking her water, and not vomiting. Thank god.
The vet bill, work, and just starting to go to Mesa College has lead me to decide not to go on the overseas trip to Florance, Italy. My decision made me sad, but what can you do? I have to do the responsible thing and not go. I want to email the professor going to Italy and ask about future opportunities. Or... maybe I won't. I'd bet there is.
I participated in a zoom meeting at Mesa College. I found that because I've attended Southwestern College, I could send my transcripts without getting penalized for bad grades or incomplete classes. I sent my transcripts right away, and now, I have to make an appointment to have them evaluated. I believe I have to take English 101, which I am already registered for. I might not need to take any more math classes, but I need to stop guessing and make an appointment.
I had a good discussion with my mom about some fears about going to Mesa. I expressed how I felt about going to college again and not letting the past hold me back. It felt good to say it out loud.
Two small jumps are sometimes better than one big leap.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Over $1,000 later, I still don't have an answer to what is wrong with Lucy's (my cat) health.
First, I paid for blood work and an x-ray scan to be done on her, and the results did not show anything bad. Her blood count was high and her intestines are enlarged.
Next, my parents thankfully paid for the next test which was an ultrasound. I was supposed to get those results today but I got a call in the morning that they are not ready. The results for that would take a couple of days. This is giving me anxiety because: a) the results would show something serious, b) the results would show everything is normal and the vet can't do anything else without doing invasive surgery on her or prescribing steroids so she can eat. I forgot to mention she weighs 8 pounds compared to 12 pounds less than a year ago.
I could go on into more details but that is the gist of it. I don't have an answer to what is wrong with her health until, possibly, the test results come in.
In the meantime, when she woke the next day (that morning of her appointment, I had to leave her with the vet for the whole day), she was her normal self. Lucy ate, used her litterbox, meowed, and purred. For the time being, is great. I know once the test results come in... well... I'm going to be a mess.
Anyway. I worked for 5 hours yesterday to help set up for today. I found out one of my co-workers had put in her 2 weeks letter. Yeah, she is leaving! Ahh! She is going to work at her 2nd job (Disneyland). Wow. I don't know how she is going to do it because she used to take a train and a bus to get there and a month ago the train service stopped because the city is working on the train tracts. So now, she has to drive to Disneyland! That is a lot to do and spend on a job... but I wish her well. I wonder if I will see her today?
Sesame Place will be open for Thanksgiving week starting today. I don't work on Tuesdays or Thursdays (yes!) so I have Thanksgiving off. But I work on Black Friday and that weekend. I'd probably work on Christmas because it falls on a Sunday this year and we are short on staff. :{ Boo.
Oh well. Christmas in the past has never been good to me. I've been trying to make my attitude more positive toward it, but bad shit keeps happening! Ugh!
Participated in a Zoom meeting about studying abroad in Florance, Italy this Summer 23' but with Lucy being sick... I don't know if I can go... I guess I have time to think and plan for it...
I'm sorry this post is all over the place. It's just a reflection of my mind right now. lol.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Okay, now I need a distraction.
My cat, Lucy, has not been feeling well and is not acting like herself.
Yesterday, she vomited three times. After the third vomit, she started acting differently. Lucy has not been meowing or purring, her tail is down, and she keeps licking her mouth. She slept at the end of my bed (by my feet) and she never sleeps there knowing I might kick her in my sleep... and this morning, she vomited again. I already made an appointment to see her vet at 9am today (an hour from now).
My mom thinks she ate a spider again, but I have a feeling it is worse.
I am trying to distract myself until I leave for the vet. So much for focusing on my homework today. :{
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wip-journeys · 2 years
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Just wasting time...
Yeah... I should be working on my notes for Sew Fun 2 class, but I wish I didn't have to. I really wish the four days I have off I could just not stress about homework, sewing, or work. But that is not the reality I live in. I need to push myself not to be lazy and do what I need to do... after I am done with this post of course. lol.
I somehow discovered that Mesa College has a study abroad course at the beginning of Summer 2023. There are three destinations (all in Europe) and the one that would apply to me (for my fashion degree) is the Florance, Italy trip. Yeah, fucking Italy! Ugh, I would love to go! My dad was very encouraging about it. We were even looking at how much it would cost to fly a round trip over there! lol. The only thing that would make me not want to go is the language barrier I would have in Italy, but I shouldn't let that stop me from going.
I'd rather be planning on going to Italy, than taking notes. Boo.
Ever since my instructor for Sew Fun 2 class changed, my motivation has not been as it was. I can't place why. It could be on the first zoom meeting with them, they didn't introduce themselves and instead went right in to teach. I thought, Okay. It's been 3 weeks since the last class was held and we have a lot of catching up to do, but at least you could say a bit about yourself. It's a 2-hour class! We could take 5 min to give an intro! Apparently not.
Another thing is she is more... picky than my last instructor. For instance, I submitted some homework that had a small pucker in the fabric. I lost one point out of five because of a pucker. It would not have happened with my previous instructor. I would have received a 5/5.
I know. I'm making a big deal of losing one point on an assignment.
I believe it when it comes down to it, I had an established relationship with the last instructor (from Sew Fun 1). The class suddenly stopped, and change instructors were starting for me. I wonder if any of my classmates feel the same...
Anyway, I had a zoom meeting with a counselor from SDCCE on Monday. I wanted a suggestion on what my second class should be for the Spring semester at Mesa College. I told the counselor I am going to take Intro to Fashion. The counselor suggested I take an English class to fulfill my second class and during the semester, make an appointment with a counselor at Mesa to make a student plan on what classes I should take in the following semesters.
I probably have taken the English classes I need to fulfill from my previous attempt at community college, but I also didn't receive good grades while I was there, so that would be a big problem for my GPA... I think... I tried to mention it to the counselor but I don't think they understood me.
God. I am just rambling on here.
I'm done. Good night!
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Finally, a day off
Up early... because of work habits, I was awake at 5am. I just thought I would blog a bit.
Have to take my mom to her therapy appointment because her car is not working. From there, we're going to Sam's Club to pick up medicine for Rocky. I'm thinking... after I take my mom to therapy, I could go to a store to kill time... like there is a Walmart or a Marshalls nearby... But then again, I should not spend money...
Anyway, I am taking the day off from work. I could clock in anytime today but there is so much to do for my class and my studio is a mess. Boo. As I was thinking about possibly going in yesterday, I thought I should because there is still so much to do. For instance, setting up the barn for the Xmas parade. But this morning I feel less guilty because I've given so much of myself to the job by coming in on days I have off and working my ass off. I need a break and I need to make time for other obligations I have to do.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
A lot to do...
I want to sleep... but... I also don't because I have a lot to do still. Been trying to balance my school, work, and life. It's been very hard for me because I get so tired.
Even tonight, I had class from 6:30pm to 8pm and I fell asleep for two hours, missing class. Thankfully, I don't have to attend class, I could watch the recording of it later, but still.
It has been also an eye-opener that I can't do my homework assignments in one day. I thought I could. It's just too much. I need really force myself to do the assignments after work.
Anyway, yesterday was Halloween. I did the usual and went to Riss and Juston's place for a party. Only stayed for two hours because I was tired. Honestly, I really didn't want to go in the first place. I forced myself to go... Rissa seemed sad. She hid it well. I think it's a lot like myself, where she is being pulled in a lot of different directions and is trying to satisfy everyone's needs but herself. It's like my life story... Oh, no one came and "trick or treat" at my home. none. It's been fewer and fewer trick-or-treaters every year, but this was a first. Maybe it's for the best, because of Rocky.
Well, I better get ready to go to sleep. Didn't expect to want to type this much. It was a pleasant surprise. :}
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Ugh, I don't want to go to work today. I've been going to SP for the last three days, and today is day four. Tomorrow I work and then I get Monday and Tuesday off. It might be my schedule for the next three weeks. Until November 11th, at least. And today I just read that there is going to be a preview night for employee guests on the 10th, so now I really feel the pressure to finish the sewing projects. I don't think we will be able to do everything... but we'll see.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
My body hurts
Today is Boon's birthday. I did not go to eat dinner with the group as I had planned. I'm just too tired from working. Tomorrow I work as well, so I don't know if I am going to Sketch Jam. I'm going to be working until 6pm tomorrow, soooo yeah. I'd most likely be tired from work again.
Anyway, yesterday I ordered a belt for my renaissance fair outfit. It should be delivered between the 20th to 26th. I did make a belt... but ... it came out terrible! Uggh, It is hard to work with faux leather. It shows all the bumps and puckers of the fabric. I'm glad I tried it because now I know all this!
Now all I need to do for my outfit is make a belt pouch because I don't want to carry a purse... Might alter the pattern by making it bigger??? We'll see.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
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New NICE interview
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wip-journeys · 2 years
It's Monday and I have to go to work in 40 minutes. Boo. it was nice to have a week off but it was also a bad thing because it made me miss not working/having the freedom to do what I want during the day... but I also need the money...
Anyway, enough daydreaming. Got to get back into reality.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
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This just felt utterly necessary.
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Birthday Week: Days 2 & 3
Today was pretty chill. In the morning, my parents had a financial appointment and my mom said it would take an hour. It actually took an hour and a half. I was about to leave for Ikea when they drove up the driveway. So then, my mom came with me to Ikea, Costco Gas, and Lowes.
Vi messaged me to say Happy Birthday and say they have gifts for me. I didn't correct them it is actually tomorrow, the sixth. Oh well. I didn't want them to feel bad. It also looks like I'd be getting my gifts next week at sketch jam.
Last night was dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory and then the Padres game with my parents. It went well! The dinner was really good and the Padres won!
On Instagram, I saw Rissa and Juston went to Disneyland... maybe I will get a gift from there?!? We'll see...
Tomorrow is my birthday! I hope I don't cry...
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wip-journeys · 2 years
“I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation for the little things, my vivid inner life, my deep awareness of others’ pain, and my passion for it all.”
— Unknown
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wip-journeys · 2 years
Birthday Week: Day 1!
Yesterday, work was crazy. I was all by myself doing the closing shift and that is a shift you need two people to complete everything you need to do. I was barely able to complete everything. 9:30pm is the end of my shift and 9:27pm was when I left the workroom to clock out. Normally, I would get ready to leave by 9:15pm and leave by 9:20pm. I was dead tired. This experience made me think that once I receive my AA degree from Mesa, I will leave Sesame Place. I don't see myself working there longer than 2+ years.
Anyway, this morning was a bit stressful. While my mom and I went out to do some errands, I told my dad (who stayed home) to give the items I sold online to the people who bought them while I was out. The first transaction was fine. She paid in cash. In the second transaction, my dad calls me to say the customer wants to pay by Venmo. I wished she would have told me before she came over! Arg!!! So, I had to give my Venmo info over the phone and redownload the app on my phone, all while I was at Costco. It all worked out in the end.
Not too long ago, my dad came back from washing his car and took my phone to get a new battery. It's old but it still works well. I also don't have enough money to buy a new one (I don't have a contract service sooooo I'd have to pay full price for a new phone). It was only $40 to replace my phone with a new battery. When my dad came home, he said it was my birthday gift.
Got a message from Juston on Discord that he, Boon, and Rissa bought tickets to see Trick r' Treat with me on my birthday. I'm glad I won't be by myself watching it.
Oh, I got my laptop in the mail on Saturday while I was at work. It came earlier than expected. I also didn't want my mom to know about it yet. I know I am an adult and I used my own money to purchase it, but I still felt... guilty? Like I didn't deserve it? Umm...
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