wirelessw · 1 day
My IDW Sonic hot take: Don is too good for Nite. He could do better.
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wirelessw · 4 days
have started watching Sonic X through legal and legitimate means. I'm only a few episodes in, but Chris seems...fine? I don't know if he's 10 times worse in the English dub, or if he gets worse as the show goes on, or if people are just too harsh on this kid.
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wirelessw · 11 days
I don't wanna go to work
Which, obviously, nobody wants to go to work. But for whatever reason, today I really, really just want to spend in bed not doing shit
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wirelessw · 12 days
Easy way to improve the Deadly Six: Pick any of the non-Zeena ones at random and make them a girl. Do not otherwise change their gimmick in any way.
Instantly more interesting because now we have a girl on the team whose personality is not "standard issue self-absorbed villainess".
wise old kung fu master (evil) (girl)? Cool.
Tortured poet aesthete (evil) (girl)? Cool.
See how this is going? There is shit to work with here.
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wirelessw · 13 days
Team Sonic never does "if we were on a desert island who would we eat first" because it gets way too real.
Did you know that every IDW Sonic villain is a natural predator of the hedgehog?
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wirelessw · 14 days
of course, Singin' In The Rain would be so influential on later science fiction that Ripley quotes it towards the end of Alien.
2001 is a musical with dance scenes (the Orion shuttle docking with Space Station V) and an emotional show-stopper from the leading man (HAL singing Daisy, Daisy).
Singin' In The Rain is a science fiction film about disruptive technology forcing evolutionary change by overthrowing established societal hierarchies
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Thank you for listening.
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wirelessw · 19 days
Did you know that every IDW Sonic villain is a natural predator of the hedgehog?
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wirelessw · 20 days
I sometimes consider reading all of Archie Sonic through legal and legitimate means, but this is stymied by my rare learning disorder which means that any time I see or hear anything about the Echidna lore it just immediately slides off my brain. Genuinely it is like Joey Tribbiani trying to learn French.
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wirelessw · 20 days
Dr Starline's Three Laws of Kit
* Kit must not harm Surge or, through inaction, allow Surge to come to harm
* Kit must obey all orders given to him by Surge, unless such an order would violate the first law
* Kit must defend his own existence unless such an action would violate the first or second laws
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wirelessw · 23 days
I'm going to do my bit and depress all my coworkers by telling them about the Bethnal Green crush tomorrow
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wirelessw · 26 days
It's important to remember that in addition to trying to cure AIDS, part of Gerald Robotnik's motivation for making Shadow was "Taking the US Army's money so I can do whatever the fuck I want to do instead", which is a morally correct and extremely funny reason to do anything
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wirelessw · 26 days
Consider this an ad campaign
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wirelessw · 26 days
It's an unorthodox case but I consider episode 8 to pass the "is this Batman, or the Punisher in a silly hat?" test
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wirelessw · 26 days
Greta did nothing wrong
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wirelessw · 27 days
just posted the final chapter of my fic while Ao3 is still recovering from connectivity problems because I am invincible and the muse was upon me
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wirelessw · 29 days
Know what I loved as a kid/teenager? Scrubs.
Know what I bet has aged FUCKING TERRIBLY? Scrubs
Just off the top of my head I can recall some really biphobic bullshit with The Todd, and an episode where Dr Cox judges Turk for "not really being black", and granted it's been a long time but I don't recall that scene presenting it as if Dr Cox is out of line.
That's not even touching the transphobia which I cannot specifically remember from Scrubs, but which was part of the "background radiation" of comedy at the time so if it's not also in Scrubs I would be honestly surprised.
Also some really clumsy and backhanded "men trying to write strong women" stuff now I think of it
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wirelessw · 1 month
It's quite funny how the recent Tails Tube was so careful to have Amy say "It's not magic, I can't actually read the future, if you're the kind of person who got mad about Harry Potter back before we had good reasons to get mad about it please don't get upset about me doing magic"
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