witchithekitchi · 5 years
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My Sigil
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Tea/Coffee Readings
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How To
You need to find a cup with a wide brim that’s light in colour, find a wide saucer. Pour in lose tea leaves/coffee (you can buy loose tea leaves or rip open a tea bag) into you cup and add boiling water (Do Not add milk) Drink your tea/coffee while thinking about your question, if you dont like tea/coffee take a few sips. When you are finished drinking take the cup in your dominant hand and place your non-dominant handover the top of your cup. Turn the cup tree times in a clockwise direction. Pour any remaining water down the sink. Place the cup upside down on the saucer or a napkin and turn it clockwise three times, turn the cup over look for the leaves that have taken shapes. When you have finished your reading it is customary to turn your cup over, place your index finger on the base of your cup and make a wish
Meanings  You can twist and turn the cup for new angles to find symbols in your cup, the closer the symbol is to the rim of the cup the sooner it will happen. the further down the longer it will take, tea reading can only predict up to a year. symbols at the bottom of your cup will take almost a whole year to take effect. Common Shapes
Abbey Freedom from worry Ace of Clubs A letter Ace of Diamonds A present Ace of Hearts Happiness Ace of Spades A large Building Acorn Financial Success Aircraft Sudden Journey Alligator An accident Anchor Success in business and romance Angel Good news Ankle Instability  Ant success through perseverance Anvil conscientious effort Apple Business achievement Arc Ill health, accidents Arrow Bad News Axe Difficulties and troubles that will be overcome Bat False Friends Bath Disappointment Bayonet A minor accident Beans Poverty Bear A Journey  Bed Inertia Bee Good news Beehive Prosperity  Beetle Scandal Bell Unexpected news Bellows Setbacks Bird Good news Birdcage Obstacles, quarrels Bird’s Nest Domestic harmony  Bishop Good luck coming Boat Visit from a friend Book Open Expect legal actions, future success Boomerang Envy Boot Achievement Bottle Pleasure Bouquet Love and happiness Bow Scandal, gossip Box Romantic troubles solved Bracelet Marriage Branch With Leaves A birth Bread Avoid waste Broom Small worries disappear Buckle Disappointments ahead Building A move Bull Quarrels Bush New Friends Butterfly Frivolity  Baby Pregnancy, something new Ball Completion  Butterfly Transition  Cab Disappointment Cabbage Jealousy  Cage A Proposal Camel Useful news Candle Help from others Cannon news from a solider  Cap Trouble ahead- be Careful  Car Good fortune  Cart Success in business  Castle Financial gain through marriage  Cat A quarrel Cattle Prosperity  Chain An engagement or wedding Chair An unexpected guest  Cherries A happy love affair Chessmen Difficulties ahead Chimney Hidden risks Church Ceremony Unexpected money Cigar New friends Circle Success, a wedding Claw A hidden enemy  Clock Avoid delay, think of the future  Clouds Trouble ahead Clover Prosperity  Coat A parting, an end of a friendship  Coffin Bad news Coin Repayment of debts Collar Dependence on others for success and happiness Column Promotion Comb Deceit Comet An unexpected visitor  Compass Travel, a change of job Corkscrew Curiosity causing trouble Crab An enemy  Crescent A journey Cross Trouble, ill health  Crown Honour, success Cup Reward for effort Curtain A secret  Cymbal Insincere love China engagement  Chair A guest  Clock Better Health  Daffodil Great Happiness Dagger Danger ahead, enemies  Daisy Happiness in love  Dancer Disappointment Deer A dispute or quarrel Desk Letter containing good news Devil Evil influences  Dish Quarrel at home  Dog good friends  Donkey be patient  Door Strange occurrence Dot money Dove Good fortune  Dragon Unforeseen changes, trouble  Drum Scandal, gossip, a new job, argument Duck money coming in Dustpan Strange news about a friend  Eagle a change for the better Ear unexpected news Earrings misunderstanding Easel artistic success Egg Prosperity  Eggcup Danger is passing  Elephant Wisdom, strength  Engine news is on its way fast  Envelope good news  Eye overcoming difficulties, take care Face setback Fairy joy and enchantment  Fan Flirtation  Feather Instability  Feet An important decision Fence limitation Fern Disloyalty  Fir Artistic success Fire achievement Fireplace Matters related to your home  Fish Good fortune in all things, health, wealth and happiness Fist An argument  Flag Danger ahead Flower Wish coming true Fly Domestic irritations Font A birth Fork A false friend, flattery  Forked line Decision to be made Fountain Future success and happiness Fox A deceitful friend  Frog Success through a change of home or job Fruit Prosperity Gallows Social Failure  Garden roller Difficulties ahead Garland Success, great honour Gate Opportunity, future happiness Geese invitations, unexpected visitors Giraffe Think before you speak Glass Integrity  Glove A challenge Goat enemies Gondola Romance, travel Gramophone Pleasure Grapes Happiness Grasshopper News from a friend  Greyhound Good fortune  Guitar Happiness in love  Gun Trouble, quarrels Hammer Overcoming obstacles Hand Friendship Handcuffs Trouble ahead Hare News of a friend Harp Harmony in love Hat A new occupation  Hawk Sudden Danger, jealousy  Head New opportunities  Heart Love and marriage, a trustworthy friend Heather Good fortune  Hen Domestic Bliss Hill Obstacles, setback Hoe Hard work leading to success Holly An important occurrence in the winter  Horn Abundance  Horse Galloping Good news from a lover Horseshoe Good Luck Hourglass A decision that must be made  House Security  Iceberg Danger initials Usually those of people you known to you  ink pot A letter insect Minor problems soon overcome Ivy leaf Reliable friend Jester Party or social Gathering jewelry A present jug Gaining in importance, good health Kangaroo Domestic Harmony  Kettle Minor Illness Key New opportunities Keyhole Beware of idle curiosity  King A powerful ally Kite Wishes coming true  Knife Broken relationship  Ladder Promotion Lamp Money Leaf Prosperity, good fortune Leopard News of a journey  Letter News Lighthouse Trouble threatening Lines straight and clear Progress, journey  Lines wavy Uncertainty, disappointment  Line slanting Business failure Lion Influential friends Lock Obstacles in your path Loop Impulsive actions could bring trouble  Man A visitor  Map Travel and change  Mask Deception  Medal A reward Mermaid Temptation  Monkey A flattering mischief-maker Monster Terror  Monument Lasting happiness Moon Full A love affair  Mountain Obstacles, high ambition  Mouse Theft Mushroom Growth, setback Music Good fortune Nail Malice Necklace complete Admirers Necklace broken The end of a relationship  Needle Admiration  Net A Trap Numbers Indicate a timescale, the number of days before an event occurs Nun Quarantine Nurse Illness Nutcrackers Difficulty is passing Oak Good fortune Oar A small worry, help in difficulties Octopus danger Opera Glasses A quarrel, loss of a friend Ostrich Travel Owl Gossip  Oyster Courtship, acquired riches Padlock open A surprise Padlock Closed A warning Palm Tree Success, honour, happiness in love Parachute Escape from danger Parasol A new lover Parcel A surprise Parrot A scandal, a journey Peacock Riches Pear Comfort Pentagon Intellectual Balance Pepper A troublesome secret Pig Material success Pigeon sitting An improvement in trade Pigeon Flying Important news Pillar Supportive friends Pipe Thoughts, solution to a problem, keep an open mind Pistol Danger Pitchfork Quarrels Policeman Secret enemy  Pump Generosity Purse Profit Pyramid Success Question Mark Hesitancy, caution  Rabbit Timidity, be brave Railway Long journey Rainbow Happiness, prosperity Rake Be organised Rat Treachery  Raven Bad News Razor Quarrels, partings Reptiles Treacherous friend Rider Hasty news Ring Completion Rocks Difficulties Rose Popularity  Saucepan Anxieties Saw Interfering outsider Scales A lawsuit Scepter Power, authority  Scissors Domestic arguments, separation Scythe Danger Shamrock Good Luck, wish coming true Sheep Good fortune Shell Good news Ship Successful journey  Shoe A change for the better Sickle Disappointment in love Signpost Draws attention to the symbol to which it points to Skeleton Loss of money, ill health Snake Hatred, an enemy  Spade Hard work leads to success Spider Determined and persistent. money coming Spoon Generosity  Square A symbol of protection, comfort, peace Squirrel Prosperity, after a hard time Star Good health Steeple Slight delay, bad luck Steps An improvement in life Sun Happiness, success, power Swallow Decisiveness, unexpected journeys Swan Smooth progress, contented life Sword Disappointment, quarrels Table Social gathering Teapot Committee meeting  Telephone Forgetfulness causes trouble Telescope Adventure Tent Travel Thimble Domestic changes Toad Beware of flattery  Torch A turn fir the better  Tortoise Criticism Tower Opportunity, disappointment  Tree Changes for the better  Triangle Something unexpected  Trunk A long journey, fateful decisions  Umbrella Annoyances  Unicorn A secret wedding  Urn Wealth, happiness Vase A friend in need Vegetables unhappiness followed by contentment  Violin Egotism  Volcano Emotions out of control Vulture Loss, theft, an enemy in authority  Wagon A wedding Walking Stick a visitor  Wasp trouble in love  Waterfall prosperity  Weather Vane a difficulty, indecisiveness Whale business success Wheel  good fortune Wheelbarrow  a meeting with an old friend  Windmill  business success Window open good luck through a friend  Window closed disappointment through a friend  Wings messages Wishbone a wish granted  Wolf Jealousy, selfishness Woman Pleasure Worms Scandal Wreath Happiness ahead Yacht Pleasure Yoke Being dominated  Zebra Overseas adventure Triangles Good Karma  Squares Use caution Circles great success  Letters Usually refer to friends, family, and people you know Numbers indicates time, months and years
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Why Aren’t my Spells Working?
A break-down of why your magickal intent may not be taking effect in your life
Hi there! So, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably had this problem at one time or another; in fact, almost all witches experience a ‘fizzled’ spell every once in awhile… but what happens when you’ve been casting multiple, and they all just won’t take? Here are some reasons why this could be happening:
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The spell was not transferred enough energy to take effect. Think of this as filling up a balloon with helium ~ If you don’t put enough in, the balloon with just roll around or float a few inches above the floor, rather than floating high in the air like you intended for it to do. This can also happen with spells! There needs to be enough energy transfer (The energy you put in, the energy you’ve taken from something/someone else, etc.) to allow the spell to ‘take hold’ and manifest strongly and in the way you preferred. 
You’re not helping the magick along when it requires you to do so. For many spells, such as magick geared towards jobs, people, physical events, etc. there needs to be more than just one magickal variable working towards your intent to manifest. You need to work for it; If you cast a spell for a job, you also better be turning in that application and resume along with it ~! A spell can increase your chance, luck, and appeal, but it cannot contact your employer and set up an interview. 
(A break-off from the above reason) Your conditions just don’t allow the magick to materialize easily. This is the most possible to happen in weather spells, such as those to bring heavy rain to a dry climate area, or magick for something that your life/area just cannot manifest. For example, imagine somebody trying to cast a spell to ‘make one of their friends fall in love with them’ whilst having not a single friend in their life; the spell is incapable of materializing, because their are no variables for it to work with! It is a sad thing to think about, certainly, but this example shows how casting a spell that is wrong for your life situation can cause it to work improperly or not at all. (Tip: This person should have cast a spell for new friends first! This also shows how you may be casting spells that are wrong for the situation) 
Your wording was not the best. Similar to how people will often word things in a positive or future-tense manner (EX: ‘I AM BRAVE’ / rather than ‘I WILL BE BRAVE’) during spellwork or how in some fairytales the genie will grant a wish in a horrible way according to the wording of a wish, you must be careful to be clear and concise in what you’re wanting! Stay away from vague or general wording; You’ll wish you had when you try to cast a spell for a person to love you romantically, and later find that they love you like a sibling or best friend ~ 
You forgot to/incorrectly grounded after a spell. Grounding is not only important to maintain your own energies, but it is also a good tool for assuring that the energies of your spell don’t simply go on floating ‘up in the clouds’, failing to come down to earth and manifest! Grounding after a spell also increases the chances that it will work faster. 
Your focus/energy was off during the spell. Common for those with a low rate of focus, who’s mind wanders easily, or with low/confidence and doubt (which can especially put off your energies) you might have broken the intent of the spell while casting it. Not to worry, for spells can be re-cast and focus can be sharpened, but be sure to have a strong mind when performing visualization or transferring your intent into a spell! This can lead to a spell manifesting in a different way than you intended (which may not always be a bad thing) or just all-together not working.
(For people-directed magick) The person on the other end of your spell has a protection ward. If you’re simply trying as hard as you can to curse, heal, bless, cast upon another witch without their knowledge, there’s a chance that they have up some magickal barriers of their own. Be cautious with curses on other witches especially, since there are wards to reflect curses back upon the sender, and you never know! This can also be so if you are casting magick upon somebody to improve an aspect of their life; they may unknowingly be mentally/spiritually guarding, or ‘closing’ their energy, making it difficult for the magick to attach to them. 
Further tip: Have patience! Some spells take a while to manifest or come to be, and if you’re becoming discouraged after them not working within a week, you need to have a bit of patience.
Keep in mind that these are things anybody can do without knowing; they do not at all make you a bad or incapable witch, but it is important to know and accept why they may not be working. I hope for those that experience it, these reasons can provide some insight ~ This post was inspired by all of the anons who have been asking this question frequently
Send me a message if you have any questions or comments ♡ Thank you!
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
🌜 Sleep spell 🌛
Been working on a sleep spell. Seems to be working the last couple days 🌙
Light some eucalyptus oil in an oil diffuser or eucalyptus incense 🌿 Roll some lavender oil over your third eye (for lucid dreaming), over the temples and on the soles of the feet. 🌸 Then repeat:
"Mother Goddess, Silver Moon
Restful sleep I ask of you.
Grant my wish, grant me peace,
This is my Will so Mote it Be" 🌙
Chant this as you get in to bed and close your eyes and then carry on however you normally would fall asleep. 😴
I like to do breathing exercises of in for 4, hold for 4 and out for 6. Or counting breathes 1 in through the nose 2 out through the mouth up to 10 then start again. 😪
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Could you give me some tips to get started?
This is gonna be a long ass post. My apologies. Anyone is more than welcome to add to this list.
Blogs I recommend: X
 Beginner Witchcraft
Old Motherredcap’s Reading List
Advice for beginner witches
Things to consider
Defining “witchcraft”
Magic and witchcraft
Research for Newbie Witches
Websites for Herbal Properties and Useage
Different Types of Witchcraft
Secular Witchcraft
Cultural Appropriation
The G word
Spells and charms for Beginners
Dispelling Spells
Lavender’s Wishing Spell
Burning Bridges Spell
Chocolate Money Spell
Spell to Ease Jealousy
Emotional Cleansing Spell
Rainbow Protection Bottle
Wreaths for Protection and Happiness
Energy Bath
Motivation Chant
Pick me up Cleansing Jar
Protection Jar
Rosemary and Lavender Smokeless Cleansing
List of Cleansing Spells
50 Meditation Tips
An Earth Meditation
Benefits of Meditation
Breathe & Relax
Grounding, Centering, & Shielding
Grounding - Grounding Techniques - Ungrounded Symptoms
Grounding & Centering
Shielding: (1) (2)
Budgeted Witchcraft:
Tips & Tricks for Frugal Witches
Moonstone Beginning’s Frugal Pagan Resource
A Witch in a Pinch (Blog)
Budget Witch (Blog)
Witchcraft on a Budget
Being a Witch on a Budget
Budget Witchcraft (Site)
Accumulating Witch Stuff on a Budget
Ways to Practice Witchcraft with Little or No Money
Chaos Magic:
Chaos Magic in a Nutshell
What is Chaos Magick? 
Chaos Magic- The Misunderstood Path
Chaos Magick (a multitude of articles pertaining to chaos magic)
Introduction to Chaos Magic
Chaos Magic Theory
Chaoism & Chaos Magic: A Personal View
Oven-Ready Chaos; Phil Hine
Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic- Peter J. Carroll
Sigil Crafting:
A Beginner’s Guide to Sigil Craft
Ways to Use Sigils 
Sigils Reboot: How To Get Big Magic From Little Squiggles
An Essay On Sigil Crafting 
Practical Sigil Magic- Frater U. D.
Sigilmaking with Lee 
Sigil Magic: Making a Magical Sigil
Sigil Daily: Creation & Activation
Magic/Sigil Circles 
Chaos Magic: Basic Sigil Magic
A Brief Overview of Sigil Magick
Sigils and Seals 101 
Sigil Crafting Method 
Creating a Sigil
Sigil Masterpost (gif warning!)
Sigils in Theory and Practice
How Do You Make Sigils? 
On the Preparation and Usage of Sigils
Sigil Magic
Sigil 101 
Practical Sigil Magick
The Sigil Bowl 
Sigil Basics
What Are Sigils? 
Making Outdoor Sigils
Online Sigil Generator
Sigil Magic
Sigil Making Process, by Rook 
Sigil Making Process, by Richtor 
Sigil Charging:
My Super-Physically-Mentally Intense Method of Charging Sigils…
How to Charge Sigils 
Firing Off Sigils
A Personal Method of Charging Sigils 
How to Charge a Sigil Playing Video Games
Charging Your Sigils- A Brief Explanation 
Charging and Firing Sigils 
How to Use Sigils 
The Fae Resources
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries – W.Y. Evans-Wentz
The Secret Commonwealth: Of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies – Robert Kirk
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry – Yeats
Treasury of Irish Myth, Legend, and Folklore – Yeats
The Fairies in Tradition and Literature – Katherine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, & Other Supernatural Creatures – Katherine Briggs
The Vanishing People: Fairy Lore and Legends – Katherine Briggs
The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld – John Matthews
Through the Faerie Glass-Kenny Klein
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Sacred Texts)
The Secret Commonwealth: Of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies (Sacred Texts)
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland – Lady Wilde
Puck – That shrewd and knavish sprite called Robin Goodfellow
The Fairy Family: A Series of Ballads & Metrical Tales Illustrating the Fairy Mythology of Europe
The Fairy Mythology: Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries
“The Fairy Doctor” – Lady Wilde
Sacred Text: Fairy Mythology Index
All About Tarot
All About Tarot Readings
Many Different Uses For The Tarot
Tarot Deck Outline
Choosing The Tarot Deck That Is Right For You
What To Look For In A Tarot Deck
Choosing A Tarot Deck Just For Reading Others
Connecting With Your Tarot Deck
Top 3 Beginner Tarot Books
When To Cleanse Your Tarot Deck
How To Cleanse Your Tarot Deck
Recharging Your Tarot Cards
Cleansing Your Tarot Reading Space
Purifying Your Tarot Cards
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How To Clear Your Tarot Deck
How To Store And Care For Your Tarot Cards
Minor Arcana Keyword Chart
Tarot: Quick and Dirty Keyword Sheets
Tarot Cheat Sheets
Tarot Reversal Keyword Sheet
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The Major Arcana
Court Cards In Tarot
The Tarot Suits
Tarot Suit Info Cards
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Fortune Teller Isn’t A Bad Word
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When you’re no longer a beginner
Blood Christening
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Minerals that are NOT Suitable for Adding to Water
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Poisonous Herbs: Hazards
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Kitchen Witch Masterpost
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- General Posts: [The Basics Of Kitchen & Cottage Witchcraft] [Infusing and Charging your Drink] [Basic Ideas For Kitchen Witchery]  [Bedridden Witchcraft: Kitchen Witch Edition] [A Guide (Of Sorts) To Kitchen Witchcraft]  [Ethics of Enchantment of Food and Drink] [Mini Herb Packets] [On Kitchen Magic]
Correspondences:  [Fruit & Veggie Correspondences] [Useful Spices] [Taste Correspondences] [Onions In Witchcraft] [Grocery Store Alternatives for Magical Ingredients] [Food Correspondences]  [Witchcraft For The Home: Herbs & Spices] [Herbs & Witchcraft] [Herbs, Incense, Oils]  [Food Magic Correspondences]  [Magic Pies] [Herbal Correspondences] [Kitchen Magic Altar Herbs] [Cucumbers] [Magical Uses for Kitchen Tool] [Teas For Witches: The Basics] Spells:  [Charmain’s Self Love Mug] [Kitchen Charm Magnet for Fresher Food Longer] [Kitchen Cabnet Abundance Jar] [Protection Powder] [Rotten Apple Banishing]  [Abitwitchy’s Bath Bag] Recipes:  [Soups! Kitchen Witch Masterpost] [3 Spring Witchy Recipes] [Warming Autumn Soup] [Family Good Health Soup] [Honey Lavender Bread] [Pumpkin Pie Happiness Spell] [Grandma’s Pumpkin Bread] [Imbolc Poppy Seed Tea Bread] [Edible Wealth Spell] [Luck & Love Bread]  [Peace Spell] [Feel Better Charmed Soup] [Give Me Sunshine Potion for Happiness] [Healing Tea Recipe] [Soups & Broths In Magick] [Happiness & Luck Smoothie] Tips/Random: [Kitchen Witchcraft Baking Tips]  [Kitchen Witch (#10)] [Honey for sigils] [Storage tip] [Lemon Juice For Invisible Sigils] [Kitchen Witchery Tips] [Cinnamon Stick Runes] [Baby Kitchen Witch Tip]  Thank you for the suggestion @choijiae1893!  I hope this helped you! Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
the magick of tea
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tea is an excellent way to incorporate green witchcraft and herbal magick into your daily life. here is a list of the magickal properties of different teas.
☾ black teas: the teas of winter. known to bring excitement, courage, and financial fortune.
    ♱ english breakfast: warmth, happiness, and courage
    ♱ irish breakfast tea: energy, strength, and willpower
    ♱ earl grey: the best tea for attracting money and fortune
    ♱ chai: love, prosperity, happiness, and healing
☾ white teas: the teas of spring, and the sun. known to heal and cleanse the drinker, as well as enhance spiritual communication and psychic energy.
    ♱ silver needle: purification, cleansing and healing
    ♱ white peony: protection against mischief and ill will
☾ green teas: the teas of summer. known for its powers of health, longevity, love and passion.
    ♱ sencha: prosperity, physical healing, mental strength
    ♱ matcha: love, passion and lust
    ♱ hojicha: banishing negativity, self-love, and health
    ♱ jasmine: spiritual love, energy charging
☾ oolong teas: the teas of autumn. known to inspire love, serenity, reflection, and balance.
    ♱ iron goddess: clarity of mind and heart
    ♱ osmanthus: transformation, harmony and serenity
☾ herbal teas: mixtures of herbs across all the seasons, with varying magickal properties.
    ♱ chamomile tea: love, healing, reducing stress
    ♱ peppermint: sleep, prophetic dreams, clearing negative energy
    ♱ lemon ginger tea: openness, cleansing, adventure
    ♱ dandelion root: divination, wishes, calling spirits
    ♱ fennel: vitality, banishing, energy
    ♱ ginseng: love, beauty, protection
    ♱ hibiscus: love lust, dreams
    ♱ echinacea: spirit offering, money drawing
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Intro to my Witchery
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Hello fellow witches! 
I’m an apprentice witch and still have lots to learn! Here’s a little bit about me.
Witch Type: Eclectic, Kitchen
Key Animals: Unicorns, Deer, Elephants, and Owls.
Wants: Love and Fortune
Fears: Failure, Heights, and Frogs.
Symbols: Stars, crescent moons, roses, hollow hearts
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
☽ Cleansing Routine
For the witch overwhelmed with life.
Clean your room; focus on each individual section, dust and purge
Clean your eating habits; try to stick to plant-based meals and don’t eat anything processed or junk food
Delete old texts and clean your phone out
Clean up social media
Clean your sheets, shower, and wash your clothes
Throw out or consolidate old bottles of lotion, perfume, etc.
Clean out your herb supply, throw out moldy or old potions and spell jars
If you have a carpet, pour a mix of herbs onto it and vacuum them up
Take a shower or bath and use an enchanted scrub to get rid of dead skin and cleanse yourself
Take out the garbage and freshen it up
Light a few candles and change out your pillowcases
Move furniture around, move plants and items to bring new energies in
If your altar is messy, clean and organize it; cleanse or charge your crystals and throw out old candles
Make new playlists and delete old ones you no longer listen to
Be as kind as you can not only to others, but to yourself
Donate old books or materials, old clothes, etc.
Wash your shoes
Take a few sips of (edible!) moonwater
Draw sigils inspired by your name and cleansing and burn them
Learn something new, and teach something new
Trim your nails and moisturize your skin
Clean pieces of jewelry you wear often
Throw out or reuse old pill bottles; put crystals in them, paint them, use them as spell jars
Renew good relationships and remove yourself from old ones
Write down things that bother you on a piece of paper and burn it. Just burn things.
Delete unnecessary contacts
Drink plenty of water and ingest a lot of plants; cleanse your internal system
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Cannabis Magic for your Wake ‘n Bake
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this is a quick simple spell to add a little magic to your first (or second, or third) bowl of the day. Items: -Cannabis  -Something to smoke with (pipe, bong, rolling papers…etc whatever your fancy) -Lighter/Matches _______________________________________________________________________
First ground yourself in your preferred way. Then, think about your intentions for the day, what you want to accomplish, what you think is holding you back… Waving your dominant hand in a CLOCKWISE circular motion over your pipe/bong/joint/whatever As I breathe in, I breathe in Positivity As I breathe in, I breathe in Creativity As I breathe in, I breathe in Bravery  Once you speak this incantation, wave your hand in a COUNTERCLOCKWISE circular motion and recite: As I breathe out, I breathe out Negativity As I breathe out, I breathe out Apathy As I breathe out, I breath out Anxiety Once you have cast this spell, smoke as usual, think about the meaning of the words and try to stay grounded. Visualize as you inhale that those concepts of Positivity/Creativity/Bravery are being inhaled as you smoke; as you exhale, visualize Negativity/Apathy/Anxiety exiting your body, being replaced with the words that you are inhaling. *Feel free to add words that apply to you and fit your situation.
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
What to use when in Witchcraft -
Ok so I am gonna say this is my personal reference, its mainly through associations. You might TOTALLY disagree and thats chill!
Its more something to think about and a guideline of what I use myself…
Candle Magic:
Carve a candle when…. the candle represents the target, in sympathetic magic. When, essentially, the candle is a poppet and lighting it is a symbol of destruction or empowerment to the target.
Place something under the candle or before it when… you are doing general candle magic, when the candle represents empowering a wish, idea or concept.
Anoint the candle when… doing work with spirits and gods, when you mark the candle for a special purpose, when doing high magic.
Herbs and plant work:
Use dry herbs when… it is convienent to do so, when the herbs are out of season or when you need to store them in a jar or bottle for a long time.
Use fresh herbs when… the spell is very earth orientated, when doing magic on behalf of another or when the magic is sympathetic so that the herbs represent the target, within kitchen witchery.
Use flowers when… when the spell concerns love and sex, or perhaps fertility and attraction, due to flowers being the reproductive parts of the plant.
Use fruit when when… working with children as a target, or with children practising. When you work with fertility and abundance spells.
Use wood and twigs when… when the spell is for protection or binding, for hardiness.
Burn herbs (recaning/incense) when… you wish to cleanse or banish, or invoke an atmosphere - that being, for divination using herbs that are said to open up your perceptions, when banishing, burning acrid or pungent herbs.
Use oil infusions when… you wish to anoint something, when you wish to mark something permanently.
Use floral waters (rose water etc) when… dealing with spirits and gods, for glamour as it has a long history of being used to beautify.
Use metals (haematite, copper, ores etc..) when… you work in protection, when you do energy work due to the conductive properties of metal.
Use shell, pearl, coral and such when… you work in sea magic, when you work within emotional magic due to the element of water.
Use points when… you wish to direct magic to a target.
Use tumble stones when… you wish the magic to be gentle or manifest at a certain place on the body on a target.
Use geodes when… you work in protection, when you work with glamour aimed to obscure and hide.
Knot magic:
Use cotton when… it is convenient.
Use silk when… doing spells that benefit the target.
Use ribbons when… love spells and wealth spells, as well as confidence and beauty spells. Spells to ensure victory.
Use rope when… doing spells that aim to hurt or weaken the target, binding especially.
Use cloth when… the spell aims to benefit who the poppet represents, use particular care when sewing or cutting, choose colours that are appropriate to them.
Use wax when… you wish to manipulate the target.
Use clay when… wish to create fetches or servitors, when you wish to create permanency.
Use twigs when… you wish to bury or throw the poppet out, when you want the poppet to be easily destroyed by breaking or setting on fire.
Use an alphabet grid or circle when… you wish the sigil to be more random and less attached to you.
Combine the shapes of letters from a sentence… when your sigil is very specific and a short term goal.
Use your own personal symbols when… you want the magic to be connected to you, when it is personal.
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
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Kitchen Witchery
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
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prosperity spell ♡
today i’ve illustrated the little ritual i did yesterday – and i am really proud and happy about the outcome. if you’d like to know in detail what i did, please click the link above :3
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Foodie Friday: Acorn Bread!
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- 1 cup acorn meal - 1 cup flour - 2 tbsp baking powder - ½ tsp salt - 3 tbsp sugar - 1 egg, beaten - 1 cup milk - 3 tbsp oil
1) Heat an oven to 400 degrees (F). As you wait, grease a loaf pan and sift together the dry ingredients.
2) In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients. Either in a stand mixer or with your arms, gradually mix in the dry ingredients until a thick batter is formed.
3) Pour the batter into the pan and bake for about 30 minutes!
Chef’s Note: If you can’t find acorn meal, or otherwise don’t wish to order it online, it is possible to make your own! Just be sure to harvest wisely, and to prep the acorns properly so as to avoid bitter flavors and upset stomachs! More information to follow!
Magical Ingredient!
As some know, I live on the Central Coast of California. Here, the weather is lovely and temperate year round, and the hills are perpetually deep green with the leaves of our native coast live oaks. Though the majority of our cuisine here is beef (BBQ being a bit of a staple around here) and seafood, it hadn’t always been that way. Imagine the excitement I had at a young age when I learned that those twisted and ancient branches dropped a food source year round which both the Salinan and the Chumash tribes made use of!
Today, acorns are often swept off of front porches, and especially in this area, they are usually disposed of along with the rest of the green waste. Pounds and pounds of the little nuts go to waste, but they could instead be harvested for a treat that has largely been forgotten throughout Europe and European countries, save for a couple of dishes.
Just in time for Thanksgiving, this particular bread is sweet and nutty, and ideal for a dessert, appetizer, or even a light breakfast! In addition, it’s very healthy and allows us to incorporate the magic of acorns and oak trees in ways we may otherwise overlook!
Like oak trees, acorns and humans have a long relationship. These beautiful trees grow throughout the northern hemisphere, with many different species and variations within the family. As a result, acorns can be found throughout the whole range, and where acorns can be found, humans had consumed them at some point in history. Because they are plentiful, and produced year-round, they were an easy-to-harvest food source, and were highly nutritious after some preparation.
It’s not completely clear how or why we switched over to grain, but the current running idea is that as demand for food rose with growing populations, there were occasionally conflicts over resources. Grain was simpler to carry, easier and quicker to grow, and took very little energy to harvest and prepare. When under attack, it’s a lot more difficult to dig up an oak tree and carry it away than it is to grab a handful of grain to grow.
However, oak trees never lost their significance in lore and history - the Irish Celtic writing system, called “Ogham,” is now linked to tree mythology, and features the Oak as its seventh character, “Dair.” In Irish folklore, the oak was a watcher and protector - a tree which represented nobility, stability, and strength. So much so, in fact, that it was associated with the Dagda, who was the chief of the Tuatha De Danann (the Irish Celtic gods). It was highly venerated by varying other Celtic cultures throughout Europe as well, and even by the Norse, who believed the oak tree to be a connection to the three worlds of the shaman.
One of the most famous stories involving an oak tree surrounds that of “Thor’s Oak.” It was said that a particular community of Norsemen venerated an oak as being sacred to Thor. A Catholic missionary challenged Thor, saying to stop him from cutting it down if he exists. The missionary then took an axe to the tree. A storm broke out and lightning struck the tree, destroying it. That moment, the whole community converted. Though the validity of this tale is left to some debate, it can be taken either way - did the missionary truly put the Norse gods to shame, or did Thor intentionally strike the tree to send a message?
Regardless, the fact that the tree was an oak says a lot about what was being said in the story - the royal nature of the tree, its strength, and its sacred status made it an important symbol of pagan faith in Europe.
In North America, the oak was still an important symbol and useful food source. In one Sioux legend, for example, a hunter who spurns the advances of an enchantress wakes one night to find an oak growing out of his belly, and is trapped in the rapidly growing oak tree until the spirit ruling over thunder and lightning frees him. This provides the oak with a link to magic, as well, which is another feature we see in much of European lore.
Hopping back to Europe, in fact, the oak tree has some association with the faerie -an inherently magical concept. And in some variations of the Arthurian legends, Merlin meets his downfall at the hands of Morgan le Fay, who imprisons him in an ancient oak tree. (Note that this is only in some variations… other variations include a stone tomb as in the Lancelot-Grail and in Le Morte d’Arthur.)
In today’s witchcraft, the oak tree has a long history, but the acorns have their own unique purposes as well. Given that they are plentiful, they are associated with wealth and prosperity. Furthermore, their connection to the oak tree connects them to wisdom and protection.
Place acorns on an altar to attract faerie or to draw luck and prosperity to your home, or simply as an excellent way to help ground your spells. When placed in a window, acorns help ward against negativity and harmful spirits. String acorns on a cord as a necklace or charm to ward against lies and deceit, and to draw wealth and luck.
Holding an acorn, one can also cleanse by using it to help channel away negativity and stagnant energy. Acorns can also be used as a symbol for male fertility, and therefore can be used in charms, bags, or other spells to enhance fertility and promote masculinity in spells where needed.
In kitchen witchery, the acorn is often overlooked for the very reason that few ever consider it to be a food item anymore (I should note, though, that acorns are still consumed in Korea and that it’s possible to acquire acorn soba noodles online) and because it takes some work to ensure that the acorns are leached of all their toxins. However, all of the aforementioned properties can be incorporated into the breads, pancakes, cakes, et cetera that can be made with acorn flour.
Harvesting and Preparing Acorns
If you plan on harvesting and cooking with acorns, be sure to gather at least a gallon of acorns from a safe and pesticide-free location. Take these and place them into a bucket, and pour water into the bucket. Any acorns that float should be removed, as they may contain oak weevils and other parasites. 
Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Transfer the acorns into the boiling water for about thirty seconds, then immediately remove them. This will help make shelling them easier - using a nutcracker, or hammer and towel, crack open the acorns. 
Transfer all of the acorns onto a sheet tray in an even layer, and bake them in an oven for about 20 minutes to a half hour at 250 degrees (F) to dry them out. The nuts themselves will shrink and separate from the shells and inner membranes. From there, you can easily remove the nut meats and save them for preparation.
The next step is incredibly important - it will remove the bitter flavors from the acorns, and will remove all of the tannins which can cause stomach upsets. Place the acorns into a pot, fill it with water, and place over medium heat. Allow the acorns to lightly boil for an hour, then strain in a colander. Repeat this as many times as it takes for the water to come out clear and the acorns no longer have bitter flavor.
At this point, the acorns can be mashed up and dried for grinding into meal, grits, and flour!
These little nuts have been used as a food source for thousands of years, and though it takes a lot of work to prepare them for safe consumption, they are particularly healthy and quite delicious! The history and relationship between oaks and humans is extensive, and filled with magic. So when it comes time for the Samhain season, the Thanksgiving season, or even for a healthy snack, see what kinds of benefits the magic of acorns can bring to you!
May all your meals be blessed! )O(
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Foodie Friday: Imbolc Leek and Potato Soup
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Recipe by Julia Shure at bonappetit.com
Ingredients: -¼ cup (half stick) butter -1 large leek, white and pale green parts only, thinly sliced -1 large garlic clove, minced -4 large potatoes, peeled, cut into ½ inch pieces -2 large carrots, peeled, cut into ½ inch pieces -4 cup low-salt chicken broth -2 tbsp chopped fresh dill (1 tbsp dried) -¾ cup milk -4 oz cream cheese -1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese (3 oz) -Chopped fresh parsley (optional) -Additional grated cheddar (optional)
1) Melt butter in heavy large pot over medium heat. Add leek and garlic; saute until tender but not brown, about 4 minutes. Add potatoes and carrots; saute 5 minutes longer. Add chicken broth and dill; simmer uncovered until vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat.
2) Add milk to soup. Transfer half of soup to blender. Add cream cheese and blend until smooth. Return soup to pot. Add 1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese and stir over low heat until melted. Transfer to large serving bowl. Garnish with parsley and additional cheese, if desired.
Magical Ingredient!
So when it comes to soups, it’s no secret that I’m a fan of the creams. If it’s got cream and cheese in it, I’m in. Add potatoes and bacon, and I’m salivating like a madman. But there’s a reason why these soups are so comforting. They’re filling, heartfelt meals that are often linked to much older, traditional recipes. And on Imbolc, here in the transition from winter to spring, winter dishes are a traditional fare.
Root vegetables and leeks were not uncommon winter crops due to how well they kept during the cold months, and for the Celts, dairy was of significant value. On Brigid’s day, it was the dairy which held a high place on the table. I have covered cheese and dairy on a Foodie Friday before, but this Imbolc, I felt it was a good idea to revisit dairy with another dish. Sort of like a throwback Friday, but with a different recipe!
So that said, enjoy! Have a blessed Imbolc, and may all your meals be blessed! )O(
Imbolc is a celebration of calving, and as such, milk - a very important substance, historically - holds special association with this Sabbat. In areas where the consumption of dairy was common, milk was often held in high esteem. Goddesses such as Cerridwen, Hathor, and Venus are associated with it, and milk has a prominent place in the Norse creation myth.
It stands to reason that milk would be of high significance to our ancestors. From birth, the first thing nearly all mammals eat is milk produced by their mothers. Rich in fat and nutrients necessary for healthy growth, this liquid developed a reputation for having life sustaining properties. And sure enough, as cattle began to be domesticated, that life-sustaining milk began to be harvested and used to create cheeses, butters, or would be used as offerings. In Irish Celtic culture, the milk of the cows and ewes was so important that it could determine whether or not the community could live through the winter, and the milk of cows and ewes that had just calved was of even more importance because it was more dedicated toward raising a child and giving it life.
Today, milk is a cornerstone of the American food industry alongside beef and corn. It is so often taken for granted as it sits in refrigerators next to copious amounts of yogurts and cheeses, often by the gallon. But that doesn’t mean that its significance has been lost on the kitchen witch!
The easiest use for milk is as an offering. Various gods and goddesses accept milk as an offering, and in Faerie magic, it is believed that cream and sugar as an offering can keep one in favor with the local faerie population.
For the kitchen witch, use milk to promote health and well-being. It can also be used to encourage peace, as it is often attributed with times of plenty (Land of Milk and Honey, anyone?). Due to those core principles, milk can also be used for spells for attracting wealth and prosperity.
Herbs steeped in milk can be used for various herbal remedies, much like a tea, and milk can be used in some witch jars and bottle. Feeding mojo/gris gris/witch bags with milk in place of liquor is also a fairly common practice.
With all of these uses, it’s not hard to imagine why milk was held in such high regard! Remember it when adding it to coffee or cereal!
If you’re interested in seeing last year’s Imbolc recipe (from which the above information was pulled), a delicious broccoli cheddar soup, feel free to visit it here!
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witchithekitchi · 5 years
Foodie Friday: Garlic Rosemary Chicken
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Ingredients: - Skinless, boneless chicken breasts -Rosemary -Black Salt (the edible kind, not the witchy kind) -Pepper -Garlic, crushed -White Wine -Lemons -Olive Oil
1) If you have the flaked black salt, gently crush it into workable pieces. If you’re using dried rosemary instead of fresh, grind it with the salt in a mortar and pestle (or food processor - I prefer working it by hand so I can have more control over the consistency). Preheat your oven to 450 degrees (Fahrenheit).
2) In a baking dish, combine olive oil, rosemary, salt, pepper, garlic, and zest from the lemon*. Place your chicken breasts into the dish and coat them with the oil blend. Slice up your lemon and give it a nice squeeze over the dish, then add the slices to the pan.
3) Place your chicken into the oven to roast until done - the internal temperature of the chicken should be at 165 degrees (Fahrenheit). About halfway through roasting, add a splash of white wine to the pan (both for flavor and to help keep the chicken moist).
4) Serve, garnished with a sprig of fresh rosemary and a slice or two of grilled lemon. Excellent with rice!
*Tip: If you want to ensure plenty of flavor in your chicken, it’s best to make the oil blend ahead of time. In a jar or other container, add fresh rosemary, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and a slice of lemon. Cover this with olive oil and allow it to rest. By infusing the oil in this way, you’re guaranteeing a flavorful chicken!
Magical Ingredient!
It sometimes amazes me how sometimes a single, seemingly simple plant can do so much for us both magically and practically. And sometimes, these very same plants are used as much for decoration as they are used for medicine, food, and magic! It’s difficult to see anything to dislike about rosemary, and many witches are agreed that rosemary is one of those “necessity herbs” - that is to say that if there had to be any kind of herb in the cabinet, it should be rosemary.
This hardy shrub has been used for medicine and food for about as long as humanity has lived in the Mediterranean and Asia, and has been cultivated worldwide because of its survivability. It is fairly resistant to cool climates, and thrives in areas with milder climates. Various cultivars have been developed, either to increase flavor and leaf size, to increase flower production, or to allow it to grow as ground cover.
Its medicinal properties are varied. As a tea, rosemary is excellent for providing relief for mild headaches and congestion. As such, this herb is a great cold and flu remedy. When made into a tincture, rosemary can help with migraines and can help regulate menstrual cycles. The tincture can also be used to help with heavy blood flow during menstrual cycles and can be used to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
The Greeks and Romans made use of rosemary for helping to improve memory, as well - wearing a sprig of fresh rosemary or sleeping with it under a pillow is said to help a student retain more information. This tradition continues today, so much so that rosemary oils are bought en masse by students during exam season.
In food, rosemary has many uses, but is typically used to flavor stuffings and meats, while also imparting a strong aroma. The flowers are also edible, and sometimes used both as a garnish and cooked. 
Because of its characteristic scent, rosemary is also frequently used in cosmetic products and incense, as well as cleaning products, further enforcing its versatility!
Traditionally, rosemary is worn in remembrance for fallen warriors and soldiers, giving it an association with both memory and death. This goes back into the past as well, with sprigs of rosemary added to a casket before burial to protect a deceased loved one in the afterlife and to protect the grave site.
Rosemary has a strong association with protection, and is used in incense much like sage for smoke cleansing and purification. Its shape naturally lends itself well to making brooms and besoms, adding an extra punch to cleansing spells involving those brooms. On top of all of that, it has been used to assist in exorcisms! Because of these associations, rosemary can be used as a substitute for frankincense!
During the middle ages, rosemary was used as a love charm, worn by all attendees to a wedding. For bride, it was also a fertility charm.
For sympathetic magic, rosemary can be added to poppets, bags, and jars for fertility, love, luck, lust, protection, cleansing, money, so on and so forth. Taking dried, powdered rosemary and using it to feed these spells is particularly helpful, and is fairly easy to come by.
All of these same associations can be used in the kitchen for tinctures, oils, and foods. For new witches, rosemary is not only potent, but also very easy to enchant as it takes up intention very well!
The list goes on and on. In short, rosemary is exceptional for nearly any spell and purpose. Whether experienced or new to witchcraft, spend some time with rosemary and see what kinds of benefits it can bring to you! It is certainly an herb perfect for witches of all paths!
May all your meals be blessed! )O(
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