witchycirce ยท 2 years
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Nika shakarami, a 17 year old iranian girl who went missing for ten days after attending a protest against the government.
Her family asked about her whereabouts from the police almost everyday but the police always said the they didn't know and that she wasn't here.
Before Nika was arrested she called her friend/family and told them that she was being followed by the police and that she was afraid.
After that nobody heard of Nika again.
After 10 days her family was finally able to see her to identify her body.
Her skull was broken and her face was fully smashed because of repeated hits to hear head and her face.
Her family also says that there were stitch marks on her body, likely because they opened her body for reasons that are unknown as of now.
There are also claims that Nika was repeatedly raped as well. And with how the polic is handling the situation I don't doubt that this is the case.
The police is uncharacteristically very scared about any information that might get out on the internet about her death. They are so scared that they have threatened to kill Nika's uncle and aunt if her family speaks any more about her death and they are pressuring her family to come to tv and say that her death was not by the police.
The police took (stole) Nika's body and buried her without her family's knowledge, because they were scared about what they would find on her body.
Please be the voice of Iranian people and please be the voice that Nika and her family desperately need at this time of sorrow.
Don't let the horrific death of Nika, a teenager so full of life go unpunished.
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