#wk reprogrammed
transmascanakin · 1 month
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The gala...
I've been wanting to draw something for the reprogrammed au for AGES and i finally got a bit of inspiration from the latest decoded chapter... I never draw backgrounds but I really hope I did the scene justice!
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littlecrittereli · 7 days
catching up on all the chapters of decoded and i'm literally tweaking out. your writing has so much imagery and you're able to capture the reoccurring themes and emotions of healing, anxiety, desperation, and disorders like PTSD even if you're not specifically saying it (like the knife imagery, and how chris feels like he's walking on egg shells around the crew whenever he feels like he's trying to earn their trust back, or trying to get that label of mentally stable back on him). it throws me for such a loop anytime i see some of the words you use. "invasive" really stuck out to me when you were describing the chip in chris' arm, and (as an older sibling) you capture the complex of an older brother perfectly. i feel like such a fangirl, but you're able to place the reader in everyone's shoes (besides diego n anyone not on the crew), from chris struggling to heal and feel trusted--and survivors guilt, to martin just wanting his brother to feel secure (and struggling to cope with the change), to aviva, koki and jimmy all caring for him. I also LOVE how you show little instances into chris'.... well.... i guess memory gaps? or i guess his time in the suit? I don't know how exactly to word it, but you ride the line between telling too much, and telling to little-- it's just enough that it's disturbing and leaves so many questions. and the pure symbolism in chris scarring martin while in the suit, the branding and ownership imagery, the loss of self-- its all so amazing, im enamored! it's honestly a work of art and honestly i'm obsessed with how the story's evolving. just AAAAAA if i could read your fic for the first time again, i would. if I had the time to write a dissertation on it, i also would. keep up the amazing work!!! im so excited to see all the things yet to come with your writing (you should totally write a book at some point!!) (and your art is amazing too!!!)
-sincerely, a college english major (who's also sick with brain fog so sorry if this isn't as clear as it should be)
This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me wtf
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HEKSHSJ IM SO HAPPY YOU ENJOY IT AHHHHH im so insane for them and everytime someone matches my insanity i jump around in my enclosure
This is honestly the first thing I’ve written thats over 20k!! I have never been super confident in my writing capabilities, sticking more to art and comics. But I really wanted to give it a try, and I’ve been learning so much and having so much fun with it!
I will definitely be writing more stories in the future, but Reprogrammed is really special to me in a lot of ways. There’s a lot of symbolism and deeper interactions that I don’t usually explore. It’s honestly been really refreshing and healing to me in a way :]
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lloowweesss · 1 month
Post-like um pausing the lil comic (srry in advance)
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Learning ALOT abt like drawing and stuff so it’s still umm bad to say the least— buut I love Reprogramed by @littlecrittereli, annd I’m working on bodies rn sooo any advice is greatly appreciated
Anywase that’s all for now bye!!♡
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Season Two is HERE!
Hey, everyone! Mun Aspie here!
We are pleased to announce that Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed season two is officially here!
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There’s definitely been a sharp change in tone and we want to make sure our readers stay safe and comfortable, so I will be (with good reason) spoiling a few of the themes so that you can decide for yourself. We hope that, should you choose to venture forth, you leave your comments and suggestions with us so we can continue to bring you the entertainment you crave.
-Mun Aspie
T/W: Dead Dove topics under the cut
Graphic violence (blood, trauma, broken bones)
Slurs (racial, ableist, h*mophobic)
Adult themes
Real-World Crimes (Arson, Gun Violence, Human Trafficking)
Self Harm/S*icidal Thoughts^
Thank you for taking the time to read through these, while they in no way fully reflect the contents of this chapter in the story that is Reprogrammed, we hope this can serve as a guide for what to expect.
^If you struggle with thoughts of harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Hotline (988)
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dwaterson21 · 1 year
Who’s your favorite Kratt out of the 3?
I can't choose, to be honest.
Martin is the eldest. He represents chaos, yet is also the most focused. He is a character too deep for just one series. Expect more of him in the future. I have an idea for a whole new story with him as well, possibly outside of the Reprogrammed universe.
Chris is the foundational stability within the meat in the middle. He represents stability. He is the rock, the combination of physical foundation and emotional stasis. Expect more from him.
Connor is the young gun, the teen with a mind forced to age faster than his body. He represents the very thing he despises: Change. I can't wait to write more of him in Season 2 and going into KACA Chronicles.
You can't make me pick between children.
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thewildcreator · 2 years
New Programming.
Hi there, it's Derek.
You may or may not have noticed that I haven't been posting here for a while. This is because this Tumblr is somewhat obsolete. I am currently working on another project, based heavily on what was originally set to be Wild Boys, called Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed. Season One is actually already on AO3 and complete.
If you want to see what became of Wild Boys, go check out THIS TUMBLR HERE.
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clementartz · 5 months
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Ᏽ𐌉ꃴ𐌄 𐌉𐌍𐌕ꂦ 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌀𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌀𐌋
soooo i read @littlecrittereli’s wild kratts reprogrammed au fic and was immeeeediately hooked. the lore goes CRAZY !!! RAHHHHH!!!! also i made a playlist to go along with it >.<
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starruby-123 · 6 months
Another reprogrammend animation, I seriously loved this story, it's incredible, it took 4 days to make this beauty, I hope you like it littlecrittereli :D
This is more like a trailer, I want to animate this story only when I can have time since I'm working on another series with another theme, and also when I evolve more in the animation so this story can be incredible
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akaiitwki · 20 days
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I finally got the chance to start reading Reprogrammed by @littlecrittereli and i've been liking it a lot so far! I wanted to practice "semi realism" rather than cel shading this time.
Inspo + alt version below.
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(Original: Madra, Newdad)
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schloofers · 1 month
So I sort of meant to just draw Chris to practice with his design and ended up drawing more of Reprogrammed AU since I got stuck after the first drawing :,3
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snufkepo · 5 months
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fallen angel
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doneee ^_^
based on Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel .. genuinely one of my favorite paintings ever it was super fun to draw this !!
this is a Clouded Leopard suit version of Chris in @littlecrittereli 's fic Reprogrammed ^_^!!! super good read once again I recommend it so much peace and love
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burntnoodls11 · 6 months
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(click for better quality)
read reprogrammed by @littlecrittereli on ao3 now!!!!
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littlecrittereli · 5 months
More Concept Art Yippee!
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Been cooking this one up for almost a week now...
Still no context because I'm still developing the plot line for Reprogrammed's Sequel...
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lizkou · 29 days
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Spectacular I’ll take more angst plz 🙃
Based off of @littlecrittereli Decoded Chapter 8
(Like this was a crazy chapter idk how crazier this can get 😭 plz you’re so talented)
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Season 2 is coming soon. I promise.
Derek Waterson here, with an update on the status of Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed, as well as my personal life. [Trigger Warnings below for substance abuse and sexual assault. Be advised.]
Those who may know me will know about the various examples of trauma I have faced, as well as my struggles with some forms of substance abuse and alcohol usage. Unfortunately, some of the actions of our story villains are not beholden completely to the page, and some of those actions have affected me personally, including the memories of my sexual assault.
Unfortunately, those memories caused me to relapse and break my sobriety, and I have been steadily drinking ever since. Unfortunately, furthermore, this has made me unable to write at the fullest potential of myself and my genius that you all so greatly deserve.
But with the help of @actualaspie, I have been steadily cutting back on my alcohol consumption and am coming out of my depressant-studded stupor. And I am beginning to feel more and more ready to tackle the third chapter of Reprogrammed.
I sincerely apologize for my inability to write. It pains me to no end to keep you all waiting. But I know deep down that it is best to stand down and await the full spark of genius' return to my mind, and not write the piteous mediocrity that would come otherwise that you guys don't deserve.
The genius will be returning soon. I promise. For now, can y'all comment on the story more? And ask me questions, I like those.
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dwaterson21 · 1 year
Here’s a question for ya: Why include Gourmand only to kill him?
[TW: Mass shootings and serial killers are discussed below. Be advised.]
I was inspired to create my version of Gourmand based on studies I had done on deviant behavior psychology, specifically on those of Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and mass shootings such as Columbine, Texas, and especially Virginia Tech.
I had always harbored a deep hatred of Gourmand as a kid, and (since there was already going to be a main villain for the series,) I felt there would be good reason to use him to progress the story with his death. He's an utter pariah, a character who can ground everyone's opinions through hatred. See: King Joffrey from Game of Thrones and Commodus from Gladiator. Also, it allows the team (e.g. Connor) to grow through the granting of the power over life and death, two major themes throughout the entire series.
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