wn1ven Β· 2 years
i got glasses :D
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
when the sun melts the ice β€” park sunghoon.
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pairing. figure skater!sunghoon x figure skater f!reader
genre. childhood enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst, fluff.
warning(s). cursing, mentions of injuries and blood, both are very mean to each other at first.
summary. you hated park sunghoon, and it wasn't news that he hated you too, both of you were always at each other's necks, for you it all came down to who was better at ice skating and finding the slightest mistake to make fun of each other, but one day an accident and an injury make you change your view of him, proving that he really did have a heart after all.
note. this is my part for @emeraldenha's "unlikely" collab, please leave feedback, it's always appreciated !! teaser here.
wc. 12.6k
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"okay, that's all for today guys! don't forget to come early tomorrow, we can't waste time!"
you let out a big sigh the second those words passed through your ears, you were tired, sleepy and the long practice was finally over, today you tried so much harder than usual and you could feel how your legs burned with every movement you made, all you wanted was to be in the comfort of your bed, even if it meant that when you got up your legs would shake.
from being relieved now you wanted to rip your ears off, you could hear how a small group of girls who were next to you didn't stop talking about how "beautiful" the boy who made your days a nightmare was. you just rolled your eyes in disgust, you didn't even know what they saw in him, he was arrogant, selfish, greedy, stupid and above all he had a bad temper, you weren't surprised to know that he had no friends when he treated everyone in an inferior way believing that he was better than the rest, who would want to be close to someone like him?
definitely not you, you couldn't even think of him as someone attractive when his personality already said everything about him as a person and didn't let you see beyond his frown that was furrowed 24 hours a day, the only times you could see him smile was when he beat you in some competition by making fun of you and you just wanted to erase any trace of happiness in him as if he were a picture of a fresh painting. not in a thousand years you could see yourself being friends with him, much less knowing all the things he said and did to you for the last 10 years.
while you were waiting for the rest of your teammates to leave the ice rink, your body almost ended up on the ground, you could feel someone bumping your shoulder sharply, causing you to almost lose your balance.
you turned to see who it was, and sure enough it was park sunghoon.
you cursed under your breath when you saw that arrogant smile of his peek over the edge of his lips, it was as if he had been listening to your thoughts all this time and wanted to take revenge, your friend yuna who was only a few meters from you watching everything could only laugh while covering her mouth. you had forgotten that you always had to be alert when you were around him.
you were about to say something to him but your coach's hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"hey i know you're tired but tomorrow you can stay up late training? i want to focus on you and sunghoon." if just the presence of him already put you in a bad mood, having to spend more time with him only made you want to drop off the earth.
"with sunghoon? is it really necessary?" you wanted him to be joking, you wanted to refuse, no matter what reasons mr. choi had for holding you back to share the same air as him.
"yes, you know that the olympics are close, i want to make sure that their routines are as perfect as possible," you let out another long sigh, turning your gaze towards yuna who was looking at you confused "i know that your relationship is not the best but you don't even have to speak, i will make you work until exhaustion and you know it. i only want the best for both and ensure that you win a medal, do not forget that you will be representing the republic of korea and that it is also one of your dreams, i'm doing this only for you."
and there was his speech again, you were tired of hearing it but as much as you hated the idea you knew he was right, besides for nothing in the world would you let someone like sunghoon ruin your chance to go to the olympics.
you will work hard, do better than him and win the gold medal. you wouldn't let him beat you.
"okay." your coach's smile lit up his face completely. when it came to skating he could be very tough but you knew he had a big heart, he was like your second father, after all you knew him since you were six years old.
"i'm happy to hear that, then i'll see you tomorrow." he gave a gentle squeeze on your shoulder and you just smiled back.
"what was that?" yuna was almost on top of your body waiting for an answer while you took off your skates.
"nothing, it's just that it seems that for the next few months i will have to spend more hours with sunghoon," you frowned "and every day, as if seeing him three times a week wasn't enough." you jerked your skates away but instantly regretted it, you didn't want them to be ruined.
yuna placed her finger between your eyebrows "you're going to get wrinkles," you couldn't help but giggle "and why are you so mad anyway? remember that this is not about sunghoon but about you and the olympics. i know that you will do great and win a medal."
"i guess you're right," you got up ready to go, with yuna walking by your side "and by medal you mean the gold one right?" you were joking but seeing that she was silent you hit her shoulder playfully "i can't believe that you are like my best friend and you are on his side." you put a hand on your chest pretending to be hurt.
she just laughed "i'm not! but you can't deny that he's pretty good too, you're not called the ice prince and princess for nothing. it's still hard to say who's better and anyone can win."
"yeah whatever you say, but i'm still better." you laughed but you couldn't help but feel some jealousy and insecurity.
you could see sunghoon talking to the coach in a corner, after all it wasn't the first time he beat you. you wrinkled your nose and went on your way, you didn't want to think about him anymore when you were more than sure that the following weeks would be insufferable, you had better things to do than think about him and his stupid face, just like how to improve your routine.
you were going to do your best, you just hoped you could beat him this time.
"just focus, try to do it one more time."
you bit your lip as you got up from the floor in frustration after falling for the fourth time trying to do a triple axel. you were angry, angry with yourself, with your coach, with sunghoon who kept sneering silently every time you made a mistake, you were angry with everything. and embarrassed too.
it was ridiculous that now you didn't get that jump when you had done it thousands of times before without problems, you didn't know what was wrong with you that day but you just wanted to do it right so you could stay calm, to stop tormenting your mind with the olympics and in the thousands of mistakes you could make when you were there.
you took a deep breath as you skated around the rink with your eyes closed trying to gain some confidence, muttering words of encouragement to yourself, preparing to do it one more time. you ignored everything around you, you forgot mr choi's expectant look and sunghoon's teasing one, you silenced the voices in your head and tried. it was only you
but you failed again.
"okay, that's enough." mr choi looked disappointed and couldn't even look you in the face but you didn't blame him, you couldn't do it either, the olympics were close and you were already doing everything wrong from day one. you weren't even able to show him your entire routine because you kept making silly mistakes.
you could hear sunghoon's bitter laugh in the distance "i don't even know why you focus so much on her and have so much faith when she can't even do a simple triple axel," you looked him in the eyes wanting to kill him and wishing he would shut his mouth "why is she going to the olympics with me anyway? she will never be good enough." his smirk just made you want to punch him in the face.
"sunghoon." the coach called his name with a frown, he was upset and he knew it but still didn't care, he just shrugged his shoulders pretending "stop talking, it's your turn."
tears threatened to come out of your eyes, you just sat waiting for sunghoon to finish so you could try a few more times, you closed your eyes and covered them with your hands, you didn't even want to see how he did everything perfectly, you tried to review in your mind everything you have prepared so far, but your plans are ruined when mr. choi sits next to you.
"you can go home for today," you could feel how the air left your lungs, you wanted to refuse but he kept talking "i know what you're going to tell me but the answer is no, it's clear that this is not your day, you aren't well and you have to rest because if you go there again," his finger pointed the ice rink "and you fall, you could hurt yourself and i'm sure you don't want that." he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for you to say something but you just stayed silent looking down "look, we still have a lot of time to train, but i want you to be focused for next time, okay? we can't work like this, come tomorrow with a cool head." his cold expression changed to a softer one as soon as he caressed your hair "and don't pay attention to what sunghoon says."
your throat was closed due to the force you exerted to avoid crying preventing you from speaking, you wanted to thank him for everything but you couldn't, although you were sure he knew it.
you focused on the last thing he said to you, you were already used to sunghoon's words but that didn't mean they couldn't hurt you, they cut deep and stayed with you, you focused your gaze on him but it only made you feel worse, you hated the way he could do everything effortlessly, he aced every move, he didn't need to do much because his presence already lit up the whole place.
ever since you can remember sunghoon was like that, he had an innate talent and you were always jealous for that, he was born with a gift and you had to work hard every day to even be able to be at his level, you wanted to curse him for that.
you remembered his words from a few seconds ago, you couldn't even clearly remember why it all started.
but you hated park sunghoon.
and he hated you too.
it was nothing new for the people who knew you, it was already well known that the two of you were always competitive with each other and that you tried to be better than everyone else, all that rivalry had started when you were kids and after years it still wasn't over, it was ridiculous but it seemed to have no end.
how you wished sunghoon would fall or make some mistake so you could make fun of him the same way he made fun of you, but that didn't seem to happen anytime soon. it was stupid to deny how good he was, you could rarely see him do anything wrong and for that reason it only embarrassed you more that you couldn't get a jump you had been doing for years, sunghoon had improved a lot in a few months and you felt like you were still stuck in the same level since you are 17 years old.
you wanted to laugh when you remembered that time you tried to be friends with him at 9 years old because you had been put together for a routine, everything had started well, both were shy so you didn't talk much at first but you already admired him because you used to see him from afar.
but because of a bad move you started yelling at each other.
sunghoon was rubbing his elbow with a pained expression on his face "it's all your fault! you don't know how to skate" you already apologized and were waiting for him to do the same because you hurt your knee, but instead he just blamed you everything and stuck his tongue out at you, and that was something you couldn't tolerate.
"liar! you're the one who made us fall!" watching two little kids fight could be fun, but his coach was quick to join you to stop the yelling.
"hey, it's okay, don't fight, we're all friends and these mistakes can happen, right? now i want you to apologize." she held you both by the shoulder and brought you closer so you were face to face "come on, what are you waiting for?"
"i already apologized and he was rude." you couldn't get the frown off your face and for nothing in the world would you apologize again.
"that's a lie." sunghoon just stuck his tongue out at you again and by that time you were already crying. you hated when people were mean to you.
"dumb!" maybe you shouldn't have said that, but it was too late.
"stop crying, you look ugly!"
that afternoon, in fact, you couldn't stop crying and your parents had to pick you up to take you home, you didn't want to go for a few days but you decided you wouldn't let a silly kid ruin your fun. and since then sunghoon always made fun of you at every chance he got, he even gave you the nickname "cry baby" even though you never stood idly by and that was just another reason for things between you to get worse. you still remember like it was yesterday when he told you that you would never become good figure skater even if you practiced your whole life.
you didn't even remember how it had been or if it was really his fault that you fell, but the fact is that everything had started because he didn't want to apologize and was rude to you, you used to be a very sensitive kid so you still had a grudge against him.
you were very different, sunghoon was someone cold, selfish and very hard on himself too, while for your part you were very different from him you always found the bright side of things, you helped your teammates no matter what and you enjoyed what you did, you could never understand him no matter how hard you tried, you were more than sure that he was an insensitive and heartless boy.
yeah, you hated park sunghoon.
it's been 2 weeks and you're still staying up late with sunghoon to train, there were other competitions coming up but you two were the stars for the olympics.
you were doing better every time, and he was not far behind.
you hated to admit it but he was good. he was so freaking good.
the way he moves is captivating, you could spend hours just watching him move, he was delicate but precise and marked his movements well at the same time, the elegance and beauty of the sport is portrayed in every aspect of him when he's on the ice, he was definitely made for it.
but you didn't except less, after all he was your competition for a reason.
his routine was too good, but you had confidence in yourself and that yours was even better, you would not let something similar to happen a few years ago, when they chose him over you for almost all the competitions they had to represent to the republic of korea, that was your last straw. you still remember crying almost every night because of it.
"excuse me guys, i have a call and i have to answer." you just nodded and kept looking at sunghoon.
he took advantage of that moment to start practicing his quad axel, ever since he saw his biggest idol do it he became obsessed with the idea that he could do it too, mr. choi always scolded him because it was a very dangerous jump and he could get hurt by whatever mistake he made, but he was stubborn and kept trying anyway but you weren't surprised, knowing his personality you were sure he thought he was better than the rest and it wouldn't take him long to handle it perfectly.
you looked to the side for a second diverting your attention from him and a loud noise made you turn back to him almost instantly, sunghoon was on the floor and you just hissed because it was sure painful "better luck next time!" you yelled at him as you saw how he turned around floor.
you brushed him off and just got ready to enter the ice rink, but he wasn't moving an inch and had his face hidden in his arms.
"sunghoon what the hell are you doing? get out so i can practice, you're on the way." you snorted. you thought he was faking it but it took you a couple of seconds to realize he wasn't.
ignoring the voices in your head you quickly approach him, kneeling beside him, you see how his knuckles were white from squeezing his hands so much. you didn't know what to do, he hurted himself? should you tell him something? help him up? call mr choi? all thought left your head the moment sunghoon's eyes collided with yours, they were red and his cheeks were wet with traces of tears, his brow was furrowed and his lip had a small trace of blood from how strong he had been biting all that time.
and you didn't like the feeling of your stomach wanting to come out of your mouth.
"get the fuck off." you didn't realize your hand was so close to his body until he pushed it away. you tried to ignore him and want to help him but he didn't even let you speak "where's mr. choi?"
"i don't know." you walked away from him, not wanting to deal with his bad mood any longer and call mr. choi to take care of him instead.
you saw him struggle to get up, but as soon as he wanted to rest his body on his right leg it vanished almost instantly, he threw a curse into the air. the great park sunghoon, the ice prince, lying on the ground crying from a silly fall? you could only think how pathetic he looked at that moment.
"stop doing that, god you look so stupid, i will just call an ambulance or something." you didn't even really know what you were supposed to do.
the only reason you wanted to use your phone was so you could take a picture of him without him noticing and make fun of it for all eternity. you knew that he was embarrassed by his photos of when he was a child that still circulated on the internet, so this was the perfect opportunity to have a good laugh every time you entered any social media, seeing him so vulnerable just gave you infinite ideas. but you didn't do any of them, and you weren't sure if he would have done the same to you.
"just call mr. choi, i don't need you." he ran his hands over his face and pulled at his hair in frustration.
"can you shut up? i'm trying to be nice, you know i could just leave you lying here suffering because you're an idiot who doesn't know his limits and doesn't accept help, right?" maybe you should have done what he told you instead of continuing to embitter your existence with his presence.
"did i ever ask you to come help me? stop acting like you're good now, i don't need your stupid pity and much less your help, i'd rather break my ankle than be another second near you." you were more than grateful that those feelings were mutual, you were just wasting your time trying to be nice to him.
and so you confirmed once again that you hated him.
but that annoying sensation didn't leave your chest, you hated sunghoon but you hated even more that feeling that you never felt for him invade your body before. was it pity? you were sure it was, it must also be the nerves of the moment. and you couldn't sit idly by, you didn't even know where mr. choi had gone, if you just left him alone there you wouldn't be much better than him.
and you don't want to be someone like him.
"well the thing is you probably did break your ankle." the look he gave you almost made you back away from him, you've never seen so many emotions run through someone's orbs before and it was overwhelming.
you didn't want to keep looking at him because of how uncomfortable you were starting to feel so you turned around looking for mr. choi, you didn't want to be there anymore, but you couldn't even get 2 meters away from him when he finally appeared.
"what happened?" his voice sounded scared, terrified. he hurriedly approached sunghoon and wasted no time taking off his skate and seeing the state of his body, you walked away while listening to his moans of pain. this was none of your business "y/n i already called an ambulance, you go with him i will follow you with my car behind."
"what?" you opened your eyes wanting to believe that you heard wrong, but mr. choi repeated it to you loud and clear "but-"
"no excuses now."
you couldn't say another word. everything had happened very quickly, you didn't even remember if it was your body that moved on its own but you were already in the back of the ambulance next to sunghoon. you wanted to die.
both are wrapped in a silence that surpassed the uncomfortable, the tension could be counted with just a knife no matter how sharp it was, you keep looking everywhere avoiding his eyes.
"you need to tell your family." you didn't realize those words came out of your mouth instead of staying in your head.
"i don't have my phone." his eyes closed and you had barely heard him speak.
"i'll call them for you, i just need you to give me a number."
"no you won't, god stop being so annoying, just let mr. choi take care of everything." and there was his annoyed expression again, you were already surprised to see him calm for so long.
you wanted to say so many things at that time, but not a single sound left your lips just out of pity.
you made a little mental note to yourself that this would be the first and last time you would try to help park sunghoon.
the atmosphere was tense, you felt how simply the air from those four walls crushed your body and cut the air from your lungs, your head was heavy and the vision in your eyes became blurred over time because you had only been looking at the same spot in the floor for the last 10 minutes.
you never felt that time passed as slowly as it does now.
you just wanted mr. choi to finish talking to the doctor and finish all his calls so you could tell him that you would leave that place to go home, if you spent just one more second next to sunghoon you would feel how your lungs would become intoxicated.
and he felt the same as you, it was uncomfortable having your presence so close and that neither said anything knowing that a single comment would be like dropping a bomb, and both knew that the damage it would leave couldn't be repaired.
but there you were, opening your big, silly mouth, unable to contain yourself "how do you feel?"
"are you seriously asking me that?" you rolled your eyes for the sixth time that day at his response, at least you no longer felt your throat burn.
"yes, that's what i just did, are you deaf?" you spat out your words
sunghoon's mood wasn't the best, it never was, and with everything he was feeling at the time, your words and your mere presence were enough to make him explode.
"god, can you just leave me alone and get the fuck out of here!? why would i want someone as useless as you here? i'm sick of you, you're not good at skating or doing whatever it is you want to do now! we're not friends and never will be don't even try it, get that into that head of yours at least that's how you use it for something, i don't even know why you're still here when all you do is sulk me up and be a nuisance here." his finger was pointing at you, his body moving closer to yours with every word he spat hatefully in your face and neither of you broke eye contact.
it was pathetic how his words still had such an effect on you, he meant nothing to you so why did it hurt so much? why did you want to cry and yell in his face for him to shut up? why did your body feel so weak, as if your knees would lose strength if you kept looking into his eyes?
for almost all your life you had to put up with his insults and mistreatment, you were sick of it, you didn't want to keep quiet anymore, he even screwed up your mind making you believe thousands of times that you could never be a good skater knowing how much it affected you and how much it meant to you, you both shared the same passion so what was his problem? every day you wished you had never met him.
you would travel to the past a million times changing the timeline as much as necessary to avoid meeting him, to avoid knowing his name that consumed so much time and energy, to avoid feeling the way you did now.
"fuck you sunghoon, you've been acting like a fucking idiot when all i wanted to do was help you! you're a selfish bastard who just likes to suck the life out of people, you can't and don't have the right to treat me like shit just because you want to, i'm tired of you and you know what? i'm thankful that you injured your ankle and you can't go to the olympics now because it was your big dream, right? well that's a shame because you really deserved it and i really hope you never get to skate again!"
you would go back in time to avoid becoming someone heartless like him who didn't measure his words and only spoke with the intention of hurting all the people around him.
your heart was threatening to burst out of its cage in the rage of the moment. those words came from the depths of you, you knew that everything you said was wrong but you didn't regret it, at least you no longer felt that annoying weight on your chest.
"hey why are you guys yelling so much? we're in a hospital." the moment mr. choi's voice reached your ears was when you finally looked away from sunghoon's eyes.
"get out." his voice came out weaker than before, you couldn't see him in the face, you wanted to give him the pleasure of seeing you doing something he asked you after so long and you just walked out of there without saying anything.
you did it, you really made the effort to get along with him not just once but twice already but now you regret even thinking about it in the first place, so many years had passed and you didn't know why you thought maybe he had changed.
you closed your eyes tightly in the hope that it would help you become invisible to mr. choi.
you knew that when he approached you with that look it was to ask you for something you didn't like. and you knew that it only meant one thing; park sunghoon.
"you don't know anything about him?" you looked at him with tired eyes, although you could understand his concern, what happened to him had nothing to do with you.
"no, why should i know?" you wanted to hit yourself when you noticed how rude those words had come out, he didn't have to pay for your bad mood in the last few days.
the words of the famous ice prince wouldn't leave your head and they didn't seem to want to do it soon either, you couldn't skate in peace thinking that maybe you could fall like him or remembering all the times he told you that you would never be a good skater, or that all your routines were mediocre.
you hated that despite not seeing him these days you still felt his shadow behind you in everything you did once you entered the ice rink, as if he were saying those cruel words in your ear all the time.
"great, because i need you to take the stuff he left here when he got injured, i would but..." he didn't continue saying anything else, you sighed when you thought that maybe he was doing all that on purpose, after all it wasn't the first time he did something like this so that you two would get along.
your silence was an affirmative answer for him, so he went to look for the bags and the skates, which was probably what he left behind. you turned your head finding yuna, instantly begging her with your eyes to come with you.
"don't even think about it." she turned her back on you starting to walk in the opposite direction and you already had your arms holding her against your body.
"please, please, don't leave me alone in this," you said in a whimper, your words muffled against her back, you didn't want to get your face out of there until she said yes "did you forget all the things i did for you?"
you thought you could easily manipulate her but she knew you too well for your liking "as much as i love you, it's not in my plans to go to his house, much less with you knowing what happened the last time you saw each other" you didn't want that either, go to sunghoon's house and alone? not even in dreams.
and in a blink there you were, in front of the door of his house.
completely alone.
on the way there all you did was curse yuna for letting you go to that hell alone and you cursed sunghoon too by the way because there was never a bad time to do it. why didn't he go get his things? or his parents?
the neighbors probably thought you were a freak for standing there for more than 5 minutes without even moving a bit. you had to work up the strength to see him and not shoot him with the first thing in your hand.
you gathered your strength and lifting your chest like a dove, you rang the doorbell praying that anyone but him would open it.
but your prayers were in vain when his weary face with dark circles under his eyes and crutches on both sides of his body were the first thing you saw.
you didn't even know what to say or do, your eyes widened in surprise, ever since you met him there wasn't a single time you saw him in such a... unfortunate state, his face was always perfect and groomed, you were sure he would always took the necessary time to look good at any time and especially in his presentations that finding any imperfection on his face was like looking for a needle in a haystack. you couldn't help but feel bad for him, he looked as if he had spent the whole night crying and only now was getting up from his depressive nest. you knew it because you were like that before and you weren't proud of it.
the sudden breeze hitting your face snaps you out of your thoughts, sunghoon had slammed the door in your face without saying anything and didn't even give you a chance to speak. you couldn't believe it, he was acting like a capricious child, you opened your mouth to yell at him but you just threw his things on the floor in anger not caring what was inside and you were ready to walk away, but a soft voice at your back stopped all your movements.
"oh, i'm so sorry! please excuse my son, he never behaves like that." you wanted to laugh at that, if only she knew.
ignoring that, you focused on her, you couldn't deny that her eyes and her black hair hypnotized you for a few seconds, it wasn't the first time you saw sunghoon's mother but the first time you were so close to her. the two of them were almost the same in appearance but from a distance you could already tell that she was much sweeter than him.
"it's okay, i just came to drop off the bags that he left behind the other day." your cheeks turned red at how soft your voice became.
"thank you so much and i'm sorry for the inconvenience, we couldn't find time to go look for them ourselves." she took the bags in her hands and started to go into the house, you thought she was going to say goodbye to you "please come in!" and you were wrong.
"but mom-" all that time sunghoon was behind her and only now did you notice.
"you just go in and stay there, i'll talk to you later." although she said it as low as possible just for him to hear it also reached your ears and you couldn't help but giggle, not even sunghoon's gaze could shut you up, but his mother turning to see you again did "please join us, we were about to have dinner as a family."
"oh no! no need-"
"please! you took the trouble to come here and you need to eat something, take it as an apology," you wanted to say no again, make up some excuse, any would be fine but the look in her eyes won you over and now you were standing awkwardly inside their house while you waited for mrs. park to close the door behind you "sunghoon take this to your room."
the expression he put on seemed amused, he made you want to laugh again, probably because it seemed like his room was upstairs and he, well... had crutches.
his mother disappeared from your sight and if before you were uncomfortable now with sunghoon by your side it was much worse.
"can you- uh, can you help me?" him asking you for help was the last thing you expected.
you hesitated, you didn't want to do it you still couldn't forget everything he told you days ago and that still hurt your chest when you remembered it, you wanted to see him fight to be able to carry the bags by himself and if it was possible that his ankle would hurt even more, you wanted to be just as shitty as him and tell him to his face all the things you still had saved.
but you couldn't.
you couldn't afford to stoop that low just because you were hurt, he needed your help so you would just do it. in complete silence you grabbed the largest bag and started to climb the stairs, you had to wait at the top of them for him to come to your side and tell you where to leave it, on that small path you couldn't help but look around you, it was full of family pictures and you noticed that downstairs there was a special place with all the medals and trophies sunghoon had won since he was a kid, up here there were a lot of pictures of him since he was practically a baby, you weren't that surprised because after all you knew each other since you were 6 years old and you still remembered how he looked at that time and he hadn't changed that much since then.
but what did surprise you was seeing his smile in all the photos, when you saw him he rarely smiled and in that hallway all the happiness and love he felt for figure skating was captured, something you had never seen in all the time that you knew him, he was always a private person so he probably only showed himself that way to his family, but it was reassuring to see that he wasn't always the moody guy who seemed to hate everyone and life itself.
"you can leave it here." you had been so immersed looking at the photos that you didn't notice sunghoon in front of the door of his room. you were surprised again to see that he wasn't so… cold. there were posters of his favorite skaters and probably his favorite bands, plus there were a few stuffed animals lying around as well.
sunghoon's mother's voice calling both of you from downstairs made you remember that now you had to have dinner with his family, your hands were shaking and he noticed that "don't be nervous, they aren't going to bite you." you snorted, wanting to kick one of their crutches out of sight.
"just shut up, I shouldn't even be here right now."
"hey be more respectful, be grateful that my family wants to have someone like you in our house, if it were up to me I wouldn't even have opened the door for you." you just ignored him and left his room, but the moment you were downstairs again the nerves consumed your body.
"come on sweetie, dinner is ready." mrs. park caressed your shoulder affectionately and led you to the table where there were already two other people, you quickly bowed.
contrary to what you thought, the conversation with his family was really nice they made an effort to make you feel at home and you appreciated that, although at first it was a bit awkward and it seemed that they asked you questions as if you were sunghoon's partner, you were able to talk with them as if you had known them all your life, his mother and sister were some of the sweetest people you have met so far, his father didn't speak much but still congratulated you as if you were his own daughter when you started talking about your achievements on the ice rink.
sunghoon didn't even speak to you the whole night, although most of the conversation was focused on you he managed to act as if you didn't exist, when he talked to his family he seemed like a completely different person from the one you knew, the tone of his voice was much softer with them and he laughed more often, you were sure his giggles would stay in your mind for a long time because as much as you hated to admit it, he was adorable.
that night something in your head changed, your perception of him still hadn't changed that much, his family was still much nicer than him however ignoring that you always thought he was someone arrogant who didn't care if he was the best or not because just it came naturally to him and he was unable to empathize with or care for anyone other than himself.
but maybe you were wrong.
he was still a jerk to you, but you got to know a part of him you didn't know existed.
"thank you so much for everything." you lost count of the times you bowed and thanked for everything.
"you can always come back whenever you want darling, next time I can make you your favorite food," you smiled at her, ready to go "are you going alone? It's quite late already sunghoon can accompany you so you don't go alone."
you wanted to throw up at that thought, you tried to say different excuses but none had convinced mrs. park enough to let you walk alone late at night, so the three of you agreed that it would only be a few blocks.
you were convinced that the awkward atmosphere between you whenever you were alone would never leave, you wanted that moment to end quickly but considering that he can't even walk properly it was kind of hard.
you had been walking side by side for several minutes in complete silence, you bit your lip as you watched the stars in the sky to distract yourself.
"my doctor said that I can skate again without much effort," he spoke out of the blue and you just left him, at least he had broken the silence "I won't be able to go to the olympics but at least it's not so bad that it leaves me without skating for the rest of my life."
you knew he was saying that because of what you told him that time in the hospital, you hesitated to apologize, you remembered the moment from years ago but you were no longer children and you had to be responsible for your words, after all you couldn't hold a grudge all your life.
"I'm sorry."
he shook his head denying "you have nothing to apologize for, that should be me."
"what?" you couldn't believe that, park sunghoon apologizing? you wanted to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't imagining it "you're apologizing because your mother asked you to, right?" you wanted to make fun of him because you didn't think his attempted apology was sincere, but his words silenced you.
"look, I'm only going to say this once," you had both stopped walking and now you were looking into each other's eyes, you had never paid them as much attention as now, he swallowed before speaking "I'm really sorry."
you didn't know what to say, your body went still and the words disappeared from your head, you realized how hard it had been for him to blurt out those words and part of it was funny, but on the other hand you couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he apologized to you. after yearsβ€”after having said so many horrible things, this was the first time that you both let your true feelings show and were vulnerable.
you were both sorry and you noticed it.
both look into each other's eyes for a while longer until he finally leaves greeting you with a slight nod, leaving you stunned in the middle of the night, with the stars as the only witness of that rare moment.
maybe your perception of him had changed that day after all.
it had been almost 3 weeks since that little conversation you had and you haven't heard from him since.
for some reason now your mind felt more relaxed and you were able to feel freer with your movements, now you did everything 10 times better than before.
except today you seemed to have a problem again, you had been trying to do a toe loop for several minutes but you always landed wrong or didn't complete all the laps, you were already starting to get frustrated and mr choi didn't seem to be around at the time.
"you're doing it wrong." a soft voice behind you makes you turn your body almost completely towards him.
"what are you doing here?" It was the first thing that came out of your mouth when you saw him enter the ice rink.
"skating" he left without bothering to look at you and you sighed once more, it would always be difficult trying to talk to him, especially knowing the kind of complicated relationship you still had. not that you had become the best of friends for an apology.
but at least you were relieved that his ankle was okay, you still felt bad about what you told him at the hospital. although you couldn't stop thinking about the idea that this would be a chance to win because it left your way clear.
you tried it one more time, with the small big difference that when you landed sunghoon's hands were on you, you shivered when you felt the contact of his skin on your waist.
"you keep doing it wrong." you saw his smirk, surely he was making fun of you.
"I know." you wanted to walk away from the uncomfortable feeling of your heart starting to beat faster but his grip only tightened.
"yeah but you're not doing anything to fix it, you keep making the same mistake over and over again." feeling his breath against your neck sent shivers down your spine.
"what do you want?" you pushed his hands away from you more roughly than you meant to. now you were seeing each other face to face.
sunghoon rolled his eyes "nothing, I just want to help you" you narrowed your eyes, not fully believing in his words "you have to lift your chest more, you're very hunched over and you're just going to end up hurting yourself." he showed with his body how you had been doing it, giving you a quizzical look for not knowing something so simple "try again now."
you snorted but you listened to what he said, you did the same as before only changing your posture a little. and to your surprise you were able to achieve it perfectly.
"see? I told you." today he was very smiling, it was rare to see him like that.
"thanks but what are you? are you trying to be my trainer now?"
"so what if I want to be?" your body stopped moving just to look at him incredulously and instantly a big laugh came out of his mouth.
"what is so funny?"
"your faces," it took him a couple of seconds to calm down, by the time he finished he was on his knee while the other held his stomach "I'm serious, after all I won't be able to compete and you're the only one good enough out of here that can win, I won't let you lose just because you can't do a dumb toe loop."
he just said you were good? even though you thought the idea of ​​him was a bit stupid, you could feel how all the heat of your body was concentrated in your cheeks dyeing them red, why was he being nice to you so suddenly? did he forget all the things you said to each other? surely the blow he took made him dumber than he already was.
you could hear him laugh again "shut up."
"what, are you two a couple now?" you thought that that day would be quiet, but yuna had other plans for you.
"what are you talking about?" you complained, still sleepy on your body.
"don't look at me like that, a few weeks ago I could have sworn you guys were about to kill each other but now you're close together, what with the "you're doing it wrong, let me help you" bullshit just to hold your waist? because you were doing it perfect." she couldn't believe it.
"stop saying nonsense, i guess he just feel bad cause he can't skate at the olympics now, he's just helping me."
yuna rolled her eyes "if you say so."
she walks away leaving you alone with your thoughts, and you didn't like the feeling in your stomach.
despite having refused his proposal about 10 times, sunghoon ended up convincing you and whenever he could he helped you although it wasn't much since you were good enough at what you did, you had been spending time together at the ice rink for several days and surprisingly you didn't insult each other even once. or well, he hadn't insulted you because you had already lost count of the things you said to him for purposely tripping you up a couple of times. and now you find yourself enjoying his company, something you never thought was possible before, you two were still very different but you had found a way to be together without bumping into each other so much and it was through skating, both of you loved it so much that you began to get along little by little just because of that.
"you're fine, I know you'll be able to do it perfectly there, just try not to do the quad axel." If you had been told a few months ago that you would be laughing with sunghoon today while sharing a drink he bought for you, you would have laughed on their faces as loud as ever.
leaving that aside, you noticed him a little more discouraged than usual today, there were times when you saw him totally immersed in his thoughts or you had to repeat things twice when you spoke to him "is something wrong? I notice that you're distracted."
"I'm just thinking about you." you almost choked on the bottle of soda you were drinking, your stomach started to feel weird and your breathing was ragged.
"what?" you turned your face while touching your cheeks, noticing that they were hot, it was embarrassing and he just laughs.
"I'm sorry, what I mean is that- I'm really sorry" he looks into your eyes intensely and your whole body trembles at that, you've never seen so much shine in them "I'm really, really sorry... for everything. especially the day i got injured, this means everything to me and i was terrified that i would never be able to skate again because of my own stupidity, for being so stubborn and not listening to others, also because i had never hurt myself before and at that moment I could feel how my ankle was separating from my whole body, this injury scared the hell out of me." the crack in his voice reaches in and squeezes your heart so tight you can feel your eyes tearing up "you were right in all things what did you say, that I'm a heartless egoist who never thinks about what he says and I'm hurting the people around me-"
it was the second time you saw him cry.
"I didn't mean that." you blink the tears away as fast as they appeared, seeing sunghoon in that state and remembering all bothered you more than you liked to admit. before you might have enjoyed it but now it was different.
and it was the first time you cried in front of him.
"okay, I know I deserved it anyway," his eyes were now focused on the floor "I was just- I was trying to be the best but I realized quite late that that wasn't the way and everything I told you during years was really horrible and I'm sorry you had to endure all that, if I were you I would have hit myself several times already." he chuckled.
"i really wanted to," you hit him with your shoulder playfully "but I'm sorry too, I said horrible things to you."
"don't worry about me, I don't even know why I behaved like this for so long and I wish I could have seen how stupid I was much earlier." he moved his hand close to yours, wanting to take it in his but finally he ended up putting it in his pocket "I realized that skating means a lot to you too. maybe we're not so different after all." he looked at your face again with a smile on his face.
"maybe you're right, I mean, look at us now talking normally as if nothing happened."
"yeah but I don't want this to come to nothing, I really want you to forgive me." your heart jumped out of your chest "I was scared that you were so much better than me because I really think you could easily defeat me because of how much you try every day, even much more than me, the things I did and said to make you feel bad so that you stop skating are unjustified, but now I want to do things right and I hope we can start again." he sounded so sorry that he was really making it hard for you to hold a grudge.
"there were many years that we argued for nothing and you're not the only one to blame, you were ten times worse with me but I cannot hold a grudge or hate you all my life," he lifted his head with hope in his eyes waiting for you to keep talking "I think we're fine."
"thank you." his smile was accomplishing things inside of you, and you didn't like it "also, uh- I could see what a wonderful person you are and I was surprised that you treated me well after all, I was waiting for you to spit on me when you saw me or something like that," you raised your eyebrow wanting to really hit him this time "and I saw this as my chance to make things right."
"don't lie to me now, it was your mom that changed your mind so suddenly, right?" he burst out laughing, only to end up leaning his head against the wall staring up at the ceiling.
"maybe she played a big role in that." you couldn't take your eyes off his profile "you're a really good skater and i'll tell you all the time if need be in order to erase the bad things i said before and that probably are still in your head."
"what do you mean?"
"you don't need to pretend with me now, I can tell those little insecurities you have when you're on the ice." you wanted to get out of that place as fast as possible, you didn't think you were so obvious about it and sunghoon noticing made things worse.
he noticed that but he couldn't do anything else besides give you a smile, you simply remained silent with your eyes closed enjoying the silence and thanking that it wasn't uncomfortable like previous times, now both were a little more comfortable with each other's presence.
you needed to hear those words, you needed to feel that relief, as if the weight you had been feeling on your back all this time stopped squeezing your wounds, letting them heal.
if it wasn't for mr. choi who burst in, you both would have fallen asleep.
it was finally the day.
and there you were, at the winter olympics with your suit on waiting for your turn which was at any moment. you felt like throwing up since you took the plane to here and days had passed since that, your body was shakingβ€”you could feel your blood flow through your veins and you were sure that at any moment you would pass out before entering the ice rink, mr. choi had been by your side the whole time trying to calm you down but your heart seemed to want to explode and you just wanted to dig your nails into your skin like a cat.
you kept going around and you were already making everyone around you nervous. you were so focused fixing your suit making sure there was no mistake that you almost didn't hear the sound of your phone, it was a call. and it was from sunghoon.
you pick it up quickly "hey." his voice sounded so calm in your ears that he helped you let out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding.
"hey." you noticed how even your voice trembled.
"I can feel from here how nervous you are," his laugh cleared your thoughts "relax, I know you can handle this and it will be great."
you bit your lip, not knowing very well what to say "thank you sunghoon, but if you were with me right now I would have already pulled your hair out to calm myself." his loud laugh forced you to move the phone away from your ear.
"you're so lucky, you're there with my biggest idol and you're wasting your time being nervous," you let out a sigh, silently thanked him for calling you and speaking to you so normally, maybe you'd even ask for an autograph to thank him properly. you talked for a while about a butterfly that had entered sunghoon's room the other day until mr. choi called you to get ready "I don't want to take up any more of your time but i want you to know that you don't have to prove anything to anyone, everything will be fine considering that you had the best coach," you smiled at that "you have the strength and talent to win all the medals in the world, good luck."
he hung up without letting you say anything and you could swear that a second before you heard him blow a kiss. but maybe it was just your imagination.
but sunghoon was right, you had worked hard day and night for this moment and would do your best. you were fulfilling your dream, and you were going to win that medal.
"what did sunghoon say to you to make you blush like this?" mr. choi teased you, you hadn't noticed how hot your cheeks felt until he pointed it out.
he had been very sweet to you and you couldn't help it. but quickly any thoughts left your head, you were ready to compete.
"congratulations! I knew you would make it."
arms around your waist were the first thing you felt when you opened your door in the middle of the night, sunghoon's hug was already leaving you breathless, besides you felt dizzy from the sudden warmth of his body against yours, which was still cold and tired, then he lifts you off the ground causing you to hold on tight to him as he spun you around in the air.
his laughter had lit up the night along with the stars and the sound of crickets in the background, when he left you on the ground and walked away from your body you couldn't help but watch him carefully, you had spent several days without seeing him after spending practically 24 hours together and only now did you realize how beautiful he was.
"thank you sunghoon," his smile really made your day so much better "why are you here?"
"well, you just arrived and I definitely had to be the first to congratulate you in person when I already sent you thousands of messages" his hand never let go of his waist "besides mr. choi obviously."
so pretty.
you never got to see his features as closely as now, but he really looked like a dream, now you could understand those girls on your team who never stopped talking about him, it had only been you who was clouded by the hatred that you felt that you never saw beyond his attitudes with you.
"my parents really wanted to see you today," his voice was full of emotion and you could feel how some tears wanted to come out of your eyes, not even your parents were there with you but you had all the support of his "but it's too late, they still want you to know that you did amazing and that you deserve it."
"that's so sweet," you ran your hand over his arm that was still holding you "tell them thanks for me, maybe I'll visit them again one of these days."
"they would love that."
you were both silent for a while, it wasn't annoying but you really wanted to talk to him more but nothing wanted to come out of your mouth.
"i think i should-"
"hey." he stopped any movement tightening his grip, he had been scared to see how you wanted to go back into your house.
"what's the matter?"
"uh, nothing, I..." he fills his other hand up to his neck scratching it "I'm really proud of you."
you giggled seeing him so nervous, giving compliments was still a bit difficult for him "thank you sunghoon, to be honest I never thought I'd hear that from you."
"but I'm serious, all those times I told you that you didn't know how to skate or that you did it wrong were a complete lie, you did it perfectly and I-"
"hey, it's okay," you caressed his arm looking for him to look you in the eye "you already apologized before, you don't need to do it again."
"okay," now he was so restless that with his movements he hit your shoulder lightly "I can't believe we spent years doing this stupid thing for nothing."
you both laugh and remain silent looking at each other under the moonlight. you felt the change in the air and now there was a different sparkle in his eyes that told you so many things you were terrified to take in.
sunghoon never knew when it happened but your existence began to weigh less and less on his head, you were still on his mind but now it was very different, he began to feel different every time he was with you and he was surprised to know that you weren't someone else completely different and you were the same girl he spent "hating" for years. was it really hate? he never believed that but he could never close his mouth when he saw you do something wrong, maybe he liked seeing you angry or seeing how you failed because after all you were the only competition he had.
his heart didn't lie but he was scared as hell of how things could turn out, he even talked to his mother about it but now he was questioning if it had been a good idea. he never fell in love, hell he hadn't even been as interested in a person as he does with you, the constant need he felt to want to help you improve and be with you all the time was beginning to be annoying for him. so many years alone and now his foolish heart wants to merge with yours? it was ridiculous.
but he liked it.
all these new sensations made him feel like a totally new person who was just discovering the world despite having lived 19 years. everything had been so gray for him that he was overwhelmed to see that there were millions of colors out there that he had refused to see.
suddenly sunghoon gets closer to your body, his fingers caress your cheek and your body begins to fail "what are you doing?"
"actually I have something else to tell you," you were scared by your heartbeat that didn't seem to want to control itself "I can't keep it anymore but I think- I think I like you."
time stops for a few seconds, your eyes open wide not believing what you just heard, you don't move or say anything and sunghoon thinks maybe he made a mistake, he wanted to speak again to apologize but you walk away from him, as if his touch burned you.
"I'm sorry I have to go." you closed the door in his face.
and sunghoon thought that he did everything wrong, that after all your wounds were still open and he had no right to have done that, that contrary to your words maybe your heart hadn't completely forgiven him. he wished he had cleaned his mouth with soap.
the overwhelming wave of feelings that hit you felt like a tsunami, and you were drowning.
you haven't seen sunghoon since then and your mind was a complete mess.
it was absurd that no matter what the reason was, he was always circulating your thoughts without letting you rest even for a single day.
"who are you waiting for?" yuna touched your shoulder surprising you.
"no one, why?"
"well you've been looking at the door for like ten minutes." you turned your whole body only to be in front of her with a marked expression of confusion on your face.
"no I wasn't."
"yeah you were," she just laughs "never mind, i guess you must have a lot on your mind right now." her raised eyebrows made you suspicious of her words.
"what do you mean?"
"don't play dumb, you know perfectly well what I'm talking about," you just looked to the side avoiding her face, you didn't want to think about it "did something happen between you two? you used to be together all the time and now I haven't seen him for several days around here although his ankle was already good enough to return his training."
you played with your fingers, scared to answer, scared of your feelings "I don't know."
she was silent looking at you with her eyes narrowed "you know that with that answer you already told me everything I needed to know, right?" your cheeks burned in an instant "it always bothered you that sunghoon was someone so stubborn, but you don't realize that you're almost the same." her finger lightly tapped your forehead for you to see and stop hiding.
"we are not the same." you wrinkled your nose, wanting to end that conversation.
"oh of course not dear, I've known you both for years and I could even say that you are opposite. but ones that attract each other." she smiled seeing your expression "and both are equally oblivion with your feelings."
she got up grabbing her things, you looked quickly and everyone was ready to go to her house "yuna!"
"bye!" she quickly advanced her steps to the exit, it was impossible to stop her.
what was she referring to? you let out a groan, you already had too much on your mind for her to confuse you even more.
could you really like him? you kept thinking that, just a few months ago you hated each other to death, was it possible to have those feelings now? It was ridiculous whichever way you looked at it.
"haven't you left yet? great," mr. choi sat next to you, preventing you from thinking "i need you to practice with sunghoon, it's just to help him and control him with his ankle, I don't want him to do anything risky."
you frowned visibly annoyed "what am I now? his babysitter?" seeing his expression made you regret your words "I'm sorry but everyone is already leaving and besides, shouldn't you be the one to help him with that?"
"oh come on, don't act like you never stayed up late practicing, it won't take long." he really didn't need to tell you anything else because you would do it anyway.
the air is sharp to breathe and there you were, again wrapped in that awkward silence.
which you had not missed at all.
"are you ready?" he doesn't even look you in the eye, but neither can you.
he entered the ice rink without saying anything, the music began to play and as soon as his body moved you couldn't take your eyes off him at any time, he became one with the music, he paid attention and dedication to every little thing detail and that was what made his presentations truly unique.
"try to slow down." still he was pushing himself too hard, and you didn't want his ankle to heal badly or worst case he hurt again.
when he finished he moved closer to your body, scared that he wanted to talk about that night, but also afraid that he would ignore you. but not a single word left his mouth, he just stood there in front of you looking at your face and then opened his arms, waiting for you to do something.
you shifted your gaze from his arms to his face a few times and your body turned on its own, enveloping him in a warm embrace. your arms find their place in him and your face seeks comfort in the space of his neck, you feel in heaven when he tries to wrap you around his whole body leaving not a single inch between you "can we skate together? it feels lonely."
both weren't even skating like you should, just spinning around nonstop while your arms constantly searched for your bodies not wanting to be even a second apart, it was as if you needed each other's warmth to live or else the ice below would consume you.
your body was at peace but at the same time full of nerves and doubts, had it been a mistake not to say anything at that moment and close the door in his face? why didn't he push you away after you behaved that way? you didn't know but you don't want the answer either, you didn't want to think about what would become of you if he just disappeared from your life, he was always there no matter if you couldn't stand each other before. he will always be a part of your life.
"actually I asked mr. choi to do this," you moved your head away from his chest, looking at him confused "I almost had to beg him to tell you to stay a little longer and let us be alone."
"why did you do it?"
his face came closer to yours "because I missed you." his breathing mixed with yours and you no longer thought you would be able to stay calm "besides because the last time I saw you you seemed to hate me again."
you hid your face again only to hit his chest, he didn't make a sound and the rage you had inside you made you hit him again and again and again. but he never pushed you away, his hands were still firm on your body, he knew he deserved it.
"you can't do this to me," you tried not to shed a single tear "saying that to me after everything you've put me through? it's not fair."
"I'm sorry."
"I know. I know you are and I hate you for it." when you stopped beating him sunghoon could only hug you tightly letting you sob into his shirt "I hate you for making me forgive you so easily despite everything."
"I'm really sorry." hearing sunghoon apologize had already become normal "it was my fault for saying that to you so out of the blue and thinking that you would reciprocate my feelings after everything I did to you, I-"
you cut him off with a kiss.
a shiver ran through your whole body, you had never felt your heart beat so fast to the point that it was the only thing you could feel, but the touch of his lips made you feel more alive than ever.
his lips were soft as winter, like snow that melted under your warm touch.
it was just like when the sun melts the ice.
"but above all I hate myself for reciprocating your feelings." sunghoon's soul returned to his body upon hearing those words, you can't help but smile as you see how the panic in his eyes fades.
"god you scared the hell out of me," his fingers wiped your tears gently "my crybaby," you laughed at that old nickname "since I started being with you more I could feel my heart beating faster whenever I was near you, look." he holds your hand to put it on his chest so you can feel his heartbeat "I feel so stupid for everything I did before."
you realize that back then you were drowning because you didn't swim far enough, but now you could breathe.
maybe liking him wasn't such a bad thing.
"as you should." you were silent for a while just feeling each other's heartbeat "i shouldn't have closed the door on you that day." he couldn't stop looking at your face fondly, his gaze drifting to your lips most of the time.
sunghoon took a deep breath "don't worry about it," he practically whispered on your lips, wanting another kiss "I like you a lot. I was so scared of losing you."
he closed his eyes letting his forehead rest against yours "I like you a lot too, I think I just needed time to think, I'm sorry."
"stop apologizing, just please let me kiss you again and again and again."
It was such an intimate moment, as if you were in your own bubble away from everyone and just showing each other affection.
none of you stopped until you were forced to pull away from lack of air "you made me see a lot of things differently." he brushed your hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with the tip of his thumb.
you really noticed, sunghoon had changed a lot in such a short time to how he was just a few months ago, but you always thought it was because of his injury that had restricted many things, you never thought it was because of you. before he was cold and rarely smiled, he was alone most of the time and seemed not to want to make friends, he just concentrated on skating. but now it was as if he were a different person although deep down he was still him. the same sunghoon who pouted, didn't speak, and turned away from everyone when he was upset, the introverted but noisy boy who always made mr. choi laugh with his jokes, who worked hard everyday to be the best, the same sunghoon who always loved dearly. you laughed at yourself, you used to think he had no heart when in fact he has the biggest of all.
who would have thought that sunghoon was this loving? all the time wanting to be glued to you.
"you know, maybe I've won a lot of medals in the past, and all of them being better than you," you wanted to hit him for making fun of you at that moment "but nothing compares to you." he gives you a little peak "you are the most precious thing I've ever gained in all my life."
you laugh, running your hands over his neck "gained?" you gently tugged at his hair as you brought your face close to his lips, teasing him.
"just kiss me already."
and you did, enjoying the moment wishing it would never end and wishing your heart felt like this forever, more alive than ever.
"can i ask you out on a date?" god, you would never get tired of looking at his eyes and his moles.
"only if you don't slam doors in my face." he laughs, only for you to shut him up with another kiss, and another, and another.
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
# SAVE ME . . c.beomgyu x female reader
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WARNINGS :: beomgyu is dead i yes. character death but no description is given, mention of car accident,
GENRE :: angst sort of
SYPNOSIS :: you hated nightime. you hated march. hell you even hated the specific time 11:47. and all because of that one night
SONG RECOMMENDATION :: Can't you see me? Tomorrow By Together
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too late to be up, too late to sleep now if hoping for a good one.
it's 11:40 pm, raindrops pouring outside visible through your window, translucent in appearance due to the fog and rain. you're sitting on your bed doing the classic maths assignments, tests and studies being too much to study all at once causing your brain to turn haywire.
your phone rings, soft melody jumping back and forth between the opaque white walls. a number with 'unknown' written right below it reflected in your pupil, eyelids opening and closing a few times in confusion. who would call you at 12 am? why would they call you? you wanted to not pick up, but something in your gut made you rethink your thoughts, thumb swiping on the green circle.
"hello? who is this?"
"hello miss, are you the friend of someone named choi beomgyu?"
"yes, why do you ask?"
"we need you to come to the city hospital right this instant, beomgyu is in a critical condition right now from car accident and he's saying he doesn't want anyone here other than you. please."
"what the"
your nervous system decided to stop working the moment you heard the nurse, hanging on the phone as soon as you let the two not so proper reply out your mouth and suddenly starting to cough. what the fuck?
you checked the time and it was 11:47 pm, just 13 minutes away from his birthday.
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
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July 2022
We would like to give a warm welcome to our new writers! We can't wait to see the amazing works you'll put out! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Don't forget to add a link to ENHYPENWRITERS in your bio/navigation/masterlist and to use the tag #ENHYPENWRITERS in the first 5 tags so we can find your work! For any future applicants or those who didn’t get accepted, please remember to follow ALL RULES AND STEPS if you would like to apply!
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✨ @jungwonize - Sai ✨
✨ @blessed-sky - Sky ✨
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✨ @wonamore - Gigi ✨
✨ @miridicallyyours - Mimi ✨
✨ @koishua - Vienna ✨
✨ @taeghi - Ocean ✨
✨ @nikirishimura - Vicky ✨
✨ @wn1ven - Yua ✨
✨ @j4y-lvr - Xin ✨
✨ @reniqt - Ren ✨
✨ @lov3niki - Kim ✨
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
# ONCE AGAIN . . l.heeseung x female reader
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WARNINGS :: not proof read. (lmk if u feel like something needs to be put tho)
GENRE :: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
SYPNOSIS :: nothing just y/n being whipped for heeseung
SONG RECOMMENDATION :: Once again - Ningning and Winter
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if someone ever decided to tell your old self that you'd be laying on the couch with the most perfect lover, sticking your arm onto his waist for support because of the fact that there's two people laying side by side on a couch made for one person to lay down on, while telling each other words of love with heart eyes, you'd laugh in their face and reply "as if".
it's true you always did consider yourself an anti romantic, the rom com dramas never made a single butterfly to erupt in your stomach when an intimate scene came, you almost never had crushes, hell you doubted you even had something heart shaped in your entire room.
and in most movies, that's when the love of your life enters and makes you fall head over heels for him,
but what if that love of your life was in your life since your first word? and that he'd seen you at your worsts and your bests.
when you were sobbing after watching a puppy die in a movie, he saw. when you were jumping around the house after the news of your dad coming home in two weeks after staying out of country for almost 2 years because of work, he saw. when you broke your ankle trying to ice skate with your brother, he saw.
and now you were with that same 'he', laying on the couch, his hand moving up and down on your back, in contrast to your cold, almost lifeless ones as the sun shined through the invisibility of the glass window. everyday with him was different even if you guys lived together. one day he's acting like he's a chicken, the other he's making you scream with tickles. if not there was always one thing you knew, no matter how heavy the burden of something is, he's always able to lift it off of you easily.
and as you hold his hand, you were sure you'd always want to be with him just once again, no matter the time or situation, because you were in love with him.
74 notes Β· View notes
wn1ven Β· 2 years
# ONCE AGAIN . . l.heeseung x female reader
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WARNINGS :: not proof read. (lmk if u feel like something needs to be put tho)
GENRE :: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
SYPNOSIS :: nothing just y/n being whipped for heeseung
SONG RECOMMENDATION :: Once again - Ningning and Winter
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if someone ever decided to tell your old self that you'd be laying on the couch with the most perfect lover, sticking your arm onto his waist for support because of the fact that there's two people laying side by side on a couch made for one person to lay down on, while telling each other words of love with heart eyes, you'd laugh in their face and reply "as if".
it's true you always did consider yourself an anti romantic, the rom com dramas never made a single butterfly to erupt in your stomach when an intimate scene came, you almost never had crushes, hell you doubted you even had something heart shaped in your entire room.
and in most movies, that's when the love of your life enters and makes you fall head over heels for him,
but what if that love of your life was in your life since your first word? and that he'd seen you at your worsts and your bests.
when you were sobbing after watching a puppy die in a movie, he saw. when you were jumping around the house after the news of your dad coming home in two weeks after staying out of country for almost 2 years because of work, he saw. when you broke your ankle trying to ice skate with your brother, he saw.
and now you were with that same 'he', laying on the couch, his hand moving up and down on your back, in contrast to your cold, almost lifeless ones as the sun shined through the invisibility of the glass window. everyday with him was different even if you guys lived together. one day he's acting like he's a chicken, the other he's making you scream with tickles. if not there was always one thing you knew, no matter how heavy the burden of something is, he's always able to lift it off of you easily.
and as you hold his hand, you were sure you'd always want to be with him just once again, no matter the time or situation, because you were in love with him.
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
havent wrote in a while the writers block is rlly getting to me
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
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APPLICATIONS (CURRENTLY OPEN, will close July 9th at 11:59 PST)
Applications will be open on the first week of every month. In order to apply to become a member of ENHYPENWRITERS, you MUST (make sure you follow all the steps!):
Read our about and rules
Be following the network
Have at least one Enhypen work posted
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Remember to use the tag #ENHYPENWRITERS in the first 5 tags when posting, so we can find your work.
262 notes Β· View notes
wn1ven Β· 2 years
π“‚…  𓂃 ΰ£ͺΛ– β€” π—‚π—π—Œ π–Ίπ—Œπ—π—‹π—ˆπ—‡π—ˆπ—†π—’, 𝗐𝖾'𝗋𝖾 π—π—π—ˆ π—π—ˆπ—‹π—…π–½ 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 ⊹ ΛšΛ–
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κ’° % jake 𝗑 afab!reader κ’±
κ’° % warnings :: idrk tbh, jake and reader are online friends but have feelings for eo, also a short drabble i wrote out of nowhere bcs this acc has been dying κ’±
κ’° % authors note :: i rlly suck with warnings so pls bare with me for this + cr for the title is astronomy by conan gray, so maybe give it a listen while reading :) κ’±
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it felt wrong to the both of you, even if it wasn't. it felt wrong when you both were something people would call 'online friends'. it felt wrong because none of you knew what the other's comfort felt like in real life, only getting to know a tint bit of it whenever you guys would stumble upon each other into a conversation. it was wrong when you guys didn't even see a piece of each other physically, only a few photos getting exchanged every month
that was the fear that came with falling for your best friend, an online one. because to the both of you, it shouldn't be like this. relationships should be kisses, hugs, moving in apartments together, not just a few facetimes and messages here and there. you guys would've been dating by now, oblivious to each other's feelings, but then again the fear of messing up something dragged you both to the bottom
you sit in your bed, staring at the digital clock displaying 3:43 am. you thought about everything. how you met him, a soulmate of yours, that wasn't meant to be. how protective he was whenever you'd tell him about your in real life situations, he was perfect. but no love story ends with them getting married and living happily ever after in the movies. and it's the sour truth to accept but you both knew it anyways,
we're two worlds apart.
β€” y
20 notes Β· View notes
wn1ven Β· 2 years
π“‚…  𓂃 ΰ£ͺΛ– β€” π—‚π—π—Œ π–Ίπ—Œπ—π—‹π—ˆπ—‡π—ˆπ—†π—’, 𝗐𝖾'𝗋𝖾 π—π—π—ˆ π—π—ˆπ—‹π—…π–½ 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 ⊹ ΛšΛ–
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κ’° % jake 𝗑 afab!reader κ’±
κ’° % warnings :: idrk tbh, jake and reader are online friends but have feelings for eo, also a short drabble i wrote out of nowhere bcs this acc has been dying κ’±
κ’° % authors note :: i rlly suck with warnings so pls bare with me for this + cr for the title is astronomy by conan gray, so maybe give it a listen while reading :) κ’±
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it felt wrong to the both of you, even if it wasn't. it felt wrong when you both were something people would call 'online friends'. it felt wrong because none of you knew what the other's comfort felt like in real life, only getting to know a tint bit of it whenever you guys would stumble upon each other into a conversation. it was wrong when you guys didn't even see a piece of each other physically, only a few photos getting exchanged every month
that was the fear that came with falling for your best friend, an online one. because to the both of you, it shouldn't be like this. relationships should be kisses, hugs, moving in apartments together, not just a few facetimes and messages here and there. you guys would've been dating by now, oblivious to each other's feelings, but then again the fear of messing up something dragged you both to the bottom
you sit in your bed, staring at the digital clock displaying 3:43 am. you thought about everything. how you met him, a soulmate of yours, that wasn't meant to be. how protective he was whenever you'd tell him about your in real life situations, he was perfect. but no love story ends with them getting married and living happily ever after in the movies. and it's the sour truth to accept but you both knew it anyways,
we're two worlds apart.
β€” y
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
I've been trying to come up with a plot for hours please help
0 notes
wn1ven Β· 2 years
π“‚…  𓂃 ΰ£ͺΛ– β€” 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 π—‚π—Œ π–Όπ—ˆπ—†π—‰π—…π—‚π–Όπ–Ίπ—π–Ύπ–½ ⊹ ΛšΛ–
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κ’° % 𝗇𝗂-𝗄𝗂 𝗑 𝖺𝖿𝖺𝖻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 κ’±
κ’° % π—π–Ίπ—‹π—‡π—‚π—‡π—€π—Œ β€” π—Œπ—ˆπ—‹π— π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Ώπ–Ίπ—‡π—π–Ίπ—Œπ—’, π—π–Ίπ—Œ π—‰π—…π—ˆπ— 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 π—π—ˆ 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖾, π—‚π—†π—‰π—…π—‚π–Ύπ—Œ 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋 π—Žπ—‰π—ˆπ—‡ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 π—π—π—ˆ, π–Όπ—ˆπ—‡π—π–Ίπ—‚π—‡π—Œ π–Όπ—π—ˆπ—„π—‚π—‡π—€, π—†π–Ύπ—‡π—π—‚π—ˆπ—‡π—Œ π—ˆπ–Ώ π—‚π—‡π—ƒπ—Žπ—‹π—‚π–Ύπ—Œ, π—π–Ίπ—Œ π—Œπ—ˆπ—†π–Ύ 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 π—Œπ–Όπ–Ύπ—‡π–Ύπ—Œ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾 π—ˆπ–Ώπ–Ώ π—‡π—ˆπ— π—Œπ—ˆ 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 π—π—‚π–»π–Ύπ—Œ π–»π—Žπ— π—‡π—ˆπ—π—π—‚π—‡π—€ π—‡π—Œπ–Ώπ— π—π–Ίπ—‰π—‰π–Ύπ—‡π—Œ 𝗂 π—Œπ—π–Ύπ–Ίπ—‹ κ’±
κ’° % π–Ίπ—Žπ—π—π—ˆπ—‹'π—Œ π—‡π—ˆπ—π–Ύ β€” π—π—π—‚π—Œ π—π–Ίπ—Œ π—€π—ˆπ—‡π—‡π–Ί 𝖻𝖾 𝗃𝖺𝗄𝖾 π—π—ˆπ—‡π–Ύπ—Œπ—π—…π—’ π–»π—Žπ— 𝗇𝗂𝗄𝗂 π–Ώπ—‚π—π—Œ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 οΏ½οΏ½π–½π—‚π—ˆπ— 𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 π—Œπ—†, π–Ίπ—…π—Œπ—ˆ π—Œπ—π—ˆπ—Žπ—…π–½ 𝗂 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 π—π—π—ˆ π–»π–Ύπ–Όπ–Ίπ—Žπ—Œπ–Ύ 𝗂 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖺 π—ˆπ—‡ π—π—ˆπ— π—π—ˆ 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗀𝖾𝗍 π—ˆπ—Žπ— π—ˆπ–Ώ π—π—π—‚π—Œ 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 κ’±
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it all started with one peek, or atleast that's what riki thinks. there was a hole in the city that everyone was told not to look at for 'their own good', sounds like a ton of crap right? that's what he thought at first until he decided to take a quick peak in it. he told you about wanting to peak inside it several times, but you had always held him back. so, this time he never told you he was gonna do it for real and decided to not tell anybody
the hole was always on his way back from school, something he noticed that it was never there when he was going to school, only coming from school is the time where that same hole would manifest itself out of nowhere, it had a 'do not look inside' sign on the wall it was through, covered in bold capital red letters, those were also not there whenever he walked himself to school, and there's no possible way to have missed that everyday unless he was going blind
and as he stood upon the hole, calming down his erratic breath and goosebumps, the place had a different vibe today. rustling of the dry autumn leaves doing nothing to stop the pit of jelly inside his stomach and he ignored his gut to run away as soon as possible, stuck on the fact that he was going to look and he was going to look right now. and he stuck to his words, bending down so he would be able to take a peek rather than staring at a cemented wall with chipped turquoise paint on it
as soon as he looked his eyes were met with the sight of a damaged cabin, door in the lake infront of it, and windows broken, all of it looked too much like something that came out of a horror movie. but there was one window that wasn't broken, and he decided to make the bad worse as he picked off the biggest rock he could find on the ground, climbing up the wall and throwing it directly at the window that wasn't shattered but yet bound to be because of the dumb 16 year old
a sudden force caused him to fall off the building, hitting the ground harshly as his elbows started to bleed. thankfully he had saved his head from injuries and his elbows had nothing other than a few cuts due to the wall not being higher than 6'5, just a few inches taller than him. his chest felt like it was collapsing and suddenly all the air was kicked out of his lungs as he started coughing in despair, almost like someone was choking him
then it all suddenly stopped, him being able to take up oxygen in his system again until he remembered where he was, and his mind screamed 'run' so that's what he did. he wasn't running to his house but to yours, after all he'd been staying there for a few days and won't leave until 2 more days since his parents are out and they don't trust him enough to not cause a disaster inside the place they put half of their life into decorating and making it the comfiest it can be.
he told you everything that happened, the choking the force pushing him, the fact that he threw a rock at the window, everything without filter as if it was something every 16 year old does. and you screamed your vocal chords off at him while aiding his cuts yet he just laughed at it all, pinching your nose in between every chance he got just to annoy you. you knew something was gonna go wrong and it was gonna happen soon, you weren't a witch but your senses said so, and both of you decided to keep it a secret from your parents until you've found out a way to fix whatever curse he got onto himself. you asked him to take off his hoodie to see if his back was fine and he finally did after ton of cheesy lines, but you noticed something, again
your hand traced over the bright red cross indented onto his back in contrast with the bruise on his back, your finger sliding over every curve and he felt that, suddenly goosebumps erupted on his skin as well. 'niki? be honest right now' you started and your hands began to slightly tremble, your voice getting slightly shakier as well and your forehead started to sweat. 'yeah?' he replied, completly emotionless with his voice but the way his body hair stood up said otherwise
'did you fall on top of something with a cross shape?'
'no what the fuck? i'm pretty sure i fell ontop of leaves'
'then what the hell is this-' you got cut off by him handing you over his phone, telling you to take a picture of whatever was on his back that scared you out this much. yet you still scoffed. 'dumbass if you're gonna give me your phone atleast unlock it' you handed him the phone, closing your eyes and turning away because you knew he wouldn't want you to see his password, but the next thing made you doubt what you said. 'its your birthday be quick please' the slight shakiness in his voice made you want to cry, even though it was technically his fault for getting himself into this mess, seeing someone an year older than you who also basically grew up with you is enough pain to your heart
you quickly typed up your birthday in the number lock layout, his phone screen opening and you were in so much of a hurry that you didn't even realise his notes widget contained your name with a heart next to it, instead your fingers went and clicked on the camera app. 'stop shaking it won't be clear' your hand that was slightly quivering as well but too softly to come into notice placed itself on his nape, massaging it slightly to calm his breath down and surprisingly it did.
a shutter sound was heard across the room and your hand with the phone went over his shoulder to show him the picture, his breath starting to get shaky again. 'y/n did i mess up?' he asked looking down at his hands that were still trembling, and then up at you to see you're still staring at the cross. 'i thought i said that already' you replied taking a look at his state, hands running up to his hair and pushing them off his forehead. you gave him his hoodie from earlier, lying to him saying that it can cause an infection on the cuts and he listened. you weren't even sure if what you said was true or not, you just wanted him to wear it and it's not that you mind him being shirtless or anything, he's done that several times enough for you to not care anymore but you didn't constantly want to get reminded of that forbidden cross that still hasn't been losing it's shape like most marks from pressure do
the rest of the day was okay to say the least, both of you just stayed in your room and watched movies all day and only went out to get food, not really anything out of your routine. and the clock had hit 3:47 am when both of you started to yawn out of tiredness, not too scared about ruining your sleep schedule since it was a weekend, and you'd do anything at this point to spend time with riki, especially not after what happened. call it a parental instinct but you never let riki alone whenever something wrong happened and only did if it was necessary, he was quite the same with you but more clingy
the next day you woke up at 3 pm, still yawning from a headache and you looked to the side to see riki not at his place of the bed, you're eyes trailed over to the bathroom door, slightly opened and you understood the message that it was unlocked, you knew that he won't dare to even use the bathroom to do anything other than brush his teeth so you walked in without any hesitation, eyes still heavy from the all nighter, and what you were greeted with was a panicking version of him rushing back and forth and stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw you, but pushing you on the bed and hugging you so hard to the point your breathing system was malfunctioning
'riki what happened-' you tried to ask him but were met by soft and almost inaudible sobs from him and your hands took a hold of his head, breaking the hug and making him look at you, seeing the red tint of his eyebags your hands went up to wipe his tears off out of habit. you pushed his hair back from his eyes again just like yesterday and whispered the words 'its okay I'm here' over and over again until he had stopped crying and you took him in for a proper hug, one that wasn't crushing your bones
'now tell me what happened?'
'yesterday is repeating, remember your mom slipped in the kitchen yesterday at 12 pm? i was down at that time and i swear i saw her slipping and your dad was sitting on the dining table and the exact same things happening. she even asked me to bring you but i said you're not waking up, fuck even the birds, remember we counted the birds yesterday at 3 pm and there were 7 total? look there' your head twisted to look out your window and count the amount of pigeons sitting on the wire, and he was correct. exactly 7 birds sitting in the same formation and just like yesterday, the one from the second left had started picking on your window. 'what the fuck' was the last thing you said before everything in the day became a blur, and just like he said. the days kept repeating over and over again.
how were you two going to get out of this?
β€” y
18 notes Β· View notes
wn1ven Β· 2 years
tysm for 70+ notes on this !! it means sm to me :( <3
π“‚…  𓂃 ΰ£ͺΛ– β€” π—Œπ—ˆπ–»π–Ύπ—‹ ⊹ ΛšΛ–
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π˜€π—³π˜„ !
κ’° % π—Œπ—Žπ—‡π—€π—π—ˆπ—ˆπ—‡ 𝗑 𝖺𝖿𝖺𝖻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 κ’±
κ’° % π—π–Ίπ—‹π—‡π—‚π—‡π—€π—Œ β€” π—π—ˆπ—‘π—‚π–Ό π—‹π–Ύπ—…π–Ίπ—π—‚π—ˆπ—‡π—Œπ—π—‚π—‰, π—Œπ—Žπ—‡π—€π—π—ˆπ—ˆπ—‡ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗋𝖾 π–Ύπ—‘π–Ύπ—Œ, π—‚π—‡π—π—‹π—ˆπ—π–Ύπ—‹π—π–Ύπ–½ 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 π—€π–Ύπ—π—Œ 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽 π—ˆπ–Ώ π—π—Žπ—…π—‡π–Ύπ—‹π–Ίπ–»π—…π–Ύ π–½π—Žπ—‹π—‚π—‡π—€ 𝖾𝗇𝖽 κ’±
κ’° % π–Ίπ—Žπ—π—π—ˆπ—‹'π—Œ π—‡π—ˆπ—π–Ύ β€” 𝗂 π—π–Ίπ—Œ 𝗋𝖾𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 π–½π—‹π—Žπ—‡π—„ 𝖽𝖺𝗓𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝗏 𝖺𝗇𝖽 π—€π—ˆπ— 𝗋𝖾𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖾𝖽 π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Όπ—ˆπ—‡π–Ίπ—‡ 𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗒'π—Œ π—Œπ—ˆπ–»π–Ύπ—‹ (𝖻𝗂𝗀 π–Όπ—ˆπ—‡π–Ίπ—‡ 𝖿𝖺𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾) 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 π—π—π—‚π—Œ π—‚π—Œ 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 π—ˆπ—Žπ— 𝗂𝖽𝗄 κ’±
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it was 12 am, nearing 1. you knew you needed to get out of this shitty party as soon as possible but there was no point, every single corner of the room was filled with intoxicated people kissing each other as if it's their last. and you knew, you knew somewhere in this crowd would be your ex park sunghoon. oh how bad you wish you weren't mutual friends with your childhood friend, the one who hosted the party.
you wanted to crawl out a window any chance you got, but you knew your sharp eyed best friend would catch you in the act. and this definetly wasn't your type of crowd of not obvious already. you shifted yourself from the bartender, the one where you had previously took seven shots all at once, you knew it was too much for a nineteen year old, but what could you do when you'd already experienced half of the pain people in their late twenties and early thirties go through?
you made it to the bathroom, a place where you knew the music would be blocked out from the shining white tiles, you were aware it won't completely make it silent, but the music wasn't too loud and that's all you needed. turning around after locking the door between the metal curve you were met with the sight of the same guy who made you the happiest you'd been, but then abruptly left
eyes bloodshot, bangs almost making it impossible to form out his eyelids or eyes all together, the jawline that has seemed to get even sharper than the last time you saw him, nose perked high as you both stared at each other in horror taking in the moment. but then everything comes to an end, your staring was cut off by him standing up and cornering you against the door. his knees looked weak
'sunghoon no-' youe words were also cut off just like your stare a few minutes prior by his top lip being pressed against your bottom one, not quite properly kissing you like he did before but then his shaking hand took a hold of your head and finally made the move, tears feeling like they'd stream off your face any second now, then the bittersweet kiss was broken off by him panting and he finally spoke up to you ever since you entered the party
'i still love you y/n, I'm so sorry i didn't treat you like you deserved, please just one more chance, this is so sudden but you literally ignored me everywhere after the breakup that i never got the chance to talk to you when i realised my mistake' you felt the tears from earlier give up on holding themselves as they rolled off your eyes desperately and you didn't know if they were of desperation for help, or desperation to have him back in your life yet you knew you couldn't, and suddenly your knees felt as weak as his from a few minutes ago when you collapsed onto the floor, choking out soft sobs as he kneeled down to pat your shoulder, kissing your head. the next minute after you let out a bit of the pent up frustration he was met by stuttering words out from your mouth that he tried to make out what they were and his eyes swelled up in realisation of what you were trying to say
'i wish you were sober.'
β€” y
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
hi! I'm yooa, or yua, you can call me anything you want. I wont be talking about my age or face reveals here for my own privacy as I'm a big overthinker and i genuinely think liking someone should be based off because of their personalities, and how they treat you, not because of how old they are or how they look. south asian !! I've been mistaken alot of times for being east asian so the south is just additional. I am a minor. I like soft voices and white, grey or black themes alot <3
β€” any nsfw requests will be ignored, i might not be uncomfortable with reading stuff containing nsfw but writing it is something I'm not comfortable with at all.
β€” i only write for enhypen and sometimes txt (all works will be sfw!!)
β€” if your profile contains sexual content or stuff that isn't tolerable for me at a high level, and you follow me, you'd be getting blocked
β€” I'm a very big angst enthusiast, so alot of my stories will contain angst (i will give a tw before the story starts)
β€” I'm not very active on tumblr as i try to focus offline on myself as well rather than getting indulged online
β€” i will go on lengthy breaks sometimes as my mental health has ups and downs alot
β€” if you apply to any of the basic dni criteria such as h0moph0bic or p€dophil€ please get off my profile immediately
hope you have a great time here </3
enhypen writers
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
I'll make an introduction thing now <3
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wn1ven Β· 2 years
i forgot how to change usns goodnight😞
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