wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
I feel blessed that my church uses “the crowd/ those gathered/ those who had praised him/ had worshiped him/ had welcomed him, now condemned him”.in an effort to reduce antisemitism.
This is a good article on how the church often perpetuates antisemitism through our Good Friday liturgies and what we can do about it.
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
some flowers for you:
🌸 be proud of yourself, even if you’ve done nothing special. you’re alive, you’re breathing, that’s enough.
🌺 you’re stronger than you think you are, you are capable of so many amazing things and you’re loved more than you could ever imagine.
🌼 be gentle with yourself. don’t rush things, take your time. slowly, you will bloom.
🌻 times are rough but you’ll be okay. you’ve already came a long way, bear a little more. just a little more remains.
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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Mood Boosting Orange Milk Bath 🍊
My mom is visiting me soon, and she’ll be here on her birthday, so I thought I’d make her something that all mothers need! Something relaxing, mood lifting, and positive with self care involved.
1 cup baking soda
½ cup citric acid
½ cup cornstarch (optional, as I didn’t have this today and didn’t use any)
¼ dry milk (optional, if you don’t want your bath milky, you are free to leave this out)
3 tablespoons of Epsom salts
a handful of dried & crushed orange peel
1 teaspoon of water
3 - 4 teaspoons of coconut oil (or any base oils you have at hand, such as almond oil)
15 - 20 drops of orange essential oil
This made me 1 large, 1 medium, & 1 mini bath bomb. I didn’t have a ritual or chant, I simply had some of my mood boosting crystals & a plant companion to ensure I was putting only positive energy into making these🌿 
To make dried & crushed orange peel: 
Save the peel from an orange, being sure to remove all fruit from the skin. Lay out to dry, best if it is in the sun. This will take a few days, though I’m sure there are ways to dry in the oven, just be sure to research it before just popping them in to the oven and burning them to a crisp! Once the peels are completely dry, toss the peel into a blender and pulse the blender until the pieces are as small or large as you wish. Store in airtight container.I may make a full tutorial on this if requested, but it’s pretty straight forward.
Good luck, my witchy friends! 
Blessed be,
~ Tea, Spells & Secrets🥀
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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Seasonals | Winter
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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spending weekends here, surrounded by nature, listening to birds singing, working in the greenhouse at the morning and relaxing while reading books near the lake
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
🌿 My morning prayer
( Goodmorning *deity* , Goodmorning *deity* )
Give me strength to fight today
Give me peace and joy today
Take my fear and show the way
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
I pray the Lord will make room in your heart for paying attention to the lives of others besides your own, to put aside your frustrations and concerns and instead use that energy to help someone in need. I ask that He convicts you to pay forward with joy what His grace has done for you, that in receiving the life of Christ you will pour out a love and care that reflects our Savior. I pray that selflessness ravages your heart and tears all conscious and subconscious pride so that in full surrender, the life of you, your spirit, is renewed and empowered to carry out God’s higher cause. I ask that He refresh you with peace and comfort from your trials because of your good works, faith, and obedience to Him. So now with a new outlook on life, your walk is full of purpose and dignity because of a heart full of love. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
rbing witchy things is such a dangerous game because a fair few of them are terfs and usually you dont realize it until you go on their blogs and see posts about how they get their magic from their wombs.
if you're an inclusive witch blog like or rb this so I can check you out
and if you're a terf remember to choke on your wassail
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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Guided Prayer for the week ahead …
God, please enlighten my mind 
with truth;
Fill my heart 
with love;
Fortify my will
with courage;
Enrich my life 
with service;
Forgive what I have been;
Sanctify what I am;
Guide what I shall be …
Wishing you many blessings and peace. Our Journey to Balance 
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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“A beautiful prayer, to be recited daily in the morning, says, ‘I adore you, my God, I love you with all my heart. I thank You for having created me, for having made me a Christian.’ Yes, we are happy for the gift of faith: it is the most precious good that no one can take from us! Let us thank God for this every day, with prayer and with a coherent Christian life. God loves us, but He also expects that we love Him!”
~Pope Benedict XVI
(Photo © dramoor 2018 Isle of Iona, Scotland)
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
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RCMP are the mercenaries of industry, paid thugs. This is unlawful. DO NOT REMAIN SILENT. DO NOT BE COMPLICIT. the fate of earth rests on this.
On going occupation of Dan Vandal's office in Winipeg.
all eyes on wet'suwet'en
feb 6 2020
@allthecanadianpolitics @pnwpol
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
I just want to make some things abundantly clear. I am pro-choice, I support LGBT+, and I think pre-marital sex is not sinful. I keep coming across other Catholics’ calling these things out and it’s making me feel like a bad Catholic.
I’m already a bad Catholic for also being a mystic/witch/whatever but! I just wanted to say that even though I’m Catholic, I’m not going to show up in your DM’s saying shit like, “I’ll pray for your sinful soul uwu.” and “You’re going to Hell!!”
And if you’re one of the religious people who are pro-life, who don’t want equal marriage, who don’t believe in trans-rights, or who are waiting until marriage for sex, I’m not coming at you. I’m side-eyeing you, but I’m not trying to start a fight today. I’m just saying, for those who see Catholic in my username, I’m not going to try to convert you or shame you or whatever. My blog is a safe space
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
Anyone who reblogs this will get a Crystal in their inbox based on their blog
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
Magic Can't Solve Everything
If you’re in an abusive relationship and asking me for a tarot reading to see if you should leave them, don’t. Leave them.
If you don’t study for a test, magic will not make you ace that test. It can’t cure your mental illness.
Magic can aide these things but they do it alone.
You might be able to do a protection spell to aid you in leaving your abusive relationship, but don’t hesitate to call domestic abuse support, and the police.
Study for your test and also cast a spell to aid in remembering what you studied.
Go to therapy and also make sigils to aid in recovery.
And if you’re asking if you should leave your boyfriend, then you already know the answer. Leave ‘em.
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
📭 Reblog if you want curious anons in your inbox! 📭
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wolfandfoxwitches · 4 years
Prayer of Father Mychal Judge
“Lord, take me where you want me to go.
Let me meet who you want me to meet.
Tell me what you want me to say.
And keep me out of your way.”
Father Mychal Judge holds a very special place in my heart. I learned of his prayer in RCIA; which is an adult program for Catechism into the Roman Catholic Church. He was up for canonization into Sainthood. During a rough patch around that time, I prayed his prayer one to two times a day. And my prayers were answered tenfold.
That was two years ago.
Just today, I looked into him more as I write my book of practice. He ministered to the homeless, the hungry, recovering alcoholics, those in the lgbtq+ community, those with AIDS, immigrants and others that were often alienated by the Church and society. While praying, he would often become so lost in God that he would be surprised to find that many hours had passed, and it has been said that he had a deep connection with the divine.
He died on 9/11 as he was offering aid and prayers to victims, the injured and rescuers in the North tower lobby. When the South tower collapsed, debris went flying through the North lobby, and many were killed, including Father Mychal who was struck in the head. It’s reported that up until the moment of his death, he was  repeatedly praying, "Jesus, please end this right now! God, please end this!"
He was very active in the lgbtq+ community and accounts vary on whether he was gay or not. However, it is known that he disagreed with the Roman Catholic teaching against homosexuality at the time. he would ask, "Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?"
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