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Aegon II Targaryen + tumblr posts that are definitely about him part 2 (and one bonus gif about him and Aemond!) original posts: x, x, x, x, x, x, x / part 1
Aemond Targaryen + tumblr posts that are definitely about him part 1 / part 2
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I'm going to stop this circle of violence.
I give them the love you never gave me.
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reblog this if your icon could kill a man
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Oh, not good!
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“Did he know my father? I told you to forget it.” 
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Slick! Sir, "The Jedi keep clones enslaved!" deserved so much better! I can't stop thinking about the power dynamic Clones and Jedi have, cause there's a power imbalance and you'd think former slave Anakin dipstick Skywalker would understand but Nope! Slick deserved better as do all clones I will die on this hill! I was in thot hour now I'm in feels 5ever -Kad'au
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I sympathise with Slick so much. Yeah I know what he did jeapordised his brothers but he saw it as his (and his brothers') only way out. The lad's been a slave all his life and he was (most likely) executed without experiencing a single day of freedom. On this blog we stan Slick. Viva la Clone Revolution 🤙🏽
Yeah tbh I was so disappointed in Anakin's and Obi-Wan's response. But not surprised. I would have thought Anakin would be able to understand Slick's point of view a bit more, and maybe deep down he did, but I'm not surprised he responded like that.
The clones deserved better. So much fucking better. Kad'au we aren't gonna die on this hill because we have the fucking high ground.
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I just realized I forgot to post this over here!! I drew this little comic after talking with one of my friends and we both headcanoned that Obi Wan sometimes accidentally slips into other languages when he’s annoyed with Anakin, and then I really wanted to draw it.
On instagram (I’m more active over there!!)
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The boys walking like the kings that they are
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Nia’s pack prequel 2
 Nias Pre Prequel 2
           The wolf pack and nias dynamic fully changed after that night they became more tight knit often finding themselves hanging out whenever they got the chance often telling nia about their previous battles or just telling her about what dad plo had planned for the night. Nia hadn’t ventured out very far; the wolf pack kept her safe and sheltered with them, they often found themselves worrying about her when she was gone for too long so she often stayed with them and only went on missions with them.
           She wasn’t really needed for any other missions so the days just passed away while nia and the wolf pack hung out all day. The only time the wolf pack and nia weren’t together was when she was training with Plo, although sometimes they liked to join to watch how Nias skills were growing. Although for this past week she hadn't heard from her little family, they were on a recon mission with some of the 501st and the 212th. Guilt had plagued her since they left even with Plo assuring her that they would be fine she still couldn't shake the feeling of worry constantly lingering in the back of her mind.
          Plo pushed her even harder  in her training while they were gone seeing it as an opportunity to get her full focus on just training but nia found herself mentally and physically drained and just missing her pack. Her family, hell her protectors. She flopped down on the bed in front of her, she just wanted to sleep but she knew she couldn't- her mind was always too active when she was alone her hand fell to the crimson sheets pulling it from where it once stood and wrapping it around her hand, she often  tried to reach out to Plo when she couldn't sleep but she  knew he was already sound asleep in the room next to her. Just as she started to fall asleep her com-link started beeping loudly as she groggily threw her hand over it seeing it was a notice from Obi-Wan, telling her to get to the hanger. She groaned, rolling out of bed and grabbing her closest jacket, Plo Koon’s old jacket he used to wear while training. It was jet black, with a few stains on it.
         Nia rubbed her eyes as she quickly walked down the hall worried about what Obi-Wan could need from her- they had trained together a few times but not enough to warrant calling her down to the hanger bay she rubbed her eyes as she turned the corner leaving her standing in the entry way on the hanger bay waiting for her eyes to adjust to the bright burning lights radiating  from the ceiling the dark grey walls adding even more contrast the the already chaos based area her eyes scanned the room looking for Master Kenobi as her eyes suddenly snapped to the four tall men, two of them being Anakin and his former Master Kenobi. Nia internally groaned at the sight of the Knight sitting there, with his chest pushed out in pride, his ego clearly  full as normal. She yawned again as she slowly started walking over to Master Kenobi to see what he needed her for. She looked around again, her eyes quickly snapping to the men approaching as she gasped softly ‘THAT'S MY PACK!’, her thoughts screamed as she started running towards the wolf pack shouting Wolffe’s name.
       Wolffe slowly  turned around a confused expression etched across his features but as soon as  he identified that the voice came from their little pup a smile found its way across his features as he opened his arms, knowing what was coming next. Nia launched herself into his arms as wolffe quickly wrapped his arms  around  her  back swaying slightly, nia smiled contently while wrapping her arms around his neck repeating  the  phrase
“I missed you all so so so much.” Wolffe let out a deep chuckle.
“We know ad’ika. We know.”
She smiled as the man slowly put her back on her feet, looking up to see Master Kenobi and his former padawan, Anakin, as well as their confused expressions, as she quickly turned and gave hugs to every other member of her pack.
“She seems a bit too close to those clones, master.” Anakin murmured to Obi-wan. “Indeed she does” Obi-Wan was quick to agree. “Isn't that against-” Anakin started, before his master quickly shushed him.
“Just leave her be, Anakin.The girl seems happy” Obi-Wan said. He was so engulfed in their conversation  that he hadn't noticed Hardcase approaching the young padawan girl.
“Can I get a hug too?” Hardcase nervously asked as he locked eyes with Nia.
             Wolffe was quick to act, putting his hand on  Nia’s shoulder defensively almost as if to tell her she didn't have to do this and that they could just go back to the barracks for the night. She nodded softly to Wolffe, looking in Hardcase’s eyes as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling him into a tight hug and rubbing his back slightly as she pulled away, smiling at the clone. She backed up a smidge seeing the line of clones that had assembled behind Hardcase she let out a soft sigh as she moved to the next person asking them their names and then giving them a warm hug it was all getting repetitive until she got to a clone named Fives.
“No other Jedi does this, so why do you?” He asked as though he was skeptical of her motives.
She  shook  her head slightly while shrugging “I’m not a Jedi yet, and it’s because you guys matter to me.”
That seemed to be enough of an answer for Fives as he nodded and wrapped his arms around her shoulder giving her the same hug she  had given to the clones so far. She smiled as she rubbed his back while pulling  back slightly whispering the phrase “Thank you.” as she moved on to the clone behind him.
When she, finally, neared the end of the line  she realized there were only two clones who hadn’t  lined up, those two being Commander Cody and Rex. She tilted her head slightly at them, but as she turned to walk back to her Wolf Pack Cody quickly ran up to her,  gently tapping her shoulder.
“Am I too late for one of your hugs?”
Nia quickly shook her head, quickly pulling him into a hug as he smiled at her, she pulled away to see Commander Rex standing next to Cody looking more embarrassed than ever. Without even having a word passed between them, she quickly pulled him into a hug.  
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Nia’s Pack Prequel
Nia’s head was full of worries: What if Master Plo didn't end up liking her? What if she messed up and let someone die? The light grey halls blinded her, especially paired with the bright overhead lights as she walked to Master Plo Koon’s office. The tile floor was filled with dust and dirty footprints, the footprints looked like the boots the clones wore. She had always liked the clones in the Jedi Academy, and when she had learned about them she instantly felt bad for them. They had no choice but to follow orders, with no hope for a life of their own, having been made to solely fight. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts as she kept walking as her shoes made a soft patter against the hard tiles. She was nervous, more nervous than she expected to be, as she recited the directions in her head to where they said Master Plo Koon’s office was. “Sharp left...” she whispered to herself as she quickly turned left, eyes glued to the floor. Before she knew it she had ran into someone, she then suddenly landed on the floor, the rough tiling bruising her tail bone, shock over taking her as she looked up expecting to see a wall but instead there was a 6ft tall man in a white suit with crimson accents. His confused expression slowly transforming to worry as he held his hand out to her. She quickly accepted it and pulled herself up with the help of the stranger.
“Woah, you’re a clone right!?” She excitedly asked, “Yes- Who are you? Younglings aren't allowed over here.” He replied as she beamed, “I’m not a youngling- I’m Master Plo Koon's new Padawan!” “He wasn’t in the market for a Padawan last I checked, so who are you?”
“Nia Erwood- I am Master Plo Koon’s new Padawan learner so if you excuse me I need to get to his office.” “If you’re going anywhere it’s definitely not alone.” The man turned around, opening the door to what must be Master Plo Koon’s office. As the metal door clanged open she was greeted with light brown walls and beige carpeting that cover the room, her eyes quickly scanned the office taking in the small couch, birch desk and tiny little photos of him and what appeared to be the Wolf Pack, a famed troop of Clones named after their leader: Wolffe. Her eyes quickly snapped to the tall Kel Dor man behind the desk, looking up from papers that were displayed on his desk.
“You’re Nia right?” Nia nodded, gently pushing past the man who was still standing in the doorway. “You know her, Plo?” the man spoke from behind nia as she approached Master Plo Koon “Yes, Wolffe she’s my new padawan learner, and-” “You didn't tell the Pack about this...”
“I know and I am sorry, it was not something I had planned before going to the meeting. Regardless, Nia this is Wolffe, the commander of the Wolf Pack” She nodded slightly and waved at him “Hi Wolffe-” The Clone smiled, “Hi there. Now, Plo I’m going to take some of the Pack out training today.” Plo Koon nodded in agreement as Wolffe turned around, softly shutting the door behind him. “So, Nia, I am Plo.” She laughed slightly, “I know who you are, Master Plo Koon.” He tsked softly, “No need to call me Master, Nia, please just Plo. It will work fine for now.” “A-are you sure? That's extremely informal.” She tilted her head slightly looking into the older man's eyes, or rather his eye covers, while nervously shifting in place. “Yes I am quite sure”  He stood quickly pushing his chair away as he walked around the desk quickly reaching out to open the door.
“Follow me, youngling.”
He quickly walked out the door walking down the long hall Nia had just come from. “Where are we going?” He turned into where the barracks for the Wolf Pack were located.  “To meet the Wolf Pack young one. You simply cannot be my Padawan and not know them.”  She smiled slightly trying to push the rising anxiety away: What if they didn't like her? Would plo give her back to the Jedi Academy? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of laughter cascading from the door. She quickly saw the one named Wolffe standing in the middle of the group laughing along with them.
Plo clapped his hands together, quickly grabbing their attention. “Alright kids, meet Nia. She is going to be training under me. And be nice.” He warned softly as though he knew they would but just felt like it needed to be stated. They all waved and exchanged hellos with her. Quickly her anxiety faded, the Wolf Pack made her feel welcomed like it was okay that she was joining what seemed to be their little family.
Nias' body felt like it was on fire. That last mission was nearly impossible, thankfully they hadn’t lost any men. They had come close, there were a few men that would definitely be staying in the med bay for a few days at least. She let out a deep sigh she didn't even know she was holding in as she tossed her lightsaber onto the bedside table next to her bed, making a soft thud when it hit the stack of books she had. She slowly sat down rubbing her head hoping to get any relief from the migraine that had plagued her since she had gotten on the ship home maybe i'll have stitch look at me when hes done with the clones she thought while slowly getting up to wipe the blood off her face.Nia grounded as soon as she saw her face in the mirror it was bad much worse than she thought. A large cut made itself known as her cheek throbbed in pain. She sighed softly as tears welled up in her eyes she looked down letting the tears roll down her cheeks. It was her fault the wolf pack had almost died it was a bad call on her behalf she thought they would be safer- she was instantly ripped out of her thoughts as she heard a knock on the door quickly wiping her tears she looked into the mirror to see wolffe leaning against her metal door frame.
A soft “hm?” came from Nias throat as she wet a towel and started dabbing at the bloodstains across her face; a soft smile would have broke out across her face if it wasn't for the throbbing seeming to come from every, the sound of the nickname wolffe had picked out for her always brought a smile to her face- but today wasn't like any other day they had experienced with her there,
“Give me that”
Wolffe quickly walked over grabbing the towel from her hand as he took over gently wiping the blood from Nia's stained face. She sighed softly into the touch. Being a padawan was  harder than she had expected, Plo made her work for everything and the wolf pack just questioned why she was there most days.
“Its unbelievable”
“What is Wolffe?” her head tilted slightly at his sudden exclamation her eyes quickly snapping back to focus on his face.
“That the jedi council is sending kids to do their dirty work now”
She shook her head slightly letting out a soft chuckle.
“I’m not a kid- and it's not like i'm doing their dirty work,  im training to become a jedi master there’s a difference”
Now it was wolffe's turn to shake his head and chuckle;
“Isn't that kind of the same thing?”
Nia bit the inside of her cheek while shrugging.
“I don't see it that way..i’ve always wanted to be a jedi master…”
“Why” the question was sudden and just blurted out like he hadn't truly thought about the question before it asked like it was just instinct for him. She smiled softly
“I wanted to build my own family, I had heard stories about jedis coming here and finding their own family. I just wanted any family it isn't hard to beat my family;  they were sepertist supporters and outcasted me for having faith in the republic I grew up basically alone just me and the few animals that were bold enough to come close-”
Nia had looked at wolffe's face at some point he had soften his features, he looked sympathetic it was an expression that nia had never really etched on the tough commanders features. She shook her head slightly to reset her thoughts;
“But yeah thats kinda why- I know sob story jedi how predictable”
Wolffe shook his head
“You found your family, ad’ika”
She smiled fondly at him before wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug her head resting in the crook of his neck trying her best not to get blood on his shirt, at first he stood there shocked he had never really been hugged before let alone by a jedi after a few seconds just standing there he had finally gotten the hint and wrapped his arms around her back pulling her tighter to his chest he let out a soft sigh.
“Thank you Wolffe” she whispered before pulling away- he nodded almost to say anytime she wiped the tears that had started welling up in her eyes away as wolffe went back to wiping her face almost as if the hug had never happened;
“You know you might need stitches for this gash” He nodded to the mark on Nias cheek Nia not missing a beat quickly smiled ignoring the throbbing
“I need stitches from stitches-” she let out a soft chuckle as wolffe shook his head
“That is a horrible joke” she smiled before moving to grab pain killers from her desk drawer and popping a few;
“Mhm that's the point buddy”
Wolffe walked over shoving her playfully as he smiled at her moving over to grab her a pair of clean pjs with little dogs covering them he snickered at the design before tossing them to nia.
“Get changed then come get me ill stay with you until stitches can come patch you up.” She nodded slightly waiting for him to leave so she could move as quick as possible to hop in the shower wiping all the blood dirt and sweat off of her skin making her finally feel truly clean again. She pulled on her pjs then opened the door seeing wolffe already waiting there for her in his blacks he nodded to her wet silver hair draping over her shoulder. “I see you showered-” she nodded happily as she sat down on the corner of her bed wolffe opting to pull up a chair to sit across from her.
“I called stitches he said when he's done with all the clones he will come down here”
“Tell him no rush please ! I don't want to take attention away from the injured clones.”
  Wolffe shook his head; “You remind me of Plo”
               Nia softly smiled he had no idea how much of a compliment that was to her she went to open her mouth to say thank you but the physical toll of everything she had done today hit her like a brick exhaustion taking over her mind fast as she slowly lulled off to sleep with wolffe sitting there confused on what to do now.
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Nia’s Pack pt.1
Her light hair fell flat as she stood up the old bed squeaking trying to recover its old shape. Nia glanced down at the bed annoyance written across her face. This god forsaken room was one of the few constants in her life; the dark grey walls bleeding into each other making the room seem even smaller than it already was the short bookshelf barely hanging onto the wall behind Plo, the hard white floor contrasting against the walls, all of it was miserable. The normal excitement that would rush through her at the chance to leave wasn't there today, working under Skywalker was the worst thing she could think of herself doing- she would rather be on guard duty.  
“This is ridiculous”
“Not this again Nia”  
“I shouldn't have to go work under Skywalkers egotistical self” she whispered yelled
Plo rolled his eyes at that turning to grab her robe from the chair she once resided on,
“He is not that bad. You're just saying these things because you simply do not want to leave.”
“You’re wrong Ko. He only cares about the glory in battle.”
He tsked under his breath shaking his head lightly putting a hand on her dark clothed shoulder:
“You have never even met Anakin, i'm sure you're just listening too much to Wolfee again”
She opened her mouth to speak just as the door opened revealing Master Windu.
“Are you ready yet Knight Erwood?”
               She nodded slightly walking to the door, resting her hand on the metal frame before turning and giving Plo one last reassuring smile while he whispered “goodluck” to her. Nia let out a soft sigh as she walked out of the doorway following after master windu her robe still draped over her arm like plo had put it. She looked up reminding herself of her training as she slowly slipped her robe on.
               In what felt like seconds she had arrived at the ship in front of her, seeing
two younglings already on board waiting for the ship to take off, Nia felt worry slowly coursing through her. Making sure padawans got where they needed to be wasnt something she signed up for or something she wanted to do, if anything happened to them it would fall on her and Nia wasn't ready for the guilt of deaths. Panic overtook her as she boarded the ship, the dark grey walls reminding her of her room, the exposed paneling that had to be violating some type of rule, the dark brown leather handling leaving her anxious of them ripping off the ceiling. She was sure this was a mistake and that she wasn't ready for this- but plo had said she was, she had trusted in him too many times to not trust him about this.
             As the ships doors slowly shut she glanced over to the padawans, one seemed confident in herself eager to partake in the war, the other one seemed worried but prideful like they were proud to go into a war where countless would die she shook her head they weren't ready she knew this much but it wasn't her place to say anything she had to trust in the council. She sighed slowly closing her eyes and leaning against the wall of the ship not excited to see where this would take her.
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Rex x his rocket launcher 
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Rex + rocket launcher
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